Table of Contents

Component Description

The Frequency Doubling Technology (FDT) subsection of the Ophthalmology Component tests for visual field loss from eye diseases, such as glaucoma, using the Humphrey Matrix Visual Field Instrument. Specifically, the N-30-5 FDT screening protocol was administered to survey participants. It is a 19-point supra-threshold screening test that was administered prior to the Retinal Imaging Exam.

Eligible Sample

Participants aged 40 years and older were eligible to participate. Persons were excluded if they were blind (i.e., unable to see light with both eyes open), had an eye infection, or had eye patches on both eyes.

Protocol and Procedure

The FDT exam was performed by trained health technicians in a specially equipped room in the mobile examination center. The exam was conducted in the dark with the participant seated in a chair in front of the Humphrey Matrix instrument. The lights in the room were turned off prior to the start of testing to allow the participant’s pupils optimal dilation for the Ophthalmology Retinal Imaging Exam. While looking into the Humphrey Matrix instrument through a visor, participants were asked to fixate on a central target (black square) and to press a thumb switch when they detected the appearance of peripheral targets. Each peripheral target was a 10 degree square, shown on a dim, colorless screen within the instrument. The instrument automatically varied the contrast between dark and light portions of the target to determine the contrast at which the target could be detected (Humphrey® matrix Visual Field Instrument User’s Guide).

Technicians emphasized the importance of focusing on the black square and explained the procedure with repetitive statements regarding fixation on the black square throughout the exam. A practice test was run prior to the actual test to determine whether the participant understood the test procedures. The test always started with the right eye, followed by the left eye, and then the test was repeated for each eye.

Nineteen visual field locations were tested during each test (identified below) and two tests were performed per eye (Humphrey® matrix Visual Field Instrument User’s Guide).

picture of visual field locations

Each visual field location was tested until the participant responded, or until all probability levels were tested. As a result, the screening test time increased for participants with eye disease.

Test results for visual field locations were classified into probability levels based on age-corrected normative values. Targets were presented at a contrast level that 95% of healthy age-matched subjects would be expected to detect. If the target was seen, the visual field location was not retested and identified as normal at P≥5%. If unseen, the field was retested at the same contrast. If the second target was not seen, it was then presented at a contrast level that 98% (or P of 2%) of healthy subjects were expected to see. The location was labeled as P<5% if seen, and retested one last time at a higher contrast level at P of 1% (expected to be seen by 99% of healthy subjects) if not seen. Seen locations at this point of the testing were given a P<2%, and missed locations were labeled as P<1% (Humphrey® matrix Visual Field Instrument User’s Guide).

N-30-5 Screening Results Code Definitions
Variable Value Screening test result  PROBABILITY LEVEL CLASSIFICATIONS 
0 None N/A
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation The participant achieved a threshold level in the range that 95% (P>=5%) of normal subjects of the same age achieved.
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation
8 p < 5% The probability was less than 5% (P<5%) that a normal subject of the same age would perform at the threshold level that this participant achieved.
9 p < 2% The probability was less than 2% (P<2%) that a normal subject of the same age would perform at the threshold level that this participant achieved.
10 p < 1% The probability was less than 1% (P<1%) that a normal subject of the same age would perform at the threshold level that this participant achieved.

During each test, reliability checks were performed at random times, which included three False Positive Tests and three Blind Spot Tests. There were no false negative tests. The Blind Spot Test gives an indication of how well the participant maintained fixation on the central target throughout the test. Three times during each test, small (1º) targets at a high contrast (50%) were placed in the expected physiological location of the blind spot (the Heijl-Krakau method). These targets should not be detected in nearly all individuals when proper fixation is maintained. Fixation errors indicate the participant was not maintaining good fixation during the test, was misaligned, or did not understand the test. False Positive Tests were used to check that the participant was responding to seen targets. Three times during testing, blank targets at 0% contrast were periodically tested to check if the participant responded even when no stimulus was presented. Subjects that are anxious or “trigger happy” tend to give high false positive results. False positive errors indicate the participant is pressing the button even if the participant doesn’t see any patterns or does not understand the test. Health technicians also recorded if the participant’s eye wandered and if they were unable to maintain fixation on the black square throughout the testing period (Humphrey® matrix Visual Field Instrument User’s Guide).

