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- Hazard prevention and control:
- Hazard training
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This video focuses on individual and organizational behavior related to arc flash events over an 11-year period in the mining industry.
1/1/2007 - Videos and multimediaThis video provides information about blast area security to those working around blast sites.
12/1/2006 - Technology NewsNIOSH has released communication products about flyrock safety via information brochures, flashcards, and toolbox talk materials. These products target the mining and construction industries, and can be used for employee and visitor training.
12/1/2005 - Training materialsA training product to improve blast safety by providing information about blasting to those who work around blast sites
7/19/2022 - PC softwareUse EXAMiner to practice and teach hazard recognition skills for mining operations in any sector.
3/25/2022 - Fact SheetsUse these NIOSH Mining infographics to learn about hazards and what steps you can take to stay safe.
12/1/2020 - Peer reviewed journal articlesA study examining the effect individual mineworker factors—including risk attitude, work experience, and safety training—have on hazard recognition accuracy.
4/22/2020 - Technology NewsLearn how mineworkers can practice searching for hazards in virtual work environments using panoramic scenes on a laptop or PC.
4/19/2020 - Technology NewsUse this software to practice searching for hazards in virtual work environments while performing a virtual workplace examination.
3/10/2020 - Research projectsA project to characterize sand, stone, and gravel mine workers’ ability to recognize worksite hazards and to understand how this ability relates to perceived and measured risk as well as to other factors internal and external.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program