The smoking - cigarette use (variable name prefix SMQ) data set provides data on history of use, age at initiation, past 30 day use, cigarette brand, sub-brand and other related details. For adults, two new questions on quit attempts have been added in 2013-14. Also cigarette brand name, sub-brand, and other brand descriptors have been updated to reflect U.S. FDA cigarette product naming and packaging requirements.
All participants aged 12 years and older were eligible. For participants aged 12-17 years, there were no proxy interviews.
Beginning in 2013-14, the age range changed by collection mode. For adults aged 18 years or older, questions were asked, in the home, by trained interviewers using the Computer-Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) system. For youths aged 12-17 years, the questions were asked at the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) during the MEC Interview using the Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interview (ACASI) system, in English and Spanish only. ACASI was the previous data collection mode for youths aged 12-19 years.
The CAPI and ACASI systems are programmed with built-in consistency checks to reduce data entry errors. CAPI also uses online help screens to assist interviewers in defining key terms used in the questionnaire.
Edits were made to ensure completeness, consistency and analytic usefulness of the data. Note that because data are self-reported, certain inconsistencies remain. For example, some adult respondents reported smoking “everyday” in SMQ040, but then reported fewer than 30 days when questioned about the number of days smoked during the past 30 days (SMD641). Analysts should review responses to questions carefully prior to analysis.
A special variable, SMAQUEX was created as a flag to designate each interview mode.
Please consult “variable names across cycles,” found at the end of this documentation for further clarification of all changes in 2013-14.
SMQ078: “How soon after waking do you smoke” has expanded response categories in this data release. Categories can be collapsed in order to analyze the variable SMQ077 in earlier cycles.
SMDUPCA: The Universal Product Code (UPC) from the cigarette pack barcode and name was matched to an updated Nielsen data base of domestic and imported cigarettes containing UPC, cigarette name, sub-brand, package color, as well as filter, length and menthol designation. For a select number of brands, the data base also included mean tar, nicotine and CO levels (SMD100TR, SMD100NI, SMD100CO) obtained from the Federal Trade Commission.
SMD100BR: The cigarette brand names and sub-brand now reflect the current product naming and packaging. This variable includes the cigarette brand for persons who had their cigarette pack at the interview (SMD093=1) and persons who did not have their pack (SMD093=2), but reported a usual brand. The cigarette brand for 13 respondents who provided a cigarette pack was not identified.
Data collection questions on cigarette brands for youth aged 12-17 years also were modified in 2013, and are released as SMQ661, SMQ665A—SMQ665D, with new product sub-brand names.
Additional questions on tobacco use and exposure are located in SMQRTU, SMQFAM and SMQSHS data files. Biologic indicators of tobacco exposure, serum cotinine (metabolite of nicotine) and urinary NNAL measurements can be found in the COTNAL laboratory data file. For adults 20 years and older, a special subset of tobacco-related volatile organic compounds found in urine also are available (UVOCS).
Note that for three data release cycles (1999-2004), all of the tobacco use data obtained for youths during the MEC ACASI interview was released in the SMQMEC data files, and tobacco use data for adults was released in both the SMQ and SMQMEC data files. However, beginning in 2005-2006, the data release format was altered, combining data collection modes, and dividing the data by topic for all ages between two files: SMQ (cigarette use as reported in the home interview) and SMQRTU (recent tobacco use as reported in the MEC). In addition, in 2013-14, the age range changed by mode; the ACASI in the MEC was used only of youths aged 12-17 years. Therefore, when analysts are combining multiple years of tobacco data it is critical to refer to all tobacco-related codebooks and carefully review the target age for each variable in the relevant data files.
The NHANES full sample 2-Year MEC Exam Weights (WTMEC2YR) should be used to analyze the 2013-14 SMQ variables in conjunction with the laboratory measurements on tobacco exposure or other examination measurements.
Please refer to the NHANES Analytic Guidelines and the on-line NHANES Tutorial for further details on the use of sample weights and other analytic issues.
