HEADER RECORD*******LIBRARY HEADER RECORD!!!!!!!000000000000000000000000000000 SAS SAS SASLIB 9.1 XP_PRON 29JAN08:15:35:3229JAN08:15:35:32 HEADER RECORD*******MEMBER HEADER RECORD!!!!!!!000000000000000001600000000140 HEADER RECORD*******DSCRPTR HEADER RECORD!!!!!!!000000000000000000000000000000 SAS PSQ_C SASDATA 9.1 XP_PRON 29JAN08:15:35:3229JAN08:15:35:32 Prostate-Specific Antigen HEADER RECORD*******NAMESTR HEADER RECORD!!!!!!!000000006000000000000000000000 SEQN Respondent sequence number PSASCST1Interview Status Code PSASCCT1Reasons for Not Done PSQ020 Heard of PSA test somewhere else? PSQ030A Heard PSA test from friend or relative? PSQ030B Heard PSA test from a doctor? (PSQ030C Heard PSA test from health brochure? 0PSQ030D Heard PSA test from television? 8 PSQ030E Heard PSA test from radio? @ PSQ030F Heard PSA test from other? H PSQ040 Ever have PSA test before the survey? P PSQ050 How long ago was your first PSA test? X PSQ060 First time being told to have high PSA? `PSQ070 How long have you known your high PSA? hPSQ080 Did you request your first PSA test? pPSQ090A Test PSA because of prostate problems xPSQ090B Test PSA because of wife or partner PSQ090C Test PSA because of a health event PSQ090D Test PSA because of family cancer PSQ090E Test PSA because of race or ethnicity PSQ090F Test PSA because of another reason PSQ100A Provider PSA test: As routine screening PSQ100B Provider PSA test: Due to family cancer PSQ100C Provider PSA test: Due to frequent urina PSQ100D Provider PSA test: Due to enlarged prost PSQ100E Provider PSA test: Due to race/ethnicity PSQ100F Provider PSA test: Wife/partner asked PSQ110 Saw a health professional for high PSA? PSQ120 Have doctor appointment for high PSA? PSQ130A High PSA could mean: Inflamed prostate PSQ130B High PSA could mean: Enlarged prostate  PSQ130C High PSA could mean: Prostate cancer !PSQ130D High PSA could mean: Lab error "PSQ130E High PSA could mean: Other #PSQ140 Did other tests to check prostate? $PSQ150 Did you have a prostate biopsy? %PSQ160 Know results of your prostate biopsy?  &PSQ170A Biopsy showed: Inflammation of prostate ('PSQ170B Biopsy showed: Normal prostate tissue 0(PSQ170C Biopsy showed: Prostate cancer 8)PSQ170D Biopsy showed: Other @*PSQ180 Need treatment for prostate condition? H+PSQ190 Received/receiving prostate treatment? P,PSQ200A Not treated because of side effects X-PSQ200B Not treated because result is uncertain `.PSQ200C Not treated because it is too expensive h/PSQ200D Not treated hoping for better treat p0PSQ200E Not treated deciding to wait and see x1PSQ200F Not treated because you were afraid 2PSQ200G Not treated because of some other reason 3PSQ210 T/F:Blv high PSA may mean large prostate 4PSQ220 T/F:Blv additional tests are required 5PSQ230 T/F:Blv prostate-cancer men can live 70+ 6PSQ240 T/F:Blv prost.-cancer men die in 5 yrs 7PSQ250 T/F:Blv higher risk for cancer relatives 8PSQ260 T/F:Blv higher risk African Americans 9PSQ270 T/F:Blv there are treatments available :PSQ280 T/F:Blv all options for cancer have risk ;PSQ290 T/F:Blv there are support groups