Table of Contents

Codebook and Frequencies

SEQN - Respondent sequence number

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Respondent sequence number
English Text:
Respondent sequence number.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDARTYPE - Record type

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Record type
English Text:
Record type
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Youth 7851 7851
2 Parent 4872 12723
3 Combined 4872 17595
. Missing 0 17595

YDQD01 - Time in past year often very upset

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Time in past year often very upset
English Text:
I'm now going to ask you some questions about feeling sad and unhappy.<p> In the last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] was there a time when you often felt sad or depressed?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd001; Parent=pmd001)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 3407 3407
2 No 7756 11163 YDQD02
7 Refused 0 11163 YDQD02
9 Don't know 6 11169 YDQD02
. Missing 6426 17595

YDQD01A - Sad or depressed long time each day

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad or depressed long time each day
English Text:
Was there a time in the last year when you felt sad or depressed for a long time each day?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd001a; Parent=pmd001a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1205 1205
2 No 2197 3402 YDQD02
7 Refused 0 3402 YDQD02
9 Don't know 5 3407 YDQD02
. Missing 14188 17595

YDQD01B - Sad or depressed most of the day

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad or depressed most of the day
English Text:
Would you say that you felt that way for most of the day?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd001b; Parent=pmd001b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 924 924
2 No 279 1203
7 Refused 0 1203
9 Don't know 2 1205
. Missing 16390 17595

YDQD01C - Sad or depressed almost every day

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad or depressed almost every day
English Text:
Was there a time when you felt sad or depressed almost every day?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd001c; Parent=pmd001c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 670 670
2 No 532 1202 YDQD02
7 Refused 0 1202 YDQD02
9 Don't know 3 1205 YDQD02
. Missing 16390 17595

YDQD01D - Two weeks in a row sad almost daily

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Two weeks in a row sad almost daily
English Text:
In the last year, were there two weeks in a row when you felt sad or depressed almost every day?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd001d; Parent=pmd001d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 426 426
2 No 244 670 YDQD02
7 Refused 0 670 YDQD02
9 Don't know 0 670 YDQD02
. Missing 16925 17595

YDQD01E - Feel better if something good happened

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Feel better if something good happened
English Text:
When you were sad or depressed, did you feel better if something good happened or was about to happen to you?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd001e; Parent=pmd001e)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 299 299
2 No 122 421
7 Refused 0 421
9 Don't know 5 426
. Missing 17169 17595

YDQD01F - Sad or depressed last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad or depressed last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]], have you felt sad or depressed?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd001f; Parent=pmd001f)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 200 200
2 No 225 425
7 Refused 0 425
9 Don't know 1 426
. Missing 17169 17595

YDQD02 - Nothing fun/lack interest/sad past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Nothing fun/lack interest/sad past year
English Text:
In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year was there a time when nothing was fun for you and you just weren't interested in anything?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd002; Parent=pmd002)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2340 2340
2 No 8818 11158 YDQD03
7 Refused 0 11158 YDQD03
9 Don't know 10 11168 YDQD03
. Missing 6427 17595

YDQD02A - Nothing fun almost every day

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Nothing fun almost every day
English Text:
Was there a time when nothing was fun for you almost every day?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd002a; Parent=pmd002a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 734 734
2 No 1603 2337 YDQD03
7 Refused 0 2337 YDQD03
9 Don't know 3 2340 YDQD03
. Missing 15255 17595

YDQD02B - Two weeks in row no fun almost every day

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Two weeks in row no fun almost every day
English Text:
In the last year, were there two weeks in a row when you felt nothing was fun almost every day?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd002b; Parent=pmd002b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes < [ ] > 427 427
2 No 305 732 YDQD03
7 Refused 0 732 YDQD03
9 Don't know 2 734 YDQD03
. Missing 16861 17595

YDQD02C - Nothing fun lasts four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Nothing fun lasts four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has there been a time when nothing was fun for you?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd002c; Parent=pmd002c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 139 139
2 No 287 426
7 Refused 1 427
9 Don't know 0 427
. Missing 17168 17595

YDQD03 - Often grouchy,little things create anger

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Often grouchy,little things create anger
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often felt grouchy or irritable and often in a bad mood, when even little things would make you mad?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd003; Parent=pmd003)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 4260 4260
2 No 6897 11157 YDADn01
7 Refused 0 11157 YDADn01
9 Don't know 11 11168 YDADn01
. Missing 6427 17595

YDQD03A - Grouchy and irritable long time each day

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grouchy and irritable long time each day
English Text:
Was there a time in the last year when you felt grouchy or irritable for a long time each day?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd003a; Parent=pmd003a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1132 1132
2 No 3121 4253 YDADn01
7 Refused 0 4253 YDADn01
9 Don't know 7 4260 YDADn01
. Missing 13335 17595

YDQD03B - Grouchy and irritable most of the day

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grouchy and irritable most of the day
English Text:
Would you say that you felt that way for most of the day?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd003b; Parent=pmd003b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 788 788
2 No 344 1132
7 Refused 0 1132
9 Don't know 0 1132
. Missing 16463 17595