The Humphrey Matrix Visual Field Instrument User’s Guide provides further detail on the instrument (Humphrey® matrix Visual Field Instrument User’s Guide). 

FDT Test  Test Strategy  Visual Field Locations  Probability Level Classifications Fixation Catch Trials False Positive Trials False Negative Trials 
N-30-5 Screening Supra-Threshold 19 4 3 3 0

Quality Assurance & Quality Control

Quality assurance/quality control procedures for the visual field component included development of standard procedures for the collection of data and intensive training and evaluation of health technicians. Technicians were monitored at regular intervals by NCHS and contractor staff. Midyear and annual retraining sessions were conducted with the health technicians to review data collection procedures and reinforce proper protocols and technique.

Inspection, calibration, and maintenance of the equipment and supplies were performed on a regular basis. The NHANES Ophthalmology Procedures Manual details the equipment quality control procedures (National Center for Health Statistics. Ophthalmology Procedures Manual).

For details on the QA/QC process for this component, please refer to the NHANES Ophthalmology Procedures Manual on the NHANES website.

Data Processing and Editing

Data were captured by the Humphrey Matrix FDT instrument and transferred to the survey database system. During the editing process, all data were examined for logical inconsistencies and technician or equipment errors. Edits of the data were performed when errors were detected.

Variable-Specific Editing:

OPDODFDT / OPDOSFDT – Final Eye Status using 2-2-1 Algorithm defined visual field loss, incorporating test reliability indices.

Visual field abnormality (eye-specific) was defined using a 2-2-1 algorithm, that is, at least two fields in the first test were below the 1 percent threshold level, AND at least two fields in the second test were below the 1 percent threshold level, AND at least one failed field was the same on both tests. Since this definition requires the presence of two tests for an eye, the “final eye status” is coded as insufficient if one test was not done or incomplete. If either of the two tests had two or more false positive errors out of three False Positive Tests OR two or more blind spot errors out of 3 Blind Spot Tests OR a technician noted lack of fixation, the “final eye status” was coded as unreliable.

Analytic Notes

When reviewing the results of the visual field test, careful consideration must be given to the reliability indicators. They are an important measure of participant reliability in taking the test (and of the reliability of the results). The two machine tested reliability indicators and the technician noted reliability indicator were used to compute the final eye status variables on this data release file.

Analysts should note that if the variables for all 19 visual field tests have a value of zero, the test was not administered. Also note that the right eye visual field test variables are numbered 02-20 and those for the left are numbered 00-18.

OPASCCT1 (FDT Exam Status Comment) is a quality control variable that allowed NCHS to monitor the component and the reasons technicians provided for why an exam was not done or incomplete. The data were not collected for analytic reasons but for quality control purposes. This variable is only provided in the data release file to allow analysts to have some information on missing data and possible reasons for non-response.

Various algorithms may be used to define visual field loss. For this data release file, the 2-2-1 algorithm incorporating the reliability indices defined persons as normal or positive or having insufficient or unreliable data to make any assessment.

Please refer to the Analytic Guidelines on the NHANES website to obtain further details on the use of sample weights and other analytic issues (National Center for Health Statistics. NHANES Analytic Guidelines).


