Table of Contents

Component Description

One in three Americans has a skin condition serious enough to require medical attention. However, there are major gaps in knowledge about the frequency, impact, etiology and prevention of most skin diseases.
Psoriasis affects the health related quality of life in ways similar to other major medical conditions. Studies of disability caused by psoriasis, such as arthritis, indicate that level of disability for those with the condition are greater than that of healthy controls. There is also an association between psoriasis and stress, as well as depression.

Hand dermatitis is the most common occupational skin disease, as well as a common cause of occupational disability. Acute eczematous dermatitis is one of the few skin diseases that, according to Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, may still be used as a reason for exclusion fromemployment. The estimated cost associated with this condition is greater than $300 million dollars a year.

The Fitzpatrick skin type is a method of classifying individuals based on their response to sun exposure in terms of tanning and burning (photosensitivity) (Fitzpatrick, 1988).

Fitzpatrick Classification of Skin Type
I - Always burns, never tans (pale white skin)
II - Always burns easily, tans minimally (white skin)
III - Burns moderately, tans uniformly (light brown skin)
IV - Burns minimally, always tans well (moderate brown skin)
V - Rarely burns, tans profusely (dark brown skin)
VI - Never burns, (deeply pigmented dark brown to black skin)

Individuals’ susceptibility to different skin conditions and diseases is known to vary by skin type. Currently, the distribution of skin type across the U.S. population is unknown. Knowing more about the U.S distribution of skin type will be helpful in developing more accurate measures of risk factors for various skin conditions and diseases. It may also be important to the development of better national health education campaigns regarding sun protective behavior.

Eligible Sample

Sample persons aged 20-59 years who do not meet any of the exclusion criteria.

Exclusion Criteria:

A person using a wheelchair did not receive the photos of the back or back of the legs. He/she would be eligible for the other photos. There are no safety exclusions for this component.

Protocol and Procedure


The exam consists of four digital images taken by a health technician using a Kodak DCS760 digital camera with a 50mm lens. The poses were as follows:


picture of persons back and elbows


picture of person's inner arm


picture of person's legs and hands


 picture of person's legs and palms

In addition, the readers made an assessment of image quality. They evaluated the image on the following criteria – focus, shadows, positioning of subject, and “other”. The other category allowed readers to identify difficulties with the image for reasons other than those listed above.

Quality Assurance & Quality Control

All data from each of the sections of the Dermatology Examination Component were directly entered by MEC technicians into ISIS, a computerized database information system. Health technicians in the Mobile Examination Centers were trained in the protocol by expert consultants in digital photography. In addition, Dermatology consultants from the NIH/National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease (NIAMS) and contractor staff provided performance monitoring of each Health technician on a regular, periodic basis. Additionally, NCHS staff visited the MECs approximately twice per year per examination team to observe the Dermatology examinations and verify that standard testing procedures were being strictly followed by technicians. All MEC Dermatology technicians also received annual retraining and updates by the NIAMS consultants. Finally, exclusion rates and outcome statistics were continually monitored by NCHS according to technician and MEC, and retraining was conducted as necessary to maintain test quality.

For details on the QA/QC process for this component, please refer to the Interviewer Procedure Manuals on the NHANES website.

Data Processing and Editing

All data were captured in ISIS, a computerizeddatabase. NCHS performed data reviews on an ongoing basis using a computerized data editing program to check for logical inconsistencies in the data and technician errors, as well as to check other issues affecting data quality. Back-end edits of the data were performed as necessary where errors were detected. The 2003–2004 Dermatology Examination data were reviewed for errors and logical consistency and verified against the primary examination data database prior to public data release.

Analytic Notes

Because the NHANES 2003–2004 Dermatology examination was administered in the MEC, the full sample MEC examination sample weight should be used for data analysis. For information on the use of sample weights in NHANES data analysis, refer to the NHANES 1999–2000 and 2003-2004 Addendum to the NHANES III Analytic Guidelines. NHANES 2003–2004 dermatology data was collected for a full sample of U.S. adults ages 20-59.

