Table of Contents

Component Description

The Consumer Behavior Phone Follow-up Module – Child (CBQPFC) section provides interview data for participants 1-15 years old on various dietary related consumer behavior topics at the family level. Topics included in the section are:

In 2007, a Flexible Consumer Behavior Survey (FCBS) module was added to the NHANES. This module was developed in collaboration with the Economic Research Service (ERS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). It was designed to collect information on people’s knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs toward nutrition and food choices.

The FCBS module has two elements: a core set of questions asked in the household interview, and a supplementary module asked in a 15-minute telephone follow-up interview with focuses specifically designed for each 2-year data collection cycle.

Data from the core set of questions in the 2009-2010 FCBS module have been included in the Diet Behavior (DBQ) and Consumer Behavior (CBQ) sections and released in separate files available on the NHANES website.

The FCBS supplementary phone follow-up module was designed to be administered differently depending upon the survey participant’s age. For participants aged 16 years and older, we were interested in how their behavior related to their own diet and health. Therefore, the data were collected at person-level, meaning each participant answered the questions for himself/herself. For children ages 1-15 years old, the research interest was to see how the adults' beliefs and behaviors can be related to the intake of children in the family. For example, the fast food buying habits of an adult may relate to the dietary intake of the children in the same family. Therefore, the FCBS phone follow-up data were collected at the family level for children 1-15 years old. The questions were asked to one adult respondent in the family, the data were then linked to all eligible children in the home. The adult was not providing a proxy response for the child but giving his/her own information in this interview.

To be consistent with the design of the instrument, data from the FCBS supplementary phone follow up module are released in two separate files based on the target groups: a sample participant-level dataset (CBQPFA_F) for survey participants 16 years and older, and a family-level dataset (CBQPFC_F) for participants 1-15 years old.

In 2009-2010, the following changes were made to the FCBS supplementary phone follow up module:

  1. Two questions were added to ask respondents the reason(s) they use or do not use food labels. The responses were coded into 22 data items: 12 reasons for using (CBQ738a-CBQ738cd) and 10 reasons for not using (CBQ698a-CBQ698cd) food labels.
  2. Seven questions (CBQ790-CBQ820) were added to ask about the use of organic foods by food categories.
  3. One question (CBQ825) was added to ascertain the awareness of the USDA organic seal.

Similar to other datasets in the NHANES 2009-2010 release cycle, all FCBS related data files can be linked by the respondent sequence number (SEQN). For more information on the other FCBS related data, refer to the documentations accompanying the datasets.

Eligible Sample

All NHANES participants aged 1 year and older who complete a dietary interview in the mobile examination center (MEC) are eligible to participate in the FCBS follow-up interview. However, only data collected for participants aged 1-15 years are included in this dataset. Data from survey participants aged 16 years and older are released in a separate dataset (CBQPFA_F).

Interview Setting and Mode of Administration

The FCBS follow-up interview was administered over the telephone after the day 2 dietary interview (Note: The day 2 dietary interviews are conducted by telephone 3-10 days after the health examination in the MEC). After the day 2 dietary interview was completed for the first child, aged 1-15 years, in the family, a set of screening questions was asked to identify the family’s meal planner and/or food shopper to be the respondent for the FCBS follow-up interview.

All the questions were asked by trained interviewers using the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing - CATI system. A hand card booklet was given to the participants before they left the MEC for them to use later during the follow-up interview. When necessary, the interviewers read the hand cards to respondents.

Quality Assurance & Quality Control

The CATI system is programmed with built-in consistency checks to reduce data entry errors. CATI also uses online help screens to assist interviewers in defining key terms used in the questionnaire. All of the data were reviewed by the NHANES field office staff for accuracy and completeness.

Data Processing and Editing

Frequency counts were checked, "skip" patterns were verified, and the reasonableness of question responses was reviewed. Edits were made to some variables to ensure the completeness, consistency, and analytic usefulness of the data. Edits were also made, when necessary, to address data disclosure concerns. When a variable was modified globally, as part of the editing process, the third letter in the variable name was changed from a Q (i.e., CBQ) to a D (i.e., CBD). For example, some data were collected using two variables (a number variable and a unit of measure variable), but combined into a single variable for data release purposes.

Analytic Notes

Only participants who complete a dietary interview in the MEC are eligible to participate in the FCBS follow-up interview. For the 2009-2010 NHANES, there were 2,945 children aged 1-15 years eligible for the FCBS follow-up interview; of these 2,450 were considered respondents for the FCBS.

