Table of Contents

Component Description

NHANES is critical for monitoring oral health status, risk indicators for disease, and access to preventive and treatment services. Oral health data from NHANES may be used for:

The oral health examination component provides information on a number of oral health topics including tooth count, dental caries, dental sealants, dental fluorosis, periodontal pockets, recession, and loss of attachment, and recommendations for dental care. These data are released in multiple data files.

This data documentation specifically provides information on the following three data files:

The 2011-2012 dental fluorosis clinical assessment data were originally released with the 2011-2012 Dentition File, but have been moved into a separate dataset (i.e., FLXCLN_G) to be consistent with the release of the 2013-2014 and 2015-2016 dental fluorosis clinical data. While the variables of these fluorosis data were renamed to reflect the new file name (i.e., the prefix changed from OHX to FCX), no changes were made to the values of any data points. Data documentation describing the dental fluorosis assessment data are available with the data file (FLXCLIN_G).

In addition to the oral health examination data, oral health questionnaire data are collected during the household interview. For information on these data please refer to the documentation for the Oral Health Questionnaire (OHQ) section.

Eligible Sample

All survey participants 1 year and older were eligible for the oral health examination.

Participants aged 30 years and older were eligible for the periodontal examination if they had one or more natural teeth and no health condition requiring antibiotic prophylaxis before periodontal probing. Based on the 2008 American Dental Association guidelines, participants who reported that they had a heart transplant, an artificial heart valve, congenital heart disease (not including mitral valve prolapse), or ever had bacterial endocarditis were excluded from the periodontal examination.

Protocol and Procedure

The oral health examination was conducted by dental examiners, who were dentists (D.D.S./D.M.D.) licensed in at least one U.S. state. A health technician assisted in entering all examiner observations directly into a computerized data collection system. All oral health assessments took place in a designated room at the mobile examination center (MEC) that included a portable dental chair, light, and compressed air.

For all survey participants aged 1 and older, the oral health examination began with a tooth count assessment. Next, their teeth were assessed for dental caries, including untreated dental decay and teeth treated or extracted due to caries. For children and adolescents aged 3 to 19 years, eligible teeth were assessed for the presence of dental sealants. In 2011-2012, the tooth count, dental caries, and dental sealants assessments followed the same protocols conducted in 1999-2004.

Adults aged 30 years and older were eligible for a full-mouth periodontal examination (FMPE) that included an assessment of gingival recession and pocket depth measures. The FMPE protocol was introduced in NHANES in 2009-2010 and has remained the same in 2011-2012.

Please refer to the NHANES Oral Health Examiners Manual for detailed information regarding data collection protocols for the 2011-2012 oral health component.

Quality Assurance & Quality Control

The specific QA practices for the oral health examination are documented in detail in the NHANES Oral Health Examiners Manual.

All dental examiners received an initial training, which consisted of lecture, model review, practice simulations and standardization sessions. Following successful initial training, examiners received field training at the MEC consisting of more practice simulation, standardization, and calibration sessions.

There are three main activities employed to facilitate the ongoing collection of quality oral health data on NHANES. To reduce data recording errors, all data are directly entered into an electronic data management system and automated data management utilities are used to check for out of range values at the time of entry. NHANES staff periodically conduct observations of the data collection to ensure that protocols are followed. Finally, the reference examiner visits each dental examiner 2-3 times a year and conducts about 20 replicate exams during each visit.. Data from these replicate exams were used to produce inter-rater reliability statistics to objectively evaluate examiner agreement. Although dental examiners were aware of the inter-rater evaluations being conducted, examiners are blinded to each other’s observations. Because all inter-rater reliability statistics were calculated after the MEC evaluation visits, the findings were unavailable for real time use. However, all examiners did receive general feedback pertaining to their performance immediately following each evaluation visit by the reference examiner. An annual retraining session was conducted to reinforce existing protocols and to introduce protocol updates, if needed.

Inter-rater reliability statistics including percent agreement, Kappa statistics, and inter-class correlation coefficients for the 2011-2014 oral health data are available elsewhere (Dye et al., 2019).

Data Processing and Editing

Frequency counts were checked and data values were reviewed prior to data release.

Analytic Notes

The dentition, periodontal, and recommendation of care data files can be linked using the unique survey participant identifier, SEQN. In addition to the examination data, self-reported data on oral health related topics are available in the Oral Health questionnaire (OHQ) section collected as part of the household interview. These data can be linked using the SEQN as well. Although the OHQ data were collected as part of the household questionnaire, if they are merged with the MEC exam data, exam sample weights should be used for the analyses. Please refer to the NHANES Analytic Guidelines and the online NHANES Tutorial for further details on the use of sample weights and other analytic issues.

If data from this release are combined with oral health data from previous data cycles for analyses, users should understand that methodological differences (in data collection) may exist among similar, earlier assessments and may bias the analysis conducted.


Codebook and Frequencies

SEQN - Respondent sequence number

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent sequence number
English Text:
Respondent sequence number.
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS

OHDEXSTS - Overall Oral Health Exam Status

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Overall Oral Health Exam Status
English Text:
Overall Oral Health Exam Status
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Complete 3669 3669
2 Partial 381 4050
3 Not done 315 4365
. Missing 0 4365

OHDPDSTS - Periodontal Status Code

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Periodontal Status Code
English Text:
Periodontal Status Code
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Complete 3685 3685
2 Partial 93 3778
3 Not Done 587 4365
. Missing 0 4365

OHDEXCLU - Medical Exclusion from Periodontal Exam

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Medical Exclusion from Periodontal Exam
English Text:
Excluded from perio exam for med reasons
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 168 168
2 No 4197 4365
. Missing 0 4365

OHX02CJD - LOA: Max R(2M) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 1 Range of Values 2405 2405
99 Cannot be assessed 1330 3735
. Missing 630 4365

OHX02CJM - LOA: Max R(2M) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 1 Range of Values 2411 2411
99 Cannot be assessed 1324 3735
. Missing 630 4365

OHX02CJS - LOA: Max R(2M) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2405 2405
99 Cannot be assessed 1330 3735
. Missing 630 4365

OHX02CJP - LOA: Max R(2M) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2412 2412
99 Cannot be assessed 1322 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX02CJL - LOA: Max R(2M) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mid - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2415 2415
99 Cannot be assessed 1319 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX02CJA - LOA: Max R(2M) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2416 2416
99 Cannot be assessed 1318 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX02PCD - LOA: Max R(2M) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2405 2405
99 Cannot be assessed 1330 3735
. Missing 630 4365

OHX02PCM - LOA: Max R(2M) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2411 2411
99 Cannot be assessed 1324 3735
. Missing 630 4365

OHX02PCS - LOA: Max R(2M) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2405 2405
99 Cannot be assessed 1330 3735
. Missing 630 4365

OHX02PCP - LOA: Max R(2M) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2412 2412
99 Cannot be assessed 1322 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX02PCL - LOA: Max R(2M) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2415 2415
99 Cannot be assessed 1319 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX02PCA - LOA: Max R(2M) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2416 2416
99 Cannot be assessed 1318 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX02LAD - LOA: Max R(2M) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2405 2405
99 Cannot be assessed 1330 3735
. Missing 630 4365

OHX02LAM - LOA: Max R(2M) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement)(mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2411 2411
99 Cannot be assessed 1324 3735
. Missing 630 4365

