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- Hazard prevention and control:
- Administrative controls
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- Hazardous materials management
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- Preparedness checklists
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- Work design
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- Proper work techniques
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- Acclimatization
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- Health screening
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- Safety culture
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- Employee management
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- Worker participation
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- Hazard recording
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- Health and safety programs
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- Hearing conservation programs
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- Behavior safety programs
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- Materials storage
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- Work scheduling
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- Task rotation
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- Clothes cleaning
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- Communications, location tracking, and signalling
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- Communications
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- Emergency communications
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- Signalling
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- Hand signalling
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- Personnel tracking
- Document types:
- Peer reviewed journal articles
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Results 11 - 20 of 31
1/1/2016 - Peer reviewed journal articlesA study looking at how a dust assessment technology, the Helmet-CAM, was used to identify and encourage communication about potential problem areas and tasks on site that contributed to elevated exposures.
2/6/2015 - Peer reviewed journal articlesA report that discusses current knowledge and potential data sources of MNM miner health.
10/1/2014 - Peer reviewed journal articlesAn analyis of TTE measurement data collected from 94 mines in order to determine the apparent conductivity of the overburden based on three different models: a homogenous half-space model, a thin sheet model, and an attenuation factor or Q-factor model.
9/1/2014 - Peer reviewed journal articlesAn article about an analysis of interviews with nine mine safety trainers using a social ecological model to examine factors that could be addressed both during and after mine safety training.
4/1/2014 - Peer reviewed journal articlesAn article that presents a case study of a small surface mining organization to highlight the fatigue risk management system implemented at the studied mine site.
2/1/2013 - Peer reviewed journal articlesAn experiment was conducted to explore coding and directional compatibility on roof bolting equipment and to determine the feasibility of a visual feedback system to alert operators of critical movements and workers in close proximity to the equipment.
9/1/2010 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThis paper describes the results of initial testing of the NIOSH Multifit4 system that was designed to be used as a tool by qualified researchers to evaluate hearing protector training and fit interventions at worksites.
12/1/2008 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThis case study provides an example of how social marketing was applied to meet the needs of business customers in the mining industry.
3/1/2008 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThis paper presents details of the process integration, and several examples of task-specific interventions that reduced exposure to risk factors as a result of a partnership between NIOSH and the Badger Mining Corporation.
2/1/2008 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThe general consensus from members of the mining sector established the need for several key endeavors including more and stronger mining collaborations and partnerships and a need to educate mining stakeholders and students about the benefits of the Pr...
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program