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Results 121 - 130 of 241
9/1/2010 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThis paper describes the results of initial testing of the NIOSH Multifit4 system that was designed to be used as a tool by qualified researchers to evaluate hearing protector training and fit interventions at worksites.
9/1/2009 - Conference papersThis paper discusses changes that new legislation and regulations are making to the U.S. coal mining industry, and current research that is producing technologies to make mining safer.
4/1/2009 - Peer reviewed journal articlesIn this study, the operators of a limestone mine retrofitted a loader used for clean-up operations with a passive DPF that was lightly catalyzed and used a fuel additive to initiate regeneration at low exhaust temperatures.
1/1/2009 - Historical information, PublicationsNIOSH researchers reviewed mining fatality surveillance data from the period 1900-2006, and using MSHA reports collected additional data on the deaths and circumstances associated with the Sago, Alma, and Darby incidents. They also reviewed published ma...
12/1/2008 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThis case study provides an example of how social marketing was applied to meet the needs of business customers in the mining industry.
7/1/2008 - Conference papersThis paper will review current and historic work practices used internationally to minimize the hazard to miners from mining in conditions which could produce a bump.
6/1/2008 - Conference papersThis paper describes research conducted to compare the performance, including response time and accuracy, of selected instruments using infrared and catalytic sensors.
6/1/2008 - Unpublished documents and reportsThis document supports Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) proposed rule making for the CPDM.
3/1/2008 - NIOSH/USBM numbered publicationsThis user manual explains objectives that can be addressed with the NIOSH Hearing Loss Simulator and training scenarios applied to real-life, real worker scenarios. This guide explains the simulator's functions in detail.
3/1/2008 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThis paper presents details of the process integration, and several examples of task-specific interventions that reduced exposure to risk factors as a result of a partnership between NIOSH and the Badger Mining Corporation.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program