Codebook and Frequencies

SEQN - Respondent sequence number

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent sequence number
English Text:
Respondent sequence number.
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS

OPASCST1 - FDT Exam Status

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
FDT Exam Status
English Text:
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Complete 2457 2457
2 Partial 72 2529
3 Not done 405 2934
. Missing 0 2934

OPASCCT1 - FDT Exam Status Comment

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
FDT Exam Status Comment
English Text:
Reason for a Partial or Not Done Exam
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Safety exclusion 3 3
2 SP refusal 81 84
3 No time 14 98
4 Physical limitation 45 143
5 Communication problem 27 170
6 Equipment failure 11 181
7 SP ill/emergency 17 198
12 Eye specific limitation 45 243
14 Interrupted 1 244
40 Unable to follow protocol 7 251
56 Came late/left early 198 449
72 Error (technician/software/supply) 11 460
84 SP with child 15 475
86 SP Blind 1 476
87 Wheelchair bound 1 477
. Missing 2457 2934

VIQ110 - SP has severe eye infection?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
SP has severe eye infection?
English Text:
Does SP appear to have a severe eye infection in one or both eyes?
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 0 0
2 No 2780 2780
. Missing 154 2934

VIQ130 - SP wearing eye patch

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
SP wearing eye patch
English Text:
Is SP wearing an eye patch?
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1 1
2 No 2779 2780
. Missing 154 2934

VIQ141 - Which eye?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Which eye?
English Text:
If so, which eye?
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Right 1 1
2 Left 0 1
3 Both 0 1
. Missing 2933 2934

OPDODFDT - Final FDT Right Eye Status

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Final FDT Right Eye Status
English Text:
Final Right Eye Status - 2-2-1 Algorithm defined visual field loss, incorporating test reliability indices.
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Not Done 422 422
1 Normal 2096 2518
2 Positive 145 2663
3 Insufficient 30 2693
4 Unreliable 241 2934
. Missing 0 2934

OPDOSFDT - Final FDT Left Eye Status

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Final FDT Left Eye Status
English Text:
Final Left Eye Status - 2-2-1 Algorithm defined visual field loss, incorporating test reliability indices.
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Not Done 420 420
1 Normal 1971 2391
2 Positive 178 2569
3 Insufficient 41 2610
4 Unreliable 324 2934
. Missing 0 2934

