Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program

Through the Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program, NIOSH conducts investigations of fatal occupational injuries. The primary intent of this program is to provide interested users with access to the full text of hundreds of fatality investigation reports.

State FACE Reports:
The following reports are the products of our Cooperative State partners and are presented here in their original unedited form from the states. The findings and conclusions in these reports are those of the individual Cooperative State partner and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Pub. Date Report No. State
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5/15/2024 2024LA001 LA Sugarcane worker dies from heat stroke - Louisiana.
9/29/2023 2022CA004 CA Contract agricultural worker died after being engulfed by tons of nuts - California.
9/1/2021 2020OR002 OR Farm worker crushed in ATV rollover during herbicide application on a hillside.
3/1/2019 2017OR007 OR Farm mechanic died after torch cutting explosion - Oregon.
3/20/2018 2017CA003 CA A date palm worker dies after being stung by bees.
5/24/2017 2013WA015 WA Orchard tractor operator dies when run over by rotary mower after falling from tractor.
6/30/2015 2009WA04401 WA Orchard laborer dies after being struck and run over by dump trailer.
12/5/2014 2008IA074 IA Farm worker electrocuted while pressure-washing interior of swine barn.
12/1/2014 2013OR005 OR Vineyard worker killed in fall from trailer.
11/18/2013 2008WA053 WA Orchard tractor operator dies when run over by trailer-mounted water tank towed by tractor.
6/4/2013 2011MI059 MI Hispanic farm laborer struck by 550-gallon water tank when wood support structure collapsed.
2/11/2013 2009WA047 WA Orchard laborer dies when crushed between a motor grader and semi-truck in Washington State.
12/17/2012 2010MI069 MI Hispanic farm laborer electrocuted in potato field.
9/20/2011 2010CA011 CA An orchard caretaker dies when he is pulled into a wood chipper.
4/26/2011 2010CA007 CA A horticulture nursery owner dies when he slips and falls off a tractor.
2/4/2003 2001MA016 MA Massachusetts tractor operator killed while wheel harrowing a tobacco field.
9/15/2001 2001CA002 CA A tractor operator dies when his tractor rolls over on him.

17 Records