Table of Contents

Component Description

The Lower Extremity Disease Examination data will be used to determine the prevalence of lower extremity disease in the U.S. population (diagnosed and undiagnosed), including those at high risk for the late complications of the disease (i.e., ulceration and amputation). The major manifestations of lower extremity disease are peripheral vascular disease and peripheral neuropathy. The Ankle Brachial Blood Pressure Index (ABPI) section of the Lower Extremity Disease component collects data on peripheral vascular disease, and the Peripheral Neuropathy (PN) section of the Lower Extremity Disease component collects data on peripheral neuropathy. The following documentation provides information on the PN section. Please refer to the LEXAB_C data file, codebook, and documentation for information on the ABPI section.

Eligible Sample

Participants 40 years of age and older are asked to participate in the PN Section of the Lower Extremity Disease examination.

Persons are excluded from the exam if they have a bilateral amputation or weigh over 400 pounds (due to equipment limitations). Additionally, some persons who were eligible for the exam (40 years of age and older) might not have received the exam due to the following multiple reasons:

  1. casts, ulcers, dressings, or other conditions of the participant interfered with testing;
  2. participant could not understand the test instructions;
  3. participant became ill and the test could not be performed;
  4. there was an equipment failure;
  5. participant refused;
  6. participant came late or left early from the MEC and the LED exam could not be performed; or
  7. some other reason. As a result, these eligible persons will have missing data for the PN variables.

The variable LEDSCCT1 may be used to identify reasons for missing data (refer to the Analytic Notes section of this documentation for further details on the LEDSCCT1 variable). Because of participant confidentiality and data disclosure concerns, this file does not identify persons with a bilateral amputation. However, information on right or left amputations of the feet and toes is recorded in variables LEALAMP and LEARAMP.

Protocol and Procedure

The PN exam was performed by trained health technicians in a specially equipped room in the mobile examination center (MEC). Participants lie supine on the exam table during the exam. Health technicians use a standard monofilament (5.07 Semmes-Weinstein nylon monofilament mounted on a plastic handle, delivering an approximately 10-gram filament force) to apply slight pressure to the bottom of each of the participant’s feet at the following three sites:

  1. plantar-first metatarsal head,
  2. plantar-fifth metatarsal head, and
  3. plantar-hallux.

The sites are tested in a nonsequential order to allow for better discrimination of sensation by the examinee.

Health technicians read the following standard script (English version) to the participant prior to application of the monofilament:

“I want to test the sensation or sense of touch on the bottom of your feet. To do this test, I will use this small filament to apply pressure to different spots on your foot. It is not sharp and will not break the skin. “
“As I apply the pressure I will be saying ‘A, B’ and I will be applying the pressure either as I am saying ‘A’ or as I am saying ‘B’. I want you to tell me whether you felt the pressure when I said ‘A’ or when I said ‘B’. Let me demonstrate on your arm.”

“Do you understand?”

This method presents the examinee with a choice between an interval of stimulus from the monofilament and a second interval of background with no stimulus. The choice is to identify in which interval the stimulus occurred, not whether or not it occurred. The computer randomly generates the interval in which the stimulus is applied.

If the first response at any site is correct, the test is not repeated at that site. If the examinee cannot correctly identify the interval in which the stimulus was applied (incorrect or ‘unable to determine’ response), the test is repeated at that site up to two times until a total of two similar responses are obtained (incorrect and ‘unable to determine’ are considered similar responses). The feet are also examined for the presence of amputations, lesions, and bunions.

For the procedures relevant to this component, please go to the Lower Extremity Disease Procedures Manual on the NHANES website.

Quality Assurance & Quality Control

Health technicians were regularly monitored by MEC supervisory staff and evaluated by experienced trainers and NCHS staff two to four times per year in the field. Retraining sessions were conducted with the technicians periodically and annually to reinforce the proper protocols and technique. Data were also routinely examined by NCHS and contractor staff.

Inspection, calibration, and maintenance of the equipment and supplies were performed on a regular basis. The NHANES Lower Extremity Disease Procedures Manual details the equipment quality control procedures.