Most analyses of NHANES data use data collected in the MEC and the variable WTMEC2YR should be used for the sample weights. However, for the FCBS follow-up data, different sample weights are recommended for analysis. The dietary day one sample weight (WTDRD1) is recommended for use in analysis with data from FCBS follow-up module (either alone or when FCBS follow-up data are used in conjunction with MEC data). The set of weights WTDRD1 is applicable to the 2,450 respondents with FCBS follow-up data. Day 1 weights were constructed by taking the MEC sample weights (WTMEC2YR) and further adjusting for (a) the additional non-response and (b) the differential allocation by day of the week for the dietary intake data collection. These Day 1 weights are more variable than the MEC weights, and the sample size is smaller, so estimated standard errors using Day 1 data and Day 1 weights are larger than standard errors for similar estimates based on MEC weights. For more detailed information on the dietary Day 1 weights, refer to the documentations accompanying the dietary datasets.

Additional explanation of sample weights and appropriate uses are included in the NHANES Analytic Guidelines. Please also refer to the on-line NHANES Tutorial for further details on other analytic issues.

Codebook and Frequencies

SEQN - Respondent sequence number

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent sequence number
English Text:
Respondent sequence number.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS

CBQ502 - Hand card booklet available

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Hand card booklet available
English Text:
You will need the green hand card booklet that is in the same bag as the food measuring guides we used for your dietary phone interview. I'll wait while you locate it. Do you have it?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2054 2054 CBQ505
2 No 396 2450
7 Refused 0 2450
9 Don't know 0 2450
. Missing 495 2945

CBQ503 - A package with food label available

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
A package with food label available
English Text:
Let's go ahead with the interview anyway. Do you have a cereal box, can or package of food with a food label on the back or the side that you can use for this interview? I'll wait while you locate it.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 267 267
2 No 129 396
7 Refused 0 396
9 Don't know 0 396
. Missing 2549 2945

CBQ505 - Eat at fast food/pizza places

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Eat at fast food/pizza places
English Text:
{Great. I'll tell you when you will need it.} For the first few questions, please answer yes or no. In the past 12 months, did you buy food from fast food or pizza places?
English Instructions:
CAPI INSTRUCTION: If CBQ.503="2", "7", OR "9",REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "Ok, let's go ahead with the interview."
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2179 2179
2 No 271 2450 CBQ550
7 Refused 0 2450
9 Don't know 0 2450
. Missing 495 2945

CBQ510 - Fast food/Pizza cheaper than cooking

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Fast food/Pizza cheaper than cooking
English Text:
I'm going to read several reasons why you might buy food from fast food or pizza places instead of cooking at home. First, do you buy food from fast food or pizza places because it is cheaper than cooking at home?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 321 321
2 No 1858 2179
7 Refused 0 2179
9 Don't know 0 2179
. Missing 766 2945

CBQ515 - Fast food/Pizza more nutritious

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Fast food/Pizza more nutritious
English Text:
Do you buy food from fast food or pizza places because the foods there are more nutritious than foods cooked at home?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 35 35
2 No 2144 2179
7 Refused 0 2179
9 Don't know 0 2179
. Missing 766 2945

CBQ520 - Fast food/Pizza tastes better

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Fast food/Pizza tastes better
English Text:
Do you buy food from fast food or pizza places because the foods there taste better than foods cooked at home?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 206 206
2 No 1973 2179
7 Refused 0 2179
9 Don't know 0 2179
. Missing 766 2945

CBQ525 - Fast food/Pizza more convenient

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Fast food/Pizza more convenient
English Text:
Do you buy food from fast food or pizza places because it is more convenient than cooking at home?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1615 1615
2 No 564 2179
7 Refused 0 2179
9 Don't know 0 2179
. Missing 766 2945

CBQ530 - Eat at fast food places to socialize

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Eat at fast food places to socialize
English Text:
Do you eat at fast food or pizza places instead of cooking at home to socialize with family and friends?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1038 1038
2 No 1141 2179
7 Refused 0 2179
9 Don't know 0 2179
. Missing 766 2945

CBQ535 - Saw nutrition info on fast food menu

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Saw nutrition info on fast food menu
English Text:
The last time when you ate out or bought food at a fast-food or pizza place, did you see nutrition or health information about any foods on the menu?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 550 550
2 No 1618 2168 CBQ545
7 Refused 0 2168 CBQ545
9 Don't know 11 2179 CBQ545
. Missing 766 2945

CBQ540 - Used nutrition info to choose fast foods

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Used nutrition info to choose fast foods
English Text:
Did you use the information in deciding which foods to buy?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 227 227
2 No 320 547
7 Refused 0 547
9 Don't know 3 550
. Missing 2395 2945

CBQ545 - Would use fast food nutrition info

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Would use fast food nutrition info
English Text:
{Please open your hand card booklet and turn to hand card 1 to answer the next question.} If nutrition or health information were readily available in fast food or pizza places, would you use it often, sometimes, rarely, or never, in deciding what to order?
English Instructions:
HAND CARD # 1 CAPI INSTRUCTION: Do NOT display the text in braces if CBQ.502="2".
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Often 635 635
2 Sometimes 938 1573
3 Rarely 441 2014
4 Never 163 2177
7 Refused 0 2177
9 Don't know 2 2179
. Missing 766 2945