OHX02LAS - LOA: Max R(2M) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement)(mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2405 2405
99 Cannot be assessed 1330 3735
. Missing 630 4365

OHX02LAP - LOA: Max R(2M) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) distal lingual - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement)(mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2412 2412
99 Cannot be assessed 1322 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX02LAL - LOA: Max R(2M) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mid- lingual - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement)(mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2415 2415
99 Cannot be assessed 1319 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX02LAA - LOA: Max R(2M) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2M) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd molar (2M) mesio- lingual - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement)(mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2416 2416
99 Cannot be assessed 1318 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX03CJD - LOA: Max R(1M) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-9 to 2 Range of Values 2387 2387
99 Cannot be assessed 1344 3731
. Missing 634 4365

OHX03CJM - LOA: Max R(1M) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 1 Range of Values 2390 2390
99 Cannot be assessed 1341 3731
. Missing 634 4365

OHX03CJS - LOA: Max R(1M) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2389 2389
99 Cannot be assessed 1342 3731
. Missing 634 4365

OHX03CJP - LOA: Max R(1M) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2395 2395
99 Cannot be assessed 1335 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX03CJL - LOA: Max R(1M) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mid - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-12 to 1 Range of Values 2403 2403
99 Cannot be assessed 1327 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX03CJA - LOA: Max R(1M) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2400 2400
99 Cannot be assessed 1330 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX03PCD - LOA: Max R(1M) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2387 2387
99 Cannot be assessed 1344 3731
. Missing 634 4365

OHX03PCM - LOA: Max R(1M) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2390 2390
99 Cannot be assessed 1341 3731
. Missing 634 4365

OHX03PCS - LOA: Max R(1M) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2389 2389
99 Cannot be assessed 1342 3731
. Missing 634 4365

OHX03PCP - LOA: Max R(1M) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2395 2395
99 Cannot be assessed 1335 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX03PCL - LOA: Max R(1M) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 5 Range of Values 2403 2403
99 Cannot be assessed 1327 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX03PCA - LOA: Max R(1M) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2400 2400
99 Cannot be assessed 1330 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX03LAD - LOA: Max R(1M) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2387 2387
99 Cannot be assessed 1344 3731
. Missing 634 4365

OHX03LAM - LOA: Max R(1M) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2390 2390
99 Cannot be assessed 1341 3731
. Missing 634 4365

OHX03LAS - LOA: Max R(1M) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2389 2389
99 Cannot be assessed 1342 3731
. Missing 634 4365

OHX03LAP - LOA: Max R(1M) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) distal lingual - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement)(mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2395 2395
99 Cannot be assessed 1335 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX03LAL - LOA: Max R(1M) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mid- lingual - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 14 Range of Values 2403 2403
99 Cannot be assessed 1327 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX03LAA - LOA: Max R(1M) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1M) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st molar (1M) mesio- lingual - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2400 2400
99 Cannot be assessed 1330 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX04CJD - LOA: Max R(2B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2545 2545
99 Cannot be assessed 1192 3737
. Missing 628 4365

OHX04CJM - LOA: Max R(2B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 1 Range of Values 2541 2541
99 Cannot be assessed 1196 3737
. Missing 628 4365

OHX04CJS - LOA: Max R(2B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2544 2544
99 Cannot be assessed 1193 3737
. Missing 628 4365

OHX04CJP - LOA: Max R(2B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2548 2548
99 Cannot be assessed 1188 3736
. Missing 629 4365

OHX04CJL - LOA: Max R(2B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 3 Range of Values 2551 2551
99 Cannot be assessed 1185 3736
. Missing 629 4365

OHX04CJA - LOA: Max R(2B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-6 to 3 Range of Values 2552 2552
99 Cannot be assessed 1184 3736
. Missing 629 4365

OHX04PCD - LOA: Max R(2B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2545 2545
99 Cannot be assessed 1192 3737
. Missing 628 4365

OHX04PCM - LOA: Max R(2B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2541 2541
99 Cannot be assessed 1196 3737
. Missing 628 4365

OHX04PCS - LOA: Max R(2B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2544 2544
99 Cannot be assessed 1193 3737
. Missing 628 4365

OHX04PCP - LOA: Max R(2B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2548 2548
99 Cannot be assessed 1188 3736
. Missing 629 4365

OHX04PCL - LOA: Max R(2B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2551 2551
99 Cannot be assessed 1185 3736
. Missing 629 4365

OHX04PCA - LOA: Max R(2B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2552 2552
99 Cannot be assessed 1184 3736
. Missing 629 4365

OHX04LAD - LOA: Max R(2B) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2545 2545
99 Cannot be assessed 1192 3737
. Missing 628 4365

OHX04LAM - LOA: Max R(2B) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2541 2541
99 Cannot be assessed 1196 3737
. Missing 628 4365

OHX04LAS - LOA: Max R(2B) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2544 2544
99 Cannot be assessed 1193 3737
. Missing 628 4365

OHX04LAP - LOA: Max R(2B) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal lingual - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement)(mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2548 2548
99 Cannot be assessed 1188 3736
. Missing 629 4365

OHX04LAL - LOA: Max R(2B) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid- lingual - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2551 2551
99 Cannot be assessed 1185 3736
. Missing 629 4365

OHX04LAA - LOA: Max R(2B) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(2B) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2552 2552
99 Cannot be assessed 1184 3736
. Missing 629 4365

OHX05CJD - LOA: Max R(1B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2509 2509
99 Cannot be assessed 1225 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX05CJM - LOA: Max R(1B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 1 Range of Values 2509 2509
99 Cannot be assessed 1225 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX05CJS - LOA: Max R(1B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2516 2516
99 Cannot be assessed 1218 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX05CJP - LOA: Max R(1B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 3 Range of Values 2526 2526
99 Cannot be assessed 1207 3733
. Missing 632 4365

OHX05CJL - LOA: Max R(1B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 1 Range of Values 2527 2527
99 Cannot be assessed 1206 3733
. Missing 632 4365

OHX05CJA - LOA: Max R(1B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-7 to 2 Range of Values 2514 2514
99 Cannot be assessed 1219 3733
. Missing 632 4365

OHX05PCD - LOA: Max R(1B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2509 2509
99 Cannot be assessed 1225 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX05PCM - LOA: Max R(1B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth)(mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2509 2509
99 Cannot be assessed 1225 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX05PCS - LOA: Max R(1B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2516 2516
99 Cannot be assessed 1218 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX05PCP - LOA: Max R(1B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2526 2526
99 Cannot be assessed 1207 3733
. Missing 632 4365

OHX05PCL - LOA: Max R(1B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2527 2527
99 Cannot be assessed 1206 3733
. Missing 632 4365

OHX05PCA - LOA: Max R(1B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2514 2514
99 Cannot be assessed 1219 3733
. Missing 632 4365

OHX05LAD - LOA: Max R(1B) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2509 2509
99 Cannot be assessed 1225 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX05LAM - LOA: Max R(1B) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2509 2509
99 Cannot be assessed 1225 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX05LAS - LOA: Max R(1B) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2516 2516
99 Cannot be assessed 1218 3734
. Missing 631 4365

OHX05LAP - LOA: Max R(1B) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2526 2526
99 Cannot be assessed 1207 3733
. Missing 632 4365

