Question Details
During the past 30 days, have you used cocaine or methamphetamines?
1. Yes 2. No
Health Behaviors
Drug/ Substance Use
Not Applicable
Evaluation Report
Logo for Collaborating Center for Questionnaire Design Evaluation and Research
Cognitive Interview Evaluation of Survey Items to Measure Substance Use and Impaired Driving

Collaborating Center for Questionnaire Design Evaluation and Research
Cognitive Interview
Citation: Willson, S. (2017). Cognitive Interview Evaluation of Survey Items to Measure Substance Use and Impaired Driving. National Center for Health Statistics. Hyattsville, MD.
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Abstract: The staff of the National Center for Health Statistics Collaborating Center for Questionnaire Design and Evaluation Research conducted a cognitive interviewing study to examine substance use and impaired driving questions developed by CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. These questions will be considered for possible inclusion on the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and include the use and driving under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, and prescription opioid pain medication. There were several objectives for this study. The first pertained to the use of these substances within a specific timeframe and frequency. Probing focused on recall issues to determine whether (and to what extent) respondents had accurate recollections about when and how often they used various substances.