| | Experimental host and age | Passage history and strain | Inoculation Route-Dose | Evidence of infection | AST (days) | Titer log10/ml |
| a Susceptibility depends largely upon strain and passage. | | Mice a | | ic 0.02 | Paralysis, death | 5-7 | 8.0 | Mice (nb) | | ip 0.03 | Paralysis, death | 5-7 | 7.0 | Mice (nb) | | sc | | | Mice (wn) | | ic 0.03 | Paralysis, death | 7-8 | 6.0 | Mice (wn) | | ip 0.5 | Paralysis, death | 8-12 | 4.0+ | Vertebrates: | All primates susceptible to infection but fatality depends upon species and manner of inoculation and strain. Most susceptible species found in India and S. America. African species circulate virus but rarely die. Some species of Marsupials circulate virus. Wild rodents generally resistant, as well as avian species tested. | | Only mosquitoes found susceptible. The following mosquitoes will tramsmitt infection; African: Aedes aegypti, Ae luteocephalus, Ae stokesi, Ae vittatus, Ae taylori, Ae metallicus, Eretmapodites chrysogaster, Mansonia africana and Culex thalassius. American: Aedes scapularis, Ae fluviatilis, Hemagogus leucocelaenus, Runchomyia frontosus, Sabethes chloropterus and various members of the genus Haemagogus. (8,14). |
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