Question Details
What is the total number of years this residential care community has been operating as a residential care community at this location?
Less than 1 year 1 to 4 years 5 to 9 years 10 to 19 years 20 or more years
Long Term Care
Facility Characteristics
Evaluation Report
Logo for Collaborating Center for Questionnaire Design Evaluation and Research
2014 National Study of Long Term-Care Providers: Results of cognitive interviews

Collaborating Center for Questionnaire Design Evaluation and Research
Cognitive Interview
Citation: Scanlon, P . (2014). 2014 National Study of Long Term-Care Providers: Results of cognitive interviews. National Center for Health Statistics . Hyattsville, MD.
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Abstract: This report summarizes the findings from a cognitive interviewing and qualitative validity study designed to evaluate the 2014 National Study of Long-Term Care Providers (2014 NSLTCP). The NSLTCP is designed to capture information about long term care services and facilities, focusing on Residential Care Communities (RCCs) and Adult Day Service Centers (ADSCs). Residential Care Communities are full-service boarding facilities that provide medical and long term care, whereas Adult Day Service Centers are non-boarding facilities that provide care and activities during the day. This evaluation is based on 26 cognitive interviews conducted at RCCs and ADSCs throughout the Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD metropolitan areas by the National Center for Health Statistic’s Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory (QDRL). Cognitive interviewing is a qualitative question evaluation method used to evaluate the validity of survey questions (Willis 2005; Miller 2011). The main goals of the project were to: 1) assess respondents’ interpretation of the survey questions, 2) identify any potential question response problems that could lead to response error in the survey data, and 3) identify any usability issues with the self-administered paper questionnaire. The following report summarizes the cognitive interviewing methodology and describes how data analysis was conducted. An overview of the findings is then presented, followed by a question by question review of the findings.