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Results 131 - 140 of 274
9/17/2012 - Dictionaries and glossariesMine Communications and Tracking Glossary
12/1/2011 - Technology NewsA surface network system using off-the-shelf components successfully established strategic communications links in a limited mine-simulated environment. The system could be expanded to link other communication devices and a command center.
11/1/2011 - Peer reviewed journal articlesEmergency training for miners can use inoculation theory, which explains how people can resist persuasion attempts by preparing counterarguments in advance. The theory may be used to prepare workers to react quickly by preparing responses in advance.
11/1/2011 - Reports of Investigations, Training materialsNonverbal Communication for Mine Emergencies is a training program that teaches miners a series of nonverbal hand signals to use in the event of an emergency. These hand signals can be used by miners if they are unable to communicate verbally.
10/1/2011 - Technology NewsThis technology is used to map communications and tracking coverage in underground mines. It is important to know coverage of these systems during a mine emergency.
9/1/2011 - Technology NewsPossible benefits of the use of reverse RFID for personnel tracking are: improvements in accuracy, the ability to interface to a variety of mine communications infrastructures, better system survivability, and easier installation and maintenance.
8/1/2011 - Reports of Investigations, Training materialsRadio 101 is a program to train miners in the use of two-way radio communication in the mines.
12/1/2010 - Peer reviewed journal articlesTo encourage mining companies to implement knee injury training programs and interventions, NIOSH performed an analysis of workers’ compensation data for one underground coal mine in Illinois and six in Pennsylvania.
9/1/2010 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThis paper describes the results of initial testing of the NIOSH Multifit4 system that was designed to be used as a tool by qualified researchers to evaluate hearing protector training and fit interventions at worksites.
9/1/2010 - Conference papersThe objective of this work was to profile injuries sustained during haul truck operations, to identify priorities for further investigation, and to determine potential injury prevention strategies.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program