YDQD03C - Grouchy and irritable almost every day

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grouchy and irritable almost every day
English Text:
Was there a time when you felt grouchy or irritable almost every day?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd003c; Parent=pmd003c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 511 511
2 No 619 1130 YDADn01
7 Refused 0 1130 YDADn01
9 Don't know 2 1132 YDADn01
. Missing 16463 17595

YDQD03D - Two weeks in a row grouchy almost daily

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Two weeks in a row grouchy almost daily
English Text:
In the last year, were there two weeks in a row when you felt grouchy or irritable almost every day?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd003d; Parent=pmd003d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 309 309
2 No 200 509 YDADn01
7 Refused 0 509 YDADn01
9 Don't know 2 511 YDADn01
. Missing 17084 17595

YDQD03E - Grouchy and irritable last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grouchy and irritable last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often felt grouchy or irritable and in a bad mood?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd003e; Parent=pmd003e)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 170 170
2 No 139 309
7 Refused 0 309
9 Don't know 0 309
. Missing 17286 17595

YDADn01 - Were any * or [ ] resp. coded in q1-q3?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Were any * or [ ] resp. coded in q1-q3?
English Text:
Were any * or [ ] responses coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn01; Parent=pmdn01)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 0 0
2 No 8040 8040
. Missing 9555 17595

YDADn02 - Was there a * response coded in q1 - q3?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a * response coded in q1 - q3?
English Text:
Was there a * response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn02; Parent=pmdn02)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes < [ ] > 584 584
2 No 10584 11168
. Missing 6427 17595

YDQD04 - Lost weight in last year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Lost weight in last year
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you lost weight?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd004; Parent=pmd004)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2650 2650
2 No 8305 10955 YDQD05
7 Refused 0 10955 YDQD05
9 Don't know 213 11168 YDQD05
. Missing 6427 17595

YDQD04A - Dieting to lose weight

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Dieting to lose weight
English Text:
Were you on a diet or trying to lose weight?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd004a; Parent=pmd004a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 840 840
2 No 1806 2646 YDQD04C
7 Refused 0 2646 YDQD04C
9 Don't know 4 2650 YDQD04C
. Missing 14945 17595

YDQD04B - Lose weight without dieting

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Lose weight without dieting
English Text:
In the last year, did you ever lose weight when you weren't trying?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd004b; Parent=pmd004b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 244 244
2 No 586 830 YDQD05
7 Refused 0 830 YDQD05
9 Don't know 10 840 YDQD05
. Missing 16755 17595

YDQD04C - Lose weight others notice

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Lose weight others notice
English Text:
Did you lose so much weight that other people noticed?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd004c; Parent=pmd004c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 635 635
2 No 1410 2045
7 Refused 0 2045
9 Don't know 9 2054
. Missing 15541 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD04E.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD04D - Lose weight when sad or depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Lose weight when sad or depressed
English Text:
You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Did you lose weight during that time?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd004d; Parent=pmd004d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * # 106 106
2 No 96 202
7 Refused 0 202
9 Don't know 9 211
. Missing 17384 17595

YDQD04E - Lost weight last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Lost weight last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you lost weight?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd004e; Parent=pmd004e)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 580 580
2 No 1408 1988
7 Refused 0 1988
9 Don't know 66 2054
. Missing 15541 17595

YDQD05 - Appetite loss or ate lot less last year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Appetite loss or ate lot less last year
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you lost your appetite or often felt less like eating?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd005; Parent=pmd005)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 3084 3084
2 No 8060 11144 YDQD06
7 Refused 0 11144 YDQD06
9 Don't know 22 11166 YDQD06
. Missing 6429 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD05C.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD05A - Lose appetite when sad or depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Lose appetite when sad or depressed
English Text:
You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Did you lose your appetite or often feel less like eating during that time?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd005a; Parent=pmd005a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 272 272
2 No 108 380 YDQD05C
7 Refused 0 380 YDQD05C
9 Don't know 3 383 YDQD05C
. Missing 17212 17595

YDQD05B - Lose appetite two weeks or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Lose appetite two weeks or longer
English Text:
Did you lose your appetite or feel less like eating nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd005b; Parent=pmd005b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes # 108 108
2 No 164 272
7 Refused 0 272
9 Don't know 0 272
. Missing 17323 17595

YDQD05C - Lost appetite last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Lost appetite last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you lost your appetite or often felt less like eating?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd005c; Parent=pmd005c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1121 1121
2 No 1954 3075
7 Refused 0 3075
9 Don't know 9 3084
. Missing 14511 17595

YDQD06 - Gained a lot of weight in last year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Gained a lot of weight in last year
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you gained a lot of weight?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd006; Parent=pmd006)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1654 1654
2 No 9430 11084 YDQD07
7 Refused 0 11084 YDQD07
9 Don't know 82 11166 YDQD07
. Missing 6429 17595

