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Results 41 - 50 of 154
11/1/2018 - Non-peer reviewed journal articlesA report on one company’s efforts to improve its mineworkers’ self-escape competencies using competency-based performance management strategies, including assessment and remediation processes.
10/1/2018 - Non-peer reviewed journal articlesAn article describing the development of NIOSH's EXAMiner software.
4/1/2018 - Non-peer reviewed journal articlesA trade publication article that focuses on the need for coal miners to designate an on-site responsible person (RP) during a mine emergency.
3/1/2018 - Non-peer reviewed journal articlesA trade publication article discussing NIOSH research into hazard recognition and workplace examinations at stone, sand, and gravel mines.
1/1/2018 - Non-peer reviewed journal articlesA trade publication article on assessing the self-escape knowledge, skills and abilities of coal miners.
10/3/2017 - Web softwareAre you up to the challenge? Try your hand at our new web application that challenges users to find the hazards in four locations at a surface stone operation.
3/15/2017 - Research areasRefuge Chambers Training Materials and Recommendations developed by NIOSH.
11/1/2016 - Peer reviewed journal articlesAn article by NIOSH that examines how miners at stone, sand & gravel mines think, understand, and perceive hazards at their workplaces, as learned through interviews.
10/22/2016 - Research projectsA research project designed to determine optimal use of virtual reality (VR) technologies for training and assessing mine emergency responders.
10/22/2016 - Research projectsA project to ensure that suitable information exists for properly training underground coal miners on appropriate procedures for escaping from dangerous situations such as fires, explosions, and inundations.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program