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Results 1 - 10 of 12
6/12/2023 - PC software, Reports of InvestigationsEVADE 2.4 has been updated with expanded video and data features to make it a more generalized and powerful tool.
8/1/2011 - PC software, Reports of Investigations, Training materialsThis training exposes trainees to the types of decisions that they may need to make during a mine emergency escape and stimulate group discussion about when and why to use a refuge alternative.
7/1/2011 - Reports of InvestigationsThis document consists of a series of demonstrations designed to complement training on ergonomic principles.
5/1/2010 - Reports of InvestigationsThis NIOSH report presents the results of extensive in-mine coal dust particle size surveys of dust samples collected from intake airways in 61 U.S. coal mines, representing all 10 MSHA bituminous Coal Mine Safety and Health Districts.
6/1/2007 - Reports of InvestigationsNIOSH studied technology and methods that could reduce accidents involving surface mining equipment. These proximity warning systems included radar, sonar, GPS, radio transceiver tags, and combinations of radar and cameras.
4/8/2020 - Reports of InvestigationsSee how findings on mineworker perceptions about safety climate can help companies develop improved health and safety management systems.
11/1/2011 - Reports of Investigations, Training materialsNonverbal Communication for Mine Emergencies is a training program that teaches miners a series of nonverbal hand signals to use in the event of an emergency. These hand signals can be used by miners if they are unable to communicate verbally.
1/1/1996 - Reports of Investigations214 underground coal miners were interviewed to determine mine workers' state of fire-fighting preparedness and the technology being used to detect and respond to underground mine fires. Several important changes are suggested to deal with fires.
1/1/1993 - Reports of InvestigationsA prototype end-cab shuttle car (SC) design has been developed to improve protection and address ergonomic concerns of the SC operator in low coal mines. This report discusses research to modify a used 21SC JOY SC, retrofit the SC with the Bureau-devel...
1/1/1984 - Reports of InvestigationsA short-range locator system capable of locating trapped miners has been devised. The system consists of a light-weight, low-power radio transmitter incorporated into a miners cap lamp battery and a directional receiver carried by rescuers.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program