Table of Contents

Component Description

The physical activity questionnaire (PAQ) section includes an extensive array of questions related to daily activities, leisure-time activities, and sedentary activities at home. Some of the PAQ questions administered during NHANES 2001–2001 were used in previous NHANES questionnaires or were asked in other federal surveys.

Eligible Sample

All survey participants 2 or more years of age were eligible. Proxy respondents answered the questions for 2–11 year olds. The questions asked varied by age group. The target group in the codebook indicates which age groups were asked which questions.

Interview Setting and Mode of Administration

For respondents 2–11 and 16 or more years of age, the questions were asked in the household interview. For respondents 12–15 years of age, the questions were asked as part of the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) interview.


Data Processing and Editing

The data was split into two files. The first is described here and includes general information about daily activities, leisure-time activities, and sedentary activities. The second (PAQIAF_B) includes more detailed information about specific leisure-time activities for respondents 12 or more years of age. The two files can be linked by using the sequence number (SEQN) provided.

Respondents who answered yes to vigorous activities (PAD200), but did not give at least one vigorous activity or reported a duration of less than 10 minutes, were recoded to no. The same was done for moderate activities (PAD320).

The number of times in the past 30 days that the respondent did moderately active tasks around the house or yard (PAD120) and muscle strengthening activities (PAD460) were originally reported as number of times per day, per week, or per month and converted to number of times over the past 30 days. The average duration of the tasks around the house or yard (PAD160) was originally reported in hours or minutes and converted to minutes. There were a few instances in which the duration per day of tasks around the home or yard was 12 hours or more for the 30-day period. In these instances, PAD120 and PAD160 were set to missing. Users should carefully inspect the data for other values they may consider too high.

For respondents 16 or more years of age, a single question (PAD480) was asked to measure TV, video, or computer usage for half the survey period. For the other half of the survey period, one question (PAD590) was asked to measure TV and video usage, and another (PAD600) was asked to measure computer usage. Because of concerns of confidentiality, PAD590 and PAD600 were combined into PAD480 for the second half of the survey period for respondents 16 or more years of age. The user should consider this when analyzing the data.

Analytic Notes

Since the PAQ questions for respondents 2–11 and 16 or more years of age were asked in the home interview, the interview sample weights may be used in their analysis. However, if the data is joined with data from the MEC, the MEC sample weights should be used. Analysis of the PAQ questions for 12–15 year olds should use the MEC sample weights, as the questions were asked in the MEC.

Suggested metabolic equivalent (MET) scores for the activities listed in this file are included in Appendix 1. They were obtained from the reference below and personal communication with the author.


Codebook and Frequencies

SEQN - Respondent sequence number

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent sequence number
English Text:
Respondent sequence number.
Both males and females 2 YEARS - 150 YEARS

PAD020 - Walked or bicycled over past 30 days

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Walked or bicycled over past 30 days
English Text:
The next series of questions are about physical activities that {you/SP} {have/has} done over the past 30 days. First I will ask about activities that are related to transportation. Then I'll ask about physical activities that {you/he/she} do at school or in {your/his/her} leisure time. Over the past 30 days, {have/has} {you/SP} walked or bicycled as part of getting to and from work, or school, or to do errands?
English Instructions:
Both males and females 12 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2263 2263
2 No 5278 7541 PAQ100
3 Unable to do activity 238 7779 PAQ100
7 Refused 5 7784 PAQ100
9 Don't know 2 7786 PAQ100
. Missing 2308 10094

PAQ050Q - # times walked or bicycled

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
# times walked or bicycled
English Text:
[Over the past 30 days], how often did {you/SP} do this? [Walk or bicycle as part of getting to and from work, or school, or to do errands.] PROBE: How many times per day, per week, or per month did {you/s/he} do these activities?
English Instructions:
Both males and females 12 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 to 100 Range of Values 2262 2262
77777 Refused 0 2262
99999 Don't know 1 2263
. Missing 7831 10094

PAQ050U - Unit of measure (day/week/month)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Unit of measure (day/week/month)
English Text:
English Instructions:
Both males and females 12 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Day 499 499
2 Week 1050 1549
3 Month 713 2262
7 Refused 0 2262
9 Don't Know 0 2262
. Missing 7832 10094

PAD080 - How long per day (minutes)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How long per day (minutes)
English Text:
On those days when {you/SP} walked or bicycled, about how long did {you/s/he} spend altogether doing this (minutes)?
English Instructions:
Both males and females 12 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 to 600 Range of Values 2259 2259
77777 Refused 0 2259
99999 Don't know 0 2259
. Missing 7835 10094

