Component Description
The Smoking and Tobacco use (SMQ) questions that are part the Family Questionnaire were administered to obtain information on potential exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. Included are questions on the number of members of the household who smoke inside the home as well as the number of cigarettes, cigars, pipes smoked inside the home by household member.
Eligible Sample
All survey participants.
Interview Setting and Mode of Administration
One respondent in each family answered questions about the smoking status of all members of the household.
Quality Assurance & Quality Control
Questionnaire data are systematically reviewed for logical, processing, and data input errors on a periodic basis during data collection.
The computer-assisted personal interview mode allows for built in consistency checks, and hard and soft edit checks to reduce the number of keying entry errors.
Data Processing and Editing
In situations where there were multiple families living in a single household, questions were asked of each family respondent. A small percentage of these households inconsistently reported responses to the questions which we were unable to adjudicate. Summary variables that included the top coding of responses with sparse values were also created during the editing and review process in order to preserve confidentiality and to establish more analytically useful data.
Analytic Notes
Additional information on exposure to tobacco exposure can be in Section OCQ, and in Sections SMQ of both the Household and MEC Interview.