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10/1/2010 - Information Circulars, Training materialsEmergency escape and refuge alternatives was created by a multidisciplinary team at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to teach miners about emergency escape and using refuge alternatives. The training is a Microsoft Power...
10/1/2010 - Information Circulars, Training materialsHow to Operate a Refuge Chamber: A Quick Start Guide was created by researchers at NIOSH to be used as a template for mine instructors to modify based on the refuge chambers used at their mine.
NIOSH has created this document with suggestions for developing manuals and educational materials concerning refuge chambers for miners.
7/1/2008 - Information Circulars, PC software, Training materialsThis training will increase awareness of risk factors and encourage miners to take action to report and reduce their exposures to risk factors.
6/1/2008 - Information Circulars, PC software, Training materialsThe purpose of this training is to provide the information necessary to develop an appreciation of the changes that occur with age and an understanding of methods that can be used to reduce the injury risk that may result.
This report is intended to help mine safety trainers better prepare to teach new underground coal miners. It identifies 2 different approaches to instruction, i.e. using a syllabus or using a curriculum, and discusses their pros and cons.
9/1/2002 - Information CircularsThis NIOSH Information Circular presents basic principles for teaching adults and provides examples of how these principles can be used to develop and implement effective training for miners.
6/26/2023 - Information CircularsUse the Guidance for Improving Underground Coal Miners' Self-escape Competency document for planning and implementing self-escape training and assessement strategies at underground coal mines.
8/1/2006 - Information CircularsThis report describes a process called job training analysis (JTA). Its main use is to structure skills training at the jobsite by identifying duties, tasks, and steps and the reasons why those job components are important.
8/1/2006 - Information CircularsThis trainer's guide is designed as a reference manual. The purpose is to offer information and examples to skills trainers to assist them in structuring training for new operators of Walk-Thru roof bolting machines.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program