OHX05LAL - LOA: Max R(1B) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2527 2527
99 Cannot be assessed 1206 3733
. Missing 632 4365

OHX05LAA - LOA: Max R(1B) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(1B) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2514 2514
99 Cannot be assessed 1219 3733
. Missing 632 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2955 2955
99 Cannot be assessed 761 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX06CJM - LOA: Max R(C) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2953 2953
99 Cannot be assessed 763 3716
. Missing 649 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 3 Range of Values 2953 2953
99 Cannot be assessed 763 3716
. Missing 649 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2885 2885
99 Cannot be assessed 830 3715
. Missing 650 4365

OHX06CJL - LOA: Max R(C) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2961 2961
99 Cannot be assessed 754 3715
. Missing 650 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2928 2928
99 Cannot be assessed 787 3715
. Missing 650 4365

OHX06PCD - LOA: Max R(C) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2955 2955
99 Cannot be assessed 761 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX06PCM - LOA: Max R(C) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2953 2953
99 Cannot be assessed 763 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX06PCS - LOA: Max R(C) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2953 2953
99 Cannot be assessed 763 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX06PCP - LOA: Max R(C) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2885 2885
99 Cannot be assessed 830 3715
. Missing 650 4365

OHX06PCL - LOA: Max R(C) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2961 2961
99 Cannot be assessed 754 3715
. Missing 650 4365

OHX06PCA - LOA: Max R(C) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2928 2928
99 Cannot be assessed 787 3715
. Missing 650 4365

OHX06LAD - LOA: Max R(C) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 17 Range of Values 2955 2955
99 Cannot be assessed 761 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX06LAM - LOA: Max R(C) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 16 Range of Values 2953 2953
99 Cannot be assessed 763 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX06LAS - LOA: Max R(C) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 17 Range of Values 2953 2953
99 Cannot be assessed 763 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX06LAP - LOA: Max R(C) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 14 Range of Values 2885 2885
99 Cannot be assessed 830 3715
. Missing 650 4365

OHX06LAL - LOA: Max R(C) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 14 Range of Values 2961 2961
99 Cannot be assessed 754 3715
. Missing 650 4365

OHX06LAA - LOA: Max R(C) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(C) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right cuspid (C) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2928 2928
99 Cannot be assessed 787 3715
. Missing 650 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-6 to 3 Range of Values 2791 2791
99 Cannot be assessed 928 3719
. Missing 646 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2797 2797
99 Cannot be assessed 922 3719
. Missing 646 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2786 2786
99 Cannot be assessed 933 3719
. Missing 646 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-5 to 2 Range of Values 2776 2776
99 Cannot be assessed 943 3719
. Missing 646 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-6 to 2 Range of Values 2806 2806
99 Cannot be assessed 913 3719
. Missing 646 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-6 to 3 Range of Values 2761 2761
99 Cannot be assessed 958 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX07PCD - LOA: Max R(LI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2791 2791
99 Cannot be assessed 928 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX07PCM - LOA: Max R(LI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2797 2797
99 Cannot be assessed 922 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX07PCS - LOA: Max R(LI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2786 2786
99 Cannot be assessed 933 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX07PCP - LOA: Max R(LI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2776 2776
99 Cannot be assessed 943 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX07PCL - LOA: Max R(LI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2806 2806
99 Cannot be assessed 913 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX07PCA - LOA: Max R(LI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2761 2761
99 Cannot be assessed 958 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX07LAD - LOA: Max R(LI) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2791 2791
99 Cannot be assessed 928 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX07LAM - LOA: Max R(LI) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2797 2797
99 Cannot be assessed 922 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX07LAS - LOA: Max R(LI) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2786 2786
99 Cannot be assessed 933 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX07LAP - LOA: Max R(LI) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2776 2776
99 Cannot be assessed 943 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX07LAL - LOA: Max R(LI) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2806 2806
99 Cannot be assessed 913 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX07LAA - LOA: Max R(LI) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(LI) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2761 2761
99 Cannot be assessed 958 3719
. Missing 646 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2786 2786
99 Cannot be assessed 930 3716
. Missing 649 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 1 Range of Values 2789 2789
99 Cannot be assessed 927 3716
. Missing 649 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2795 2795
99 Cannot be assessed 921 3716
. Missing 649 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2739 2739
99 Cannot be assessed 977 3716
. Missing 649 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-7 to 2 Range of Values 2799 2799
99 Cannot be assessed 917 3716
. Missing 649 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2791 2791
99 Cannot be assessed 925 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX08PCD - LOA: Max R(CI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2786 2786
99 Cannot be assessed 930 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX08PCM - LOA: Max R(CI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2789 2789
99 Cannot be assessed 927 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX08PCS - LOA: Max R(CI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2795 2795
99 Cannot be assessed 921 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX08PCP - LOA: Max R(CI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2739 2739
99 Cannot be assessed 977 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX08PCL - LOA: Max R(CI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2799 2799
99 Cannot be assessed 917 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX08PCA - LOA: Max R(CI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2791 2791
99 Cannot be assessed 925 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX08LAD - LOA: Max R(CI) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2786 2786
99 Cannot be assessed 930 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX08LAM - LOA: Max R(CI) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2789 2789
99 Cannot be assessed 927 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX08LAS - LOA: Max R(CI) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 15 Range of Values 2795 2795
99 Cannot be assessed 921 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX08LAP - LOA: Max R(CI) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2739 2739
99 Cannot be assessed 977 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX08LAL - LOA: Max R(CI) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2799 2799
99 Cannot be assessed 917 3716
. Missing 649 4365

OHX08LAA - LOA: Max R(CI) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max R(CI) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper right central incisor (CI) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2791 2791
99 Cannot be assessed 925 3716
. Missing 649 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2820 2820
99 Cannot be assessed 888 3708
. Missing 657 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-7 to 2 Range of Values 2824 2824
99 Cannot be assessed 884 3708
. Missing 657 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-6 to 2 Range of Values 2827 2827
99 Cannot be assessed 881 3708
. Missing 657 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-7 to 2 Range of Values 2803 2803
99 Cannot be assessed 905 3708
. Missing 657 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-7 to 1 Range of Values 2829 2829
99 Cannot be assessed 879 3708
. Missing 657 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-6 to 2 Range of Values 2820 2820
99 Cannot be assessed 888 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX09PCD - LOA: Max L(CI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2820 2820
99 Cannot be assessed 888 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX09PCM - LOA: Max L(CI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2824 2824
99 Cannot be assessed 884 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX09PCS - LOA: Max L(CI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2827 2827
99 Cannot be assessed 881 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX09PCP - LOA: Max L(CI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2803 2803
99 Cannot be assessed 905 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX09PCL - LOA: Max L(CI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2829 2829
99 Cannot be assessed 879 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX09PCA - LOA: Max L(CI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2820 2820
99 Cannot be assessed 888 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX09LAD - LOA: Max L(CI) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2820 2820
99 Cannot be assessed 888 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX09LAM - LOA: Max L(CI) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2824 2824
99 Cannot be assessed 884 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX09LAS - LOA: Max L(CI) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2827 2827
99 Cannot be assessed 881 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX09LAP - LOA: Max L(CI) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2803 2803
99 Cannot be assessed 905 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX09LAL - LOA: Max L(CI) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2829 2829
99 Cannot be assessed 879 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX09LAA - LOA: Max L(CI) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(CI) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left central incisor (CI) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2820 2820
99 Cannot be assessed 888 3708
. Missing 657 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-6 to 2 Range of Values 2794 2794
99 Cannot be assessed 917 3711
. Missing 654 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-6 to 1 Range of Values 2800 2800
99 Cannot be assessed 911 3711
. Missing 654 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2804 2804
99 Cannot be assessed 907 3711
. Missing 654 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-6 to 2 Range of Values 2795 2795
99 Cannot be assessed 915 3710
. Missing 655 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-6 to 2 Range of Values 2805 2805
99 Cannot be assessed 905 3710
. Missing 655 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2723 2723
99 Cannot be assessed 987 3710
. Missing 655 4365