YDQD06A - Gain weight others notice

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Gain weight others notice
English Text:
Did you gain so much weight that other people noticed?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd006a; Parent=pmd006a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 520 520
2 No 1129 1649
7 Refused 0 1649
9 Don't know 5 1654
. Missing 15941 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD06C.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD06B - Gain weight when sad or depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Gain weight when sad or depressed
English Text:
You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Did you gain a lot of weight during that time?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd006b; Parent=pmd006b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * # 110 110
2 No 121 231
7 Refused 0 231
9 Don't know 6 237
. Missing 17358 17595

YDQD06C - Gain weight last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Gain weight last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you gained weight?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd006c; Parent=pmd006c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 443 443
2 No 1158 1601
7 Refused 0 1601
9 Don't know 53 1654
. Missing 15941 17595

YDQD07 - Hungrier/ate more than usual last year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Hungrier/ate more than usual last year
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you felt much hungrier than usual or when you ate a lot more than usual?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd007; Parent=pmd007)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2520 2520
2 No 8623 11143 YDADn03a
7 Refused 0 11143 YDADn03a
9 Don't know 23 11166 YDADn03a
. Missing 6429 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD07C.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD07A - Hungrier than normal when sad/depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Hungrier than normal when sad/depressed
English Text:
You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Were you much hungrier or did you eat a lot more than usual during that time?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd007a; Parent=pmd007a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 143 143
2 No 182 325 YDQD07C
7 Refused 0 325 YDQD07C
9 Don't know 5 330 YDQD07C
. Missing 17265 17595

YDQD07B - Hungrier than normal two weeks or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Hungrier than normal two weeks or longer
English Text:
Did you feel much hungrier or eat a lot more than usual nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd007b; Parent=pmd007b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 73 73
2 No # 69 142
7 Refused 0 142
9 Don't know 1 143
. Missing 17452 17595

YDQD07C - Hungrier than normal last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Hungrier than normal last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you felt much hungrier or often eaten a lot more than usual?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd007c; Parent=pmd007c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 808 808
2 No 1710 2518
7 Refused 0 2518
9 Don't know 2 2520
. Missing 15075 17595

YDADn03a - Was there a * response coded in q4-7?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a * response coded in q4-7?
English Text:
Was there a * response coded in YDQD04--YDQD07C?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn03a; Parent=pmdn03a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 428 428
2 No 10738 11166
. Missing 6429 17595

YDADn03b - Was there a # response coded in q4-7?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a # response coded in q4-7?
English Text:
Was there a # response coded in YDQD04--YDQD07C?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn03b; Parent=pmdn03b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes < > 291 291
2 No 10875 11166
. Missing 6429 17595

YDQD08 - Trouble sleeping in last year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Trouble sleeping in last year
English Text:
In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year was there a time when you had trouble sleeping, that is, trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd008; Parent=pmd008)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 3733 3733
2 No 7425 11158 YDQD09
7 Refused 0 11158 YDQD09
9 Don't know 8 11166 YDQD09
. Missing 6429 17595

YDQD08A - Trouble sleeping different from usual

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Trouble sleeping different from usual
English Text:
When you had trouble sleeping, was that different from how you usually sleep?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd008a; Parent=pmd008a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2328 2328
2 No 1396 3724
7 Refused 0 3724
9 Don't know 9 3733
. Missing 13862 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD08D.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD08B - Trouble sleeping when sad or depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Trouble sleeping when sad or depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you have trouble sleeping during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd008b; Parent=pmd008b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 358 358
2 No 126 484 YDQD08D
7 Refused 0 484 YDQD08D
9 Don't know 6 490 YDQD08D
. Missing 17105 17595

YDQD08C - Trouble sleeping two weeks or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Trouble sleeping two weeks or longer
English Text:
Did you have trouble sleeping nearly every night for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd008c; Parent=pmd008c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes # 224 224
2 No 134 358
7 Refused 0 358
9 Don't know 0 358
. Missing 17237 17595

YDQD08D - Trouble sleeping last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Trouble sleeping last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had trouble sleeping?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd008d; Parent=pmd008d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1583 1583
2 No 2141 3724
7 Refused 0 3724
9 Don't know 9 3733
. Missing 13862 17595

YDQD09 - Slept more in day than usual last year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Slept more in day than usual last year
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you slept more during the day than you usually do?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd009; Parent=pmd009)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2815 2815
2 No 8333 11148 YDADn04a
7 Refused 0 11148 YDADn04a
9 Don't know 18 11166 YDADn04a
. Missing 6429 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD09C.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD09A - Slept more when sad or depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Slept more when sad or depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you sleep more during the day during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd009a; Parent=pmd009a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 252 252
2 No 100 352 YDQD09C
7 Refused 0 352 YDQD09C
9 Don't know 3 355 YDQD09C
. Missing 17240 17595

YDQD09B - Slept more two weeks or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Slept more two weeks or longer
English Text:
Did you sleep more during the day nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd009b; Parent=pmd009b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes # 132 132
2 No 120 252
7 Refused 0 252
9 Don't know 0 252
. Missing 17343 17595

YDQD09C - Slept more last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Slept more last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you slept more during the day than you usually do?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd009c; Parent=pmd009c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1106 1106
2 No 1707 2813
7 Refused 0 2813
9 Don't know 2 2815
. Missing 14780 17595

