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2/14/2022 - PC softwareUse this factor of safety calculator when designing an underground mining excavation’s ground support.
8/20/2013 - PC softwareSoftware for estimating the relative inherent strength of coal mine roof.
This document presents the results of research conducted by NIOSH in cooperation with participating underground stone mines to develop generally applicable guidelines for designing stable pillars and roof spans in stone mines.
7/1/2010 - Conference papersIn this paper, the findings of a survey of roof span stability issues and design practices are presented, and the observed factors contributing to roof instability are discussed.
4/15/2010 - PC softwareSoftware to assist in making engineering decisions regarding the selection and placement strategy of various standing roof support technologies.
2/1/2009 - Conference papersThe load-deformation characteristics and the load capacity of welded wire screen (roof screen) used to control ground fall were evaluated in the laboratory in a specially built test frame.
1/1/2008 - Peer reviewed journal articlesMoisture-sensitive roof rocks have contributed to time-dependent roof falls. NIOSH research proves the value of a wet/dry cycling test for rock evaluation.
5/1/2007 - Conference papersThis paper discusses the sources used in developing the CMRR, describes the CMRR data collection and calculation procedures, and briefly presents a number of practical mining applications in which the CMRR has played a prominent role.
2/1/2007 - Peer reviewed journal articlesA study of ground behavior, reinforcement performance and stress redistribution looked at a longwall tailgate under severe horizontal stress. Comparison to field results showed that a FLAC-2D model captured the significant roof and support behavior.
2/1/2004 - Conference papersThe primary goal of this project was to obtain detailed data on the interaction between the mine roof and the support elements for use in modeling studies.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program