The dermatology digital images were read by two separate dermatologists. When the finding of the two readers disagreed, the image reading software program required a third consensus reading. For the consensus readings, both dermatologists reviewed the image for findings at the same time and came to a unified decision. The variable names for data based on Reader 1 contains the number 1 (DEX1, DEA1, etc.). Findings from Reader 2 contain the number 2 in the variable name (DEX2, DEA2, etc.) Variable names for the consensus reading assessments contain the number 6 (DEX6, DEA6,etc.). The algorithm used for consensus readings is given below:

Consensus Rules

Rule 1:

Sample person (SP) images go to consensus if the two readings for Hand Dermatitis are not on the list of acceptable combinations:

Hand Dermatitis
Reader 1 Reader 2
 Present, High Confidence  Present High or Medium Confidence
 Present, Medium Confidence  Present High, Medium, or Low Confidence
 Present, Low Confidence  Present Medium or Low Confidence or Absent
 Absent  Present Low Confidence or Absent
 Diagnosis Missing  Diagnosis Missing

Rule 2:

Sample person (SP) images go to if the two readings for Psoriasis are not on the list of acceptable combinations (same as above).

Rule 3:

Sample person (SP) images go to consensus for values given for Fitzpatrick Skin Type in accordance with the following matrix. Value range is 1-6 for each reader. (Readings for reader 1 on rows and for reader 2 in columns.) Any outcome that resulted in “reject” went to consensus.

Fitzpatrick Skin Type
 Fitzpatrick Values 1 3 4 5 6
1 Accept Accept  Accept Reject Reject  Reject
2 Accept Accept Accept Reject Reject Reject
3 Accept Accept Accept Reject Reject Reject
4 Reject Reject Reject Accept Accept Accept
5 Reject Reject Reject Accept Accept Accept
6 Reject Reject Reject Accept Accept Accept

Rule 4:

If any critical value is missing for either reader the sample person’s image is sent for consensus reading.

Critical values include:

In addition, a consensus reading was required for any condition requiring follow-up.

Please refer to the Analytic Guidelines on the NHANES website for further details on the use of sample weights and other analytic issues.


Codebook and Frequencies

SEQN - Respondent sequence number

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent sequence number
English Text:
Respondent sequence number.
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS

MXAEXSTS - Status of MEC Exam

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Status of MEC Exam
English Text:
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Complete 2687 2687
2 Partial 9 2696
3 Not Done 296 2992
. Missing 0 2992

DEABACK - Back with elbows image captured

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Back with elbows image captured
English Text:
Back with elbows image captured
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Captured 2693 2693
2 Not Captured 6 2699
. Missing 293 2992

DEAINARM - Inner arm image captured

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Inner arm image captured
English Text:
Inner arm image captured
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Captured 2694 2694
2 Not Captured 5 2699
. Missing 293 2992

DEAFRLEG - Front of legs with hands image captured

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Front of legs with hands image captured
English Text:
Front of legs with hands image captured
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Captured 2692 2692
2 Not Captured 7 2699
. Missing 293 2992

DEALOLEG - Back of leg with palms image captured

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Back of leg with palms image captured
English Text:
Back of leg with palms image captured
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Captured 2692 2692
2 Not Captured 7 2699
. Missing 293 2992

DEABKRSN - Back image not captured reason

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Back image not captured reason
English Text:
Back image not captured reason
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Safety exclusion 0 0
2 SP refusal 3 3
3 No time 0 3
4 Physical limitation 2 5
5 Communication problem 0 5
6 Equipment failure 1 6
7 SP ill/emergency 0 6
. Missing 2986 2992

DEAIARSN - Inner arm image not captured reason

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Inner arm image not captured reason
English Text:
Inner arm image not captured reason
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Safety exclusion 0 0
2 SP refusal 1 1
3 No time 0 1
4 Physical limitation 4 5
5 Communication problem 0 5
6 Equipment failure 0 5
7 SP ill/emergency 0 5
. Missing 2987 2992

