| No antigenic relationship shown by CF and NT with the following agents: EE, WE, SLE, POW, LCM, psittacosis, herpes simplex, and by NT with the following hyperimmune sera prepared with MM, Theiler's TO, Cache Valley, NDV, and CTF. | Dr. Jordi Casals performed HI tests with sera prepared from three of our isolates and the following antigens: | |
| Group A: | Chik., Sindbis, Semliki, Mayaro, EE, WE; | Group B: | YF, WN, Zika, Wesselsbron, Uganda S, SLE; | Group C: | Oriboca, Caraparu, Bunyamwera Group, Cache Valley, Ilesha, Germiston, Guaroa; | and California encephalitis virus (Hammons and Reeves strain). | No relationship noted. |
| | | CF Antigen |
Immune sera a | Registered virus |
Other N.Y. isolates | Ht/Ho | Ratio |
| 61-7721 | 36/36 | 1 | 61-7499 | 30/36 | 0.8 | 61-7592 | 23/36 | 0.6 |
| | | Antigen registered virus | | Immune serum registered virus |
| CF | NT | | CF | NT |
Immune sera a | Ht/Ho | Ratio | Ht/Ho | Antigen | Ht/Ho | Ratio | Ht/Ho |
| a Hyperimmune mouse serum | b Virus isolated by Dr. LaMotte from Culex tarsalis, collected Texas, June, 1965. | c Strains isolated by Mr. James E. Grimes in Texas prior to 1962. | | | | | | | | | Hart Park | <4/16 | | 10/215 | Hart Park | 4/16 | 0.25 | 205/215 | | | | | | | | | Virus from Dr. Lamotte b | 32/16 | 2 | 108/215 | Virus from Dr. LaMotte | 32/16 | 2 | >256/215 | Texas 1 c | 55/64 | 0.85 | | | | | Texas 2 c | 55/64 | 0.85 | | | | |
| Flanders 61-7484 and Hart Park AR 70 antigenically related but different from each other in NT, CF and double-diffusion tests [7] . | Closely related to HP. May be a strain of HP, or a member of a Hart Park complex [8] . | |