CBQ550 - Eat at restaurants w/ waiter

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Eat at restaurants w/ waiter
English Text:
[For the following questions, please answer yes or no.] In the past 12 months, did you eat at a restaurant with waiter or waitress service?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1870 1870
2 No 580 2450 CBQ595
7 Refused 0 2450
9 Don't know 0 2450
. Missing 495 2945

CBQ555 - Restaurants cheaper than cooking

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Restaurants cheaper than cooking
English Text:
I'm going to read several reasons why you might eat at a restaurant with a waiter or waitress instead of cooking at home. First, do you eat at a restaurant with a waiter or waitress because it is cheaper than cooking at home?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 86 86
2 No 1784 1870
7 Refused 0 1870
9 Don't know 0 1870
. Missing 1075 2945

CBQ560 - Restaurant foods more nutritious

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Restaurant foods more nutritious
English Text:
Do you eat at a restaurant (with a waiter or waitress) because the foods there are more nutritious than foods cooked at home?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 23 23
2 No 1847 1870
7 Refused 0 1870
9 Don't know 0 1870
. Missing 1075 2945

CBQ565 - Restaurant foods taste better

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Restaurant foods taste better
English Text:
Do you eat at a restaurant (with a waiter or waitress) because the foods there taste better than foods cooked at home?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 455 455
2 No 1412 1867
7 Refused 0 1867
9 Don't know 3 1870
. Missing 1075 2945

CBQ570 - Restaurants more convenient

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Restaurants more convenient
English Text:
Do you eat at a restaurant (with a waiter or waitress) because it is more convenient than cooking at home?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1180 1180
2 No 685 1865
7 Refused 2 1867
9 Don't know 3 1870
. Missing 1075 2945

CBQ575 - Eat at restaurants to socialize

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Eat at restaurants to socialize
English Text:
Do you eat at a restaurant (with a waiter or waitress) instead of cooking at home to socialize with family and friends?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1500 1500
2 No 370 1870
7 Refused 0 1870
9 Don't know 0 1870
. Missing 1075 2945

CBQ580 - Saw nutrition info on restaurant menu

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Saw nutrition info on restaurant menu
English Text:
The last time you ate at a restaurant with a waiter or waitress, did you see nutrition or health information about any foods on the menu?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 387 387
2 No 1481 1868 CBQ590
7 Refused 0 1868 CBQ590
9 Don't know 2 1870 CBQ590
. Missing 1075 2945

CBQ585 - Used nutrition info in restaurant

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Used nutrition info in restaurant
English Text:
Did you use the information in deciding which foods to buy?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 231 231
2 No 156 387
7 Refused 0 387
9 Don't know 0 387
. Missing 2558 2945

CBQ590 - Would use restaurant nutrition info

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Would use restaurant nutrition info
English Text:
{Please look at hand card 1 [again].} If nutrition information were readily available in restaurants with a waiter or waitress, would you use it often, sometimes, rarely, or never, in deciding what to order?
English Instructions:
HAND CARD # 1 CAPI INSTRUCTION: Do NOT display the text in braces if CBQ.502="2".
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Often 600 600
2 Sometimes 755 1355
3 Rarely 342 1697
4 Never 173 1870
7 Refused 0 1870
9 Don't know 0 1870
. Missing 1075 2945

CBQ595 - Heard of MyPyramid

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Heard of MyPyramid
English Text:
Next I'm going to ask a few questions about the nutritional guidelines recommended for Americans by the federal government. Have you heard of My Pyramid?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1446 1446 CBQ605
2 No 1001 2447
7 Refused 0 2447
9 Don't know 3 2450
. Missing 495 2945

CBQ600 - Heard of Food Pyramid

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Heard of Food Pyramid
English Text:
Have you heard of the Food Pyramid or the Food Guide Pyramid?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 660 660 CBQ610
2 No 344 1004 DBQ890
7 Refused 0 1004 DBQ890
9 Don't know 0 1004 DBQ890
. Missing 1941 2945

CBQ605 - Looked up MyPyramid on internet

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Looked up MyPyramid on internet
English Text:
Have you looked up the MyPyramid plan for a {man/woman/person} your age on the internet?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 278 278
2 No 1168 1446
7 Refused 0 1446
9 Don't know 0 1446
. Missing 1499 2945

CBQ610 - Tried MyPyramid plan

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Tried MyPyramid plan
English Text:
Have you tried to follow the (My Pyramid Plan/Pyramid plan) recommended for you?
English Instructions:
CAPI INSTRUCTION: IF CBQ595 = Yes THEN DISPLAY "My Pyramid/Plan Mi Piramide". ELSE DISPLAY "Pyramid plan/plan de la Piramide de Alimentos"
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 793 793
2 No 1312 2105
7 Refused 0 2105
9 Don't know 1 2106
. Missing 839 2945