For details on the QA/QC process for this component, please refer to the Procedure Manuals on the NHANES website.

Data Processing and Editing

The number of insensate areas on the left (LEALPN) and right (LEARPN) foot were automatically computed by the computer system and verified by NCHS before data release.

Calculation of number of insensate areas for variables LEALPN and LEARPN:

Nine variables are used in the calculation of each variable (up to three tests at each of three sites). Each of the three sites is first defined as sensate or insensate.

Sensate: A site is defined as sensate if 1) the first response at a site by a participant is correct, or 2) two of three tests at a site yield a correct response.

Insensate: A site is considered insensate if there are 1) two incorrect responses, 2) two “unable to determine” responses, or 3) one incorrect and one “unable to determine” response for a site.

After each of the three sites is defined as sensate or insensate, then the total number of insensate sites is computed for each foot (0–3 insensate areas). If all three sites on a foot are sensate, then there are “no insensate areas” and a value of 0 (zero) is recorded. If all three sites have a "could not obtain (CNO)," then there is insufficient information to calculate the number of insensate areas and the recorded value for number of insensate areas will equal –1 (not enough information collected). Additionally, even if one site gets a CNO and the other two are correct or incorrect/unable to determine, the overall value for the number of insensate areas will still be –1. Missing data at all three sites can also yield a –1.

For further details on how the values for these variables were computed refer to the NHANES Lower Extremity Disease Procedures Manual on the NHANES website.

Variable-Specific Editing:

LEDSCCT1 – PN Section Comment Variable

This variable is a quality control variable that NCHS used to monitor the LED component and the reasons technicians provided for why an exam was not done or incomplete. Technicians were provided a defined list of reasons but could also select “other, specify” and provide the reason for a not-done or incomplete exam in a separate text field. Several of these “other” reasons were re-coded to one of the specific reasons (1–104), and the remaining were left as “other”.

Analytic Notes

For the monofilament testing, the participant can give a correct, incorrect, or ”unable to determine” response. “Could not obtain” can be entered by a health technician if they were unable to test the site either because of technician error or some physical limitation of the examinee (e.g., lesions, calluses, bandages, etc. on the test site). A response of “Could not obtain” at any of the three sites on a foot does not provide any information about the sensation at that site.

LEDSCCT1 – PN Section Comment Variable

This variable is a quality control variable that allowed NCHS to monitor the component and the reasons technicians provided for why an exam was not done or incomplete. The data were not collected for analytic reasons but for quality control purposes. This variable is provided in the data release file to allow analysts to have some information on missing data and possible reasons for non-response.

Please refer to the Analytic Guidelines for further details on the use of sample weights and other analytic issues at

No data from this component currently exist in the Research Data Center.

Codebook and Frequencies

SEQN - Respondent sequence number

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent sequence number
English Text:
Respondent sequence number
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS

LEDSCCT1 - PN Section Comment

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
PN Section Comment
English Text:
PN section comment
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 0 0
2 SP refusal 130 130
3 No time 42 172
4 Physical limitation 105 277
5 Communication problem 34 311
6 Equipment failure 4 315
7 SP ill/emergency 10 325
56 Came late/left early 69 394
72 Error (technician/software/supply) 5 399
84 SP with child 12 411
101 Bandage, stocking, or other obstruction 3 414
102 Feet extremely calloused 2 416
999 Other, specify 18 434
. Missing 2652 3086

LEALAMP - Left amputation

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left amputation
English Text:
Left amputation
English Instructions:
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 None 2749 2749
2 Entire foot 3 2752
3 Partial foot 1 2753
4 Great toe 0 2753
5 Other toe(s) 0 2753
6 Great toe and other toe(s) 0 2753
8 Could not obtain 4 2757
. Missing 329 3086

LEALBUN - Left bunions

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left bunions
English Text:
Left bunions
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 734 734
2 No 2016 2750
8 Could not obtain 7 2757
. Missing 329 3086