YDADn04a - Was there a * response coded in q8 - q9?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a * response coded in q8 - q9?
English Text:
Was there a * response coded in YDQD08--YDQD09C?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn04a; Parent=pmdn04a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 464 464
2 No 10702 11166
. Missing 6429 17595

YDADn04b - Was there a # response coded in q8 - q9?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a # response coded in q8 - q9?
English Text:
Was there a # response coded in YDQD08--YDQD09C?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn04b; Parent=pmdn04b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes < > 300 300
2 No 10866 11166
. Missing 6429 17595

YDQD10 - Walking/talking much slower in past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Walking/talking much slower in past year
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often felt slowed down, like you walked or talked much slower than you usually do?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd010; Parent=pmd010)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1047 1047 YDQD10A
2 No 10108 11155
7 Refused 0 11155
9 Don't know 11 11166
. Missing 6429 17595

YDQD10AA - Ever say [he/she] felt slowed down?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Ever say [he/she] felt slowed down?
English Text:
Did [he/she] ever say [he/she] felt slowed down?
English Instructions:
This question is asked only in the parent module. (Collection Name: Parent=pmd010a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 141 141 YDAD7C
2 No 3715 3856
7 Refused 0 3856
9 Don't know 1 3857
. Missing 13738 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
Go to YDQD11.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD10A - Move slower others notice

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Move slower others notice
English Text:
Did other people notice that you were slowed down?
English Instructions:
This question is asked only in the youth module. (Collection Name: Youth=ymd010a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 411 411
2 No 474 885
7 Refused 0 885
9 Don't know 16 901
. Missing 16694 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD10D.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD10B - Move slower when sad or depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Move slower when sad or depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you often feel slowed down during the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd010b; Parent=pmd010b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 183 183
2 No 52 235 YDQD10D
7 Refused 0 235 YDQD10D
9 Don't know 1 236 YDQD10D
. Missing 17359 17595

YDQD10C - Move slower two weeks or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Move slower two weeks or longer
English Text:
Did you feel slowed down like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd010c; Parent=pmd010c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 99 99
2 No # 84 183
7 Refused 0 183
9 Don't know 0 183
. Missing 17412 17595

YDQD10D - Move slower last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Move slower last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you felt slowed down?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd010d; Parent=pmd010d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 354 354
2 No 835 1189
7 Refused 0 1189
9 Don't know 1 1190
. Missing 16405 17595

YDQD11 - Restless in past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Restless in past year
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often felt restless, like you just had to keep walking around?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd011; Parent=pmd011)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1904 1904 YDQD11A
2 No 9248 11152
7 Refused 0 11152
9 Don't know 14 11166
. Missing 6429 17595

YDQD11AA - Ever say felt restless like this?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Ever say felt restless like this?
English Text:
Did [he/she] ever say [he/she] felt restless like this?
English Instructions:
This question is ask only in the parent module.<p> (Collection Name: Parent=pmd011a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 15 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 83 83 YDQD11A
2 No 3418 3501
7 Refused 0 3501
9 Don't know 2 3503
. Missing 14092 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
Go to YDADn05a.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD11A - Restless different from usual

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Restless different from usual
English Text:
When you felt restless like that, was that different from how you usually feel?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd011a; Parent=pmd011b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1148 1148
2 No 837 1985
7 Refused 0 1985
9 Don't know 8 1993
. Missing 15602 17595

YDQD11B - Restless others notice

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Restless others notice
English Text:
Did other people notice that you were restless?
English Instructions:
This question is asked only in the youth module. (Collection Name: Youth=ymd011b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 698 698
2 No 684 1382
7 Refused 0 1382
9 Don't know 25 1407
. Missing 16188 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD11E.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD11C - Restless when sad or depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Restless when sad or depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you often feel restless during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd011c; Parent=pmd011c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 223 223
2 No 102 325 YDQD11E
7 Refused 0 325 YDQD11E
9 Don't know 1 326 YDQD11E
. Missing 17269 17595

YDQD11D - Restless two weeks or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Restless two weeks or longer
English Text:
Did you feel restless like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd011d; Parent=pmd011d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes # 125 125
2 No 98 223
7 Refused 0 223
9 Don't know 0 223
. Missing 17372 17595

YDQD11E - Restless last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Restless last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often felt restless?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd011e; Parent=pmd011e)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 665 665
2 No 1321 1986
7 Refused 0 1986
9 Don't know 7 1993
. Missing 15602 17595

YDADn05a - Was there a * response coded in q10-11?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a * response coded in q10-11?
English Text:
Was there a * response coded in YDQD10--YDQD11E?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn05a; Parent=pmdn05a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 323 323
2 No 10842 11165
. Missing 6430 17595

YDADn05b - Was there a # response coded in q10-11?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a # response coded in q10-11?
English Text:
Was there a # response coded in YDQD10--YDQD11E?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn05b; Parent=pmdn05b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes < > 188 188
2 No 10977 11165
. Missing 6430 17595