DBQ890 - Are people born to be fat/thin

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Are people born to be fat/thin
English Text:
{Turn to hand card 3.} Would you say you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement: "Some people are born to be fat and some thin; there is not much you can do to change this"?
English Instructions:
HAND CARD # 3 CAPI INSTRUCTION: Do NOT display the text in braces if CBQ.502="2".
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Strongly agree 166 166
2 Somewhat agree 504 670
3 Neither agree nor disagree 229 899
4 Somewhat disagree 565 1464
5 Strongly disagree 965 2429
7 Refused 0 2429
9 Don't know 21 2450
. Missing 495 2945

CBQ660 - Importance of price

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Importance of price
English Text:
{For the next set of questions, please use hand card 4.} When you buy food from a grocery store or supermarket, how important is "price"? Would you say very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important?
English Instructions:
HAND CARD # 4 CAPI INSTRUCTION: Do NOT display the text in braces if CBQ.502="2".
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Very important 1347 1347
2 Somewhat important 890 2237
3 Not too important 158 2395
4 Not at all important 51 2446
5 Never buy from a grocery store or supermarket 4 2450 CBQ700
7 Refused 0 2450
9 Don't know 0 2450
. Missing 495 2945

CBQ665 - Importance of nutrition

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Importance of nutrition
English Text:
How about "nutrition"? When you buy food from a grocery store or supermarket, how important is "nutrition"? [Would you say very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important?]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Very important 1759 1759
2 Somewhat important 621 2380
3 Not too important 52 2432
4 Not at all important 6 2438
7 Refused 0 2438
9 Don't know 4 2442
. Missing 503 2945

CBQ670 - Importance of taste

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Importance of taste
English Text:
How about "taste"? [When you buy food from a grocery store or supermarket, how important is "taste"?] [Would you say very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important?]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Very important 1914 1914
2 Somewhat important 466 2380
3 Not too important 45 2425
4 Not at all important 11 2436
7 Refused 0 2436
9 Don't know 6 2442
. Missing 503 2945

CBQ675 - Importance of food preparation easiness

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Importance of food preparation easiness
English Text:
How about "how easy the food is to prepare"? [When you buy food from a grocery store or supermarket, how important is "how easy the food is to prepare"?] [Would you say very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important?]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Very important 964 964
2 Somewhat important 892 1856
3 Not too important 493 2349
4 Not at all important 91 2440
7 Refused 0 2440
9 Don't know 2 2442
. Missing 503 2945

CBQ680 - Importance of how well the food keeps

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Importance of how well the food keeps
English Text:
How about "how well the food keeps after it's bought"? [When you buy food from a grocery store or supermarket, how important is "how well the food keeps after it's bought [in other words, how soon it spoils]"?] [Would you say very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important?]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Very important 1410 1410
2 Somewhat important 737 2147
3 Not too important 241 2388
4 Not at all important 48 2436
7 Refused 0 2436
9 Don't know 6 2442
. Missing 503 2945

CBQ700 - Use expiration date on food packages

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Use expiration date on food packages
English Text:
{Now turn the page to use hand card 5.} Many food packages contain an expiration date such as "use by" or "sell by". How often do you use the expiration date when deciding to buy a product? Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?
English Instructions:
HAND CARD # 5 CAPI INSTRUCTION: Do NOT display the text in braces if CBQ.502= "2".
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 1573 1573
2 Most of the time 509 2082
3 Sometimes 233 2315
4 Rarely 79 2394
5 Never 52 2446
6 Never seen 0 2446
7 Refused 0 2446
9 Don't know 0 2446
. Missing 499 2945

DBQ780 - Use health claims on food packages

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Use health claims on food packages
English Text:
Some food packages contain health claims about the benefits of nutrients or foods {like the examples on hand card 8}. How often do you use this kind of health claim when deciding to buy a product? Using hand card 9, would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?
English Instructions:
HAND CARDS # 8 & # 9 CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ.502=2, 7, or 9, REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: 'For example, "Diets low in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure", or "Diets rich in calcium may reduce your risk of osteoporosis" '
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 358 358
2 Most of the time 520 878
3 Sometimes 946 1824
4 Rarely 409 2233
5 Never 208 2441
6 Never seen 5 2446
7 Refused 0 2446
9 Don't know 0 2446
. Missing 499 2945

