| No reactions were observed in HI tests between Araguaari virus antigen and the following hyperimmune ascitic fluids from the Evandro Chagas Institute (IEC) stock: groups A, B, C, Guama, Capim , Bunyamwera , and Phlebotomus fever; or antibody to individual viruses: Acara, Utinga, Timbo, Chaco, Mirim, Jurona, Melao , Piry , Irituia, Turlock Oropouche , Lukuni, Pacui, Amapari , Marco, Tacaiuma, Cocal , Agua Preta, Serra do Navio , Belem, GD VII, and EMC. | An immune serum to Araguari virus with a homologous titer of 80 did not react in HI tests with the following antigens: Pixuna , Mucambo , EEE, WEE, Mayaro , Yellow fever , Bussuquara , Ilheus , SLE, Oriboca , Itaqui , Marituba , Murutucu , Apeu , Caraparu , Nepuyo , Catu, Guama, Moju, Ananindeua, Bimiti, Timboteua, Benfica, Benevides, Bushbush, Icoaraci, Bujaru, Itaporanga, Urucuri, Oropouche , Utinga, Turlock, Tacaiuma, Guaroa , and Belem. | The antigen of Araguari virus did not react in CF tests with the following grouping ascitic fluids distributed by the National Institutes of Health: groups A, B, C, Guam, Bunyamwera , Capim , Simbu , VSV , Phlebotomus fever, Tacaribe , California , Sakhalin , Kemerovo, and Palyam ; or with polyvalents Quaranfil, Patois, Rabies , etc. ( Rabies , Vaccinia , Herpes simplex, Lymphocytic choriomeningitis , Newcastles disease ), Anopheles A, etc. (groups Anopheles A, Anopheles B, and Turlock), Coongo, and polyvalents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12. It was also negative with IEC stock hyperimmune ascitic fluids or sera to the following viruses: Acara, Utinga, Timbo, Chaco, Mirim, Jurona, Melao , Piry , Irituia, Ieri, Turlock, Oropouche , Lukuni, Pacui, Amapari , Marco, Tacaiuma, Cocal , Agua Preta, Serra do Navio , Belem, Chandipura , trivittatus , Anopheles A, Anopheles B, Cotia , Boracea, Bertioga, Triniti, Manzanilla , Mapputta, Nariva, BeAn 157575, Mosqueiro, SPAn 2220, Cayenne 404, Cayenne 241, Cayenne 564, GD VII, EMC, Santarem, Rabies , and mouse hepatitis . | A mouse hyperimmune serum to Araguari virus (homologous titer of 32/>64) failed to react by CG test with 193 antigens of nearly all of the arboviruses of the Yale Arbovirus Research Unit collection. | By HI, Araguari virus antigen (4 units) was not inhibited by the following grouping ascitic fluids distibuted by the NIH: groups B, Capim, Bunyamwera , California , Simbu , Phlebotomus, VSV , Tacaribe , Anopheles B, and Turlock), Bwamba, Congo, Palya , Patois, Rabies , etc. ( Rabies , LCM, NDV , Herpes simplex , Vaccinia ). | |