DEAFLRSN - Front leg image not captured reason

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Front leg image not captured reason
English Text:
Front leg image not captured reason
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Safety exclusion 0 0
2 SP refusal 4 4
3 No time 0 4
4 Physical limitation 2 6
5 Communication problem 0 6
6 Equipment failure 0 6
7 SP ill/emergency 1 7
. Missing 2985 2992

DEALLRSN - Lower leg image not captured reason

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Lower leg image not captured reason
English Text:
Lower leg image not captured reason
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Safety exclusion 0 0
2 SP refusal 4 4
3 No time 0 4
4 Physical limitation 3 7
5 Communication problem 0 7
6 Equipment failure 0 7
7 SP ill/emergency 0 7
. Missing 2985 2992

DEX1FITZ - Reader 1 Fitzpatrick skin type

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 Fitzpatrick skin type
English Text:
Reader 1 Fitzpatrick skin type
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 1 5 5
2 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 2 171 176
3 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 3 1611 1787
4 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 4 275 2062
5 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 5 45 2107
6 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6 586 2693
9 Not determined, picture missing 3 2696
. Missing 296 2992

DED1HDDX - Reader 1 hand dermatitis

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 hand dermatitis
English Text:
Reader 1 hand dermatitis
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 27 27
2 Absent 2661 2688
9 Not determined, picture missing 7 2695
. Missing 297 2992

DEX1HDCF - Reader 1 hand dermatitis confidence

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 hand dermatitis confidence
English Text:
Reader 1 hand dermatitis confidence
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 High 0 0
2 Moderate 16 16
3 Low 11 27
9 Not determined, picture missing 0 27
. Missing 2965 2992

DEX1HDFH - Reader 1 hand dermatitis forearm/hands

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 hand dermatitis forearm/hands
English Text:
Reader 1 hand dermatitis present forearms/hands
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 15 15
. Missing 2977 2992

DEX1HDPM - Reader 1 hand dermatitis present palms

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 hand dermatitis present palms
English Text:
Reader 1 hand dermatitis present palms
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 23 23
. Missing 2969 2992

DED1PSDX - Reader 1 psoriasis

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 37 37
2 Absent 2645 2682
9 Not determined, picture missing 14 2696
. Missing 296 2992

DEX1PSCF - Reader 1 psoriasis confidence

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis confidence
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis confidence
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 High 7 7
2 Moderate 11 18
3 Low 19 37
9 Not determined, picture missing 0 37
. Missing 2955 2992

DEX1PSFH - Reader 1 psoriasis present forearm/hands

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis present forearm/hands
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present forearms/hands
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 32 32
. Missing 2960 2992

DEX1PSPM - Reader 1 psoriasis present palms

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis present palms
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present palms
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 1 1
. Missing 2991 2992

DEX1PSBK - Reader 1 psoriasis present back

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis present back
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present back
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 3 3
. Missing 2989 2992

DEX1PSPL - Reader 1 psoriasis present posterior leg

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis present posterior leg
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present posterior legs
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 3 3
. Missing 2989 2992

DEX1PSAL - Reader 1 psoriasis present anterior leg

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis present anterior leg
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present anterior legs
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 18 18
. Missing 2974 2992

DEQ1ELFO - Reader 1 psoriasis present elbows focus

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis present elbows focus
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present elbows focus
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 30 30
. Missing 2962 2992

DEQ1ELSH - Reader 1 psoriasis present elbows shadow

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis present elbows shadow
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present elbows shadow
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ1ELPO - Reader 1 psoriasis elbows position

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis elbows position
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present elbows position
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ1ELOT - Reader 1 psoriasis elbows other

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis elbows other
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present elbows other
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 1 1
. Missing 2991 2992

DEQ1BPFO - Reader 1 psoriasis back of legs focus

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis back of legs focus
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present back of legs with palm focus
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 26 26
. Missing 2966 2992

DEQ1BPSH - Reader 1 psoriasis back of legs shadow

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis back of legs shadow
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present back of legs with palm shadow
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ1BPPO - Reader 1 psoriasis back of legs position

