Table of Contents

Component Description

The objective of the dietary interview component is to obtain detailed dietary intake information from NHANES participants. The dietary intake data are used to estimate the types and amounts of foods and beverages consumed during the 24-hour period prior to the interview (midnight to midnight), and to estimate intakes of energy, nutrients, and other food components from those foods and beverages. Following the dietary recall, participants are asked questions on water consumption during the previous 24 hours, salt use, whether the person’s intake on the previous day was usual or unusual, and whether the respondent is on any kind of diet. Selected population subgroups are asked questions on frequency of fish and shellfish consumed during the past 30 days.

The dietary interview component, called What We Eat in America (WWEIA), is conducted as a partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Under this partnership, DHHS’ National Center for Health Statistics is responsible for the sample design and data collection and USDA’s Food Surveys Research Group (FSRG) is responsible for the dietary data collection methodology, maintenance of the databases used to code and process the data, and data review and processing.

What’s New with the 2003-2004 WWEIA Release: A number of additions and changes have occurred since the release of the WWEIA 2001-2002 data. The table below summarizes these changes. One of the most important changes is the release of two days of intake data for each participant. The first day (Day 1) is collected in the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) and the second day (Day 2) is collected by telephone 3 to 10 days later. Most MEC participants (87 percent) have 2 days of complete and reliable intakes. The release of 2 days of data will permit the estimation of usual (long-run average) nutrient intakes in order to assess diets in the U.S. The Institute of Medicine recommends that assessment of the diets of population groups in relation to Dietary Reference Intakes be based on usual intake distributions of nutrients (1). A minimum of two nonconsecutive days of dietary intake data for at least a subsample of the individuals is necessary for a more accurate estimation of the usual intake of nutrients.

Table 1. Changes between WWEIA 2001-2002 and WWEIA 2003-2004
Item WWEIA 2001-2002 WWEIA 2003-2004
Number of days of intake data released 1 day 2 days
Nutrients included Food energy and 60 nutrients/food components Food energy and 62 nutrients/food components. Added vitamin E and added vitamin B12 included.
Food source (Where food obtained) Collected only in 2002; not publicly released. Collected and released.
Combination food types Values for 14 combination types Values for 15 combination types; added “chips with additions”.
Eating occasion names 18 values 20 values; 3 existing values modified and 2 new values.
Special diet variables Collected only in 2002; not publicly released. Collected and released.

Dietary Interview Data Files: Four data files were produced from the information collected in the dietary interview: two Total Nutrient Intake files and two Individual Foods files. Each file includes one day of intake data. The number “1” or “2” in the file name identifies the day (and mode) of the interview: 1 = first day (MEC), 2 = second day (phone). File names are the following:

File Names for Dietary Interview Data
File Day 1 Day 2
Individual Foods File DR1IFF_C DR2IFF_C
Total Nutrient Intakes File DR1TOT_C DR2TOT_C

The nutrient amounts in these files reflect only nutrients obtained from foods and beverages, including sweetened water beverages. They do not include nutrients obtained from dietary supplements, medications, or plain drinking water.

Total Nutrient Intakes Files (DR1TOT_C and DR2TOT_C): Contain, for each participant, daily total energy and nutrient intakes from foods and beverages; the daily amount of water consumed; whether the amount of food consumed was usual, much more than usual, or much less than usual. The Day 1 file also includes information on salt use in cooking and at the table; whether the participant is currently on any kind of diet to lose weight or for another health-related reason and, if so, the type of diet; and for subsets of participants, information on frequency of fish and shellfish consumption.

Individual Foods Files (DR1IFF_C and DR2IFF_C): Contain detailed information about the types and amounts of individual foods reported by each participant, as well as amounts of nutrients from each food. The names for both Day 1 and Day 2 variables are listed in Table 2.

Two supporting files are also included with the Individual Foods Files: the Food Code Description file (DRXFCD_C) and the Modification Code Description file (DRXMCD_C). The DRXFCD_C file includes abbreviated descriptions (up to 60 characters) and complete descriptions (up to 200 characters) associated with each USDA food code identified in the Individual Foods Files. The DRXMCD_C file includes descriptions (up to 200 characters) associated with each modification code identified in the Individual Foods Files. Modification codes represent adjustments to predefined recipe ingredients that reflect more closely the food as described by the respondent. Appendix A provides SAS code examples that may be used to link the food code or the modification code description to the Individual Foods File.

This document (NHANES 2003-2004 Data Documentation for Individual Foods Files) provides additional details important to understanding the content of the Individual Foods Files (DR1IFF_C and DR2IFF_C). The Individual Foods Files include, for each interview day, one record for each food consumed by a survey participant. Each food record is sequentially numbered and contains the information listed below.

Complete food descriptions (up to 200 characters) for each USDA food code in this file may be found in the food descriptions component of the FNDDS. The FNDDS is a database of foods, their nutrient values, and weights for typical food portions used to process What We Eat in America data. The underlying nutrient values for FNDDS 2.0 were based on values in the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 18, produced by USDA’s Nutrient Data Lab (2). FNDDS values are updated for every 2-year WWEIA, NHANES release cycle. FNDDS 2.0 corresponds with WWEIA 2003-2004. It is available for free download from the USDA Agricultural Research Service, Food Surveys Research Group’s (FSRG) website (3).

Eligible Sample

All NHANES participants are eligible for the dietary interview component. However, only children 1-5 years and women 16-49 years of age are eligible for the frequency of fish and shellfish consumption questions following the 24-hour recall and thus, their responses are collected.