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | Yes | 2579 | 2579 | |
2 | No | 3532 | 6111 | SMAQUEX2 |
7 | Refused | 0 | 6111 | SMAQUEX2 |
9 | Don't know | 2 | 6113 | SMAQUEX2 |
. | Missing | 1055 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
7 to 64 | Range of Values | 2448 | 2448 | |
0 | Never smoked cigarettes regularly | 120 | 2568 | |
80 | 80 years or older | 0 | 2568 | |
777 | Refused | 0 | 2568 | |
999 | Don't know | 11 | 2579 | |
. | Missing | 4589 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | Every day | 992 | 992 | SMQ078 |
2 | Some days | 240 | 1232 | SMD641 |
3 | Not at all | 1347 | 2579 | |
7 | Refused | 0 | 2579 | SMAQUEX2 |
9 | Don't know | 0 | 2579 | SMAQUEX2 |
. | Missing | 4589 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 to 90 | Range of Values | 1290 | 1290 | |
66666 | 50 years or more | 46 | 1336 | |
77777 | Refused | 0 | 1336 | |
99999 | Don't know | 11 | 1347 | |
. | Missing | 5821 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | Days | 10 | 10 | |
2 | Weeks | 28 | 38 | |
3 | Months | 99 | 137 | |
4 | Years | 1153 | 1290 | |
7 | Refused | 0 | 1290 | |
9 | Don't know | 0 | 1290 | |
. | Missing | 5878 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
14 to 79 | Range of Values | 1198 | 1198 | |
80 | 80 years or older | 6 | 1204 | |
777 | Refused | 0 | 1204 | |
999 | Don't know | 11 | 1215 | |
. | Missing | 5953 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
2 to 90 | Range of Values | 1189 | 1189 | |
1 | 1 cigarette or less | 136 | 1325 | |
95 | 95 cigarettes or more | 7 | 1332 | |
777 | Refused | 0 | 1332 | |
999 | Don't know | 15 | 1347 | |
. | Missing | 5821 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | Within 5 minutes | 258 | 258 | |
2 | From 6 to 30 minutes | 321 | 579 | |
3 | From more than 30 minutes to one hour | 211 | 790 | |
4 | From more than 1 hour to 2 hours | 103 | 893 | |
5 | From more than 2 hours to 3 hours | 40 | 933 | |
6 | From more than 3 hours to 4 hours | 21 | 954 | |
7 | More than 4 hours | 45 | 999 | |
77 | Refused | 0 | 999 | |
99 | Don't know | 0 | 999 | |
. | Missing | 6169 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
0 to 30 | Range of Values | 1316 | 1316 | |
77 | Refused | 0 | 1316 | |
99 | Don't know | 0 | 1316 | |
. | Missing | 5852 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
2 to 90 | Range of Values | 1139 | 1139 | |
1 | 1 cigarette or less | 107 | 1246 | |
95 | 95 cigarettes or more | 0 | 1246 | |
777 | Refused | 0 | 1246 | |
999 | Don't know | 2 | 1248 | |
. | Missing | 5920 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | Yes | 829 | 829 | |
2 | No | 280 | 1109 | SMD100BR |
3 | No usual brand | 69 | 1178 | SMQ670 |
4 | Rolls own | 54 | 1232 | SMD100BR |
7 | Refused | 0 | 1232 | |
9 | Don't know | 0 | 1232 | |
. | Missing | 5936 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
Cig 12-digit Universal Product Code-UPC | Value was recorded | 758 | 758 | |
* NO MATCH * | No match | 58 | 816 | |
< blank > | Missing | 6352 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
Cigarette Brand/sub-brand | Value was recorded | 1092 | 1092 | |
< blank > | Missing | 6076 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
0 | Non-filter | 12 | 12 | |
1 | Filter | 1079 | 1091 | |
. | Missing | 6077 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
0 | Non-menthol | 671 | 671 | |
1 | Menthol | 421 | 1092 | |
. | Missing | 6076 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | Regular (68-72 mm) | 45 | 45 | |
