Create TA Action Plan

The user needs to be logged in as a Primary Provider.

To access a request/activity in Creating AP status from the dashboard.



  1. In the TA That Require My Response section, locate the number in the TA Number column and click the number or the View link.  
    1. The status is Creating AP.
    2. Another option is to enter the number in the Enter TA Activity Number textbox and click the Open button.
    3. Also, a request may be located by searching on any information listed under the column headers.
  2. The Provider Create Action Plan page displays.


Note: A provider can see all request/activities in their region.  If the request/activity belongs to another provider, the Create Action Plan button will not display.



  1. Click the Create Action Plan button.


Note: The Create Action Plan button is located in two places. The button can be found under the Actions menu or you can scroll to the bottom of the page.


  1. The Request Action Plan page displays.



  1. Select the Technical Assistance (TA) option.
  2. Click the Save Action Play Type button.
  3. The categories for the Action Plan display.  


Note: By default, all categories would be in the expanded view.



Logistics Information section



  1. Enter the logistic details and responsibilities in the textbox provided.
  2. Click the Save Logistics and Responsibilities button.
  3. A green checkmark displays next to the section name.



Note: The green checkmark will only appear once the section has been completed.

Target Population Demographics section



  1. There are five demographics listed in Target Population Demographics section; select at least one option from each demographic:
  1. Click the Save Selected Demographics button.
  2. A checkmark displays next to the section name.


Delivery Mechanism section



  1. Select a Venue Type from the drop-down list.
  2. Enter the Estimated Number of Hours in the textbox provided.
  3. Select a date from the Estimated Start Date calendar.


Note: The start date auto-populates the Estimated End Date calendar.


  1. Select a date from the Estimated End Date calendar if needed.
  2. Click the Save Delivery Mechanism Details button.


Note: A green checkmark will display once the Delivery Mechanism subsections information has been saved (Objective, Activities and Deliverables; Delivery Mechanism’s Contact Information – For Providers; Manage Participants Role).

Objective, Activities, and Deliverables section



  1. In the Objective, Activities, and Deliverables section, add a comment in each textbox provided.
  2. Click the Save Objective, Activities, and Deliverables button.
  3. A green checkmark displays next to the section name.


Delivery Mechanism’s Contact Information – For Providers section



  1. Enter the delivery mechanism contact information.


Note: This section is for Providers. Enter contact information for the Providers staff person who will be the contact person for this request.


  1. Click the Save Contact Information button.
  2. A green checkmark displays next to the section name.


Manage Participants Role section



  1. Select a participant role and click the Edit # of Participants link.
  2. A textbox displays in the Estimated # of Participants column.




  1. Enter the number of estimated participants and click the Update link.



  1. The table updates.  A green checkmark displays next to the section name and next to the Delivery Mechanism section.


Peer To Peer section


  1. In the Peer To Peer section, select Yes or No to the question displaying.
  2. Click the Save Peer-to-Peer Decision button.
  3. If the peer-to-peer question was answered Yes, the Select or Add Peer to Peer Organization button displays.



  1. Click the Select or Add Peer to Peer Organization button.
  2. Peer organization information displays.



  1. Click the Organization drop-down arrow to select an organization.
  2. Click the Display Organization button.
  3. The organization details display.



Note: If you want to change organizations select the Find a Different Organization button.


  1. Click the Add this organization as the peer CBA provider button.
  2. The added peer organization displays and a green checkmark displays next to the section name.



  1. Click the Save Peer-to-Peer Decision button.
  2. To delete the peer organization, click the Delete link under the Actions column.

Provider Collaboration section - Optional



  1. Click the Add Collaborating Provider button, if a collaborating provider is needed.
  2. Collaborating provider information displays.



  1. Select a Collaborating Provider from the drop-down list.
  2. Enter a comment in the textbox provided.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. The Collaborating Provider displays.



Note: A checkmark does not display next to the section name because it is optional.


  1. To delete or edit the collaborating provider, click the Delete or Edit link under the Actions column.
  2. To submit the action plan, click the Finalize Action Plan button.
  3. The Submit Action Plan For Review section displays.



  1. Enter a comment in the textbox provided.
  2. Click the Submit Action Plan for Review button.
  3. Action Plan has been submitted for review. The status of the request/activity is now Reviewing Action Plan.
  4. Click the Return to Dashboard button.