Question Details
Has there ever been a time when you talked with a doctor about the PSA test BEFORE you had the test?
1) Yes 2) No

The following questions are about discussions doctors may have with their patients about the PSA test that is used to look for prostate cancer.

Prostate Health
Evaluation Report
Logo for Westat
PSA Test Decision Making: Results from Cognitive Testing: Round 2

Cognitive Interview
Citation: Wood, E., Forsyth, B., and Levin, K., 2006, PSA Test Decision Making: Results from Cognitive Testing: Round 2, Rockville, MD: Westat.
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Abstract: This document presents results from the second round of cognitive interviews with draft items on doctor discussions about PSA testing and decision making. We conducted cognitive interviews with nine male respondents between August 11th and August 17th, 2006.