DBQ750 - Use nutrition facts panel on food label

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Use nutrition facts panel on food label
English Text:
{For the next few questions you'll use hand card 6 to respond, but first please look at hand card 5 which shows an example of the food label. The "Nutrition Facts" panel of a food label is everything on this page except the list of ingredients in pink. How often do you use the Nutrition Facts panel when deciding to buy a food product?} Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?
English Instructions:
HAND CARDS # 5 & # 6 CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ.502=1, DISPLAY DBQ.750 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ.503=1, REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "Next, we have some questions about food labels. On your (cereal box, can, food package, etc.) please look for the food label that is usually on the back or the side of the package. A food label has two parts, a Nutrition Facts panel and a list of ingredients. The "Nutrition Facts panel" of a food label lists the amount of calories, fat, fiber, carbohydrates and some other nutritional information. How often do you use the Nutrition Facts panel when deciding to buy a food product?" ELSE IF CBQ.503=2, 7, OR 9, REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "Next, we have some questions about food labels. A food label usually is on the back or the side of the food package. It has two parts, a Nutrition Facts panel and a list of ingredients. The "Nutrition Facts panel" of a food label lists the amount of calories, fat, fiber, carbohydrates and some other nutritional information. How often do you use the Nutrition Facts panel when deciding to buy a food product?"
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 304 304
2 Most of the time 682 986
3 Sometimes 914 1900
4 Rarely 362 2262
5 Never 184 2446
6 Never seen 0 2446
7 Refused 0 2446
9 Don't know 0 2446
. Missing 499 2945

DBQ760 - Use ingredients list on food label

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Use ingredients list on food label
English Text:
How about the list of ingredients? [HAND CARD #5] How often do you use the list of ingredients on a food label, {such as the part colored in pink on hand card 5,} when deciding to buy a food product? Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?
English Instructions:
HAND CARD # 6 CAPI INSTRUCTION: Do NOT display the text in braces if CBQ.502="2".
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 308 308
2 Most of the time 427 735
3 Sometimes 864 1599
4 Rarely 558 2157
5 Never 288 2445
6 Never seen 0 2445
7 Refused 0 2445
9 Don't know 1 2446
. Missing 499 2945

DBQ770 - Use serving size info on food label

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Use serving size info on food label
English Text:
How about the information on the serving size? [HAND CARD #5] [How often do you use information on the serving size on a food label, {such as the part colored in green on hand card 5,} when deciding to buy a food product?] Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?]
English Instructions:
HAND CARD # 6 CAPI INSTRUCTION: Do NOT display the text in braces if CBQ.502="2".
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 314 314
2 Most of the time 416 730
3 Sometimes 905 1635
4 Rarely 507 2142
5 Never 299 2441
6 Never seen 0 2441
7 Refused 0 2441
9 Don't know 5 2446
. Missing 499 2945

CBQ685 - Use percent daily value on food label

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Use percent daily value on food label
English Text:
How about the information on the percent daily value? [HAND CARD #5][How often do you use information on the percent daily value on a food label, {such as the part colored in blue on hand card 5,} when deciding to buy a food product?] [Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?]
English Instructions:
HAND CARD # 6 CAPI INSTRUCTION: Do NOT display the text in braces if CBQ.502="2".
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 277 277
2 Most of the time 357 634
3 Sometimes 800 1434
4 Rarely 644 2078
5 Never 363 2441
6 Never seen 0 2441
7 Refused 0 2441
9 Don't know 5 2446
. Missing 499 2945


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
CHECK ITEM CBD707: IF [DBQ750 = 1-3] OR [DBQ760 = 1-3] OR [DBQ770 = 1-3] OR [DBQ780 = 1-3], OR [CBQ685 = 1-3], CONTINUE; ELSE IF [DBQ750 = 6-9] AND [DBQ760 = 6-9] AND [DBQ770 = 6-9] AND [DBQ780 = 6-9], AND [CBQ685 = 6-9], GO TO CBQ695a; OTHERWISE, GO TO CBQ698a.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS

CBD710 - Check snack item's food label

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check snack item's food label
English Text:
Now think about the types of food products you buy using food labels. How often do you look for nutrition information on the food label when you buy snack items like chips, popcorn, or pretzels? Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 337 337
2 Most of the time 497 834
3 Sometimes 678 1512
4 Rarely 468 1980
5 Never 248 2228
6 Never buy these items 15 2243
7 Refused 0 2243
9 Don't know 0 2243
. Missing 702 2945

CBD715 - Check breakfast cereal's food label

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check breakfast cereal's food label
English Text:
How about "breakfast cereals"? [How often do you look for nutrition information on the food label when you buy breakfast cereals?] [Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 569 569
2 Most of the time 590 1159
3 Sometimes 588 1747
4 Rarely 316 2063
5 Never 163 2226
6 Never buy these items 15 2241
7 Refused 0 2241
9 Don't know 2 2243
. Missing 702 2945

CBD720 - Check salad dressing's food label

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check salad dressing's food label
English Text:
How about "salad dressings"? [How often do you look for nutrition information on the food label when you buy salad dressings?] [Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 462 462
2 Most of the time 458 920
3 Sometimes 594 1514
4 Rarely 379 1893
5 Never 253 2146
6 Never buy these items 97 2243
7 Refused 0 2243
9 Don't know 0 2243
. Missing 702 2945