YDQD12 - Less energy in the last year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Less energy in the last year
English Text:
In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] was there a time when you had less energy than you usually do?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd012; Parent=pmd012)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2429 2429
2 No 8709 11138 YDQD13
7 Refused 0 11138 YDQD13
9 Don't know 27 11165 YDQD13
. Missing 6430 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD12C.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD12A - Less energy when sad or depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Less energy when sad or depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you have less energy during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd012a; Parent=pmd012a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 296 296
2 No 70 366 YDQD12C
7 Refused 0 366 YDQD12C
9 Don't know 1 367 YDQD12C
. Missing 17228 17595

YDQD12B - Less energy two weeks or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Less energy two weeks or longer
English Text:
Did you have less energy than usual nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd012b; Parent=pmd012b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes # 180 180
2 No 115 295
7 Refused 0 295
9 Don't know 1 296
. Missing 17299 17595

YDQD12C - Less energy last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Less energy last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks? (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you had less energy than you usually do?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd012c; Parent=pmd012c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 769 769
2 No 1653 2422
7 Refused 0 2422
9 Don't know 7 2429
. Missing 15166 17595

YDQD13 - Doing even little things tire last year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Doing even little things tire last year
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when doing even little things made you feel really tired?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd013; Parent=pmd013)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1401 1401
2 No 9744 11145 YDADn06a
7 Refused 0 11145 YDADn06a
9 Don't know 20 11165 YDADn06a
. Missing 6430 17595

YDQD13A - Tired different from usual

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Tired different from usual
English Text:
When you felt tired like this, was that different from how you usually feel?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd013a; Parent=pmd013a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1010 1010
2 No 384 1394
7 Refused 0 1394
9 Don't know 7 1401
. Missing 16194 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD13D.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD13B - Tired when sad or depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Tired when sad or depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you feel really tired during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd013b; Parent=pmd013b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 204 204
2 No 54 258 YDQD13D
7 Refused 0 258 YDQD13D
9 Don't know 2 260 YDQD13D
. Missing 17335 17595

YDQD13C - Tired two weeks or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Tired two weeks or longer
English Text:
Did you feel really tired like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd013c; Parent=pmd013c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes # 124 124
2 No 80 204
7 Refused 0 204
9 Don't know 0 204
. Missing 17391 17595

YDQD13D - Tired last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Tired last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you felt really tired?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd013d; Parent=pmd013d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 550 550
2 No 849 1399
7 Refused 0 1399
9 Don't know 2 1401
. Missing 16194 17595

YDADn06a - Was there a * response coded in q12-13?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a * response coded in q12-13?
English Text:
Was there a * response coded in YDQD12--YDQD13D?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn06a; Parent=pmdn06a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 361 361
2 No 10804 11165
. Missing 6430 17595

YDADn06b - Was there a # response coded in q12-13?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a # response coded in q12-13?
English Text:
Was there a # response coded in YDQD12--YDQD13D?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn06b; Parent=pmdn06b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes < > 217 217
2 No 10948 11165
. Missing 6430 17595

YDQD14 - Arms and legs felt heavy in past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Arms and legs felt heavy in past year
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when your arms and legs felt heavy, like you were weighed down by them?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd014; Parent=pmd014)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1115 1115
2 No 10036 11151 YDQD15
7 Refused 0 11151 YDQD15
9 Don't know 14 11165 YDQD15
. Missing 6430 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD14C.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD14A - Limbs felt heavy when sad or depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Limbs felt heavy when sad or depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did your arms and legs feel heavy during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd014a; Parent=pmd014a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 102 102
2 No 81 183 YDQD14C
7 Refused 0 183 YDQD14C
9 Don't know 4 187 YDQD14C
. Missing 17408 17595

YDQD14B - Limbs felt heavy two weeks or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Limbs felt heavy two weeks or longer
English Text:
Did your arms and legs feel heavy like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd014b; Parent=pmd014b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 42 42
2 No 59 101
7 Refused 0 101
9 Don't know 1 102
. Missing 17493 17595

YDQD14C - Limbs felt heavy last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Limbs felt heavy last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have your arms and legs felt heavy?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd014c; Parent=pmd014c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 355 355
2 No 759 1114
7 Refused 0 1114
9 Don't know 1 1115
. Missing 16480 17595

YDQD15 - Blamed self for bad things in past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Blamed self for bad things in past year
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often blamed yourself for bad things that happened?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd015; Parent=pmd015)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2122 2122
2 No 9022 11144 YDQD16
7 Refused 0 11144 YDQD16
9 Don't know 21 11165 YDQD16
. Missing 6430 17595

YDQD15A - Blamed self different from usual

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Blamed self different from usual
English Text:
Was blaming yourself in that way different from how you usually feel about yourself?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd015a; Parent=pmd015a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1304 1304
2 No 809 2113
7 Refused 0 2113
9 Don't know 9 2122
. Missing 15473 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD15D.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD15B - Blamed self when sad or depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Blamed self when sad or depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you blame yourself like that during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd015b; Parent=pmd015b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 304 304
2 No 98 402 YDQD15D
7 Refused 0 402 YDQD15D
9 Don't know 0 402 YDQD15D
. Missing 17193 17595

