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Results 51 - 60 of 154
10/18/2016 - Non-peer reviewed journal articles, Training materialsShort article with infographic about the hazards involved in working with haul trucks.
Try our new app offering a series of directed safety talks to promote discussion and awareness of issues such as slips and falls, ground control, lockout tagout, seatbelts, and more.
7/19/2016 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA capacity-building contract to advance the body of knowledge in mine fires through modeling and application to ensure improved controls.
7/18/2016 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA capacity-building contract to develop a method to remotely characterize underground mine ventilation control by multiple tracer gases.
7/18/2016 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA capacity-building contract to examine the explosion and fire hazards in the gobs of underground longwall coal mines through physical and numerical modeling.
7/16/2016 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA capacity-building contract to enhance ground control safety and produce qualified MS and PhD graduates with ground control expertise through improving and extending the LaModel program.
7/1/2016 - Peer reviewed journal articlesAn article contributing to the general understanding of mental practice by investigating the utility of and participant reaction to a virtual reality maintenance training among underground coal mine first responders.
6/1/2016 - Non-peer reviewed journal articlesThis article by NIOSH discusses researcher observations of mine emergency escape trainers as they used virtual environment software for group training in decision making and problem solving.
4/29/2016 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA capacity-building contract to research using booster fans in deep coal mines in the western U.S., where coal seams can have over 3,000 ft of overburden causing ventilation and ground control problems.
4/29/2016 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA capacity-building contract to investigate safety aspects of mine ventilation through technical development and training.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program