LEALLES - Left lesion

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left lesion
English Text:
Left lesion
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 17 17
2 No 2733 2750
8 Could not obtain 7 2757
. Missing 329 3086

LEALLESS - Left lesion site

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left lesion site
English Text:
Left lesion site
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Side or bottom of foot 4 4
2 Top of toe(s) 5 9
3 Other 8 17
. Missing 3069 3086

LEARAMP - Right amputation

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right amputation
English Text:
Right amputation
English Instructions:
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 None 2744 2744
2 Entire foot 6 2750
3 Partial foot 0 2750
4 Great toe 0 2750
5 Other toe(s) 0 2750
6 Great toe and other toe(s) 1 2751
8 Could not obtain 2 2753
. Missing 333 3086

LEARBUN - Right bunions

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right bunions
English Text:
Right bunions
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 807 807
2 No 1936 2743
8 Could not obtain 10 2753
. Missing 333 3086

LEARLES - Right lesion

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right lesion
English Text:
Right lesion
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 9 9
2 No 2734 2743
8 Could not obtain 10 2753
. Missing 333 3086

LEARLESS - Right lesion site

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right lesion site
English Text:
Right lesion site
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Side or bottom of foot 6 6
2 Top of toe(s) 1 7
3 Other 2 9
. Missing 3077 3086

LEALPN - Left Foot - Number of insensate areas

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left Foot - Number of insensate areas
English Text:
Left Foot - Number of insensate areas
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 No insensate areas 2269 2269
1 1 insensate area 243 2512
2 2 insensate areas 91 2603
3 3 insensate areas 60 2663
-1 Not enough information collected 87 2750
. Missing 336 3086

LEARPN - Right Foot - Number of insensate areas

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right Foot - Number of insensate areas
English Text:
Right Foot - Number of insensate areas
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 No insensate areas 2330 2330
1 1 insensate area 207 2537
2 2 insensate areas 75 2612
3 3 insensate areas 59 2671
-1 Not enough information collected 73 2744
. Missing 342 3086

LEXLMH11 - Left metatarsal head 1, test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left metatarsal head 1, test 1
English Text:
Left metatarsal head 1, test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 2205 2205
2 Incorrect 86 2291
3 Unable to determine 386 2677
8 Could not obtain 71 2748
. Missing 338 3086

LEALM1C1 - Left metatarsal 1 comment, test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left metatarsal 1 comment, test 1
English Text:
Left metatarsal 1 comment, test 1
English Instructions:
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 9 9
2 Casts 1 10
3 Amputation 0 10
4 Callus 10 20
5 Technical problem 18 38
6 Other 32 70
. Missing 3016 3086

LEXLHAL1 - Left halux, test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left halux, test 1
English Text:
Left halux, test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 2355 2355
2 Incorrect 79 2434
3 Unable to determine 247 2681
8 Could not obtain 66 2747
. Missing 339 3086

LEALHAC1 - Left halux comments, test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left halux comments, test 1
English Text:
Left halux comments, test 1
English Instructions:
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 12 12
2 Casts 1 13
3 Amputation 2 15
4 Callus 9 24
5 Technical problem 9 33
6 Other 33 66
. Missing 3020 3086

LEXLMH51 - Left metatarsal head 5, test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left metatarsal head 5, test 1
English Text:
Left metatarsal head 5, test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 2310 2310
2 Incorrect 74 2384
3 Unable to determine 279 2663
8 Could not obtain 84 2747
. Missing 339 3086

LEALM5C1 - Left metatarsal 5 comment, test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left metatarsal 5 comment, test 1
English Text:
Left metatarsal 5 comment, test 1
English Instructions:
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 8 8
2 Casts 1 9
3 Amputation 0 9
4 Callus 14 23
5 Technical problem 29 52
6 Other 32 84
. Missing 3002 3086

LEXLMH12 - Left metatarsal head 1, test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left metatarsal head 1, test 2
English Text:
Left metatarsal head 1, test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 298 298
2 Incorrect 33 331
3 Unable to determine 156 487
8 Could not obtain 3 490
. Missing 2596 3086