OPX1ODBS - Response to BS stimulus - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Response to BS stimulus - Right - Test 1
English Text:
Blind Spot Test - The ratio of the number of times participant responded to a target placed in the blind spot versus the total number of targets presented - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Test not performed 19 19
1 0/3 2230 2249
2 1/3 232 2481
3 2/3 30 2511
4 3/3 18 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1ODFP - Response to FP stimulus - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Response to FP stimulus - Right - Test 1
English Text:
False Positive Test - The ratio of the number of times participant responded to a "pause" during testing (i.e., no target presented) versus total number of "pauses" presented - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Test not performed 19 19
1 0/3 2237 2256
2 1/3 228 2484
3 2/3 32 2516
4 3/3 13 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1ODTN - No fixation per Tech - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
No fixation per Tech - Right - Test 1
English Text:
Participant not fixating on target - Technician noted - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 No noted lack of fixation 2389 2389
1 Technician noted lack of fixation 140 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD02 - CT result - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
CT result - Right - Test 1
English Text:
CT screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2195 2214
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 144 2358
8 p < 5% 62 2420
9 p < 2% 31 2451
10 p < 1% 78 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD03 - T6 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T6 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
T6 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2134 2153
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 176 2329
8 p < 5% 75 2404
9 p < 2% 34 2438
10 p < 1% 91 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD04 - T2 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T2 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
T2 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2139 2158
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 152 2310
8 p < 5% 81 2391
9 p < 2% 38 2429
10 p < 1% 100 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD05 - T5 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T5 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
T5 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2048 2067
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 158 2225
8 p < 5% 107 2332
9 p < 2% 60 2392
10 p < 1% 137 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD06 - T1 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T1 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
T1 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2062 2081
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 158 2239
8 p < 5% 85 2324
9 p < 2% 62 2386
10 p < 1% 143 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD07 - N2 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N2 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
N2 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2162 2181
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 143 2324
8 p < 5% 61 2385
9 p < 2% 50 2435
10 p < 1% 94 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD08 - N6 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N6 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
N6 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2148 2167
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 150 2317
8 p < 5% 71 2388
9 p < 2% 37 2425
10 p < 1% 104 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD09 - N1 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N1 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
N1 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2080 2099
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 172 2271
8 p < 5% 86 2357
9 p < 2% 48 2405
10 p < 1% 124 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD10 - N5 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N5 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
N5 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2105 2124
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 162 2286
8 p < 5% 73 2359
9 p < 2% 56 2415
10 p < 1% 114 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD11 - N3 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N3 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
N3 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2176 2195
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 134 2329
8 p < 5% 67 2396
9 p < 2% 48 2444
10 p < 1% 85 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD12 - N7 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N7 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
N7 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2146 2165
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 168 2333
8 p < 5% 71 2404
9 p < 2% 33 2437
10 p < 1% 92 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD13 - N4 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N4 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
N4 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2165 2184
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 135 2319
8 p < 5% 81 2400
9 p < 2% 43 2443
10 p < 1% 86 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD14 - N8 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N8 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
N8 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2166 2185
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 143 2328
8 p < 5% 71 2399
9 p < 2% 38 2437
10 p < 1% 92 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD15 - T7 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T7 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
T7 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2160 2179
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 162 2341
8 p < 5% 66 2407
9 p < 2% 39 2446
10 p < 1% 83 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD16 - T3 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T3 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
T3 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2136 2155
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 151 2306
8 p < 5% 93 2399
9 p < 2% 41 2440
10 p < 1% 89 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD17 - T8 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T8 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
T8 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2146 2165
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 154 2319
8 p < 5% 77 2396
9 p < 2% 38 2434
10 p < 1% 95 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD18 - T4 results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T4 results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
T4 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2141 2160
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 158 2318
8 p < 5% 61 2379
9 p < 2% 51 2430
10 p < 1% 99 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD19 - NS results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
NS results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
NS screening result code -Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2140 2159
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 152 2311
8 p < 5% 74 2385
9 p < 2% 41 2426
10 p < 1% 103 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OD20 - NI results - Right - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
NI results - Right - Test 1
English Text:
NI screening result code - Right Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 19 19