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis back of legs position
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present back of legs with palm position
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 1 1
. Missing 2991 2992

DEQ1BPOT - Reader 1 psoriasis back of legs other

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis back of legs other
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present back of legs with palm other
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ1FHFO - Reader 1 psoriasis front of legs focus

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis front of legs focus
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present front of legs with palm focus
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 25 25
. Missing 2967 2992

DEQ1FHSH - Reader 1 psoriasis front of legs shadow

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis front of legs shadow
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present front of legs with palm shadow
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ1FHPO - Reader 1 psoriasis frt of legs position

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis frt of legs position
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present front of legs with palm position
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 1 1
. Missing 2991 2992

DEQ1FHOT - Reader 1 psoriasis front of legs other

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis front of legs other
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present front of legs with palm other
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ1IAFO - Reader 1 psoriasis inner arm focus

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis inner arm focus
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present inner arm focus
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 3 3
. Missing 2989 2992

DEQ1IASH - Reader 1 psoriasis inner arm shadow

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis inner arm shadow
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present inner arm shadow
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ1IAPO - Reader 1 psoriasis inner arm position

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis inner arm position
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis presetn inner arm position
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ1IAOT - Reader 1 psoriasis inner arm other

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 psoriasis inner arm other
English Text:
Reader 1 psoriasis present inner arm other
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEX1CRFU - Reader 1 condition require follow-up

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 condition require follow-up
English Text:
Reader 1 condition require follow-up
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 35 35
2 No 2661 2696
. Missing 296 2992

DEX1COMM - Reader 1 comment

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 1 comment
English Text:
Reader 1 comment
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
Reader 1 comment Value was recorded 35 35
< blank > Missing 2957 2992

DEX2FITZ - Reader 2 Fitzpatrick skin type

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 Fitzpatrick skin type
English Text:
Reader 2 Fitzpatrick skin type
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 1 82 82
2 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 2 636 718
3 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 3 1045 1763
4 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 4 370 2133
5 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 5 92 2225
6 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6 466 2691
9 Not determined, picture missing 5 2696
. Missing 296 2992

DED2HDDX - Reader 2 hand dermatitis

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 hand dermatitis
English Text:
Reader 2 hand dermatitis
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 60 60
2 Absent 2628 2688
9 Not determined, picture missing 7 2695
. Missing 297 2992

DEX2HDCF - Reader 2 hand dermatitis confidence

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 hand dermatitis confidence
English Text:
Reader 2 hand dermatitis confidence
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 High 9 9
2 Moderate 22 31
3 Low 29 60
9 Not determined, picture missing 0 60
. Missing 2932 2992

DEX2HDFH - Reader 2 hand derm forearm/hands

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 hand derm forearm/hands
English Text:
Reader 2 hand dermatitis present forearms/hands
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 34 34
. Missing 2958 2992

DEX2HDPM - Reader 2 hand dermatitis present palms

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 hand dermatitis present palms
English Text:
Reader 2 hand dermatitis present palms
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 50 50
. Missing 2942 2992

DED2PSDX - Reader 2 psoriasis

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 67 67
2 Absent 2616 2683
9 Not determined, picture missing 13 2696
. Missing 296 2992

DEX2PSCF - Reader 2 psoriasis confidence

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis confidence
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis confidence
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 High 10 10
2 Moderate 14 24
3 Low 43 67
9 Not determined, picture missing 0 67
. Missing 2925 2992

DEX2PSFH - Reader 2 psoriasis present forearm/hands

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis present forearm/hands
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present forearms/hands
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 53 53
. Missing 2939 2992

DEX2PSPM - Reader 2 psoriasis present palms

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis present palms
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present palms
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 4 4
. Missing 2988 2992

DEX2PSBK - Reader 2 psoriasis present back

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis present back
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present back
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 6 6
. Missing 2986 2992

DEX2PSPL - Reader 2 psoriasis present posterior leg

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis present posterior leg
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present posterior legs
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 5 5
. Missing 2987 2992