LEALM1C2 - Left metatarsal 1 comment, test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left metatarsal 1 comment, test 2
English Text:
Left metatarsal 1 comment, test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 0 0
2 Casts 0 0
3 Amputation 0 0
4 Callus 1 1
5 Technical problem 1 2
6 Other 1 3
. Missing 3083 3086

LEXLHAL2 - Left halux, test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left halux, test 2
English Text:
Left halux, test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 163 163
2 Incorrect 30 193
3 Unable to determine 140 333
8 Could not obtain 2 335
. Missing 2751 3086

LEALHAC2 - Left halux comments, test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left halux comments, test 2
English Text:
Left halux comments, test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 0 0
2 Casts 0 0
3 Amputation 0 0
4 Callus 0 0
5 Technical problem 2 2
6 Other 0 2
. Missing 3084 3086

LEXLMH52 - Left metatarsal head 5, test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left metatarsal head 5, test 2
English Text:
Left metatarsal head 5, test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 211 211
2 Incorrect 35 246
3 Unable to determine 131 377
8 Could not obtain 5 382
. Missing 2704 3086

LEALM5C2 - Left metatarsal 5 comment, test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left metatarsal 5 comment, test 2
English Text:
Left metatarsal 5 comment, test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 0 0
2 Casts 0 0
3 Amputation 0 0
4 Callus 0 0
5 Technical problem 5 5
6 Other 0 5
. Missing 3081 3086

LEXLMH13 - Left metatarsal head 1, test 3

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left metatarsal head 1, test 3
English Text:
Left metatarsal head 1, test 3
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 265 265
2 Incorrect 15 280
3 Unable to determine 20 300
8 Could not obtain 3 303
. Missing 2783 3086

LEALM1C3 - Left metatarsal 1 comment, test 3

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left metatarsal 1 comment, test 3
English Text:
Left metatarsal 1 comment, test 3
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 0 0
2 Casts 0 0
3 Amputation 0 0
4 Callus 0 0
5 Technical problem 3 3
6 Other 0 3
. Missing 3083 3086

LEXLHAL3 - Left halux, test 3

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left halux, test 3
English Text:
Left halux, test 3
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 138 138
2 Incorrect 5 143
3 Unable to determine 21 164
8 Could not obtain 2 166
. Missing 2920 3086

LEALHAC3 - Left halux comments, test 3

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left halux comments, test 3
English Text:
Left halux comments, test 3
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 0 0
2 Casts 0 0
3 Amputation 0 0
4 Callus 0 0
5 Technical problem 2 2
6 Other 0 2
. Missing 3084 3086

LEXLMH53 - Left metatarsal head 5, test 3

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left metatarsal head 5, test 3
English Text:
Left metatarsal head 5, test 3
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 175 175
2 Incorrect 11 186
3 Unable to determine 34 220
8 Could not obtain 2 222
. Missing 2864 3086

LEALM5C3 - Left metatarsal 5 comment, test 3

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Left metatarsal 5 comment, test 3
English Text:
Left metatarsal 5 comment, test 3
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 0 0
2 Casts 0 0
3 Amputation 0 0
4 Callus 0 0
5 Technical problem 2 2
6 Other 0 2
. Missing 3084 3086

LEXRMH11 - Right metatarsal head 1, test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right metatarsal head 1, test 1
English Text:
Right metatarsal head 1, test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 2382 2382
2 Incorrect 86 2468
3 Unable to determine 198 2666
8 Could not obtain 78 2744
. Missing 342 3086

LEARM1C1 - Right metatarsal head 1 comment, test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right metatarsal head 1 comment, test 1
English Text:
Right metatarsal head 1 comment, test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 7 7
2 Casts 1 8
3 Amputation 0 8
4 Callus 10 18
5 Technical problem 29 47
6 Other 31 78
. Missing 3008 3086

