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- Research methods and measures:
- Job analysis
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12/3/2012 - Unpublished documents and reportsDecember 3, 2012 feature on proximity detection research
3/1/2012 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThe objective of this study was to determine low-seam mine worker exposure to various postures as they pertain to job classifications and job tasks.
8/1/2006 - Information CircularsThis report describes a process called job training analysis (JTA). Its main use is to structure skills training at the jobsite by identifying duties, tasks, and steps and the reasons why those job components are important.
12/1/2001 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThe most hazardous work environments share one feature in common: constant change. A preliminary typology of dynamic and hazardous work environments, along with a schema to observe the dynamic characteristics of these hazards is proposed.
3/1/2001 - Conference papersThis paper describes the use of four sources of data (injury records, the Nordic Standardized Musculoskeletal Questionnaire, supervisor interviews and management concerns) to prioritize jobs for ergonomic analysis.
1/1/2001 - Book chaptersThe US Bureau of Mines conducted an evaluation of roof-bolting tasks performed at an underground coal mine concerned about early warning signs of cumulative trauma.
This paper presents an overview of the most significant ground control hazards facing today's mineworkers, as well as best practices to reduce these risks.
1/1/1994 - NIOSH/USBM numbered publicationsThis paper discusses methods for reducing musculoskeletal injuries in mines. Included are discussions of how to implement ergonomics committees, methods for identifying hazards, ways to formulate and implement solutions, and followup analysis.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program