Protocol and Procedure

The examination protocol and data collection methods are fully documented in the NHANES Dietary Interviewers Procedures Manuals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2002, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2004).

Proxy interviews were conducted for survey participants less than six years of age. Assisted interviews were conducted with survey participants 6 to 11 years of age. Dietary interviews were conducted in English and Spanish. Translators were used to conduct interviews in other languages.

The in-person interview was conducted in a private room in the NHANES mobile examination center (MEC). A set of measuring guides (various glasses, bowls, mugs, household spoons, measuring cups and spoons, a ruler, thickness sticks, bean bags, and circles) was available in the MEC dietary interview room for the participant to use for reporting amounts of foods. Upon completion of the in-person interview, participants were given measuring cups, spoons, a ruler, and a food model booklet, which contained two-dimensional drawings of the various measuring guides available in the MEC, to use for reporting food amounts during the telephone interview. Telephone dietary interviews were collected 3 to 10 days following the MEC dietary interview but not on the same day of the week as the MEC interview. Any participant who did not have a telephone was given a toll-free number to call so that the recall could be conducted.

What We Eat in America data were collected using USDA’s dietary data collection instrument, the Automated Multiple Pass Method (AMPM) (Agricultural Research Service, USDA Automated Multiple-Pass Method for Dietary Recalls). The AMPM was designed to provide an efficient and accurate means of collecting intakes for large-scale national surveys. The AMPM is a fully computerized recall method that uses a 5-step interview outlined below:

  1. Quick List - Participant recalls all foods and beverages consumed the day before the interview (midnight to midnight).
  2. Forgotten Foods - Participant is probed for foods forgotten during the Quick List step.
  3. Time and Occasion - Time and eating occasion are collected for each food.
  4. Detail Cycle - For each food, a detailed description, amount eaten, and additions to the food are collected. Eating occasions and times between eating occasions are reviewed to elicit forgotten foods.
  5. Final Probe - Additional foods not remembered earlier are collected.

The AMPM includes an extensive compilation of standardized food-specific questions and possible response options. Routing of questions is based on previous responses. The AMPM is updated yearly to reflect the changing food supply and to address research needs from the data user community. Additional information about the AMPM is provided in Raper et al. (Raper, 2004).

The accuracy of the AMPM is currently being assessed in the USDA AMPM Validation Study using biomarker data. The data collection phase of the study, which includes 525 participants, has been completed. The extent of misreporting of energy and protein intakes will be determined by comparing estimated energy intake with total energy expenditure, and estimated protein intake with urinary nitrogen excretion. Total energy expenditure has been measured by the doubly-labeled water method. Preliminary findings show that the use of the AMPM resulted in a mean energy intake for the first cohort of 100 subjects that was within 2 percent of their total energy expenditure, as estimated by the doubly-labeled water technique, and suggest acceptable accuracy of reported intakes (Moshfegh, 2003, Rhodes, 2004).

For the procedures relevant to this component, please go to Survey Operations Manual, Consent Documents, Brochures at:


Quality Assurance & Quality Control

All dietary interviewers were required to complete an intensive one-week training course and to conduct supervised practice interviews before working independently in the field. Retraining sessions were conducted periodically and annually to reinforce the proper protocols and technique.

Interviewers were monitored throughout the data collection period. Monitoring consisted of the following:


Data Processing and Editing

Interview data files were sent electronically from the field and were imported into Survey Net, a computer-assisted food coding and data management system developed by USDA (Agricultural Research Service, USDA Automated Multiple-Pass Method for Dietary Recalls).

USDA's Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies, 2.0 (FNDDS 2.0), was used for processing the 2003-2004 intakes (Agricultural Research Service, USDA Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies 2.0). The FNDDS includes comprehensive information that can be used to code individual foods and portion sizes reported by participants and also includes nutrient values for calculating nutrient intakes. The underlying nutrient values for FNDDS 2.0 were based on values in the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, release 18, produced by USDA’s Nutrient Data Lab (Agricultural Research Service, USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 18). The FNDDS may be used in research projects using the NHANES 2003-2004 dietary intake data and also in other food intake studies. Additional information about the FNDDS and related tools is available on the Food Survey Research Group website (Agricultural Research Service, USDA Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies 2.0).

Coders were required to pass a certification test after the initial training. They were routinely monitored to ensure quality and completeness of their work. Approximately 10 percent of the coder’s work was double-coded and adjudicated, if necessary.

After intake data were coded, various types of reviews were conducted to ensure the quality of the data. An overview of quality assurance procedures conducted during the data processing stage is available in Anand and Raper (Anand, 2006). Examples of reviews include the following:

During data processing, the following edits were made to ensure the logical consistency and analytic usefulness of the data:


Analytic Notes

Each Individual Foods File is comprised of food records. For most survey participants, there are multiple records in each file. These files can be linked with other NHANES files by the respondent sequence number (SEQN).

Variable names:  For data collected on both Day 1 and Day 2, variable names are differentiated by having the number “1” or “2” in the third position of the variable name to identify the collection day. For example, the USDA food code variable, which identifies the food reported by the participant, is named DR1IFDCD in the Day 1 file and DR2IFDCD in the Day 2 file. Table 2 lists the Day 1 and Day 2 variable names.