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2164 2183
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 143 2326
8 p < 5% 65 2391
9 p < 2% 30 2421
10 p < 1% 108 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OSBS - Response to BS stimulus - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Response to BS stimulus - Left - Test 1
English Text:
Blind Spot Test - The ratio of the number of times participant responded to a target placed in the blind spot versus the total number of targets presented - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Test not performed 21 21
1 0/3 2107 2128
2 1/3 297 2425
3 2/3 72 2497
4 3/3 32 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OSFP - Response to FP stimulus - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Response to FP stimulus - Left - Test 1
English Text:
False Positive Test - The ratio of the number of times participant responded to a "pause" during testing (i.e., no target presented) versus total number of "pauses" presented - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Test not performed 21 21
1 0/3 2231 2252
2 1/3 213 2465
3 2/3 46 2511
4 3/3 18 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OSTN - No fixation per Tech - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
No fixation per Tech - Left - Test 1
English Text:
Participant not fixating on target - Technician noted - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 No noted lack of fixation 2374 2374
1 Technician noted lack of fixation 155 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS00 - NS result - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
NS result - Left - Test 1
English Text:
NS screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2131 2152
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 141 2293
8 p < 5% 87 2380
9 p < 2% 41 2421
10 p < 1% 108 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS01 - NI results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
NI results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
NI screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2139 2160
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 150 2310
8 p < 5% 68 2378
9 p < 2% 33 2411
10 p < 1% 118 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS02 - CT results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
CT results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
CT screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2148 2169
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 164 2333
8 p < 5% 67 2400
9 p < 2% 45 2445
10 p < 1% 84 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS03 - N2 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N2 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
N2 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2075 2096
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 190 2286
8 p < 5% 81 2367
9 p < 2% 56 2423
10 p < 1% 106 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS04 - N6 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N6 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
N6 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2068 2089
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 177 2266
8 p < 5% 90 2356
9 p < 2% 54 2410
10 p < 1% 119 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS05 - N1 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N1 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
N1 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 1957 1978
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 192 2170
8 p < 5% 131 2301
9 p < 2% 77 2378
10 p < 1% 151 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS06 - N5 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N5 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
N5 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2033 2054
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 171 2225
8 p < 5% 107 2332
9 p < 2% 66 2398
10 p < 1% 131 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS07 - T6 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T6 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
T6 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2102 2123
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 165 2288
8 p < 5% 102 2390
9 p < 2% 43 2433
10 p < 1% 96 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS08 - T2 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T2 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
T2 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2061 2082
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 190 2272
8 p < 5% 97 2369
9 p < 2% 54 2423
10 p < 1% 106 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS09 - T5 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T5 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
T5 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 1914 1935
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 229 2164
8 p < 5% 134 2298
9 p < 2% 68 2366
10 p < 1% 163 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS10 - T1 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T1 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
T1 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 1993 2014
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 201 2215
8 p < 5% 96 2311
9 p < 2% 73 2384
10 p < 1% 145 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS11 - T7 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T7 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
T7 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2138 2159
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 144 2303
8 p < 5% 84 2387
9 p < 2% 37 2424
10 p < 1% 105 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS12 - T3 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T3 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
T3 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2147 2168
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 148 2316
8 p < 5% 76 2392
9 p < 2% 50 2442
10 p < 1% 87 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS13 - T8 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T8 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
T8 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2046 2067
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 179 2246
8 p < 5% 111 2357
9 p < 2% 59 2416
10 p < 1% 113 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS14 - T4 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T4 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
T4 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2091 2112
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 162 2274
8 p < 5% 87 2361
9 p < 2% 61 2422
10 p < 1% 107 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS15 - N3 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N3 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
N3 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2135 2156
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 179 2335
8 p < 5% 65 2400
9 p < 2% 44 2444
10 p < 1% 85 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS16 - N7 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N7 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
N7 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2097 2118
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 149 2267
8 p < 5% 77 2344
9 p < 2% 62 2406
10 p < 1% 123 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS17 - N4 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N4 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
N4 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2111 2132
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 153 2285
8 p < 5% 86 2371
9 p < 2% 54 2425
10 p < 1% 104 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX1OS18 - N8 results - Left - Test 1

