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Results 1 - 10 of 27
9/19/2012 - Unpublished documents and reportsA Proximity Warning System (PWS) marker on each worker that is activated as he or she approaches a dangerous area could alert the operator and prevent a potential injury or fatality.
11/1/2008 - Information CircularsThe results of NIOSH's test of two commercially available proximity warning devices (PWDs) are presented. PWDs warn personnel if mobile equipment moves within some preselected minimum distance of an energized overhead electrical power line.
9/1/2008 - Conference papersThis paper summarizes recent accomplishments in a research program that is addressing mine fire prevention, detection, management, and suppression, and provides an overview of the next phase of the NIOSH mine fire research program.
6/1/2007 - Reports of InvestigationsNIOSH studied technology and methods that could reduce accidents involving surface mining equipment. These proximity warning systems included radar, sonar, GPS, radio transceiver tags, and combinations of radar and cameras.
5/1/1997 - Technology NewsThe new permissible-type, intrinsically safe design modules described here represent an engineering intervention strategy toward improving miners' ability to recognize and avoid the hazardous zone of unsupported mine roof.
1/1/1991 - Reports of InvestigationsThis report details the results of a series of large-scale experiments where small coal fires were used to ignite the conveyor belt at specific air velocities, and showed conditions required for early detection of conveyor belt entry fires.
3/10/2020 - Research projectsA project to reduce the risk of fatalities and serious injuries by using human visual performance data to develop specifications for visual cues and technologies that will improve situational awareness and decisionmaking during self-escape.
7/19/2016 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA contract to evaluate the feasibility and utility of recent advances in personal navigation in a realistic mining setting. The project will conduct a field test in a realistic setting using existing equipment that has been adapted to the application.
3/1/2015 - Peer reviewed journal articlesAn article detailing experiments conducted to evaluate the response characteristics of commercially available gas, smoke and flame sensors to fires of common combustible mine materials.
8/26/2013 - Technology NewsThis Technology News describes a new visual warning system that reduces the risk of underground mine workers being struck-by or pinned by mobile mining equipment such as the continuous mining machine (CMM).
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program