Fatalities (Oil and Gas) Charts
Fatalities in the Oil and Gas Extraction Industry (FOG), U.S. Oil and Gas

The NIOSH Fatalities in Oil and Gas Extraction (FOG) database collects detailed information about worker fatalities in the U.S. oil and gas extraction industry. This information is used by NIOSH, the oil and gas extraction industry, and other stakeholder groups to better understand fatal incidents and to guide interventions that will prevent future loss of life. FOG is not a complete census of all US OGE worker fatalities. It is a subset. Patterns displayed on this webpage may be different than those displayed by other data sources. Any statistical analyses or statements about industry-wide trends using FOG data should take into account the limitations of FOG’s underlying methodology, as well as statistical best practices. A full description of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, data sources, and limitations for the FOG database can be found on the About NIOSH FOG website. Definitions for all key variables are found on the NIOSH FOG Variable website. FOG data presented in WHC is reported at the fatality level. Some of these fatalities are a result of incidents resulting in multiple fatalities.

Chart and Query Options

# of Fatalities for Fatalities by Year, All, 2014 - 2019

Source: Fatalities in the Oil and Gas Extraction Industry (FOG), U.S. Oil and Gas

# of Fatalities for Fatalities by Year, All, 2014 - 2019

All Years470100.0

Data Source

Fatalities in the Oil and Gas Extraction Industry (FOG), U.S. Oil and Gas
Fatalities in the Oil and Gas Extraction Industry (FOG), U.S. Oil and Gas

The FOG database relies on several sources for incident identification and information, including formal investigations by federal, state, and local agencies, public records, and direct notifications from industry partners. For more detailed information, click here.