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- Mining types and methods:
- Metal mining
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Results 1 - 10 of 32
12/1/2009 - Information CircularsThis document describes principles of noise control to operators, safety personnel, and mechanics in the mining industry so that they can evaluate the extent of a noise problem, determine the best approach, and apply the most appropriate solution.
11/1/2009 - Conference papersThis paper presents a summary of some of the mine fire research and provides an overview of the next phase of the NIOSH mine fire research program.
2/1/2007 - Peer reviewed journal articlesTo evaluate how elemental carbon (EC), a surrogate of diesel particulate matter (DPM), predicts DPM, measurements of total carbon (TC) and EC were taken away from potential interferences in four underground metal/nonmetal mines during production.
11/1/2004 - Information CircularsThis report analyzes mine fires for all U.S. underground and surface metal/nonmetal mining categories during 1990-2001 by state and six successive 2-year time periods.
7/4/2023 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA contract to investigate mine dust and respirable crystalline silica characteristics and toxicity to fill a critical knowledge gap and help ensure the health of workers in metal and nonmetal mines.
9/16/2020 - Research projectsA project to employ state-of-the-art ground control science, in a targeted program of case studies, to develop engineering solutions for ground control hazards in underground metal mines.
2/18/2020 - Research projectsA project to develop control interventions to reduce occupational exposure to silica and other respirable dusts in metal/nonmetal mines and mills.
1/9/2020 - Research projectsA project to develop durable noise controls that reduce the noise exposure of jumbo drill operators and facilitate the commercialization of the controls to make them available for all miners.
8/1/2018 - Peer reviewed journal articlesA study examining the differences in chronic health outcomes between coal, uranium, metal, and nonmetal miners.
10/27/2016 - Research projectsA project to reduce injuries and fatalities in western U.S. underground metal mines by reducing the falls of ground taking place in these mines.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program