DEX2PSAL - Reader 2 psoriasis present anterior legs

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis present anterior legs
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present anterior legs
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 41 41
. Missing 2951 2992

DEQ2ELFO - Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows focus

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows focus
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows focus
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 46 46
. Missing 2946 2992

DEQ2ELSH - Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows shadow

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows shadow
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows shadow
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 1 1
. Missing 2991 2992

DEQ2ELPO - Reader 2 psoriasis elbows position

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis elbows position
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows position
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 32 32
. Missing 2960 2992

DEQ2ELOT - Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows other

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows other
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present elbows other
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 3 3
. Missing 2989 2992

DEQ2BPFO - Reader 2 psoriasis back of legs focus

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis back of legs focus
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present back of legs with palm focus
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 43 43
. Missing 2949 2992

DEQ2BPSH - Reader 2 psoriasis back of legs shadow

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis back of legs shadow
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present back of legs with palm shadow
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 1 1
. Missing 2991 2992

DEQ2BPPO - Reader 2 psoriasis back of legs position

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis back of legs position
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present back of legs with palm position
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 9 9
. Missing 2983 2992

DEQ2BPOT - Reader 2 psoriasis back of legs other

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis back of legs other
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present back of legs with palm other
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 1 1
. Missing 2991 2992

DEQ2FHFO - Reader 2 psoriasis front of legs focus

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis front of legs focus
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present front of legs with palm focus
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 44 44
. Missing 2948 2992

DEQ2FHSH - Reader 2 psoriasis front of legs shadow

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis front of legs shadow
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present front of legs with palm shadow
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 2 2
. Missing 2990 2992

DEQ2FHPO - Reader 2 psoriasis frt of legs position

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis frt of legs position
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present front of legs with palm position
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 9 9
. Missing 2983 2992

DEQ2FHOT - Reader 2 psoriasis front of legs other

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis front of legs other
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present front of legs with palm other
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 2 2
. Missing 2990 2992

DEQ2IAFO - Reader 2 psoriasis inner arm focus

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis inner arm focus
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present inner arm focus
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 42 42
. Missing 2950 2992

DEQ2IASH - Reader 2 psoriasis inner arm shadow

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis inner arm shadow
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present inner arm shadow
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ2IAPO - Reader 2 psoriasis inner arm position

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis inner arm position
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present inner arm position
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 1 1
. Missing 2991 2992

DEQ2IAOT - Reader 2 psoriasis inner arm other

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 psoriasis inner arm other
English Text:
Reader 2 psoriasis present inner arm other
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 1 1
. Missing 2991 2992

DEX2CRFU - Reader 2 condition require follow-up

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 condition require follow-up
English Text:
Reader 2 condition require follow-up
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 132 132
2 No 2564 2696
. Missing 296 2992

DEX2COMM - Reader 2 comment

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 2 comment
English Text:
Reader 2 comment
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
Reader 2 comment Value was recorded 130 130
< blank > Missing 2862 2992

DEA6RTYP - Reader 6 code

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 code
English Text:
Reader 6 code
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
6 6 260 260
. Missing 2732 2992

DEX6FITZ - Reader 6 Fitzpatrick Skin Type

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 Fitzpatrick Skin Type
English Text:
Reader 6 Fitzpatrick Skin Type
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 1 0 0
2 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 2 6 6
3 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 3 148 154
4 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 4 90 244
5 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 5 0 244
6 Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6 16 260
9 Not determined, picture missing 0 260
. Missing 2732 2992

DED6HDDX - Reader 6 hand dermatitis

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 hand dermatitis
English Text:
Reader 6 hand dermatitis
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 22 22
2 Absent 237 259
9 Not determined, picture missing 1 260
. Missing 2732 2992

DEX6HDCF - Reader 6 hand dermatitis confidence

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 hand dermatitis confidence
English Text:
Reader 6 hand dermatitis confidence
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 High 0 0
2 Moderate 9 9
3 Low 13 22
9 Not determined, picture missing 0 22
. Missing 2970 2992