2 | King (79-88 mm) | 623 | 668 | |
3 | Long (94-101 mm) | 410 | 1078 | |
4 | Ultra long (110-121 mm) | 14 | 1092 | |
. | Missing | 6076 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
2 to 24 | Range of Values | 828 | 828 | |
. | Missing | 6340 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
0.1 to 2 | Range of Values | 828 | 828 | |
. | Missing | 6340 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
3 to 19 | Range of Values | 828 | 828 | |
. | Missing | 6340 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | I have never smoked, not even a puff | 836 | 836 | SMAQUEX2 |
2 | 1 or more puffs but never a whole cigarette | 85 | 921 | SMAQUEX2 |
3 | 1 cigarette | 12 | 933 | |
4 | 2 to 5 cigarettes | 25 | 958 | |
5 | 6 to 15 cigarettes | 17 | 975 | |
6 | 16 to 25 cigarettes | 10 | 985 | |
7 | 26 to 99 cigarettes | 11 | 996 | |
8 | 100 or more cigarettes | 9 | 1005 | |
77 | Refused | 1 | 1006 | SMAQUEX2 |
99 | Don't know | 1 | 1007 | SMAQUEX2 |
. | Missing | 6161 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
7 to 17 | Range of Values | 82 | 82 | |
6 | 6 years or less | 1 | 83 | |
77 | Refused | 0 | 83 | SMAQUEX2 |
99 | Don't know | 0 | 83 | SMAQUEX2 |
. | Missing | 7085 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | Marlboro | 13 | 13 | |
2 | Camel | 3 | 16 | SMQ665B |
3 | Newport | 9 | 25 | SMQ665C |
8 | Other brand | 2 | 27 | SMQ665D |
9 | No usual brand | 1 | 28 | SMQ670 |
10 | Hand-rolled cigarettes | 1 | 29 | SMQ670 |
77 | Refused | 0 | 29 | SMQ670 |
99 | Don't know | 0 | 29 | SMQ670 |
. | Missing | 7139 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | MARLBORO RED | 4 | 4 | SMQ670 |
2 | MARLBORO RED 83S | 0 | 4 | SMQ670 |
3 | MARLBORO GOLD | 3 | 7 | SMQ670 |
4 | MARLBORO GOLD MENTHOL | 0 | 7 | SMQ670 |
5 | MARLBORO SILVER | 0 | 7 | SMQ670 |
6 | MARLBORO BLACK | 1 | 8 | SMQ670 |
7 | MARLBORO MENTHOL | 2 | 10 | SMQ670 |
8 | OTHER MARLBORO | 3 | 13 | SMQ670 |
77 | Refused | 0 | 13 | SMQ670 |
99 | Don't know | 0 | 13 | SMQ670 |
. | Missing | 7155 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | CAMEL | 0 | 0 | SMQ670 |
2 | CAMEL BLUE | 0 | 0 | SMQ670 |
3 | CAMEL CRUSH | 1 | 1 | SMQ670 |
4 | CAMEL CRUSH BOLD | 0 | 1 | SMQ670 |
5 | CAMEL MENTHOL | 0 | 1 | SMQ670 |
6 | CAMEL MENTHOL SILVER | 1 | 2 | SMQ670 |
7 | OTHER CAMEL | 1 | 3 | SMQ670 |
77 | Refused | 0 | 3 | SMQ670 |
99 | Don't know | 0 | 3 | SMQ670 |
. | Missing | 7165 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | NEWPORT | 9 | 9 | SMQ670 |
2 | NEWPORT MENTHOL GOLD | 0 | 9 | SMQ670 |
3 | OTHER NEWPORT | 0 | 9 | SMQ670 |
77 | Refused | 0 | 9 | SMQ670 |
99 | Don't know | 0 | 9 | SMQ670 |
. | Missing | 7159 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | BASIC | 0 | 0 | |
2 | DORAL RED 100S | 0 | 0 | |
3 | DORAL MENTHOL GOLD BOX 100S | 0 | 0 | |
4 | GPC | 0 | 0 | |
5 | GPC MENTHOL | 0 | 0 | |
6 | KOOL BLUE MENTHOL 100S | 0 | 0 | |
7 | KOOL TRUE MENTHOL | 1 | 1 | |
8 | VIRGINIA SLIMS | 0 | 1 | |
9 | OTHER BRAND | 1 | 2 | |
77 | Refused | 0 | 2 | |
99 | Don't know | 0 | 2 | |
. | Missing | 7166 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | Yes | 600 | 600 | |
2 | No | 661 | 1261 | |
7 | Refused | 0 | 1261 | |
9 | Don't know | 0 | 1261 | |
. | Missing | 5907 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 to 20 | Range of Values | 578 | 578 | |
777 | Refused | 0 | 578 | |
999 | Don't know | 5 | 583 | |
. | Missing | 6585 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
0 to 356 | Range of Values | 577 | 577 | |