YDQD15C - Blamed self two weeks or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Blamed self two weeks or longer
English Text:
Did you blame yourself nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd015c; Parent=pmd015c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes # 142 142
2 No 160 302
7 Refused 0 302
9 Don't know 2 304
. Missing 17291 17595

YDQD15D - Blamed self last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Blamed self last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often blamed yourself for bad things that happened?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd015d; Parent=pmd015d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 663 663
2 No 1457 2120
7 Refused 0 2120
9 Don't know 2 2122
. Missing 15473 17595

YDQD16 - Perform less/less pretty/smart past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Perform less/less pretty/smart past year
English Text:
In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] was there a time when you felt you couldn't do anything well or that you weren't as good looking or as smart as other people?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd016; Parent=pmd016)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2590 2590
2 No 8561 11151 YDADn07a
7 Refused 0 11151 YDADn07a
9 Don't know 12 11163 YDADn07a
. Missing 6432 17595

YDQD16A - Feel bad about self different from usual

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Feel bad about self different from usual
English Text:
When you felt bad about yourself, was that different from how you usually feel about yourself?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd016a; Parent=pmd016a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1733 1733
2 No 841 2574
7 Refused 0 2574
9 Don't know 16 2590
. Missing 15005 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD16D.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD16B - Feel bad about self when sad/depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Feel bad about self when sad/depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did you feel bad about yourself during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd016b; Parent=pmd016b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 310 310
2 No 85 395 YDQD16D
7 Refused 0 395 YDQD16D
9 Don't know 0 395 YDQD16D
. Missing 17200 17595

YDQD16C - Feel bad about self two weeks or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Feel bad about self two weeks or longer
English Text:
Did you feel like this nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd016c; Parent=pmd016c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes # 189 189
2 No 121 310
7 Refused 0 310
9 Don't know 0 310
. Missing 17285 17595

YDQD16D - Feel bad about self last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Feel bad about self last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you felt like you couldn't do anything well or that you weren't as good looking or as smart as other people?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd016d; Parent=pmd016d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 991 991
2 No 1593 2584
7 Refused 0 2584
9 Don't know 5 2589
. Missing 15006 17595

YDADn07a - Was there a * response coded in q15-16?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a * response coded in q15-16?
English Text:
Was there a * response coded in YDQD15--YDQD16D?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn07a; Parent=pmdn07a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 425 425
2 No 10736 11161
. Missing 6434 17595

YDADn07b - Was there a # response coded in q15-16?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a # response coded in q15-16?
English Text:
Was there a # response coded in YDQD15--YDQD16D?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn07b; Parent=pmdn07b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes < > 245 245
2 No 10916 11161
. Missing 6434 17595

YDQD17 - Could not think well as usual past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Could not think well as usual past year
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you couldn't think as clearly or as fast as usual?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd017; Parent=pmd017)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1970 1970
2 No 9160 11130 YDQD18
7 Refused 0 11130 YDQD18
9 Don't know 31 11161 YDQD18
. Missing 6434 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD17C.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD17A - Thinking impaired when sad or depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Thinking impaired when sad or depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Did it seem like you couldn't think as clearly or as fast as usual during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd017a; Parent=pmd017a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 263 263
2 No 75 338 YDQD17C
7 Refused 0 338 YDQD17C
9 Don't know 2 340 YDQD17C
. Missing 17255 17595

YDQD17B - Thinking impaired two weeks or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Thinking impaired two weeks or longer
English Text:
Did it seem like you couldn't think as clearly or as fast as usual nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd017b; Parent=pmd017b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes # 140 140
2 No 123 263
7 Refused 0 263
9 Don't know 0 263
. Missing 17332 17595

YDQD17C - Thinking impaired last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Thinking impaired last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has it seemed like you couldn't think as clearly or as fast as usual?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd017c; Parent=pmd017c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 724 724
2 No 1242 1966
7 Refused 0 1966
9 Don't know 4 1970
. Missing 15625 17595

YDQD18 - Trouble concentrate school/other year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Trouble concentrate school/other year
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you often had trouble keeping your mind on (your [schoolwork/work] or other) things?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd018; Parent=pmd018)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 3876 3876
2 No 7269 11145 YDQD19
7 Refused 0 11145 YDQD19
9 Don't know 16 11161 YDQD19
. Missing 6434 17595

YDQD18A - Trouble concentrating different usual

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Trouble concentrating different usual
English Text:
When you had trouble keeping your mind on (your [schoolwork/work] or other) things, was that different from how you usually are when you're doing things?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd018a; Parent=pmd018a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2183 2183
2 No 1673 3856
7 Refused 0 3856
9 Don't know 20 3876
. Missing 13719 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD18D.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD18B - Trouble concentrating when sad/depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Trouble concentrating when sad/depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]). Did you often have trouble keeping your mind on (your [schoolwork/work] or other) things during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd018b; Parent=pmd018b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 399 399
2 No 86 485 YDQD18D
7 Refused 0 485 YDQD18D
9 Don't know 2 487 YDQD18D
. Missing 17108 17595