OHX10PCD - LOA: Max L(LI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2794 2794
99 Cannot be assessed 917 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX10PCM - LOA: Max L(LI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2800 2800
99 Cannot be assessed 911 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX10PCS - LOA: Max L(LI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2804 2804
99 Cannot be assessed 907 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX10PCP - LOA: Max L(LI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2795 2795
99 Cannot be assessed 915 3710
. Missing 655 4365

OHX10PCL - LOA: Max L(LI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2805 2805
99 Cannot be assessed 905 3710
. Missing 655 4365

OHX10PCA - LOA: Max L(LI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2723 2723
99 Cannot be assessed 987 3710
. Missing 655 4365

OHX10LAD - LOA: Max L(LI) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2794 2794
99 Cannot be assessed 917 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX10LAM - LOA: Max L(LI) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2800 2800
99 Cannot be assessed 911 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX10LAS - LOA: Max L(LI) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2804 2804
99 Cannot be assessed 907 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX10LAP - LOA: Max L(LI) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2795 2795
99 Cannot be assessed 915 3710
. Missing 655 4365

OHX10LAL - LOA: Max L(LI) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2805 2805
99 Cannot be assessed 905 3710
. Missing 655 4365

OHX10LAA - LOA: Max L(LI) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(LI) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2723 2723
99 Cannot be assessed 987 3710
. Missing 655 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2941 2941
99 Cannot be assessed 767 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX11CJM - LOA: Max L(C) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-12 to 1 Range of Values 2929 2929
99 Cannot be assessed 779 3708
. Missing 657 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2942 2942
99 Cannot be assessed 766 3708
. Missing 657 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2909 2909
99 Cannot be assessed 798 3707
. Missing 658 4365

OHX11CJL - LOA: Max L(C) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2952 2952
99 Cannot be assessed 755 3707
. Missing 658 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2893 2893
99 Cannot be assessed 814 3707
. Missing 658 4365

OHX11PCD - LOA: Max L(C) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2941 2941
99 Cannot be assessed 767 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX11PCM - LOA: Max L(C) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2929 2929
99 Cannot be assessed 779 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX11PCS - LOA: Max L(C) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2942 2942
99 Cannot be assessed 766 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX11PCP - LOA: Max L(C) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2909 2909
99 Cannot be assessed 798 3707
. Missing 658 4365

OHX11PCL - LOA: Max L(C) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2952 2952
99 Cannot be assessed 755 3707
. Missing 658 4365

OHX11PCA - LOA: Max L(C) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2893 2893
99 Cannot be assessed 814 3707
. Missing 658 4365

OHX11LAD - LOA: Max L(C) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 15 Range of Values 2941 2941
99 Cannot be assessed 767 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX11LAM - LOA: Max L(C) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 14 Range of Values 2929 2929
99 Cannot be assessed 779 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX11LAS - LOA: Max L(C) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 15 Range of Values 2942 2942
99 Cannot be assessed 766 3708
. Missing 657 4365

OHX11LAP - LOA: Max L(C) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 14 Range of Values 2909 2909
99 Cannot be assessed 798 3707
. Missing 658 4365

OHX11LAL - LOA: Max L(C) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2952 2952
99 Cannot be assessed 755 3707
. Missing 658 4365

OHX11LAA - LOA: Max L(C) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(C) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left cuspid (C) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2893 2893
99 Cannot be assessed 814 3707
. Missing 658 4365

OHX12CJD - LOA: Max L(1B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-9 to 2 Range of Values 2500 2500
99 Cannot be assessed 1219 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX12CJM - LOA: Max L(1B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2494 2494
99 Cannot be assessed 1225 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX12CJS - LOA: Max L(1B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2502 2502
99 Cannot be assessed 1216 3718
. Missing 647 4365

OHX12CJP - LOA: Max L(1B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2514 2514
99 Cannot be assessed 1203 3717
. Missing 648 4365

OHX12CJL - LOA: Max L(1B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2514 2514
99 Cannot be assessed 1203 3717
. Missing 648 4365

OHX12CJA - LOA: Max L(1B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-6 to 2 Range of Values 2493 2493
99 Cannot be assessed 1224 3717
. Missing 648 4365

OHX12PCD - LOA: Max L(1B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2500 2500
99 Cannot be assessed 1219 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX12PCM - LOA: Max L(1B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2494 2494
99 Cannot be assessed 1225 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX12PCS - LOA: Max L(1B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2502 2502
99 Cannot be assessed 1216 3718
. Missing 647 4365

OHX12PCP - LOA: Max L(1B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2514 2514
99 Cannot be assessed 1203 3717
. Missing 648 4365

OHX12PCL - LOA: Max L(1B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2514 2514
99 Cannot be assessed 1203 3717
. Missing 648 4365

OHX12PCA - LOA: Max L(1B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2493 2493
99 Cannot be assessed 1224 3717
. Missing 648 4365

OHX12LAD - LOA: Max L(1B) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2500 2500
99 Cannot be assessed 1219 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX12LAM - LOA: Max L(1B) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2494 2494
99 Cannot be assessed 1225 3719
. Missing 646 4365

OHX12LAS - LOA: Max L(1B) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2502 2502
99 Cannot be assessed 1216 3718
. Missing 647 4365

OHX12LAP - LOA: Max L(1B) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 15 Range of Values 2514 2514
99 Cannot be assessed 1203 3717
. Missing 648 4365

OHX12LAL - LOA: Max L(1B) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2514 2514
99 Cannot be assessed 1203 3717
. Missing 648 4365

OHX12LAA - LOA: Max L(1B) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1B) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2493 2493
99 Cannot be assessed 1224 3717
. Missing 648 4365

OHX13CJD - LOA: Max L(2B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2539 2539
99 Cannot be assessed 1187 3726
. Missing 639 4365

OHX13CJM - LOA: Max L(2B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-9 to 2 Range of Values 2540 2540
99 Cannot be assessed 1186 3726
. Missing 639 4365

OHX13CJS - LOA: Max L(2B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2542 2542
99 Cannot be assessed 1184 3726
. Missing 639 4365

OHX13CJP - LOA: Max L(2B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 1 Range of Values 2549 2549
99 Cannot be assessed 1175 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX13CJL - LOA: Max L(2B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 1 Range of Values 2556 2556
99 Cannot be assessed 1168 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX13CJA - LOA: Max L(2B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 1 Range of Values 2552 2552
99 Cannot be assessed 1172 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX13PCD - LOA: Max L(2B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2539 2539
99 Cannot be assessed 1187 3726
. Missing 639 4365

OHX13PCM - LOA: Max L(2B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2540 2540
99 Cannot be assessed 1186 3726
. Missing 639 4365