Names for the following variables are the same for both days:

Variables with the Same Name for Both Days in the Dietary Interview Files
Day 1 and Day 2 Variable Name Label
SEQN Respondent sequence number
WTDRD1 Dietary day one sample weight
WTDR2D Dietary two-day sample weight
DRABF Breast-fed infant (either day)
DRDINT Number of days of intake

Number of Intake Days Variable: Because two days of data are included in the 2003-2004 release, a variable has been added to indicate the number of days of intake available for each participant. The variable name is DRDINT.

Dietary Recall Status Code: A status code (DR1DRSTZ or DR2DRSTZ) is used in the file to indicate the quality and completeness of a survey participant's response to the dietary recall section. Although there are four possible values, only codes 1 and 4 appear in the Individual Foods File.

1 = Reliable and met the minimum criteria
All records for individuals with a code 1 identify a food, the quantity in grams of food consumed and nutrient amounts provided by the food.

2 = Not reliable or did not meet the minimum criteria
No data on individual food consumption are provided for these cases. These individuals have no records in the Individual Foods Files.

4 = Reported consuming breast milk
For infants and children who consumed human milk, there is a record in the Individual Foods Files for each report of human milk. However, because amounts of human milk intake are not quantified, these records contain missing values for the amount consumed and for the amounts of energy and nutrients from human milk. Records for any other foods and beverages consumed by breast-fed infants and children are included in the Individual Foods Files along with their amounts and nutrient information. Because of the missing nutrient information for human milk, no total nutrient intakes (contained in the Total Nutrient Intakes Files) were computed for participants with a code 4.

A variable that identifies breast-fed children, DRABF, is included with the 2003-2004 release. This variable has a code of 1 if a child consumed breast milk in either intake day. Also, records that contain human milk have a missing value (blank) in the eaten at home variable field (DR1_040Z).

5 = Not done
This code is assigned when the dietary recall section of the interview did not take place due to various reasons (such as arrived late/left early, refusal, illness, emergency, or equipment failure). These individuals have no records in the Individual Foods Files.

Participants Reported Fasting: Three participants reported fasting during one of their intake collection days. By definition, no individual food consumption is reported for fasting respondents. Therefore, no records were included in the Individual Foods File for these individuals for the specific fasting day. Their dietary recall status variable for the fasting day is coded as “1” (complete and reliable) in the Total Nutrients File, and the total number of foods and all total nutrient intake variables are coded as “0”. Values are present for other variables collected after the dietary recall, such as water consumption.

Food Source: The source of each food (where it was obtained, e.g., from a store, fast food restaurant, cafeteria) is included with the 2003-2004 release. The variable names are DR1FS and DR2FS. Food source information was also collected in 2002, but was not publicly released because of confidentiality issues concerning single-year data. The values of this variable are:

Code Description for Source of Food Variable
Code Description
1 Store
2 Restaurant with waiter/waitress
3 Restaurant fast food/pizza
4 Bar/tavern/lounge
5 Restaurant, no additional information
6 Cafeteria not at school
7 Cafeteria at school
8 Child care center
9 Family/adult day care center
10 Soup kitchen/shelter/food pantry facility
11 Meals on Wheels
12 Community food program – other
13 Community program, no additional information
14 Vending machine
15 Common coffee pot or snack tray
16 From someone else/gift
17 Mail order purchase
18 Residential dining facility
19 Grown or caught by you or someone you know
20 Fish caught by you or someone you know
24 Sport, recreation, or entertainment
25 Street vendor, vending truck

Eating Occasion: Three existing values for the name of eating occasion variable (DR1_030Z and DR2_030Z) were modified and four new values were added. The values of the eating occasion variables and their labels for 2003-2004 are shown below:

Code Description for Eating Occasion Variable
Code Description
1 Breakfast
2 Lunch
3 Dinner (formerly labeled dinner/ supper)
4 Supper (new in 2003-2004)
5 Brunch
6 Snack (formerly labeled snack/ beverage)
7 Drink (new in 2003-2004)
8 Infant feeding
9 Extended consumption
10 Desayuno (breakfast)
11 Almuerzo (breakfast)
12 Comida (lunch)
13 Merienda (snack)
14 Cena (dinner)
15 Entre comida (snack) (formerly labeled entre comida/bebida/ tentempie)
16 Botana (snack)
17 Bocadillo (snack)
18 Tentempie (snack) (new in 2003- 2004)
19 Bebida (drink) (new in 2003-2004)
91 Other

Combination Foods: Foods that are eaten in combination with other foods, such as cereal with milk, are identified by a combination food type (DR1CCMTX) and a combination food number (DR1CCMNM). For 2003-2004, a combination food type for chips eaten with other foods has been added; its combination food type number is 14. The values for this variable are the following:

Code Description for Type of Combination Food Variable
Code Description
0 Non-combination food
1 Beverage w/ additions
2 Cereal w/ additions
3 Bread/baked prod w/ additions
4 Salad
5 Sandwiches
6 Soup
7 Frozen meals
8 Ice cream/frozen yogurt w/ additions
9 Dried beans and vegetable w/ additions
10 Fruit w/ additions
11 Tortilla products
12 Meat, poultry, fish
13 Lunchables®
14 Chips w/ additions (new in 2003-2004)
15 Other mixtures

Sample weights for dietary intake data: The NHANES participants were selected on the basis of a national probability design. In order to increase the number of participants for specific demographic groups, a multi-stage, unequal probability of selection design was implemented. The NHANES oversamples blacks, Mexican Americans, low income whites, adolescents 12-19 years, and persons 60 years and older. Sample weights are constructed that encompass the unequal probabilities of selection, as well as adjustments for non-participation by selected sample persons. In order to produce national, representative estimates, the appropriate sample weights must be used.

