Table of Contents

Component Description

Sera from stored surplus specimens in the NHANES 1999-2004 cycles were tested for high-sensitivity (hs)-troponin T (Roche), hs-troponin I (Abbott), hs-troponin I (Siemens) and hs-troponin I (Ortho). The results for high-sensitivity cardiac troponin in this data release are reported in nanograms per liter (ng/L).   

Eligible Sample

NHANES participants aged 1 year or older who consented to storing their samples for future research and had stored sera samples from 1999-2004.

Description of Laboratory Methodology

This stored specimen study was conducted by the Principal Investigator (PI) Dr. Elizabeth Selvin at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. All measurements were performed during 2018-2020 at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland (Lab Director: Dr. Robert Christenson).

Hs-Troponin T (Roche)

Hs-troponin T, TnT Gen 5 STAT in the USA, was measured using the Roche Cobas e601 using Elecsys reagents. The limit of detection (LoD) for this assay is 3 ng/L.

Total imprecision was expressed as coefficients of variation (CVs). They were 3.1% (26.12–31.28 ng/L) and 2.0% (2004.5–2215.5 ng/L).

Hs-Troponin I (Abbott)

Hs-troponin I (Abbott) was measured using the Abbott ARCHITECT i2000SR. The LoD for this assay is 1.7 ng/L.

CVs: 6.4% (8.12-16.01 ng/L), 4.5% (27.69-55.38 ng/L), 3.5% (169.1-314.1 ng/L), and 6.7% (2758-4444 ng/L).

Hs-Troponin I (Siemens)

Hs-troponin I (Siemens), TNIH assay, was measured using the Siemens Centaur XP. The LoD for this assay is 1.6 ng/L.

CVs: 3.8% (12-28 ng/L), 2.7% (120-280 ng/L), and 2.6% (9000-21000 ng/L).

Hs-Troponin I (Ortho)

Hs-troponin I (Ortho) was measured using the Ortho Vitros 3600. The LoD for this assay is 0.39 ng/L.

CVs: 4.2% (6-16 ng/L) and 2.8% (17511-21403 ng/L).

Data Processing and Editing

Data were received after all analyses were complete. The data were not edited.
Data Access: All data are publicly available. 

Analytic Notes

Refer to the 1999-2000, 2001-2002, and 2003-2004 Laboratory Data Overview for general information on NHANES laboratory data. For information on the stored specimens, refer to the NHANES Biospecimen Program.

Very low concentrations of hs-troponin are associated with greater variability and are not routinely reported for clinical use. However, such values have been unblinded in this dataset for research purposes only.  

For hs-troponin T (Roche) and hs-troponin I (Ortho), low values were initially blinded for each assay. Such values were subsequently unblinded. If unblinding was not possible, the hs-troponin T (Roche) value was imputed as 3 ng/L divided by square root of 2 and the hs-troponin I (Ortho) value was imputed as 0.39 ng/L divided by square root of 2. The hs-troponin I (Siemens) was initially blinded at values below the limit of quantitation (LoQ). If unblinding was not possible, the hs-troponin I (Siemens) value was imputed as 2.5 ng/L divided by square root of 2. For the purposes of this study, the hs-troponin I (Abbott) was not blinded.

The initial lowest reported value before unblinding, limit of the blank (LoB), limit of detection (LoD) and limit of quantitation (LoQ) for hs-troponin T (Roche), hs-troponin I (Abbott), hs-troponin I (Siemens) and hs-troponin I (Ortho) are:

Analyte Device Initial lowest reported value
before unblinding
Hs-Troponin T Roche 3 ng/L 2.5 ng/L 3 ng/L 6 ng/L
Hs-Troponin I Abbott - 0.9 ng/L 1.7 ng/L 2.3 ng/L
Hs-Troponin I Siemens 2.5 ng/L 0.5 ng/L 1.6 ng/L 2.5 ng/L
Hs-Troponin I Ortho 0.39 ng/L 0.14 ng/L 0.39 ng/L 1.23 ng/L

Two variables are provided for each analyte. The variable prefixed SS (i.e., SSTNT) provides the analytic result for that analyte. The other variable prefixed SS and suffixed with “LC” (ex., SSTNTLC) indicates how the analytic results was obtained: A “0” value means that the result was initially measurable and not blinded. A “1” indicates that the result was initially blinded and was able to be unblinded to provide a measured result. A “2” indicates that the result was initially blinded and was unable to be unblinded, requiring imputation of the result as documented above. For analytes with results that are below the manufacturer-reported LoQ, caution is required for interpretation and values are provided for research purposes only.