YDQD18C - Trouble concentrating two weeks/longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Trouble concentrating two weeks/longer
English Text:
Did you have trouble keeping your mind on your [schoolwork/work] or other things nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd018c; Parent=pmd018c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes # 271 271
2 No 126 397
7 Refused 0 397
9 Don't know 2 399
. Missing 17196 17595

YDQD18D - Trouble concentrating last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Trouble concentrating last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often had trouble keeping your mind on (your [schoolwork/work] or other) things?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd018d; Parent=pmd018d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1462 1462
2 No 2404 3866
7 Refused 0 3866
9 Don't know 8 3874
. Missing 13721 17595

YDQD19 - Often hard to make decision in past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Often hard to make decision in past year
English Text:
In the last year (that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when it was often hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd019; Parent=pmd019)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 2910 2910
2 No 8225 11135 YDADn08a
7 Refused 0 11135 YDADn08a
9 Don't know 24 11159 YDADn08a
. Missing 6436 17595

YDQD19A - Decisions difficult different from usual

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Decisions difficult different from usual
English Text:
When it was hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions, was that different from how you usually are?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd019a; Parent=pmd019a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1297 1297
2 No 1599 2896
7 Refused 0 2896
9 Don't know 14 2910
. Missing 14685 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD19D.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD19B - Decisions difficult when sad/depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Decisions difficult when sad/depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].) Was it hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd019b; Parent=pmd019b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 299 299
2 No 94 393 YDQD19D
7 Refused 0 393 YDQD19D
9 Don't know 5 398 YDQD19D
. Missing 17197 17595

YDQD19C - Decisions difficult two weeks or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Decisions difficult two weeks or longer
English Text:
Was it hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd019c; Parent=pmd019c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes # 173 173
2 No 126 299
7 Refused 0 299
9 Don't know 0 299
. Missing 17296 17595

YDQD19D - Decisions difficult last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Decisions difficult last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), has it often been hard for you to make up your mind or to make decisions?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd019d; Parent=pmd019d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1207 1207
2 No 1697 2904
7 Refused 0 2904
9 Don't know 6 2910
. Missing 14685 17595

YDADn08a - Was there a * response coded in q17-19?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a * response coded in q17-19?
English Text:
Was there a * response coded in YDQD17--YDQD19D?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn08a; Parent=pmdn08a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 520 520
2 No 10637 11157
. Missing 6438 17595

YDADn08b - Was there a # response coded in q17-19?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a # response coded in q17-19?
English Text:
Was there a # response coded in YDQD17--YDQD19D?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn08b; Parent=pmdn08b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes < > 339 339
2 No 10818 11157
. Missing 6438 17595

YDQD20 - Often death thoughts in past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Often death thoughts in past year
English Text:
In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] was there a time when you often thought about death or about people who had died or about being dead yourself?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd020; Parent=pmd020)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 3083 3083
2 No 8064 11147 YDQD21
7 Refused 0 11147 YDQD21
9 Don't know 10 11157 YDQD21
. Missing 6438 17595

YDQD20A - Often death thoughts differ from usual

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Often death thoughts differ from usual
English Text:
Did you think about death or dying a lot more than you usually do?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd020a; Parent=pmd020a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1210 1210
2 No 1863 3073
7 Refused 0 3073
9 Don't know 10 3083
. Missing 14512 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD20D.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD20B - Often death thoughts when sad/depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Often death thoughts when sad/depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]). Did you think a lot about death or dying during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd020b; Parent=pmd020b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 279 279
2 No 131 410 YDQD20D
7 Refused 0 410 YDQD20D
9 Don't know 3 413 YDQD20D
. Missing 17182 17595

YDQD20C - Often death thoughts two weeks/longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Often death thoughts two weeks/longer
English Text:
Did you think about death or dying nearly every day for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd020c; Parent=pmd020c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes # 128 128
2 No 151 279
7 Refused 0 279
9 Don't know 0 279
. Missing 17316 17595

YDQD20D - Often death thoughts last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Often death thoughts last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you often thought about death or about people who have died or about being dead yourself?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd020d; Parent=pmd020d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1435 1435
2 No 1644 3079
7 Refused 0 3079
9 Don't know 4 3083
. Missing 14512 17595

YDQD21 - Talked seriously about suicide past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Talked seriously about suicide past year
English Text:
In the last year, (that is since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year), was there a time when you thought seriously about killing yourself?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd021; Parent=pmd021)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 338 338
2 No 10818 11156 YDQD22
7 Refused 0 11156 YDQD22
9 Don't know 0 11156 YDQD22
. Missing 6439 17595

YDQD21A - Think about suicide many times past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Think about suicide many times past year
English Text:
Did you think about killing yourself many times in the last year?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd021a; Parent=pmd021a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 134 134
2 No 204 338
7 Refused 0 338
9 Don't know 0 338
. Missing 17257 17595

