Table of Contents

Component Description

TTwo technical support files are included with the Individual Foods Files: the Food Code Description file (DRXFCD_C) and the Modification Code Description file (DRXMCD_C). The DRXFCD_C file includes abbreviated descriptions (up to 60 characters) and complete descriptions (up to 200 characters) associated with each USDA food code identified in the Individual Foods Files. The DRXMCD_C file includes descriptions associated with each modification code identified in the Individual Foods Files.

he Food Code Description File (DRXFCD_C) contains three variables:

  1. DRDIFDCD a numeric value corresponding to DR1IFDCD in the file DR1IFF_C or DR2IFDCD in the file DR2IFF_C; 
  2. DRXFCSD a short description (up to 60 characters) of the food code.
  3. DRXFCLD a long description (up to 200 characters) of the food code.


The Modification Code Description File (DRXMCD_C) contains two variables:

  1. DRDMC a numeric value corresponding to DR1MC in the file DR1IFF_C or DR2MC in the file DR2IFF_C;
  2. DRMCD a description (up to 200 characters) of the modification code.

The following SQL code is an example of appending the modifications code description (here called DR1MCD) to one of the individual foods files. This code is for SAS® Proc SQL. Other SQL implementations may be different. This same technique may be used for the Food Code Description File as well.

proc sql;
  create table dr1iff_c_plus as
  select a.*, b.drxmcd as dr1mcd
  from nhanes.dr1iff_c a
  left join
  nhanes.drxmcd_c b
  on a.dr1mc = b.drxmc
  order by seqn, dr1iline;


SAS® users may wish to use Proc Format to assign labels to the food codes or to the modification codes. The following example assigns a permanent format to the food code based on the short description. It is assumed that the user has stored the Individual Foods Files and the Food Code Description file in a library called NHANES and wishes to store the formats there as well.

  Options FmtSearch = (NHANES);

  Data DRXFMT;
    Rename DRDIFDCD = Start;
    Rename DRXFCSD = Value;
    Drop DRXFCLD;

  Proc Format CntlIn= DRXFMT Library=NHANES;

  Proc DataSets Lib=NHANES;
    Modify DR1IFF_C;
    Modify DR2IFF_C;

Codebook and Frequencies

DRXMC - Modification code

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Modification code
English Text:
Food Modification code
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
100000 to 206659 Range of Values 1373 1373
. Missing 0 1373

DRXMCD - Modification Code Description

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Modification Code Description
English Text:
Modification Code Description
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
Modification Code Description Value was recorded 1373 1373
0 1373