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N8 results - Left - Test 1
English Text:
N8 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 1
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 21 21
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2093 2114
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 163 2277
8 p < 5% 89 2366
9 p < 2% 47 2413
10 p < 1% 116 2529
. Missing 405 2934

OPX2ODBS - Response to BS stimulus - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Response to BS stimulus - Right - Test 2
English Text:
Blind Spot Test - The ratio of the number of times participant responded to a target placed in the blind spot versus the total number of targets presented - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Test not performed 15 15
1 0/3 2212 2227
2 1/3 226 2453
3 2/3 39 2492
4 3/3 7 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2ODFP - Response to FP stimulus - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Response to FP stimulus - Right - Test 2
English Text:
False Positive Test - The ratio of the number of times participant responded to a "pause" during testing (i.e., no target presented) versus total number of "pauses" presented - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Test not performed 15 15
1 0/3 2215 2230
2 1/3 232 2462
3 2/3 30 2492
4 3/3 7 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2ODTN - No fixation per Tech - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
No fixation per Tech - Right - Test 2
English Text:
Participant not fixating on target - Technician noted - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 No noted lack of fixation 2410 2410
1 Technician noted lack of fixation 89 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD02 - CT result - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
CT result - Right - Test 2
English Text:
CT screening result codes - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2087 2102
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 220 2322
8 p < 5% 73 2395
9 p < 2% 33 2428
10 p < 1% 71 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD03 - T6 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T6 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
T6 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2066 2081
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 212 2293
8 p < 5% 78 2371
9 p < 2% 50 2421
10 p < 1% 78 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD04 - T2 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T2 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
T2 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2058 2073
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 207 2280
8 p < 5% 81 2361
9 p < 2% 53 2414
10 p < 1% 85 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD05 - T5 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T5 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
T5 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2014 2029
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 221 2250
8 p < 5% 85 2335
9 p < 2% 47 2382
10 p < 1% 117 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD06 - T1 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T1 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
T1 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2000 2015
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 214 2229
8 p < 5% 85 2314
9 p < 2% 61 2375
10 p < 1% 124 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD07 - N2 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N2 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
N2 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2072 2087
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 188 2275
8 p < 5% 98 2373
9 p < 2% 29 2402
10 p < 1% 97 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD08 - N6 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N6 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
N6 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2075 2090
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 188 2278
8 p < 5% 102 2380
9 p < 2% 40 2420
10 p < 1% 79 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD09 - N1 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N1 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
N1 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2014 2029
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 217 2246
8 p < 5% 102 2348
9 p < 2% 45 2393
10 p < 1% 106 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD10 - N5 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N5 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
N5 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2053 2068
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 217 2285
8 p < 5% 81 2366
9 p < 2% 40 2406
10 p < 1% 93 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD11 - N3 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N3 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
N3 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2087 2102
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 210 2312
8 p < 5% 68 2380
9 p < 2% 40 2420
10 p < 1% 79 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD12 - N7 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N7 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
N7 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2081 2096
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 201 2297
8 p < 5% 85 2382
9 p < 2% 42 2424
10 p < 1% 75 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD13 - N4 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N4 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
N4 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2065 2080
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 212 2292
8 p < 5% 74 2366
9 p < 2% 45 2411
10 p < 1% 88 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD14 - N8 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N8 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
N8 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2100 2115
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 198 2313
8 p < 5% 79 2392
9 p < 2% 23 2415
10 p < 1% 84 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD15 - T7 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T7 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
T7 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2056 2071
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 231 2302
8 p < 5% 89 2391
9 p < 2% 44 2435
10 p < 1% 64 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD16 - T3 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T3 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
T3 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2058 2073
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 219 2292
8 p < 5% 80 2372
9 p < 2% 52 2424
10 p < 1% 75 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD17 - T8 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T8 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
T8 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2059 2074
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 208 2282
8 p < 5% 88 2370
9 p < 2% 44 2414
10 p < 1% 85 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD18 - T4 results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T4 results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
T4 screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2060 2075
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 228 2303
8 p < 5% 71 2374
9 p < 2% 50 2424
10 p < 1% 75 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD19 - NS results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
NS results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
NS screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2101 2116
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 190 2306
8 p < 5% 74 2380
9 p < 2% 40 2420
10 p < 1% 79 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OD20 - NI results - Right - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
NI results - Right - Test 2
English Text:
NI screening result code - Right Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 15 15