7777 | Refused | 1 | 578 | |
9999 | Don't know | 2 | 580 | |
. | Missing | 6588 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | Days | 281 | 281 | |
2 | Weeks | 138 | 419 | |
3 | Months | 158 | 577 | |
7 | Refused | 0 | 577 | |
9 | Don't know | 0 | 577 | |
. | Missing | 6591 | 7168 |
Code or Value | Value Description | Count | Cumulative | Skip to Item |
1 | Home Interview (18+ Yrs) | 6113 | 6113 | |
2 | ACASI (12 - 17 Yrs) | 1055 | 7168 | |
. | Missing | 0 | 7168 |
2003-2004 | 2005-2006 | 2007-2008 | 2009-2010 | 2011-2012 | 2013-2014 | Label |
SMQ020 | SMQ020 | SMQ020 | SMQ020 | SMQ020 | SMQ020 | Smoked at least 100 cigarettes in life |
SMD030 | SMD030 | SMD030 | SMD030 | SMD030 | SMD030 | Age started smoking cigarettes regularly |
SMQ040 | SMQ040 | SMQ040 | SMQ040 | SMQ040 | SMQ040 | Do you now smoke cigarettes |
SMQ050Q | SMQ050Q | SMQ050Q | SMQ050Q | SMQ050Q | SMQ050Q | How long since quit smoking cigarettes |
SMQ050U | SMQ050U | SMQ050U | SMQ050U | SMQ050U | SMQ050U | Unit of measure (day/week/month/year) |
SMD055 | SMD055 | SMD055 | SMD055 | SMD055 | SMD055 | Age last smoked cigarettes regularly |
SMD057 | SMD057 | SMD057 | SMD057 | SMD057 | SMD057 | # cigarettes smoked per day when quit |
SMD070 | SMD070 | NA | NA | NA | NA | # cigarettes smoked per day now |
SMD075 | SMD075 | NA | NA | NA | NA | How many years smoked this amount |
SMQ077 | SMQ077 | SMQ077 | SMQ077 | SMQ077 | NA | How soon after waking do you smoke |
NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | SMQ078 | How soon after waking do you smoke |
NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | # days smoked cigs during past 30 days |
NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Avg # cigarettes/day during past 30 days |
NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | May I please see the pack of cigarettes |
SMD093 | SMD093 | SMD093 | SMD093 | SMD093 | SMD093 | May I please see the pack of cigarettes |
SMD100BR | SMD100BR | SMD100BR | SMD100BR | SMD100BR | SMD100BR | Cigarette Brand/sub-brand |
SMD100CO | SMD100CO | SMD100CO | SMD100CO | SMD100CO | SMD100CO | FTC Carbon Monoxide Content |
SMD100FL | SMD100FL | SMD100FL | SMD100FL | SMD100FL | SMD100FL | Cigarette Filter type |
SMD100LN | SMD100LN | SMD100LN | SMD100LN | SMD100LN | SMD100LN | Cigarette Length |
SMD100MN | SMD100MN | SMD100MN | SMD100MN | SMD100MN | SMD100MN | Cigarette Menthol indicator |
SMD100NI | SMD100NI | SMD100NI | SMD100NI | SMD100NI | SMD100NI | FTC Nicotine Content |
SMD100TR | SMD100TR | SMD100TR | SMD100TR | SMD100TR | SMD100TR | FTC Tar Content |
SMQ120 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Smoked a pipe at least 20 times in life |
SMD130 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Age started pipe smoking regularly |
SMQ140 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Do you now smoke a pipe |
SMQ143 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | # pipefuls of tobacco smoked per day |
SMQ145 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | # years smoked this amount of pipes |
SMQ150 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Smoked cigars at least 20 times in life |
SMD160 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Age started cigar smoking regularly |
SMQ170 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Do you now smoke cigars |
SMQ173 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | # cigars smokes per day |
SMQ175 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | # years smoked this amount of cigars |