LEXRHAL1 - Right halux, test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right halux, test 1
English Text:
Right halux, test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 2408 2408
2 Incorrect 74 2482
3 Unable to determine 195 2677
8 Could not obtain 67 2744
. Missing 342 3086

LEARHAC1 - Right halux comment, test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right halux comment, test 1
English Text:
Right halux comment, test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 7 7
2 Casts 1 8
3 Amputation 1 9
4 Callus 7 16
5 Technical problem 21 37
6 Other 30 67
. Missing 3019 3086

LEXRMH51 - Right metatarsal head 5, test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right metatarsal head 5, test 1
English Text:
Right metatarsal head 5, test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 2354 2354
2 Incorrect 87 2441
3 Unable to determine 235 2676
8 Could not obtain 68 2744
. Missing 342 3086

LEARM5C1 - Right metatarsal head 5 comment, test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right metatarsal head 5 comment, test 1
English Text:
Right metatarsal head 5 comment, test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 8 8
2 Casts 1 9
3 Amputation 0 9
4 Callus 10 19
5 Technical problem 18 37
6 Other 31 68
. Missing 3018 3086

LEXRMH12 - Right metatarsal head 1, test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right metatarsal head 1, test 2
English Text:
Right metatarsal head 1, test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 144 144
2 Incorrect 35 179
3 Unable to determine 131 310
8 Could not obtain 3 313
. Missing 2773 3086

LEARM1C2 - Right metatarsal head 1 comment, test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right metatarsal head 1 comment, test 2
English Text:
Right metatarsal head 1 comment, test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 0 0
2 Casts 0 0
3 Amputation 0 0
4 Callus 0 0
5 Technical problem 3 3
6 Other 0 3
. Missing 3083 3086

LEXRHAL2 - Right halux, test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right halux, test 2
English Text:
Right halux, test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 148 148
2 Incorrect 25 173
3 Unable to determine 114 287
8 Could not obtain 3 290
. Missing 2796 3086

LEARHAC2 - Right halux comment, test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right halux comment, test 2
English Text:
Right halux comment, test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 0 0
2 Casts 0 0
3 Amputation 0 0
4 Callus 0 0
5 Technical problem 2 2
6 Other 1 3
. Missing 3083 3086

LEXRMH52 - Right metatarsal head 5, test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right metatarsal head 5, test 2
English Text:
Right metatarsal head 5, test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 170 170
2 Incorrect 34 204
3 Unable to determine 132 336
8 Could not obtain 4 340
. Missing 2746 3086

LEARM5C2 - Right metatarsal head 5 comment, test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right metatarsal head 5 comment, test 2
English Text:
Right metatarsal head 5 comment, test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 0 0
2 Casts 0 0
3 Amputation 0 0
4 Callus 0 0
5 Technical problem 4 4
6 Other 0 4
. Missing 3082 3086

LEXRMH13 - Right metatarsal head 1, test 3

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right metatarsal head 1, test 3
English Text:
Right metatarsal head 1, test 3
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 122 122
2 Incorrect 11 133
3 Unable to determine 20 153
8 Could not obtain 0 153
. Missing 2933 3086

LEXRHAL3 - Right halux, test 3

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right halux, test 3
English Text:
Right halux, test 3
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 127 127
2 Incorrect 8 135
3 Unable to determine 16 151
8 Could not obtain 0 151
. Missing 2935 3086

LEXRMH53 - Right metatarsal head 5, test 3

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right metatarsal head 5, test 3
English Text:
Right metatarsal head 5, test 3
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Correct 148 148
2 Incorrect 7 155
3 Unable to determine 22 177
8 Could not obtain 1 178
. Missing 2908 3086

LEARM5C3 - Right metatarsal head 5 comment, test 3

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Right metatarsal head 5 comment, test 3
English Text:
Right metatarsal head 5 comment, test 3
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Lesions, bandages, elastic stockings 0 0
2 Casts 0 0
3 Amputation 0 0
4 Callus 0 0
5 Technical problem 1 1
6 Other 0 1
. Missing 3085 3086