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- Hazards and exposures:
- Bumps
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Results 1 - 10 of 32
1/1/2008 - Peer reviewed journal articlesMoisture-sensitive roof rocks have contributed to time-dependent roof falls. NIOSH research proves the value of a wet/dry cycling test for rock evaluation.
5/1/2018 - Peer reviewed journal articlesA study in which laboratory testing was used to identify the engineering characteristics and brittleness of coal samples.
1/1/2018 - Peer reviewed journal articlesAn article describing the results of a robust design to consider the impact of different lithologic risk factors impacting dynamic failure risk.
10/22/2016 - Research projectsA project to define the geologic and stress criteria associated with an elevated risk of coal bursts, considering both U.S. and international experience through visits to coalfields.
7/16/2016 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA capacity-building contract to enhance ground control safety and produce qualified MS and PhD graduates with ground control expertise through improving and extending the LaModel program.
3/4/2014 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA contract to evaluate the role of gas desorbing on the failure of coal and the resultant influence on dynamic failures such as bumps, bursts, and outbursts.
1/1/2010 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThis paper looks at historical descriptions of bumps with regional scale, in the hope that by investigating dynamic failure modes with potential to create the next disaster, that disaster might be averted.
7/1/2009 - Conference papersThis study extends the method of dynamic analysis to events driven by slip on geologic features.
7/1/2009 - Conference papersThis paper provides an overview of current deep cover pillar recovery practice.
7/1/2008 - Conference papersThe centerpiece of this project is development of a Dynamic Failure Control Program to monitor evolution of dynamic failure hazards with changing geologic conditions to assure that control and protective measures are appropriately deployed.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program