PAQ100 - Tasks around home/yard past 30 days

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Tasks around home/yard past 30 days
English Text:
Over the past 30 days, did {you/SP} do any tasks in or around {your/his/her} home or yard for at least 10 minutes that required moderate or greater physical effort? By moderate physical effort I mean, tasks that caused light sweating or a slight to moder ate increase in {your/his/her} heart rate or breathing. [Such as raking leaves, mowing the lawn or heavy cleaning.]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 16 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 3493 3493
2 No 2918 6411 PAQ180
3 Unable to do activity 212 6623 PAQ180
7 Refused 4 6627 PAQ180
9 Don't know 3 6630 PAQ180
. Missing 3464 10094

PAD120 - # of times past 30 days

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
# of times past 30 days
English Text:
[Over the past 30 days], how often did {you/SP} do these tasks in or around {your/his/her} home or yard, that is tasks requiring at least moderate effort? [Such as raking leaves, mowing the lawn or heavy cleaning.] PROBE: How many times per day, per week, or per month did {you/s/he} do these activities?
English Instructions:
ENTER NUMBER (OF TIMES past 30 days).
Both males and females 16 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 to 300 Range of Values 3486 3486
77777 Refused 0 3486
99999 Don't know 3 3489
. Missing 6605 10094

PAD160 - How long each time (minutes)

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How long each time (minutes)
English Text:
About how long did {you/SP} do these tasks each time (minutes)?
English Instructions:
Both males and females 16 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 to 600 Range of Values 3482 3482
77777 Refused 0 3482
99999 Don't know 0 3482
. Missing 6612 10094

PAQ180 - Avg level of physical activity each day

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Avg level of physical activity each day
English Text:
Please tell me which of these four sentences best describes {your/SP's} usual daily activities? [Daily activities may include {your/his/her} work, housework if {you are/s/he is} a homemaker, going to and attending classes if {you are/s/he is} a student, and what {you/s/he} normally {do/does} throughout a typical day if {you are/he/she is} a retiree or unemployed.] . . .
English Instructions:
Both males and females 16 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 {you sit/he/she sits} during the day and {do/does} not walk about very much. 1696 1696
2 {you stand or walk/he/she stands or walks} about a lot during the day, but {do/does}not have to carry or lift things very often 3428 5124
3 {you/he/she} lift(s) light load or {have/has} to climb stairs or hills often. 1080 6204
4 {you/he/she} {do/does} heavy work or {carry/carries} heavy loads. 417 6621
7 Refused 4 6625
9 Don't know 5 6630
. Missing 3464 10094

PAD200 - Vigorous activity over past 30 days

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Vigorous activity over past 30 days
English Text:
The next questions are about physical activities including exercise, sports, and physically active hobbies that {you/SP} may have done in {your/his/her} leisure time or at school over the past 30 days. First I will ask you about vigorous activities that cause heavy sweating or large increases in breathing or heart rate. Then I will ask you about moderate activities that cause only light sweating or a slight to moderate increase in breathing or heart rate. Over the past 30 days, did {you/SP} do any vigorous activities for at least 10 minutes that caused heavy sweating, or large increases in breathing or heart rate? Some examples are running, lap swimming, aerobics classes or fast bicycling.
English Instructions:
Both males and females 12 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 3187 3187
2 No 4280 7467
3 Unable to do activity 313 7780
7 Refused 4 7784
9 Don't know 2 7786
. Missing 2308 10094

PAD320 - Moderate activity over past 30 days

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Moderate activity over past 30 days
English Text:
[Over the past 30 days], did {you/SP} do moderate activities for at least 10 minutes that cause only light sweating or a slight to moderate increase in breathing or heart rate? Some examples are brisk walking, bicycling for pleasure, golf, and dancing .
English Instructions:
Both males and females 12 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 3738 3738
2 No 3801 7539
3 Unable to do activity 237 7776
7 Refused 5 7781
9 Don't know 3 7784
. Missing 2310 10094

PAD440 - Muscle strengthening activities

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Muscle strengthening activities
English Text:
Over the past 30 days, did {you/SP} do any physical activities specifically designed to strengthen {your/his/her} muscles such as lifting weights, push-ups or sit-ups? Include all such activities even if you have mentioned them before.
English Instructions:
Both males and females 12 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2636 2636
2 No 4909 7545 PAD480
3 Unable to do activity 234 7779 PAD480
7 Refused 4 7783 PAD480
9 Don't know 1 7784 PAD480
. Missing 2310 10094

PAD460 - Number of times past 30 days

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Number of times past 30 days
English Text:
[Over the past 30 days], how often did {you/SP} do these physical activities? [Activities designed to strengthen {your/his/her} muscles such as lifting weights, push-ups or sit-ups.]
English Instructions:
Both males and females 12 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 to 210 Range of Values 2635 2635
77777 Refused 0 2635
99999 Don't know 0 2635
. Missing 7459 10094