For the 2003-2004 NHANES, there were 12,761 persons selected; of these 9,643 were considered respondents to the MEC examination and data collection. However, only 9,034 of the MEC respondents provided complete dietary intakes for Day 1. Furthermore, of those providing the Day 1 data, only 8,354 provided complete dietary intakes for Day 2.

Most analyses of NHANES data use data collected in the MEC and the variable WTMEC2YR should be used for the sample weights. However, for the dietary data, different sample weights are recommended for analysis. Although attempts are made to schedule MEC exams uniformly throughout the week, proportionally more exams occur on weekend days than on weekdays. Because food intake can vary by day of week, use of the MEC weights would disproportionately represent intakes on weekends. 

A set of weights WTDRD1 is provided that should be used when an analysis uses the Day 1 dietary recall data (either alone or when Day 1 nutrient data are used in conjunction with MEC data). The set of weights WTDRD1 is applicable to the 9,034 respondents with Day 1 data. Day 1 weights were constructed by taking the MEC sample weights (WTMEC2YR) and further adjusting for (a) the additional non-response and (b) the differential allocation by day of the week for the dietary intake data collection. These Day 1 weights are more variable than the MEC weights, and the sample size is smaller, so estimated standard errors using Day 1 data and Day 1 weights are larger than standard errors for similar estimates based on MEC weights.

When analysis is based on both days of dietary intake, only the 8,354 sample persons have valid data. The NHANES protocol requires an attempt to collect the second day of dietary data at least 3 days after the first day, but the actual number of days between the two days is variable. A set of adjusted weights, WTDR2D, is to be used only when analysis uses both Day 1 and Day 2 dietary data. This two-day weight was constructed for the 8,354 respondents by taking the Day 1 weights (WTDRD1) and further adjusting for (a) the additional non-response for the second recall and (b) for the proportion of weekend-weekday combinations of Day 1 and Day 2 recalls.
Note that all sample weights are person-level weights and each set of weights should add to the same population control total as the MEC weights (WTMEC2YR). In addition, the MEC weights (WTMEC2YR) are appropriate for use in the analysis of the fish and shellfish consumption data (i.e., variables DRD340, DRD350A-K, DRD350AQ-JQ, DRD360, DRD370A-V, and DRD370AQ-UQ) located in the Day 1 Total Nutrient Intake File (DR1TOT_C), if no other dietary data are included in the analysis. Additional explanation of sample weights and appropriate uses are included in the NHANES Analytic Guidelines. Please also refer to the Analytic Guidelines for further details on other analytic issues at



Codebook and Frequencies

SEQN - Respondent sequence number

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent sequence number
English Text:
Respondent sequence number.
English Instructions:
One of the key variables for the file. The primary key variables are SEQN and DR2ILINE.
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS

DR2ILINE - Food/individual component number

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Food/individual component number
English Text:
Food/individual component number
English Instructions:
One of the key variables for the file. The primary key variables are SEQN and DR2ILINE.
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 to 43 Range of Values 120871 120871
. Missing 0 120871

WTDRD1 - Dietary day one sample weight

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Dietary day one sample weight
English Text:
Dietary day one sample weight
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
887.3695022 to 293828.97477 Range of Values 120871 120871
. Missing 0 120871

WTDR2D - Dietary two-day sample weight

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Dietary two-day sample weight
English Text:
Dietary two-day sample weight
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
708.63828227 to 374736.26978 Range of Values 120871 120871
. Missing 0 120871

DR2DRSTZ - Dietary recall status

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Dietary recall status
English Text:
Dietary recall status
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Reliable and met the minimum criteria 119195 119195
2 Not reliable or not met the minimum criteria 0 119195
4 Reported consuming breast-milk 1676 120871
5 Not done 0 120871
. Missing 0 120871

DR2EXMER - Interviewer ID code

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Interviewer ID code
English Text:
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
11 to 97 Range of Values 120871 120871
. Missing 0 120871

DRABF - Breast fed infant (either day)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Breast fed infant (either day)
English Text:
Indicates whether the sample person was an infant who was breast fed on either of the two recall days.
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1768 1768
2 No 119103 120871
. Missing 0 120871

DRDINT - Number of days of intake

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Number of days of intake
English Text:
Indicates whether the sample person has intake data for one or two days.
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Day 1 only 0 0
2 Day 1 and day 2 120871 120871
. Missing 0 120871

DR2DAY - Intake day of week

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Intake day of week
English Text:
Intake day of the week
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Sunday 23195 23195
2 Monday 28001 51196
3 Tuesday 22975 74171
4 Wednesday 24422 98593
5 Thursday 7795 106388
6 Friday 9213 115601
7 Saturday 5270 120871
. Missing 0 120871

DR2LANG - Language SP/Proxy used mostly

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Language SP/Proxy used mostly
English Text:
The SP/Proxy spoke mostly:
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 English 105969 105969
2 Spanish 13508 119477
3 English and Spanish 1216 120693
4 Other 0 120693
. Missing 178 120871

DR2CCMNM - Combination food number

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Combination food number
English Text:
Combination food number
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 120871 120871
. Missing 0 120871