CBD725 - Check raw meat/poultry/fish's food label

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check raw meat/poultry/fish's food label
English Text:
How about "raw meat, poultry, or fish"? [How often do you look for nutrition information on the food label when you buy raw meat, poultry, or fish?] [Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 515 515
2 Most of the time 344 859
3 Sometimes 467 1326
4 Rarely 464 1790
5 Never 430 2220
6 Never buy these items 19 2239
7 Refused 0 2239
9 Don't know 4 2243
. Missing 702 2945

CBD730 - Check processed meat's food label

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check processed meat's food label
English Text:
How about "processed meat products like hot dogs or bologna"? [How often do you look for nutrition information on the food label when you buy processed meat products like hot dogs or bologna?] [Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 473 473
2 Most of the time 398 871
3 Sometimes 572 1443
4 Rarely 364 1807
5 Never 315 2122
6 Never buy these items 121 2243
7 Refused 0 2243
9 Don't know 0 2243
. Missing 702 2945

CBD735 - Check bread's food label

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check bread's food label
English Text:
How about "bread"? [How often do you look for nutrition information on the food label when you buy bread?] [Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 632 632
2 Most of the time 405 1037
3 Sometimes 581 1618
4 Rarely 350 1968
5 Never 270 2238
6 Never buy these items 5 2243
7 Refused 0 2243
9 Don't know 0 2243
. Missing 702 2945

CBQ738a - Check label to watch my weight

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check label to watch my weight
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 10. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #10] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ737 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 To watch my weight and/or lose weight 1110 1110
77 Refused 0 1110
99 Don't know 15 1125
. Missing 1820 2945

CBQ738b - Check label for family member's weight

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check label for family member's weight
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 10. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #10] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ737 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
2 A family member is trying to watch weight and/or lose weight 528 528
. Missing 2417 2945

CBQ738c - Check label for my health conditions

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check label for my health conditions
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 10. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #10] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ737 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
3 To watch for diabetes, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, high blood pressure or other health conditions 670 670
. Missing 2275 2945

CBQ738d - Check label for other's health condition

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check label for other's health condition
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 10. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #10] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ737 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
4 A family member has a health condition (for example, diabetes, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc) 441 441
. Missing 2504 2945

CBQ738e - Check label for my food allergies

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check label for my food allergies
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 10. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #10] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ737 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
5 I am allergic to certain food(s) 183 183
. Missing 2762 2945

CBQ738f - Check label for other's food allergies

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check label for other's food allergies
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 10. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #10] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ737 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
6 My family member(s) has food allergies 269 269
. Missing 2676 2945

CBQ738g - Check label to avoid certain ingredients

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check label to avoid certain ingredients
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 10. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #10] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ737 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
7 To avoid certain ingredients (such as MSG, high fructose corn syrup, color dyes, artificial preservatives, or hydrogenated oils, etc.) 825 825
. Missing 2120 2945

CBQ738h - Check label to increase certain nutrient

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check label to increase certain nutrient
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 10. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #10] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ737 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
8 To increase certain nutrients in my/family's diet (such as fiber, calcium, etc) 916 916
. Missing 2029 2945

CBQ738i - Check label to compare b/w brands/foods

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check label to compare b/w brands/foods
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 10. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #10] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ737 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
9 To compare which brand/food is better/healthier 1081 1081
. Missing 1864 2945

CBQ738j - Check label to make better choices

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check label to make better choices
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 10. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #10] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ737 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
10 To make better/healthier choices for me and my family 1545 1545
. Missing 1400 2945

CBQ738k - Check label to watch certain nutrients

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check label to watch certain nutrients
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 10. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #10] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ737 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
11 To watch for calorie content or certain nutrients (such as sodium, trans fat, sugar, carbohydrates, or protein, etc.) 66 66
. Missing 2879 2945

CBQ738cd - Check label for other reasons

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Check label for other reasons
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 10. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #10] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ737 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
91 Others 114 114
. Missing 2831 2945


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS

CBQ698a - Not check label: don't have the time

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Not check label: don't have the time
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 11. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #11] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ697 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 I don't have time 78 78
77 Refused 0 78
99 Don't know 4 82
. Missing 2863 2945

CBQ698b - Not check label: the print is too small

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Not check label: the print is too small
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 11. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #11] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ697 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
2 The print is too small for me to read 24 24
. Missing 2921 2945

CBQ698c - Not check label: satisfied w/ my health

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Not check label: satisfied w/ my health
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 11. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #11] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ697 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
3 I'm satisfied with my health so there is no need for me to check 38 38
. Missing 2907 2945

CBQ698d - Not check label: I have a good diet

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Not check label: I have a good diet
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 11. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #11] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ697 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
4 I have a good diet so there is no need to check labels 17 17
. Missing 2928 2945