OHX13PCS - LOA: Max L(2B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2542 2542
99 Cannot be assessed 1184 3726
. Missing 639 4365

OHX13PCP - LOA: Max L(2B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2549 2549
99 Cannot be assessed 1175 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX13PCL - LOA: Max L(2B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2556 2556
99 Cannot be assessed 1168 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX13PCA - LOA: Max L(2B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2552 2552
99 Cannot be assessed 1172 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX13LAD - LOA: Max L(2B) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2539 2539
99 Cannot be assessed 1187 3726
. Missing 639 4365

OHX13LAM - LOA: Max L(2B) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2540 2540
99 Cannot be assessed 1186 3726
. Missing 639 4365

OHX13LAS - LOA: Max L(2B) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2542 2542
99 Cannot be assessed 1184 3726
. Missing 639 4365

OHX13LAP - LOA: Max L(2B) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2549 2549
99 Cannot be assessed 1175 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX13LAL - LOA: Max L(2B) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2556 2556
99 Cannot be assessed 1168 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX13LAA - LOA: Max L(2B) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2B) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2552 2552
99 Cannot be assessed 1172 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX14CJD - LOA: Max L(1M) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2341 2341
99 Cannot be assessed 1383 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX14CJM - LOA: Max L(1M) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 1 Range of Values 2359 2359
99 Cannot be assessed 1365 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX14CJS - LOA: Max L(1M) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-9 to 2 Range of Values 2361 2361
99 Cannot be assessed 1363 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX14CJP - LOA: Max L(1M) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-12 to 2 Range of Values 2377 2377
99 Cannot be assessed 1346 3723
. Missing 642 4365

OHX14CJL - LOA: Max L(1M) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-12 to 1 Range of Values 2379 2379
99 Cannot be assessed 1344 3723
. Missing 642 4365

OHX14CJA - LOA: Max L(1M) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 1 Range of Values 2381 2381
99 Cannot be assessed 1342 3723
. Missing 642 4365

OHX14PCD - LOA: Max L(1M) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2341 2341
99 Cannot be assessed 1383 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX14PCM - LOA: Max L(1M) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2359 2359
99 Cannot be assessed 1365 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX14PCS - LOA: Max L(1M) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2361 2361
99 Cannot be assessed 1363 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX14PCP - LOA: Max L(1M) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2377 2377
99 Cannot be assessed 1346 3723
. Missing 642 4365

OHX14PCL - LOA: Max L(1M) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2379 2379
99 Cannot be assessed 1344 3723
. Missing 642 4365

OHX14PCA - LOA: Max L(1M) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2381 2381
99 Cannot be assessed 1342 3723
. Missing 642 4365

OHX14LAD - LOA: Max L(1M) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2341 2341
99 Cannot be assessed 1383 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX14LAM - LOA: Max L(1M) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2359 2359
99 Cannot be assessed 1365 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX14LAS - LOA: Max L(1M) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2361 2361
99 Cannot be assessed 1363 3724
. Missing 641 4365

OHX14LAP - LOA: Max L(1M) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 16 Range of Values 2377 2377
99 Cannot be assessed 1346 3723
. Missing 642 4365

OHX14LAL - LOA: Max L(1M) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 14 Range of Values 2379 2379
99 Cannot be assessed 1344 3723
. Missing 642 4365

OHX14LAA - LOA: Max L(1M) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 1st molar (1M) mesio- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2381 2381
99 Cannot be assessed 1342 3723
. Missing 642 4365

OHX15CJD - LOA: Max L(2M) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 9 Range of Values 2362 2362
99 Cannot be assessed 1368 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX15CJM - LOA: Max L(2M) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 9 Range of Values 2375 2375
99 Cannot be assessed 1355 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX15CJS - LOA: Max L(2M) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 9 Range of Values 2373 2373
99 Cannot be assessed 1357 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX15CJP - LOA: Max L(2M) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-9 to 2 Range of Values 2407 2407
99 Cannot be assessed 1321 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX15CJL - LOA: Max L(2M) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2417 2417
99 Cannot be assessed 1311 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX15CJA - LOA: Max L(2M) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2415 2415
99 Cannot be assessed 1313 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX15PCD - LOA: Max L(2M) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2362 2362
99 Cannot be assessed 1368 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX15PCM - LOA: Max L(2M) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2375 2375
99 Cannot be assessed 1355 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX15PCS - LOA: Max L(2M) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2373 2373
99 Cannot be assessed 1357 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX15PCP - LOA: Max L(2M) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2407 2407
99 Cannot be assessed 1321 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX15PCL - LOA: Max L(2M) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2417 2417
99 Cannot be assessed 1311 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX15PCA - LOA: Max L(2M) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2415 2415
99 Cannot be assessed 1313 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX15LAD - LOA: Max L(2M) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2362 2362
99 Cannot be assessed 1368 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX15LAM - LOA: Max L(2M) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2375 2375
99 Cannot be assessed 1355 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX15LAS - LOA: Max L(2M) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2373 2373
99 Cannot be assessed 1357 3730
. Missing 635 4365

OHX15LAP - LOA: Max L(2M) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2407 2407
99 Cannot be assessed 1321 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX15LAL - LOA: Max L(2M) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2417 2417
99 Cannot be assessed 1311 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX15LAA - LOA: Max L(2M) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(2M) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Upper left 2nd molar (2M) mesio- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2415 2415
99 Cannot be assessed 1313 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18CJD - LOA: Mnd L(2M) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2298 2298
99 Cannot be assessed 1430 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18CJM - LOA: Mnd L(2M) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 1 Range of Values 2292 2292
99 Cannot be assessed 1436 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18CJS - LOA: Mnd L(2M) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 1 Range of Values 2300 2300
99 Cannot be assessed 1428 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18CJP - LOA: Mnd L(2M) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2283 2283
99 Cannot be assessed 1445 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18CJL - LOA: Mnd L(2M) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 1 Range of Values 2287 2287
99 Cannot be assessed 1441 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18CJA - LOA: Mnd L(2M) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2283 2283
99 Cannot be assessed 1445 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18PCD - LOA: Mnd L(2M) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2298 2298
99 Cannot be assessed 1430 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18PCM - LOA: Mnd L(2M) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2292 2292
99 Cannot be assessed 1436 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18PCS - LOA: Mnd L(2M) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2300 2300
99 Cannot be assessed 1428 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18PCP - LOA: Mnd L(2M) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2283 2283
99 Cannot be assessed 1445 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18PCL - LOA: Mnd L(2M) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2287 2287
99 Cannot be assessed 1441 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18PCA - LOA: Mnd L(2M) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2283 2283
99 Cannot be assessed 1445 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18LAD - LOA: Mnd L(2M) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2298 2298
99 Cannot be assessed 1430 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18LAM - LOA: Mnd L(2M) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mid-facial - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2292 2292
99 Cannot be assessed 1436 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18LAS - LOA: Mnd L(2M) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mesio-facial - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2300 2300
99 Cannot be assessed 1428 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18LAP - LOA: Mnd L(2M) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2283 2283
99 Cannot be assessed 1445 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18LAL - LOA: Mnd L(2M) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2287 2287
99 Cannot be assessed 1441 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX18LAA - LOA: Mnd L(2M) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2M) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd molar (2M) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 14 Range of Values 2283 2283
99 Cannot be assessed 1445 3728
. Missing 637 4365