DR2CCMTX - Combination food type

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Combination food type
English Text:
Combination food type
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Non-combination food 63123 63123
1 Beverage w/ additions 9142 72265
2 Cereal w/ additions 6472 78737
3 Bread/baked products w/ additions 6421 85158
4 Salad 5877 91035
5 Sandwiches 14402 105437
6 Soup 713 106150
7 Frozen meals 46 106196
8 Ice cream/frozen yogurt w/ additions 329 106525
9 Dried beans and vegetable w/ additions 4403 110928
10 Fruit w/ additions 371 111299
11 Tortilla products 3119 114418
12 Meat, poultry, fish 2540 116958
13 Lunchables 109 117067
14 Chips w/ additions 478 117545
90 Other mixtures 3326 120871
. Missing 0 120871

DR2_020 - Time of eating occasion (HH:MM)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Time of eating occasion (HH:MM)
English Text:
What time did you begin to eat/drink the meal/food?
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
00:00 to 23:59 Range of Values 120871 120871
. Missing 0 120871

DR2_030Z - Name of eating occasion

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Name of eating occasion
English Text:
Name of eating occasion
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Breakfast 22439 22439
2 Lunch 27804 50243
3 Dinner 27483 77726
4 Supper 4967 82693
5 Brunch 513 83206
6 Snack 18787 101993
7 Drink 3969 105962
8 Infant feeding 2587 108549
9 Extended consumption 453 109002
10 Desayano (breakfast) 2040 111042
11 Almuerzo (breakfast) 2073 113115
12 Comida (lunch) 2785 115900
13 Merienda (snack) 611 116511
14 Cena (dinner) 2509 119020
15 Entre comida (snack) 474 119494
16 Botana (snack) 421 119915
17 Bocadillo (snack) 411 120326
18 Tentempie (snack) 47 120373
19 Bebida (drink) 483 120856
91 Other 15 120871
99 Don't know 0 120871
. Missing 0 120871

DR2FS - Source of food

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Source of food
English Text:
Where did you get (this/most of the ingredients for this) {FOODNAME}?
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Store 92379 92379
2 Restaurant with waiter/waitress 5958 98337
3 Restaurant fast food/pizza 8701 107038
4 Bar/tavern/lounge 313 107351
5 Restaurant no additional information 73 107424
6 Cafeteria not at school 1008 108432
7 Cafeteria at school 4967 113399
8 Child care center 249 113648
9 Family/adult day care center 195 113843
10 Soup kitchen/shelter/food pantry 12 113855
11 Meals on Wheels 82 113937
12 Community food program - other 349 114286
13 Community program no add. information 0 114286
14 Vending machine 441 114727
15 Common coffee pot or snack tray 467 115194
16 From someone else/gift 2859 118053
17 Mail order purchase 100 118153
18 Residential dining facility 242 118395
19 Grown or caught by you or someone you know 581 118976
20 Fish caught by you or someone you know 21 118997
24 Sport, recreation, or entertainment facility 265 119262
25 Street vendor, vending truck 309 119571
91 Other, specify 43 119614
99 Don't know 39 119653
. Missing 1218 120871

DR2_040Z - Was this food eaten at home?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was this food eaten at home?
English Text:
Was this food eaten at home?
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 85635 85635
2 No 34308 119943
7 Refused 4 119947
9 Don't know 0 119947
. Missing 924 120871

DR2IFDCD - USDA food code

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
USDA food code
English Text:
USDA food code
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
11000000 to 94210100 Range of Values 120871 120871
. Missing 0 120871

DR2MC - Modification code

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Modification code
English Text:
Modification code
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
100000 to 206570 Range of Values 3580 3580
0 No modification 117291 120871
. Missing 0 120871