PAD480 - Daily hours of TV, video or computer use

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Daily hours of TV, video or computer use
English Text:
Now I will ask about TV watching or computer use. Over the past 30 days, on a typical day how much time altogether did {you/SP} spend on a typical day sitting and watching TV or videos or using a computer outside of work? Would you say . . .
Both males and females 16 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Less than 1 hour, 734 734
1 1 hour, 977 1711
2 2 hours, 1640 3351
3 3 hours, 1145 4496
4 4 hours, 725 5221
5 5 hours or more, or 1272 6493
6 None 123 6616
77 Refused 3 6619
99 Don't know 5 6624
. Missing 3470 10094

PAQ500 - Activity comparison last mo - last yr

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Activity comparison last mo - last yr
English Text:
How does the amount of activity that you reported {for SP} for the past 30 days compare with {your/his/her} physical activity for the past 12 months? Over the past 30 days, {were you/was he/she} . . .
Both males and females 12 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 more active 1399 1399
2 less active, or 1598 2997
3 About the same? 4779 7776
7 Refused 4 7780
9 Don't know 4 7784
. Missing 2310 10094

PAQ520 - Compare activity w/others same age

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Compare activity w/others same age
English Text:
(MEC Interview Version) Compared with most {boys/girls} {your/SP's} age, would you say that {you are/SP is}... (SP Interview Version) Compared with most {men/boys/women/girls} {your/SP's} age, would you say that {you are/s/he is} . . .
Both males and females 12 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 more active 2629 2629
2 less active, or 1481 4110
3 About the same? 3561 7671
7 Refused 5 7676
9 Don't Know 108 7784
. Missing 2310 10094

PAQ540 - Compare activity with 10 years ago

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Compare activity with 10 years ago
English Text:
Compared with {yourself/himself/herself} 10 years ago, would you say that {you are/SP is} . . .
Both males and females 30 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 More active now, 525 525
2 Less active now, or 2731 3256
3 About the same? 1123 4379
7 Refused 4 4383
9 Don't know 6 4389
. Missing 5705 10094

PAQ560 - # time/week you play or exercise hard

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
# time/week you play or exercise hard
English Text:
Now I'd like to ask you some questions about {SP's} activities. How many times per week {does SP} play or exercise enough to make {him/her} sweat and breathe hard?
English Instructions:
Both males and females 2 YEARS - 11 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 77 Range of Values 2219 2219
77777 Refused 0 2219
99999 Don't know 10 2229
. Missing 7865 10094

PAD590 - # hours watch TV or videos past 30 days

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
# hours watch TV or videos past 30 days
English Text:
Over the past 30 days, on average about how many hours per day did {you/SP} sit and watch TV or videos? Would you say...
Both males and females 2 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Less than 1 hour, 347 347
1 1 hour, 694 1041
2 2 hours, 967 2008
3 3 hours, 588 2596
4 4 hours, or 310 2906
5 5 hours or more? 404 3310
6 None 64 3374
77 Refused 0 3374
99 Don't know 9 3383
. Missing 6711 10094

PAD600 - # of hours use computer past 30 days

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
# of hours use computer past 30 days
English Text:
Over the past 30 days, on average about how many hours per day did {you/SP} use a computer or play computer games? Would you say...
Both males and females 2 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Less than 1 hour 1098 1098
1 1 hour 743 1841
2 2 hours 374 2215
3 3 hours 139 2354
4 4 hours 64 2418
5 5 hours 63 2481
6 None 893 3374
77 Refused 0 3374
99 Don't know 9 3383
. Missing 6711 10094

PAAQUEX - Questionnaire source flag for weighting

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Questionnaire source flag for weighting
English Text:
Both males and females 2 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Sample Person Interview Questionnaire Targets (B(2-11) and (B(16-150) 8863 8863
2 MEC CAPI Questionnaire Targets (B(12-15) 1231 10094
. Missing 0 10094

Appendix 1

Suggested MET Scores
Item Name Description Suggested MET Score
PAD020 Walked or bicycled over past 30 days to get to/from work, etc. 4.0
PAQ100 Tasks in or around home or yard past 30 days. 4.5
PAQ180 Average level of physical activity each day (1 - Mainly sit) 1.4
PAQ180 Average level of physical activity each day (2 - Walk a lot) 1.5
PAQ180 Average level of physical activity each day (3 - Carry light loads) 1.6
PAQ180 Average level of physical activity each day (4 - Carry heavy loads) 1.8
PAD440 Muscle strengthening activities 4.0
PAQ560 Number of times per week play or exercise hard 7.0
PAD590 Average number of hours watch TV or videos over past 30 days 1.0
PAD600 Average number of hours used computer over past 30 days 1.5