OHX19CJD - LOA: Mnd L(1M) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 1 Range of Values 2099 2099
99 Cannot be assessed 1630 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19CJM - LOA: Mnd L(1M) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 1 Range of Values 2096 2096
99 Cannot be assessed 1633 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19CJS - LOA: Mnd L(1M) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2101 2101
99 Cannot be assessed 1628 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19CJP - LOA: Max L(1M) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Max L(1M) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2077 2077
99 Cannot be assessed 1652 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19CJL - LOA: Mnd L(1M) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 3 Range of Values 2083 2083
99 Cannot be assessed 1646 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19CJA - LOA: Mnd L(1M) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2085 2085
99 Cannot be assessed 1644 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19PCD - LOA: Mnd L(1M) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2099 2099
99 Cannot be assessed 1630 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19PCM - LOA: Mnd L(1M) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2096 2096
99 Cannot be assessed 1633 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19PCS - LOA: Mnd L(1M) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2101 2101
99 Cannot be assessed 1628 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19PCP - LOA: Mnd L(1M) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2077 2077
99 Cannot be assessed 1652 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19PCL - LOA: Mnd L(1M) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2083 2083
99 Cannot be assessed 1646 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19PCA - LOA: Mnd L(1M) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2085 2085
99 Cannot be assessed 1644 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19LAD - LOA: Mnd L(1M) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2099 2099
99 Cannot be assessed 1630 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19LAM - LOA: Mnd L(1M) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mid-facial - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2096 2096
99 Cannot be assessed 1633 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19LAS - LOA: Mnd L(1M) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mesio-facial - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2101 2101
99 Cannot be assessed 1628 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19LAP - LOA: Mnd L(1M) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2077 2077
99 Cannot be assessed 1652 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19LAL - LOA: Mnd L(1M) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2083 2083
99 Cannot be assessed 1646 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX19LAA - LOA: Mnd L(1M) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1M) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st molar (1M) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2085 2085
99 Cannot be assessed 1644 3729
. Missing 636 4365

OHX20CJD - LOA: Mnd L(2B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2773 2773
99 Cannot be assessed 939 3712
. Missing 653 4365

OHX20CJM - LOA: Mnd L(2B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 1 Range of Values 2771 2771
99 Cannot be assessed 941 3712
. Missing 653 4365

OHX20CJS - LOA: Mnd L(2B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2743 2743
99 Cannot be assessed 969 3712
. Missing 653 4365

OHX20CJP - LOA: Mnd L(2B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2720 2720
99 Cannot be assessed 991 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX20CJL - LOA: Mnd L(2B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 1 Range of Values 2746 2746
99 Cannot be assessed 965 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX20CJA - LOA: Mnd L(2B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2739 2739
99 Cannot be assessed 972 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX20PCD - LOA: Mnd L(2B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2773 2773
99 Cannot be assessed 939 3712
. Missing 653 4365

OHX20PCM - LOA: Mnd L(2B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2771 2771
99 Cannot be assessed 941 3712
. Missing 653 4365

OHX20PCS - LOA: Mnd L(2B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2743 2743
99 Cannot be assessed 969 3712
. Missing 653 4365

OHX20PCP - LOA: Mnd L(2B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2720 2720
99 Cannot be assessed 991 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX20PCL - LOA: Mnd L(2B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2746 2746
99 Cannot be assessed 965 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX20PCA - LOA: Mnd L(2B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2739 2739
99 Cannot be assessed 972 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX20LAD - LOA: Mnd L(2B) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2773 2773
99 Cannot be assessed 939 3712
. Missing 653 4365

OHX20LAM - LOA: Mnd L(2B) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2771 2771
99 Cannot be assessed 941 3712
. Missing 653 4365

OHX20LAS - LOA: Mnd L(2B) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2743 2743
99 Cannot be assessed 969 3712
. Missing 653 4365

OHX20LAP - LOA: Mnd L(2B) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2720 2720
99 Cannot be assessed 991 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX20LAL - LOA: Mnd L(2B) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2746 2746
99 Cannot be assessed 965 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX20LAA - LOA: Mnd L(2B) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(2B) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 2nd bicuspid/2nd primary molar (2B) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2739 2739
99 Cannot be assessed 972 3711
. Missing 654 4365

OHX21CJD - LOA: Mnd L(1B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2895 2895
99 Cannot be assessed 804 3699
. Missing 666 4365

OHX21CJM - LOA: Mnd L(1B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 1 Range of Values 2888 2888
99 Cannot be assessed 810 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21CJS - LOA: Mnd L(1B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2883 2883
99 Cannot be assessed 815 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21CJP - LOA: Mnd L(1B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2805 2805
99 Cannot be assessed 893 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21CJL - LOA: Mnd L(1B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 1 Range of Values 2830 2830
99 Cannot be assessed 868 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21CJA - LOA: Mnd L(1B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 1 Range of Values 2778 2778
99 Cannot be assessed 920 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21PCD - LOA: Mnd L(1B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2895 2895
99 Cannot be assessed 804 3699
. Missing 666 4365

OHX21PCM - LOA: Mnd L(1B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2888 2888
99 Cannot be assessed 810 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21PCS - LOA: Mnd L(1B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2883 2883
99 Cannot be assessed 815 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21PCP - LOA: Mnd L(1B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2805 2805
99 Cannot be assessed 893 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21PCL - LOA: Mnd L(1B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2830 2830
99 Cannot be assessed 868 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21PCA - LOA: Mnd L(1B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2778 2778
99 Cannot be assessed 920 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21LAD - LOA: Mnd L(1B) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2895 2895
99 Cannot be assessed 804 3699
. Missing 666 4365

OHX21LAM - LOA: Mnd L(1B) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2888 2888
99 Cannot be assessed 810 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21LAS - LOA: Mnd L(1B) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2883 2883
99 Cannot be assessed 815 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21LAP - LOA: Mnd L(1B) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2805 2805
99 Cannot be assessed 893 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21LAL - LOA: Mnd L(1B) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2830 2830
99 Cannot be assessed 868 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX21LAA - LOA: Mnd L(1B) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(1B) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2778 2778
99 Cannot be assessed 920 3698
. Missing 667 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 3190 3190
99 Cannot be assessed 504 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22CJM - LOA: Mnd L(C) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 1 Range of Values 3188 3188
99 Cannot be assessed 506 3694
. Missing 671 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 4 Range of Values 3169 3169
99 Cannot be assessed 525 3694
. Missing 671 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2987 2987
99 Cannot be assessed 707 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22CJL - LOA: Mnd L(C) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 1 Range of Values 2987 2987
99 Cannot be assessed 707 3694
. Missing 671 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2791 2791
99 Cannot be assessed 903 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22PCD - LOA: Mnd L(C) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 3190 3190
99 Cannot be assessed 504 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22PCM - LOA: Mnd L(C) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 3188 3188
99 Cannot be assessed 506 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22PCS - LOA: Mnd L(C) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 3169 3169
99 Cannot be assessed 525 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22PCP - LOA: Mnd L(C) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2987 2987
99 Cannot be assessed 707 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22PCL - LOA: Mnd L(C) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2987 2987
99 Cannot be assessed 707 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22PCA - LOA: Mnd L(C) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2791 2791
99 Cannot be assessed 903 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22LAD - LOA: Mnd L(C) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 3190 3190
99 Cannot be assessed 504 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22LAM - LOA: Mnd L(C) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mid-facial - Level of attachment calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 14 Range of Values 3188 3188
99 Cannot be assessed 506 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22LAS - LOA: Mnd L(C) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 3169 3169
99 Cannot be assessed 525 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22LAP - LOA: Mnd L(C) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2987 2987
99 Cannot be assessed 707 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22LAL - LOA: Mnd L(C) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2987 2987
99 Cannot be assessed 707 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX22LAA - LOA: Mnd L(C) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(C) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left cuspid (C) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2791 2791
99 Cannot be assessed 903 3694
. Missing 671 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 4 Range of Values 3043 3043
99 Cannot be assessed 652 3695
. Missing 670 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 3 Range of Values 3055 3055
99 Cannot be assessed 640 3695
. Missing 670 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 4 Range of Values 3011 3011
99 Cannot be assessed 684 3695
. Missing 670 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2662 2662
99 Cannot be assessed 1033 3695
. Missing 670 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 2 Range of Values 2733 2733
99 Cannot be assessed 962 3695
. Missing 670 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2679 2679
99 Cannot be assessed 1016 3695
. Missing 670 4365