CBQ698e - Not check label: mostly familiar foods

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Not check label: mostly familiar foods
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 11. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #11] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ697 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
5 I usually buy foods that I'm used to, so I don't feel that I need to check labels 125 125
. Missing 2820 2945

CBQ698f - Not check label: don't care about labels

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Not check label: don't care about labels
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 11. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #11] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ697 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
6 I buy what I or my family like, I don't care about the labels 100 100
. Missing 2845 2945

CBQ698g - Not check label: not important to me

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Not check label: not important to me
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 11. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #11] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ697 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
7 I don't think the food labels are important to me 15 15
. Missing 2930 2945

CBQ698h - Not check label: what to look for

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Not check label: what to look for
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 11. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #11] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ697 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
8 I won't know what to look for even if I read the labels 41 41
. Missing 2904 2945

CBQ698i - Not check label: can't read English well

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Not check label: can't read English well
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 11. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #11] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ697 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
9 I can't read English that well 18 18
. Missing 2927 2945

CBQ698cd - Not check label: for other reasons

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Not check label: for other reasons
English Text:
{What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? There are some examples on hand card 11. You may give more than one answer.}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #11] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=1, DISPLAY CBQ697 AS SHOWN ABOVE. ELSE IF CBQ502=2, 7, OR 9 - 1. REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: "For this next question you may give more than one answer. What is the reason or reasons that you rarely or never check the food label when deciding to buy a food product? I will read you some examples." DISPLAY ALL THE RESPONSE CATEGORIES IN LOWER CASE. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
91 Others 16 16
. Missing 2929 2945

CBQ695A - Serving size: amount people should eat

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Serving size: amount people should eat
English Text:
{Now turn the page to use hand card 7.} For this next question you may give more than one answer. Now think about the "serving size" on a food label. What does serving size mean to you? Serving size is...
English Instructions:
CODE ALL THAT APPLY HAND CARD # 7 CAPI INSTRUCTION: Do NOT display the text in braces if CBQ.502="2".
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 The amount of this food that people should eat 1548 1548
7 Refused 0 1548
9 Don't know 67 1615
. Missing 1330 2945

CBQ695B - Serving size: amount people usually eat

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Serving size: amount people usually eat
English Text:
{Now turn the page to use hand card 7.} For this next question you may give more than one answer. Now think about the "serving size" on a food label. What does serving size mean to you? Serving size is...
English Instructions:
CODE ALL THAT APPLY HAND CARD # 7 CAPI INSTRUCTION: Do NOT display the text in braces if CBQ.502="2".
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
2 The amount of this food that people usually eat 463 463
. Missing 2482 2945

CBQ695C - Serving size: help comparing among foods

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Serving size: help comparing among foods
English Text:
{Now turn the page to use hand card 7.} For this next question you may give more than one answer. Now think about the "serving size" on a food label. What does serving size mean to you? Serving size is...
English Instructions:
CODE ALL THAT APPLY HAND CARD # 7 CAPI INSTRUCTION: Do NOT display the text in braces if CBQ.502="2".
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
3 Something that makes it easier to compare foods 484 484
. Missing 2461 2945

CBD740 - Bought food labeled 'organic'

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Bought food labeled 'organic'
English Text:
In the past 30 days, did you buy any food that had the word 'organic' on the package?
English Instructions:
INTERVIEWER INSTRUCTION: Include foods bought at the organic section in a store, or food stands labeled organic.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 962 962
2 No 1440 2402 CBQ825
3 Do not shop for food 8 2410 CBQ825
7 Refused 0 2410 CBQ825
9 Don't know 36 2446 CBQ825
. Missing 499 2945

CBQ790 - How often did you buy organic fruits

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often did you buy organic fruits
English Text:
In the past 30 days, when you bought fruits, how often did you buy organic fruits? {Using hand card 13} Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #13] CAPI INSTRUCTION: Do NOT display the text in braces if CBQ502="2"
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 56 56
2 Most of the time 152 208
3 Sometimes 394 602
4 Rarely 268 870
5 Never 87 957
6 Do not shop for fruits 2 959
7 Refused 0 959
9 Don't know 3 962
. Missing 1983 2945

CBQ795 - How often did you buy organic vegetables

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often did you buy organic vegetables
English Text:
How about organic vegetables? [In the past 30 days,] when you bought vegetables, how often did you buy organic vegetables? Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 74 74
2 Most of the time 136 210
3 Sometimes 399 609
4 Rarely 230 839
5 Never 118 957
6 Do not shop for vegetables 2 959
7 Refused 0 959
9 Don't know 3 962
. Missing 1983 2945

CBQ800 - How often did you buy organic milk

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often did you buy organic milk
English Text:
How about organic milk and other dairy products? [In the past 30 days,] [when you bought milk and other dairy products, how often did you buy organic milk and other dairy products? Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 108 108
2 Most of the time 77 185
3 Sometimes 185 370
4 Rarely 227 597
5 Never 354 951
6 Do not shop for milk 8 959
7 Refused 0 959
9 Don't know 3 962
. Missing 1983 2945