DR2IGRMS - Grams

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Gram weight of the food/individual component
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0.04 to 8584 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IKCAL - Energy (kcal)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Energy (kcal)
English Text:
Energy (kcal)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 4480 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IPROT - Protein (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Protein (gm)
English Text:
Protein (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 293.4 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ICARB - Carbohydrate (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Carbohydrate (gm)
English Text:
Carbohydrate (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 651.34 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ISUGR - Total sugars (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Total sugars (gm)
English Text:
Total sugars (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 634.67 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IFIBE - Dietary fiber (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Dietary fiber (gm)
English Text:
Dietary fiber (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 51.1 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ITFAT - Total fat (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Total fat (gm)
English Text:
Total fat (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 187.74 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ISFAT - Total saturated fatty acids (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Total saturated fatty acids (gm)
English Text:
Total saturated fatty acids (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 71.502 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IMFAT - Total monounsaturated fatty acids (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Total monounsaturated fatty acids (gm)
English Text:
Total monounsaturated fatty acids (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 84.66 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IPFAT - Total polyunsaturated fatty acids (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Total polyunsaturated fatty acids (gm)
English Text:
Total polyunsaturated fatty acids (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 69.668 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ICHOL - Cholesterol (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Cholesterol (mg)
English Text:
Cholesterol (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 1477 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IATOC - Vitamin E as alpha-tocopherol (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Vitamin E as alpha-tocopherol (mg)
English Text:
Vitamin E as alpha-tocopherol (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 61.8 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IATOA - Added alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E) (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Added alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E) (mg)
English Text:
Added alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E) (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 49.613 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IRET - Retinol (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Retinol (mcg)
English Text:
Retinol (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 17876 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IVARA - Vitamin A, RAE (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Vitamin A, RAE (mcg)
English Text:
Vitamin A as retinol activity equivalents (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 17913 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IACAR - Alpha-carotene (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Alpha-carotene (mcg)
English Text:
Alpha-carotene (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 14730 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IBCAR - Beta-carotene (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Beta-carotene (mcg)
English Text:
Beta-carotene (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 35551 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ICRYP - Beta-cryptoxanthin (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Beta-cryptoxanthin (mcg)
English Text:
Beta-cryptoxanthin (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7091 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ILYCO - Lycopene (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Lycopene (mcg)
English Text:
Lycopene (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 119460 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ILZ - Lutein + zeaxanthin (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Lutein + zeaxanthin (mcg)
English Text:
Lutein + zeaxanthin (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 44602 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IVB1 - Thiamin (Vitamin B1) (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Thiamin (Vitamin B1) (mg)
English Text:
Thiamin (Vitamin B1) (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7.751 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IVB2 - Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) (mg)
English Text:
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8.886 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2INIAC - Niacin (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Niacin (mg)
English Text:
Niacin (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 97.13 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IVB6 - Vitamin B6 (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Vitamin B6 (mg)
English Text:
Vitamin B6 (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10.375 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IFOLA - Total Folate (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Total Folate (mcg)
English Text:
Total Folate (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 3326 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IFA - Folic acid (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Folic acid (mcg)
English Text:
Folic acid (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 3285 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IFF - Food folate (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Food folate (mcg)
English Text:
Food folate (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 632 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IFDFE - Folate, DFE (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Folate, DFE (mcg)
English Text:
Folate as dietary folate equivalents (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 5626 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IVB12 - Vitamin B12 (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Vitamin B12 (mcg)
English Text:
Vitamin B12 (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 240.19 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IB12A - Added vitamin B12 (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Added vitamin B12 (mcg)
English Text:
Added vitamin B12 (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 29.725 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IVC - Vitamin C (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Vitamin C (mg)
English Text:
Vitamin C (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 812.7 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IVK - Vitamin K (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Vitamin K (mcg)
English Text:
Vitamin K (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 1593.3 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ICALC - Calcium (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Calcium (mg)
English Text:
Calcium (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 4057 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IPHOS - Phosphorus (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Phosphorus (mg)
English Text:
Phosphorus (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 3522 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IMAGN - Magnesium (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Magnesium (mg)
English Text:
Magnesium (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 897 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IIRON - Iron (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Iron (mg)
English Text:
Iron (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 96.19 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IZINC - Zinc (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Zinc (mg)
English Text:
Zinc (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 187.07 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ICOPP - Copper (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Copper (mg)
English Text:
Copper (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 33.746 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ISODI - Sodium (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sodium (mg)
English Text:
Sodium (mg)(adjusted for salt use in food preparation)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8073 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IPOTA - Potassium (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Potassium (mg)
English Text:
Potassium (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7312 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ISELE - Selenium (mcg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Selenium (mcg)
English Text:
Selenium (mcg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 461.8 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ICAFF - Caffeine (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Caffeine (mg)
English Text:
Caffeine (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 1717 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2ITHEO - Theobromine (mg)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Theobromine (mg)
English Text:
Theobromine (mg)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 946 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IALCO - Alcohol (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Alcohol (gm)
English Text:
Alcohol (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 645.1 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IMOIS - Moisture (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Moisture (gm)
English Text:
Moisture (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8558.25 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IS040 - SFA 4:0 (Butanoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
SFA 4:0 (Butanoic) (gm)
English Text:
SFA 4:0 (Butanoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 4.123 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IS060 - SFA 6:0 (Hexanoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
SFA 6:0 (Hexanoic) (gm)
English Text:
SFA 6:0 (Hexanoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 2.565 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IS080 - SFA 8:0 (Octanoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
SFA 8:0 (Octanoic) (gm)
English Text:
SFA 8:0 (Octanoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 4.657 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IS100 - SFA 10:0 (Decanoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
SFA 10:0 (Decanoic) (gm)
English Text:
SFA 10:0 (Decanoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 3.7 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IS120 - SFA 12:0 (Dodecanoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
SFA 12:0 (Dodecanoic) (gm)
English Text:
SFA 12:0 (Dodecanoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 29.493 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IS140 - SFA 14:0 (Tetradecanoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
SFA 14:0 (Tetradecanoic) (gm)
English Text:
SFA 14:0 (Tetradecanoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11.644 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IS160 - SFA 16:0 (Hexadecanoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
SFA 16:0 (Hexadecanoic) (gm)
English Text:
SFA 16:0 (Hexadecanoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 41.503 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IS180 - SFA 18:0 (Octadecanoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
SFA 18:0 (Octadecanoic) (gm)
English Text:
SFA 18:0 (Octadecanoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 18.773 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IM161 - MFA 16:1 (Hexadecenoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
MFA 16:1 (Hexadecenoic) (gm)
English Text:
MFA 16:1 (Hexadecenoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9.591 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IM181 - MFA 18:1 (Octadecenoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
MFA 18:1 (Octadecenoic) (gm)
English Text:
MFA 18:1 (Octadecenoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 67.65 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IM201 - MFA 20:1 (Eicosenoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
MFA 20:1 (Eicosenoic) (gm)
English Text:
MFA 20:1 (Eicosenoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 3.596 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IM221 - MFA 22:1 (Docosenoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
MFA 22:1 (Docosenoic) (gm)
English Text:
MFA 22:1 (Docosenoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10.391 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IP182 - PFA 18:2 (Octadecadienoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
PFA 18:2 (Octadecadienoic) (gm)
English Text:
PFA 18:2 (Octadecadienoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 66.217 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IP183 - PFA 18:3 (Octadecatrienoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
PFA 18:3 (Octadecatrienoic) (gm)
English Text:
PFA 18:3 (Octadecatrienoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10.896 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IP184 - PFA 18:4 (Octadecatetraenoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
PFA 18:4 (Octadecatetraenoic) (gm)
English Text:
PFA 18:4 (Octadecatetraenoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 0.803 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IP204 - PFA 20:4 (Eicosatetraenoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
PFA 20:4 (Eicosatetraenoic) (gm)
English Text:
PFA 20:4 (Eicosatetraenoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 2.474 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IP205 - PFA 20:5 (Eicosapentaenoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
PFA 20:5 (Eicosapentaenoic) (gm)
English Text:
PFA 20:5 (Eicosapentaenoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 2.525 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IP225 - PFA 22:5 (Docosapentaenoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
PFA 22:5 (Docosapentaenoic) (gm)
English Text:
PFA 22:5 (Docosapentaenoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 2.282 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