OHX23PCD - LOA: Mnd L(LI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 3043 3043
99 Cannot be assessed 652 3695
. Missing 670 4365

OHX23PCM - LOA: Mnd L(LI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 3055 3055
99 Cannot be assessed 640 3695
. Missing 670 4365

OHX23PCS - LOA: Mnd L(LI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 3011 3011
99 Cannot be assessed 684 3695
. Missing 670 4365

OHX23PCP - LOA: Mnd L(LI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2662 2662
99 Cannot be assessed 1033 3695
. Missing 670 4365

OHX23PCL - LOA: Mnd L(LI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 5 Range of Values 2733 2733
99 Cannot be assessed 962 3695
. Missing 670 4365

OHX23PCA - LOA: Mnd L(LI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 5 Range of Values 2679 2679
99 Cannot be assessed 1016 3695
. Missing 670 4365

OHX23LAD - LOA: Mnd L(LI) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) distal - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 3043 3043
99 Cannot be assessed 652 3695
. Missing 670 4365

OHX23LAM - LOA: Mnd L(LI) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 3055 3055
99 Cannot be assessed 640 3695
. Missing 670 4365

OHX23LAS - LOA: Mnd L(LI) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 3011 3011
99 Cannot be assessed 684 3695
. Missing 670 4365

OHX23LAP - LOA: Mnd L(LI) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2662 2662
99 Cannot be assessed 1033 3695
. Missing 670 4365

OHX23LAL - LOA: Mnd L(LI) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2733 2733
99 Cannot be assessed 962 3695
. Missing 670 4365

OHX23LAA - LOA: Mnd L(LI) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(LI) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left lateral incisor (LI) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2679 2679
99 Cannot be assessed 1016 3695
. Missing 670 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 4 Range of Values 2979 2979
99 Cannot be assessed 719 3698
. Missing 667 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 3 Range of Values 2976 2976
99 Cannot be assessed 722 3698
. Missing 667 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 4 Range of Values 2919 2919
99 Cannot be assessed 779 3698
. Missing 667 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-6 to 2 Range of Values 2500 2500
99 Cannot be assessed 1198 3698
. Missing 667 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2562 2562
99 Cannot be assessed 1136 3698
. Missing 667 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2521 2521
99 Cannot be assessed 1177 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX24PCD - LOA: Mnd L(CI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2979 2979
99 Cannot be assessed 719 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX24PCM - LOA: Mnd L(CI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 2976 2976
99 Cannot be assessed 722 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX24PCS - LOA: Mnd L(CI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2919 2919
99 Cannot be assessed 779 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX24PCP - LOA: Mnd L(CI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2500 2500
99 Cannot be assessed 1198 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX24PCL - LOA: Mnd L(CI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2562 2562
99 Cannot be assessed 1136 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX24PCA - LOA: Mnd L(CI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2521 2521
99 Cannot be assessed 1177 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX24LAD - LOA: Mnd L(CI) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2979 2979
99 Cannot be assessed 719 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX24LAM - LOA: Mnd L(CI) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mid-facial - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2976 2976
99 Cannot be assessed 722 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX24LAS - LOA: Mnd L(CI) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2919 2919
99 Cannot be assessed 779 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX24LAP - LOA: Mnd L(CI) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2500 2500
99 Cannot be assessed 1198 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX24LAL - LOA: Mnd L(CI) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2562 2562
99 Cannot be assessed 1136 3698
. Missing 667 4365

OHX24LAA - LOA: Mnd L(CI) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd L(CI) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower left central incisor (CI) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2521 2521
99 Cannot be assessed 1177 3698
. Missing 667 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 3 Range of Values 2951 2951
99 Cannot be assessed 745 3696
. Missing 669 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 4 Range of Values 2946 2946
99 Cannot be assessed 750 3696
. Missing 669 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 4 Range of Values 2895 2895
99 Cannot be assessed 801 3696
. Missing 669 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2450 2450
99 Cannot be assessed 1246 3696
. Missing 669 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-6 to 2 Range of Values 2536 2536
99 Cannot be assessed 1160 3696
. Missing 669 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-9 to 2 Range of Values 2477 2477
99 Cannot be assessed 1219 3696
. Missing 669 4365

OHX25PCD - LOA: Mnd R(CI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2951 2951
99 Cannot be assessed 745 3696
. Missing 669 4365

OHX25PCM - LOA: Mnd R(CI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2946 2946
99 Cannot be assessed 750 3696
. Missing 669 4365

OHX25PCS - LOA: Mnd R(CI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2895 2895
99 Cannot be assessed 801 3696
. Missing 669 4365

OHX25PCP - LOA: Mnd R(CI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 5 Range of Values 2450 2450
99 Cannot be assessed 1246 3696
. Missing 669 4365

OHX25PCL - LOA: Mnd R(CI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 5 Range of Values 2536 2536
99 Cannot be assessed 1160 3696
. Missing 669 4365

OHX25PCA - LOA: Mnd R(CI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2477 2477
99 Cannot be assessed 1219 3696
. Missing 669 4365

OHX25LAD - LOA: Mnd R(CI) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2951 2951
99 Cannot be assessed 745 3696
. Missing 669 4365

OHX25LAM - LOA: Mnd R(CI) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2946 2946
99 Cannot be assessed 750 3696
. Missing 669 4365

OHX25LAS - LOA: Mnd R(CI) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2895 2895
99 Cannot be assessed 801 3696
. Missing 669 4365

OHX25LAP - LOA: Mnd R(CI) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2450 2450
99 Cannot be assessed 1246 3696
. Missing 669 4365

OHX25LAL - LOA: Mnd R(CI) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2536 2536
99 Cannot be assessed 1160 3696
. Missing 669 4365

OHX25LAA - LOA: Mnd R(CI) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(CI) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right central incisor (CI) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 11 Range of Values 2477 2477
99 Cannot be assessed 1219 3696
. Missing 669 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 4 Range of Values 3003 3003
99 Cannot be assessed 691 3694
. Missing 671 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 3 Range of Values 3028 3028
99 Cannot be assessed 666 3694
. Missing 671 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 3 Range of Values 3004 3004
99 Cannot be assessed 690 3694
. Missing 671 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 1 Range of Values 2646 2646
99 Cannot be assessed 1047 3693
. Missing 672 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 1 Range of Values 2709 2709
99 Cannot be assessed 984 3693
. Missing 672 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 1 Range of Values 2637 2637
99 Cannot be assessed 1056 3693
. Missing 672 4365