CBQ805 - How often did you buy organic eggs

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often did you buy organic eggs
English Text:
How about organic eggs? [In the past 30 days,] [when you bought eggs, how often did you buy organic eggs? Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 98 98
2 Most of the time 86 184
3 Sometimes 154 338
4 Rarely 192 530
5 Never 418 948
6 Do not shop for eggs 12 960
7 Refused 0 960
9 Don't know 2 962
. Missing 1983 2945

CBQ810 - How often did you buy organic baby foods

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often did you buy organic baby foods
English Text:
How about organic baby foods? [In the past 30 days,] [when you bought baby foods, how often did you buy organic baby foods? Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 58 58
2 Most of the time 37 95
3 Sometimes 60 155
4 Rarely 44 199
5 Never 540 739
6 Do not shop for baby foods 223 962
7 Refused 0 962
9 Don't know 0 962
. Missing 1983 2945

CBQ815 - How often did you buy organic poultry

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often did you buy organic poultry
English Text:
How about organic poultry, such as chicken or turkey? [In the past 30 days,] [when you bought poultry, such as chicken or turkey, how often did you buy organic poultry? Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 59 59
2 Most of the time 70 129
3 Sometimes 255 384
4 Rarely 166 550
5 Never 390 940
6 Do not shop for poultry 22 962
7 Refused 0 962
9 Don't know 0 962
. Missing 1983 2945

CBQ820 - How often did you buy organic meats

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often did you buy organic meats
English Text:
How about organic meats? [In the past 30 days,] [when you bought meats, how often did you buy organic meats? Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?]
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #13] INTERVIEWER INSTRUCTION: Do not include seafood.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Always 43 43
2 Most of the time 66 109
3 Sometimes 207 316
4 Rarely 184 500
5 Never 434 934
6 Do not shop for meats 24 958
7 Refused 0 958
9 Don't know 4 962
. Missing 1983 2945

CBQ825 - Ever seen USDA organic seal

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Ever seen USDA organic seal
English Text:
{Now, please look at hand card 14. This is a picture of the USDA Organic seal. Have you ever seen this seal on a food product?}
English Instructions:
[HAND CARD #14] CAPI INSTRUCTIONS: IF CBQ502=2, 7, or 9, REPLACE TEXT IN THE BRACES WITH THE FOLLOWING: 'Have you ever seen the "USDA ORGANIC" seal on a food product? '
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1379 1379
2 No 1012 2391
7 Refused 0 2391
9 Don't know 55 2446
. Missing 499 2945

DBD930 - Respondent is main meal planner/preparer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent is main meal planner/preparer
English Text:
Are you the person who does most of the planning or preparing of meals in your family?
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2187 2187
2 No 263 2450
7 Refused 0 2450
9 Don't know 0 2450
. Missing 495 2945

DBD935 - Respondent shares meal preparation duty

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent shares meal preparation duty
English Text:
Do you share in the planning or preparing of meals with someone else?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1194 1194
2 No 1256 2450
7 Refused 0 2450
9 Don't know 0 2450
. Missing 495 2945

DBD940 - Respondent is main food shopper

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent is main food shopper
English Text:
Are you the person who does most of the shopping for food in your family?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2151 2151
2 No 299 2450
7 Refused 0 2450
9 Don't know 0 2450
. Missing 495 2945

DBD945 - Respondent shares food shopping duty

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent shares food shopping duty
English Text:
Do you share in the shopping for food with someone else?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1206 1206
2 No 1244 2450
7 Refused 0 2450
9 Don't know 0 2450
. Missing 495 2945

CBD760 - Respondent's age

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent's age
English Text:
How old are you?
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Hard Edits:
0 to 79
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
17 to 77 Range of Values 2442 2442
80 >= 80 years of age 1 2443
777 Refused 2 2445
999 Don't know 3 2448
. Missing 497 2945

CBD765 - Respondent's education level

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent's education level
English Text:
Which of the following best describe your highest education level?
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Less than high school 619 619
2 High school diploma (including GED), or 589 1208
3 More than high school 1237 2445
7 Refused 1 2446
9 Don't know 4 2450
. Missing 495 2945

CBD770 - Respondent's gender

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent's gender
English Text:
What is the gender of the respondent?
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Male 258 258
2 Female 2192 2450
. Missing 495 2945

CBQ785 - Language of the interview

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Language of the interview
English Text:
The interview was completed in:
English Instructions:
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 English 1882 1882
2 Spanish 534 2416
3 English and Spanish 30 2446
4 Other 0 2446
. Missing 499 2945

WTDRD1 - Dietary day one sample weight

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Dietary day one sample weight
English Text:
Dietary day one sample weight.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
3335.4854584 to 182622.99354 Range of Values 2945 2945
. Missing 0 2945