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Results 141 - 150 of 223
3/1/2002 - Reports of InvestigationsThe National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory, has undertaken a study to determine how well self-contained self-rescuers (SCSRs), deployed in accordance with Federal regulations (30 CFR 75....
2/1/2002 - Conference papersThis paper summarizes flyrock and blast area security fatalities from 1989-1999, examining causative factors. Accident data indicates that flyrock and lack of blast area security were primary causes of blasting related injuries in surface mining.
12/1/2001 - NIOSH/USBM numbered publicationsThis compendium details the current research program of the Office for Mine Safety and Health Research.
9/1/2001 - Peer reviewed journal articlesA successful emergency management effort involves many components. The authors suggest areas in three environmental elements that deserve further inquiry.
9/1/2001 - Information CircularsOrganizations that used problem-solving simulation exercises to support mine health and safety training were surveyed. Recommendations are made for the expansion of simulation exercises as a method for occupational health and safety training.
8/1/2001 - Conference papersThe goal of this project was to design and evaluate devices that can be installed with traditional primary or secondary roof supports, and that are easy to handle/install under temporary or previously supported roof.
1/1/2001 - NIOSH/USBM numbered publicationsThis compendium details the current research program of the Office for Mine Safety and Health Research.
1/1/2001 - Catalogs and indexes, NIOSH/USBM numbered publicationsA listing of the mining-related publications produced by NIOSH from 1995 to 2000.
The Hazards In Motion video teaches mobile equipment safety for underground miners.
1/1/2001 - Technology NewsCDC/NIOSH Technology News brief on several technologies available to monitor the blind spots of large haulage equipment.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program