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Welcome to the CBA Tracking System (CTS) tutorial self-help.

The tutorials listed below are narrated. The information contained within each tutorial is accurate at the time of the recording and may not reflect recent updates to the CTS application.

Additional tutorials are planned for development, so please check back periodically.

Community-Based Organization (CBO) Submit New CBA Request click here Audio PDF
This tutorial provides CDC directly-funded community-based organization step-by-step instructions for submitting a new CBA request, in CTS.

After Request for New Technical Assistance is Submitted click here
This training module explains the CTS functions which any CDC directly funded community-based organization or health department can do following the submission of a technical assistance request.

Health Department Submit New CBA Request click here Audio PDF
This tutorial provides the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) directly-funded health department step-by-step instructions for submitting a new CBA request using the Capacity Building Assistance Tracking System, (CTS).