DEX6HDFH - Reader 6 hand dermatitis forearms/hands

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 hand dermatitis forearms/hands
English Text:
Reader 6 hand dermatitis present forearms/hands
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 11 11
. Missing 2981 2992

DEX6HDPM - Reader 6 hand dermatitis present palms

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 hand dermatitis present palms
English Text:
Reader 6 hand dermatitis present palms
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 19 19
. Missing 2973 2992

DED6PSDX - Reader 6 psoriasis

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 11 11
2 Absent 243 254
9 Not determined, picture missing 6 260
. Missing 2732 2992

DEX6PSCF - Reader 6 psoriasis confidence

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis confidence
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis confidence
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 High 1 1
2 Moderate 3 4
3 Low 7 11
9 Not determined, picture missing 0 11
. Missing 2981 2992

DEX6PSFH - Reader 6 psoriasis present forearm/hands

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis present forearm/hands
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present forearms/hands
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 9 9
. Missing 2983 2992

DEX6PSPM - Reader 6 psoriasis present palms

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis present palms
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present palms
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 1 1
. Missing 2991 2992

DEX6PSBK - Reader 6 psoriasis present back

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis present back
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present back
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 2 2
. Missing 2990 2992

DEX6PSPL - Reader 6 psoriasis posterior legs

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis posterior legs
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present posterior legs
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 1 1
. Missing 2991 2992

DEX6PSAL - Reader 6 psoriasis anterior legs

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis anterior legs
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present anterior legs
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 6 6
. Missing 2986 2992

DEQ6ELFO - Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows focus

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows focus
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows focus
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 3 3
. Missing 2989 2992

DEQ6ELSH - Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows shadow

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows shadow
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows shadow
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ6ELPO - Reader 6 psoriasis elbows position

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis elbows position
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows position
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ6ELOT - Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows other

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows other
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present elbows other
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ6BPFO - Reader 6 psoriasis back of legs focus

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis back of legs focus
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present back of legs with palm focus
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 2 2
. Missing 2990 2992

DEQ6BPSH - Reader 6 psoriasis back of legs shadow

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis back of legs shadow
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present back of legs with palm shadow
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ6BPPO - Reader 6 psoriasis back of legs position

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis back of legs position
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present back of legs with palm position
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ6BPOT - Reader 6 psoriasis back of legs other

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis back of legs other
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present back of legs with palm other
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ6FHFO - Reader 6 psoriasis front of legs focus

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis front of legs focus
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present front of legs with palm focus
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 2 2
. Missing 2990 2992

DEQ6FHSH - Reader 6 psoriasis front of legs shadow

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis front of legs shadow
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present front of legs with palm shadow
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ6FHPO - Reader 6 psoriasis frt of legs position

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis frt of legs position
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present front of legs with palm position
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ6FHOT - Reader 6 psoriasis front of legs other

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis front of legs other
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present front of legs with palm other
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ6IAFO - Reader 6 psoriasis inner arm focus

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis inner arm focus
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present inner arm focus
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ6IASH - Reader 6 psoriasis inner arm shadow

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis inner arm shadow
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present inner arm shadow
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ6IAPO - Reader 6 psoriasis inner arm position

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis inner arm position
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present inner arm position
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEQ6IAOT - Reader 6 psoriasis inner arm other

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 psoriasis inner arm other
English Text:
Reader 6 psoriasis present inner arm other
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Present 0 0
. Missing 2992 2992

DEX6CRFU - Reader 6 condition require follow-up

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 condition require follow-up
English Text:
Reader 6 condition require follow-up
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 3 3
2 No 257 260
. Missing 2732 2992

DEX6COMM - Reader 6 comment

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Reader 6 comment
English Text:
Reader 6 comment
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
Reader 6 comment Value was recorded 3 3
< blank > Missing 2989 2992

DEXFCOMM - Report of Findings comment

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Report of Findings comment
English Text:
Report of Findings comment
Both males and females 20 YEARS - 59 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
Report of Findings comment Value was recorded 36 36
< blank > Missing 2956 2992