OHX26PCD - LOA: Mnd R(LI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 3003 3003
99 Cannot be assessed 691 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX26PCM - LOA: Mnd R(LI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 3028 3028
99 Cannot be assessed 666 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX26PCS - LOA: Mnd R(LI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 3004 3004
99 Cannot be assessed 690 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX26PCP - LOA: Mnd R(LI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2646 2646
99 Cannot be assessed 1047 3693
. Missing 672 4365

OHX26PCL - LOA: Mnd R(LI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2709 2709
99 Cannot be assessed 984 3693
. Missing 672 4365

OHX26PCA - LOA: Mnd R(LI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2637 2637
99 Cannot be assessed 1056 3693
. Missing 672 4365

OHX26LAD - LOA: Mnd R(LI) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 3003 3003
99 Cannot be assessed 691 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX26LAM - LOA: Mnd R(LI) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 3028 3028
99 Cannot be assessed 666 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX26LAS - LOA: Mnd R(LI) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 3004 3004
99 Cannot be assessed 690 3694
. Missing 671 4365

OHX26LAP - LOA: Mnd R(LI) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2646 2646
99 Cannot be assessed 1047 3693
. Missing 672 4365

OHX26LAL - LOA: Mnd R(LI) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2709 2709
99 Cannot be assessed 984 3693
. Missing 672 4365

OHX26LAA - LOA: Mnd R(LI) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(LI) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 15 Range of Values 2637 2637
99 Cannot be assessed 1056 3693
. Missing 672 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 3131 3131
99 Cannot be assessed 562 3693
. Missing 672 4365

OHX27CJM - LOA: Mnd R(C) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 3167 3167
99 Cannot be assessed 526 3693
. Missing 672 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 4 Range of Values 3159 3159
99 Cannot be assessed 534 3693
. Missing 672 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2991 2991
99 Cannot be assessed 701 3692
. Missing 673 4365

OHX27CJL - LOA: Mnd R(C) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 1 Range of Values 2995 2995
99 Cannot be assessed 697 3692
. Missing 673 4365


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-12 to 1 Range of Values 2764 2764
99 Cannot be assessed 928 3692
. Missing 673 4365

OHX27PCD - LOA: Mnd R(C) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 3131 3131
99 Cannot be assessed 562 3693
. Missing 672 4365

OHX27PCM - LOA: Mnd R(C) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 3167 3167
99 Cannot be assessed 526 3693
. Missing 672 4365

OHX27PCS - LOA: Mnd R(C) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 3159 3159
99 Cannot be assessed 534 3693
. Missing 672 4365

OHX27PCP - LOA: Mnd R(C) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2991 2991
99 Cannot be assessed 701 3692
. Missing 673 4365

OHX27PCL - LOA: Mnd R(C) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right lateral incisor (LI) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2995 2995
99 Cannot be assessed 697 3692
. Missing 673 4365

OHX27PCA - LOA: Mnd R(C) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2764 2764
99 Cannot be assessed 928 3692
. Missing 673 4365

OHX27LAD - LOA: Mnd R(C) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 3131 3131
99 Cannot be assessed 562 3693
. Missing 672 4365

OHX27LAM - LOA: Mnd R(C) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 3167 3167
99 Cannot be assessed 526 3693
. Missing 672 4365

OHX27LAS - LOA: Mnd R(C) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 14 Range of Values 3159 3159
99 Cannot be assessed 534 3693
. Missing 672 4365

OHX27LAP - LOA: Mnd R(C) DL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) DL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) distal - lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2991 2991
99 Cannot be assessed 701 3692
. Missing 673 4365

OHX27LAL - LOA: Mnd R(C) MdL calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) MdL calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mid- lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 12 Range of Values 2995 2995
99 Cannot be assessed 697 3692
. Missing 673 4365

OHX27LAA - LOA: Mnd R(C) ML calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(C) ML calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right cuspid (C) mesio-lingual - Calculation of: (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2764 2764
99 Cannot be assessed 928 3692
. Missing 673 4365

OHX28CJD - LOA: Mnd R(1B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) DF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 1 Range of Values 2888 2888
99 Cannot be assessed 813 3701
. Missing 664 4365

OHX28CJM - LOA: Mnd R(1B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) MdF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-12 to 1 Range of Values 2879 2879
99 Cannot be assessed 822 3701
. Missing 664 4365

OHX28CJS - LOA: Mnd R(1B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) MF FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-11 to 2 Range of Values 2882 2882
99 Cannot be assessed 819 3701
. Missing 664 4365

OHX28CJP - LOA: Mnd R(1B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) DL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 2 Range of Values 2804 2804
99 Cannot be assessed 896 3700
. Missing 665 4365

OHX28CJL - LOA: Mnd R(1B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) MdL FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-8 to 1 Range of Values 2818 2818
99 Cannot be assessed 882 3700
. Missing 665 4365

OHX28CJA - LOA: Mnd R(1B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) ML FGM-CEJ(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio- lingual - FGM to CEJ measurement (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
-10 to 1 Range of Values 2716 2716
99 Cannot be assessed 984 3700
. Missing 665 4365

OHX28PCD - LOA: Mnd R(1B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) DF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 10 Range of Values 2888 2888
99 Cannot be assessed 813 3701
. Missing 664 4365

OHX28PCM - LOA: Mnd R(1B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) MdF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 6 Range of Values 2879 2879
99 Cannot be assessed 822 3701
. Missing 664 4365

OHX28PCS - LOA: Mnd R(1B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) MF FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2882 2882
99 Cannot be assessed 819 3701
. Missing 664 4365

OHX28PCP - LOA: Mnd R(1B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) DL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2804 2804
99 Cannot be assessed 896 3700
. Missing 665 4365

OHX28PCL - LOA: Mnd R(1B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) MdL FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 8 Range of Values 2818 2818
99 Cannot be assessed 882 3700
. Missing 665 4365

OHX28PCA - LOA: Mnd R(1B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) ML FGM-sulcus(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio- lingual - FGM to sulcus base (pocket depth) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 2716 2716
99 Cannot be assessed 984 3700
. Missing 665 4365

OHX28LAD - LOA: Mnd R(1B) DF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) DF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) distal - Calculation of : (FGM to CEJ measurement) - (FGM to sulcus base measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2888 2888
99 Cannot be assessed 813 3701
. Missing 664 4365

OHX28LAM - LOA: Mnd R(1B) MdF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) MdF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mid-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 14 Range of Values 2879 2879
99 Cannot be assessed 822 3701
. Missing 664 4365

OHX28LAS - LOA: Mnd R(1B) MF calculated AL(mm)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
LOA: Mnd R(1B) MF calculated AL(mm)
English Text:
Loss of Attachment: Lower right 1st bicuspid/1st primary molar (1B) mesio-facial - Calculation of : (FGM to sulcus base measurement) - (FGM to CEJ measurement) (mm)
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 13 Range of Values 2882 2882
99 Cannot be assessed 819 3701
. Missing 664