The hs-troponin variable names and its corresponding analyte names are: 

Variable Name Analyte name
SSTNT Cardiac hs-Troponin T, ng/L
SSTNIA Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Abbott), ng/L
SSTNIS Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Siemens), ng/L
SSTNIO Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Ortho), ng/L

Other variables in this dataset:

An indicator variable (SSPRISTP) is included for whether the analyte was measured in a pristine sample (never previously thawed and re-frozen): 0=non-pristine; 1=pristine.

Variable Name Description
SSTNTLC Cardiac hs-Troponin T indicator for values less than blinding threshold value
SSTNIALC Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Abbott) indicator for greater than/equal or less then LoD
SSTNISLC Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Siemens) indicator for values less than blinding threshold value
SSTNIOLC Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Ortho) indicator for values less than blinding threshold value
SSPRISTP Pristine sample indicator for SSTROP_A

Subsample Weights

Sample weights are required to analyze these data properly. Specific sample weights for this subsample are included in this data file and should be used when analyzing these data (WTSSCB2Y, WTSSCB4Y). Please refer to the NHANES Analytic Guidelines and the on-line NHANES Tutorial for further details on the use of sample weights and other analytic issues. These sample weights are shared with files: “SSCARD_A” and “SSBNP_A”, which were from the same sample of survey participants.

Codebook and Frequencies

SEQN - Respondent sequence number

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent sequence number
English Text:
Respondent sequence number.
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 150 YEARS

WTSSCB2Y - Cardiac biomarkers 2 year weights

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Cardiac biomarkers 2 year weights
English Text:
Surplus specimen cardiac biomarkers 2 year weights
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1250.055251 to 297328.56282 Range of Values 21743 21743
0 No lab specimen 0 21743
. Missing 0 21743

WTSSCB4Y - Cardiac biomarker 4 yr weights 1999-2002

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Cardiac biomarker 4 yr weights 1999-2002
English Text:
Surplus specimen cardiac biomarker 4 yr weights 1999-2002
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
773.99041 to 120568.91688 Range of Values 14471 14471
0 No lab specimen 0 14471
. Missing 7272 21743

SSTNT - Cardiac hs-Troponin T, ng/L

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Cardiac hs-Troponin T, ng/L
English Text:
Cardiac hs-Troponin T, ng/L
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 417.1 Range of Values 20561 20561
. Missing 1182 21743

SSTNTLC - Cardiac hs-Troponin T comment code

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Cardiac hs-Troponin T comment code
English Text:
Cardiac hs-Troponin T indicator for values less than blinding threshold value
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Measurable 16731 16731
1 Unblinded 3401 20132
2 Imputed 429 20561
. Missing 1182 21743

SSTNIA - Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Abbott), ng/L

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Abbott), ng/L
English Text:
Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Abbott), ng/L
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 1033.8 Range of Values 21319 21319
. Missing 424 21743

SSTNIALC - Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Abbott) comt

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Abbott) comt
English Text:
Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Abbott) indicator for greater than/equal or less then LoD
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Greater than or equal to the LoD 9013 9013
1 Less than the LoD 12306 21319
. Missing 424 21743

SSTNIS - Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Siemens), ng/L

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Siemens), ng/L
English Text:
Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Siemens), ng/L
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 1616.67 Range of Values 20033 20033
. Missing 1710 21743

SSTNISLC - Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Siemens) comt

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Siemens) comt
English Text:
Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Siemens) indicator for values less than blinding threshold value
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Measurable 8676 8676
1 Unblinded 11326 20002
2 Imputed 31 20033
. Missing 1710 21743

SSTNIO - Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Ortho), ng/L

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Ortho), ng/L
English Text:
Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Ortho), ng/L
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 1780 Range of Values 19662 19662
. Missing 2081 21743

SSTNIOLC - Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Ortho) comt

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Ortho) comt
English Text:
Cardiac hs-Troponin I (Ortho) indicator for values less than blinding threshold value
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Measurable 8604 8604
1 Unblinded 11051 19655
2 Imputed 7 19662
. Missing 2081 21743

SSPRISTP - Pristine sample comment for SSTROP_A

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Pristine sample comment for SSTROP_A
English Text:
Pristine sample indicator for SSTROP_A
Both males and females 1 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Non-Pristine 1433 1433
1 Pristine 20310 21743
. Missing 0 21743