DR2IP226 - PFA 22:6 (Docosahexaenoic) (gm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
PFA 22:6 (Docosahexaenoic) (gm)
English Text:
PFA 22:6 (Docosahexaenoic) (gm)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6.63 Range of Values 120077 120077
. Missing 794 120871

Table 2. DR1IFF_C and DR2IFF_C Variables by Position


Day 1 Name Day 2 Name Variable Label
SEQN SEQN Respondent sequence number
DR1ILINE DR2ILINE Food/individual component number
WTDRD1 WTDRD1 Dietary day one sample weight
WTDR2D WTDR2D Dietary two-day sample weight
DR1DRSTZ DR2DRSTZ Dietary recall status
DR1EXMER DR2EXMER Interviewer ID code
DRABF DRABF Breast fed infant (either day)
DRDINT DRDINT Number of days of intake
DR1DAY DR2DAY Intake day of week
DR1LANG DR2LANG Language SP/Proxy used mostly
DR1CCMNM DR2CCMNM Combination food number
DR1CCMTX DR2CCMTX Combination food type
DR1_020 DR2_020 Time of eating occasion (HH:MM)
DR1_030Z DR2_030Z Name of eating occasion
DR1FS DR2FS Source of food
DR1_040Z DR2_040Z Was this food eaten at home?
DR1MC DR2MC Modification code
DR1IKCAL DR2IKCAL Energy (kcal)
DR1IPROT DR2IPROT Protein (gm)
DR1ICARB DR2ICARB Carbohydrate (gm)
DR1ISUGR DR2ISUGR Total sugars (gm)
DR1IFIBE DR2IFIBE Dietary fiber (gm)
DR1ITFAT DR2ITFAT Total fat (gm)
DR1ISFAT DR2ISFAT Total saturated fatty acids (gm)
DR1IMFAT DR2IMFAT Total monounsaturated fatty acids (gm)
DR1IPFAT DR2IPFAT Total polyunsaturated fatty acids (gm)
DR1ICHOL DR2ICHOL Cholesterol (mg)
DR1IATOC DR2IATOC Vitamin E as alpha-tocopherol (mg)
DR1IATOA DR2IATOA Added alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E) (mg)
DR1IRET DR2IRET Retinol (mcg)
DR1IVARA DR2IVARA Vitamin A, RAE (mcg)
DR1IACAR DR2IACAR Alpha-carotene (mcg)
DR1IBCAR DR2IBCAR Beta-carotene (mcg)
DR1ICRYP DR2ICRYP Beta-cryptoxanthin (mcg)
DR1ILYCO DR2ILYCO Lycopene (mcg)
DR1ILZ DR2ILZ Lutein + zeaxanthin (mcg)
DR1IVB1 DR2IVB1 Thiamin (Vitamin B1) (mg)
DR1IVB2 DR2IVB2 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) (mg)
DR1IVB6 DR2IVB6 Vitamin B6 (mg)
DR1IFOLA DR2IFOLA Total Folate (mcg)
DR1IFA DR2IFA Folic acid (mcg)
DR1IFF DR2IFF Food folate (mcg)
DR1IVB12 DR2IVB12 Vitamin B12 (mcg)
DR1IB12A DR2IB12A Added vitamin B12 (mcg)
DR1IVC DR2IVC Vitamin C (mg)
DR1IVK DR2IVK Vitamin K (mcg)
DR1ICALC DR2ICALC Calcium (mg)
DR1IPHOS DR2IPHOS Phosphorus (mg)
DR1IMAGN DR2IMAGN Magnesium (mg)
DR1IPOTA DR2IPOTA Potassium (mg)
DR1ISELE DR2ISELE Selenium (mcg)
DR1ICAFF DR2ICAFF Caffeine (mg)
DR1ITHEO DR2ITHEO Theobromine (mg)
DR1IALCO DR2IALCO Alcohol (gm)
DR1IMOIS DR2IMOIS Moisture (gm)
DR1IS040 DR2IS040 SFA 4:0 (Butanoic) (gm)
DR1IS060 DR2IS060 SFA 6:0 (Hexanoic) (gm)
DR1IS080 DR2IS080 SFA 8:0 (Octanoic) (gm)
DR1IS100 DR2IS100 SFA 10:0 (Decanoic) (gm)
DR1IS120 DR2IS120 SFA 12:0 (Dodecanoic) (gm)
DR1IS140 DR2IS140 SFA 14:0 (Tetradecanoic) (gm)
DR1IS160 DR2IS160 SFA 16:0 (Hexadecanoic) (gm)
DR1IS180 DR2IS180 SFA 18:0 (Octadecanoic) (gm)
DR1IM161 DR2IM161 MFA 16:1 (Hexadecenoic) (gm)
DR1IM181 DR2IM181 MFA 18:1 (Octadecenoic) (gm)
DR1IM201 DR2IM201 MFA 20:1 (Eicosenoic) (gm)
DR1IM221 DR2IM221 MFA 22:1 (Docosenoic) (gm)
DR1IP182 DR2IP182 PFA 18:2 (Octadecadienoic) (gm)
DR1IP183 DR2IP183 PFA 18:3 (Octadecatrienoic) (gm)
DR1IP184 DR2IP184 PFA 18:4 (Octadecatetraenoic) (gm)
DR1IP204 DR2IP204 PFA 20:4 (Eicosatetraenoic) (gm)
DR1IP205 DR2IP205 PFA 20:5 (Eicosapentaenoic) (gm)
DR1IP225 DR2IP225 PFA 22:5 (Docosapentaenoic) (gm)
DR1IP226 DR2IP226 PFA 22:6 (Docosahexaenoic) (gm)

