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Results 141 - 150 of 262
12/1/2008 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThis case study provides an example of how social marketing was applied to meet the needs of business customers in the mining industry.
10/1/2008 - Information CircularsThis NIOSH pilot project demonstrated that most US mines have the capability to successfully implement an MHRA. The basic requirement for a successful MHRA is the desire to become more proactive in reducing risks associated with catastrophic events.
7/1/2008 - Conference papersThis paper will review current and historic work practices used internationally to minimize the hazard to miners from mining in conditions which could produce a bump.
3/1/2008 - NIOSH/USBM numbered publicationsThis user manual explains objectives that can be addressed with the NIOSH Hearing Loss Simulator and training scenarios applied to real-life, real worker scenarios. This guide explains the simulator's functions in detail.
3/1/2008 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThis paper presents details of the process integration, and several examples of task-specific interventions that reduced exposure to risk factors as a result of a partnership between NIOSH and the Badger Mining Corporation.
2/1/2008 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThe general consensus from members of the mining sector established the need for several key endeavors including more and stronger mining collaborations and partnerships and a need to educate mining stakeholders and students about the benefits of the Pr...
12/1/2007 - Non-peer reviewed journal articlesThis report compares components of hearing conservation regulations from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Mine Safety and Health Administration, the Federal Railroad Administration, and the 1998 NIOSH "best practices" criteria.
11/1/2007 - Brochures/flyers/pamphletsThis sheet explains your audiogram (hearing test) and gives some basic information about protecting your hearing.
8/1/2007 - Contract reportsThis report describes the results of a pilot Safety Culture Assessment implemented at a small Appalachian underground coal mine.
6/1/2007 - Conference papersThis paper briefly describes the progress in mine safety in the United States, with emphasis on recent events that have followed since the explosion at the Sago Mine in January 2006. Legislation following the mine accidents in 2006 and areas of work car...
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program