SMQ180 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Used snuff at least 20 times in life |
SMD190 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Age started using snuff regularly |
SMQ200 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Do you now use snuff |
SMD203 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | # snuff pinches/dips/rubs per day |
SMQ205 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | # years used this amount of snuff |
SMQ210 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Used chewing tobacco 20 times in life |
SMD220 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Age started chewing tobacco regularly |
SMQ230 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Do you now use chewing tobacco |
SMD233 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | # chewing plugs/wads/chaws per day |
SMD235 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | # years used this chewing tobacco amount |
NA | SMQ620 | SMQ620 | SMQ620 | NA | NA | Ever tried cigarette smoking |
NA | NA | NA | NA | SMQ621 | SMQ621 | Cigarettes smoked in entire life |
NA | SMD630 | SMD630 | SMD630 | SMD630 | SMD630 | Age first smoked whole cigarette |
SMD641 | SMD641 | SMD641 | SMD641 | SMD641 | SMD641 | # days smoked cigs during past 30 days |
SMD650 | SMD650 | SMD650 | SMD650 | SMD650 | SMD650 | Avg # cigarettes/day during past 30 days |
NA | SMQ660 | SMQ660 | SMQ660 | SMQ660 | NA | Brands of cigarettes smoked/past mo |
NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | SMQ661 | Brand of cigarettes smoked past 30 days |
NA | SMQ664B | SMQ664B | SMQ664B | SMQ664B | NA | Menthol or non-menthol BensonHedges |
NA | SMQ664C | SMQ664C | SMQ664C | SMQ664C | NA | Menthol or non-menthol Camels |
NA | SMQ664M | SMQ664M | SMQ664M | SMQ664M | NA | Menthol or non-menthol Marlboro |
NA | SMQ664O | SMQ664O | SMQ664O | SMQ664O | NA | Menthol or non-menthol other brand |
NA | SMQ664W | SMQ664W | SMQ664W | SMQ664W | NA | Menthol or non-menthol Winston |
NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | SMQ665A | Marlboro variety |
NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | SMQ665B | Camel variety |
NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | SMQ665C | Newport variety |
NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | SMQ665D | Other brand |
NA | SMQ666B | SMQ666B | SMQ666B | NA | NA | Regular, light or ultralite BensonHedges |
NA | SMQ666C | SMQ666C | SMQ666C | NA | NA | Regular, light or ultralite Camels |
NA | SMQ666K | SMQ666K | SMQ666K | NA | NA | Regular, light or ultralite Kools |
NA | SMQ666M | SMQ666M | SMQ666M | NA | NA | Regular, light or ultralite Marlboro |
NA | SMQ666O | SMQ666O | SMQ666O | NA | NA | Regular, light or ultralite other brand |
NA | SMQ666S | SMQ666S | SMQ666S | NA | NA | Regular, light or ultralite Salem |
NA | SMQ666W | SMQ666W | SMQ666W | NA | NA | Regular, light or ultralite Winston |
NA | SMQ670 | SMQ670 | SMQ670 | SMQ670 | SMQ670 | Tried to quit smoking |
NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | SMQ848 | # times stopped smoking cigarettes |
NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | SMQ852Q | How long were you able to stop smoking |
NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | SMQ852U | Unit of measure (day/week/month/year) |
NA | SMAQUEX2 | SMAQUEX2 | SMAQUEX2 | SMAQUEX2 | SMAQUEX2 | Questionnaire Mode Flag |
SMDUPCA | SMDUPCA | SMDUPCA | SMDUPCA | SMDUPCA | SMDUPCA | Cig 12-digit Universal Product Code-UPC |