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2/6/2013 - Training materialsThis tutorial provides a brief overview of CT systems intended to meet the needs of people who require a basic understanding of the distinguishing features and operations of different CT systems.
7/1/1982 - Conference papersA new phone system was developed that provides eight full duplex communications channels over a single twisted shielded phone line, with no central switching station or line amplifiers. This system greatly simplifies installation and maintenance over th...
11/1/1981 - Contract reports, Open File ReportsAdvanced communication and monitoring systems were developed and demonstrated in three underground mines representing different mining techniques, geographical areas, and material mined.
1/1/1978 - Peer reviewed journal articlesExtensive analysis of mine-communications systems has identified specific areas, in particular the excessive times required to locate key personnel underground, the inadequacy of existing phone systems in terms of capacity and privacy and the inability ...
1/1/1977 - Information CircularsThis Bureau of Mines report summarizes the research, development, and evaluation demonstrations conducted by the Bureau of Mines under the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 to improve the means of notifying miners underground, who are away from th...
8/1/1976 - Conference papersA brief description is given of various Bureau of Mines research activities that have begun since July 1974 and are not being reported on by others at the Third West Virginia University (WW) Conference on Coal Mine Electrotechnology.
8/1/1976 - Conference papersA whole mine, computer-controlled communication and monitoring system for both normal and emergency use is installed and operating in the U.S. Steel Robena Mine complex near Uniontown, Pa. Experience with the system is reviewed.
5/1/1973 - Contract reportsThe results of a two-year research effort aimed at improving communication systems in coal mines is reported, as well as a review of communication methods presently used in coal mines. Theoretical and-experimental results of a four pronged effort in the...
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program