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Results 11 - 20 of 154
6/1/2008 - Information Circulars, PC software, Training materialsThe purpose of this training is to provide the information necessary to develop an appreciation of the changes that occur with age and an understanding of methods that can be used to reduce the injury risk that may result.
This report is intended to help mine safety trainers better prepare to teach new underground coal miners. It identifies 2 different approaches to instruction, i.e. using a syllabus or using a curriculum, and discusses their pros and cons.
This video focuses on individual and organizational behavior related to arc flash events over an 11-year period in the mining industry.
1/1/2007 - Videos and multimediaThis video provides information about blast area security to those working around blast sites.
12/1/2006 - Technology NewsNIOSH has released communication products about flyrock safety via information brochures, flashcards, and toolbox talk materials. These products target the mining and construction industries, and can be used for employee and visitor training.
9/1/2006 - Peer reviewed journal articlesUS coal mining organizations are losing the knowledge they need to be able to respond to emergencies. Knowledge management provides a useful perspective from which to view the problem. Knowledge can be managed by cultivating it through narratives.
12/1/2005 - Training materialsA training product to improve blast safety by providing information about blasting to those who work around blast sites
9/1/2002 - Information CircularsThis NIOSH Information Circular presents basic principles for teaching adults and provides examples of how these principles can be used to develop and implement effective training for miners.
9/1/2000 - Conference papersThis paper describes technology and training that has been identified for underground emergency responders.
12/28/2023 - Training materialsTo help instructors teach miners about the use of refuge chambers, NIOSH has developed a suite of training modules covering operations, decision-making and expectations.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program