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2089 2104
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 200 2304
8 p < 5% 69 2373
9 p < 2% 33 2406
10 p < 1% 93 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OSBS - Response to BS stimulus - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Response to BS stimulus - Left - Test 2
English Text:
Blind Spot Test - The ratio of the number of times participant responded to a target placed in the blind spot versus the total number of targets presented - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Test not performed 20 20
1 0/3 2067 2087
2 1/3 321 2408
3 2/3 62 2470
4 3/3 29 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OSFP - Response to FP stimulus - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Response to FP stimulus - Left - Test 2
English Text:
False Positive Test - The ratio of the number of times participant responded to a "pause" during testing (i.e., no target presented) versus total number of "pauses" presented - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 Test not performed 20 20
1 0/3 2206 2226
2 1/3 233 2459
3 2/3 31 2490
4 3/3 9 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OSTN - No fixation per Tech - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
No fixation per Tech - Left - Test 2
English Text:
Participant not fixating on target - Technician noted - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 No noted lack of fixation 2390 2390
1 Technician noted lack of fixation 109 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS00 - NS result - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
NS result - Left - Test 2
English Text:
NS screening result codes - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2024 2044
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 218 2262
8 p < 5% 89 2351
9 p < 2% 42 2393
10 p < 1% 106 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS01 - NI results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
NI results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
NI screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2047 2067
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 194 2261
8 p < 5% 82 2343
9 p < 2% 42 2385
10 p < 1% 114 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS02 - CT results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
CT results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
CT screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2091 2111
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 183 2294
8 p < 5% 89 2383
9 p < 2% 37 2420
10 p < 1% 79 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS03 - N2 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N2 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
N2 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 1985 2005
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 222 2227
8 p < 5% 112 2339
9 p < 2% 61 2400
10 p < 1% 99 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS04 - N6 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N6 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
N6 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 1948 1968
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 219 2187
8 p < 5% 128 2315
9 p < 2% 65 2380
10 p < 1% 119 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS05 - N1 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N1 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
N1 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 1840 1860
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 249 2109
8 p < 5% 143 2252
9 p < 2% 97 2349
10 p < 1% 150 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS06 - N5 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N5 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
N5 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 1914 1934
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 217 2151
8 p < 5% 122 2273
9 p < 2% 94 2367
10 p < 1% 132 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS07 - T6 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T6 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
T6 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2001 2021
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 217 2238
8 p < 5% 104 2342
9 p < 2% 62 2404
10 p < 1% 95 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS08 - T2 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T2 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
T2 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 1992 2012
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 207 2219
8 p < 5% 98 2317
9 p < 2% 82 2399
10 p < 1% 100 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS09 - T5 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T5 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
T5 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 1818 1838
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 243 2081
8 p < 5% 170 2251
9 p < 2% 95 2346
10 p < 1% 153 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS10 - T1 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T1 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
T1 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 1891 1911
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 217 2128
8 p < 5% 154 2282
9 p < 2% 75 2357
10 p < 1% 142 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS11 - T7 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T7 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
T7 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2017 2037
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 199 2236
8 p < 5% 115 2351
9 p < 2% 52 2403
10 p < 1% 96 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS12 - T3 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T3 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
T3 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2075 2095
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 178 2273
8 p < 5% 81 2354
9 p < 2% 58 2412
10 p < 1% 87 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS13 - T8 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T8 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
T8 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 1972 1992
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 221 2213
8 p < 5% 117 2330
9 p < 2% 61 2391
10 p < 1% 108 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS14 - T4 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
T4 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
T4 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2003 2023
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 184 2207
8 p < 5% 118 2325
9 p < 2% 62 2387
10 p < 1% 112 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS15 - N3 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N3 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
N3 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2070 2090
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 180 2270
8 p < 5% 100 2370
9 p < 2% 45 2415
10 p < 1% 84 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS16 - N7 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N7 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
N7 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2006 2026
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 202 2228
8 p < 5% 105 2333
9 p < 2% 51 2384
10 p < 1% 115 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS17 - N4 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N4 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
N4 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 2011 2031
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 211 2242
8 p < 5% 102 2344
9 p < 2% 54 2398
10 p < 1% 101 2499
. Missing 435 2934

OPX2OS18 - N8 results - Left - Test 2

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
N8 results - Left - Test 2
English Text:
N8 screening result code - Left Eye - Test 2
Both males and females 40 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 None 20 20
6 p >= 5% 1st presentation 1991 2011
7 p >= 5% 2nd presentation 215 2226
8 p < 5% 108 2334
9 p < 2% 60 2394
10 p < 1% 105 2499
. Missing 435 2934