Table 3. List of Nutrients/Food Components (Unit)

Food energy (kcal)
Protein (g)
Carbohydrate (g)
Fat, total (g)
Alcohol (g)
Sugars, total (g)
Dietary fiber, total (g)
Water (g)
Saturated fatty acids, total (g)
Monounsaturated fatty acids, total (g)
Polyunsaturated fatty acids, total (g)
Cholesterol (mg)
Individual fatty acids:
  4:0 (g)
  6:0 (g)
  8:0 (g)
  10:0 (g)
  12:0 (g)
  14:0 (g)
  16:0 (g)
  18:0 (g)
  16:1 (g)
  18:1 (g)
  20:1 (g)
  22:1 (g)
  18:2 (g)
  18:3 (g)
  18:4 (g)
  20:4 (g)
  20:5 n-3 (g)
  22:5 n-3 (g)
  22:6 n-3 (g)
Vitamin A as retinol activity equivalents (μg)
Retinol (μg)
  Carotene, alpha (μg)
  Carotene, beta (μg)
  Cryptoxanthin, beta (μg)
  Lycopene (μg)
  Lutein + zeaxanthin (μg)
Vitamin E as alpha-tocopherol (mg)
  Added vitamin E as alpha-tocopherol (mg)
Vitamin K as phylloquinone (μg)
Vitamin C (mg)
Thiamin (mg)
Riboflavin (mg)
Niacin (mg)
Vitamin B-6 (mg)
Folate, total (μg)
  Folate as dietary folate equivalents (μg)
  Folic acid (μg)
  Food folate (μg)
Vitamin B-12 (μg)
  Added vitamin B-12 (μg)
Calcium (mg)
Iron (mg)
Magnesium (mg)
Phosphorus (mg)
Potassium (mg)
Sodium (mg)
Zinc (mg)
Copper (mg)
Selenium (μg)
Caffeine (mg)
Theobromine (mg)


Appendix A. Adding Food Code Descriptions or Modification Code Descriptions to Your Files

Two technical support files are included with the Individual Foods Files: the Food Code Description file (DRXFCD_C) and the Modification Code Description file (DRXMCD_C). The DRXFCD_C file includes abbreviated descriptions (up to 60 characters) and complete descriptions (up to 200 characters) associated with each USDA food code identified in the Individual Foods Files. The DRXMCD_C file includes descriptions associated with each modification code identified in the Individual Foods Files.

The Food Code Description File (DRXFCD_C) contains three variables:

  1. DRDIFDCD a numeric value corresponding to DR1IFDCD in the file DR1IFF_C or DR2IFDCD in the file DR2IFF_C; 
  2. DRXFCSD a short description (up to 60 characters) of the food code.
  3. DRXFCLD a long description (up to 200 characters) of the food code.

The Modification Code Description File (DRXMCD_C) contains two variables:

  1. DRDMC a numeric value corresponding to DR1MC in the file DR1IFF_C or DR2MC in the file DR2IFF_C;
  2. DRMCD a description (up to 200 characters) of the modification code.

The following SQL code is an example of appending the modifications code description (here called DR1MCD) to one of the individual foods files. This code is for SAS® Proc SQL. Other SQL implementations may be different. This same technique may be used for the Food Code Description File as well.

proc sql;
  create table dr1iff_c_plus as
  select a.*, b.drxmcd as dr1mcd
  from nhanes.dr1iff_c a
  left join
  nhanes.drxmcd_c b
  on a.dr1mc = b.drxmc
  order by seqn, dr1iline;

SAS® users may wish to use Proc Format to assign labels to the food codes or to the modification codes. The following example assigns a permanent format to the food code based on the short description. It is assumed that the user has stored the Individual Foods Files and the Food Code Description file in a library called NHANES and wishes to store the formats there as well.

  Options FmtSearch = (NHANES);

  Data DRXFMT;
    Rename DRDIFDCD = Start;
    Rename DRXFCSD = Value;
    Drop DRXFCLD;

  Proc Format CntlIn= DRXFMT Library=NHANES;

  Proc DataSets Lib=NHANES;
    Modify DR1IFF_C;
    Modify DR2IFF_C;