YDQD21B - Make suicide plan in past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Make suicide plan in past year
English Text:
In the last year, did you have a plan for exactly how you would kill yourself?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd021b; Parent=pmd021b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 115 115
2 No 223 338
7 Refused 0 338
9 Don't know 0 338
. Missing 17257 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p>Otherwise, go to YDQD21D.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD21C - Think about suicide while sad/depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Think about suicide while sad/depressed
English Text:
(You told me that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]). Did you think about suicide during [the time you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]/that time]?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd021c; Parent=pmd021c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * # 112 112
2 No 13 125
7 Refused 0 125
9 Don't know 0 125
. Missing 17470 17595

YDQD21D - Think about suicide last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Think about suicide last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks?<p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you thought seriously about killing yourself?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd021d; Parent=pmd021d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 59 59
2 No 279 338 YDQD22
7 Refused 0 338 YDQD22
9 Don't know 0 338 YDQD22
. Missing 17257 17595

YDQD21E - Suicide thought many times last 4 weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Suicide thought many times last 4 weeks
English Text:
Did you think about killing yourself many times in the last four weeks?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd021e; Parent=pmd021e)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 24 24
2 No 35 59
7 Refused 0 59
9 Don't know 0 59
. Missing 17536 17595

YDQD21F - Exact plan for suicide

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Exact plan for suicide
English Text:
Did you plan exactly how you would kill yourself?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd021f; Parent=pmd021f)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 23 23
2 No 36 59
7 Refused 0 59
9 Don't know 0 59
. Missing 17536 17595

YDQD22 - Ever in whole life made suicide attempt

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Ever in whole life made suicide attempt
English Text:
For the next question, I would like you to think about your whole life.<p> Have you ever, in your whole life, tried to kill yourself or made a suicide attempt?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd022; Parent=pmd022)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 352 352
2 No 10798 11150 YDADn09a
7 Refused 0 11150 YDADn09a
9 Don't know 6 11156 YDADn09a
. Missing 6439 17595

YDQD22A - Number of suicide attempts

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Number of suicide attempts
English Text:
How many times have you tried to kill yourself?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd022a; Parent=pmd022a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 to 50 Range of Values 352 352
. Missing 17243 17595

YDQD22B - Attempted suicide past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Attempted suicide past year
English Text:
Now thinking about the whole last year that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] have you tried to kill yourself?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd022b; Parent=pmd022b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 90 90
2 No 261 351 YDADn09a
7 Refused 0 351 YDADn09a
9 Don't know 1 352 YDADn09a
. Missing 17243 17595

YDQD22C - Number of suicide attempts past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Number of suicide attempts past year
English Text:
How many times did you try to kill yourself in the last year?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd022c; Parent=pmd022c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 to 24 Range of Values 90 90
. Missing 17505 17595

YDQD22E - Seek professional assistance

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Seek professional assistance
English Text:
Did you go to see a doctor, go to an emergency room, or go into the hospital because of trying to kill yourself?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd022e; Parent=pmd022e)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 29 29
2 No 61 90
7 Refused 0 90
9 Don't know 0 90
. Missing 17505 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * or [ ] response was coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E, continue. <p> Otherwise, go to YDQD22G.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD22F - Attempt suicide while sad or depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Attempt suicide while sad or depressed
English Text:
You told me earlier that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]. Did you try to kill yourself during that time?
English Instructions:
Use first * or [ ] response coded in YDQD01--YDQD03E as "keyword" in [ ] when asking this question.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd022f; Parent=pmd022f)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * # 30 30
2 No 12 42
7 Refused 0 42
9 Don't know 0 42
. Missing 17553 17595

YDQD22G - Attempt suicide last four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Attempt suicide last four weeks
English Text:
Now, what about the last four weeks? <p> (Since [[NAME EVENT]//the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]), have you tried to kill yourself?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd022g; Parent=pmd022g)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 14 14
2 No 76 90
7 Refused 0 90
9 Don't know 0 90
. Missing 17505 17595

YDADn09a - Was there a * response coded in q20-22?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a * response coded in q20-22?
English Text:
Was there a * response coded in YDQD20--YDQD22G?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn09a; Parent=pmdn09a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 292 292
2 No 10864 11156
. Missing 6439 17595

YDADn09b - Was there a # response coded in q20-22?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Was there a # response coded in q20-22?
English Text:
Was there a # response coded in YDQD20--YDQD22G?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn09b; Parent=pmdn09b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes < > 189 189
2 No 10967 11156
. Missing 6439 17595

YDADn10 - Were three or more [ ] responses coded?

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Were three or more [ ] responses coded?
English Text:
Were three or more [ ] responses coded in YDQD02--YDADn09b?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdn10; Parent=pmdn10)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 652 652
2 No 10504 11156 YDQD35
. Missing 6439 17595

YDQD23y - Age first felt like nothing was fun

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Age first felt like nothing was fun
English Text:
You said that in the last year there was a time when you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] and that during that time you [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDADn03a--YDADn09b]. <p> How old were you the first time you ever felt like that?
English Instructions:
Go to YDADAC, unless Don't Know [99] is coded.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd023y; Parent=pmd023y)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Hard Edits:
1 to 19
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
3 to 19 Range of Values 634 634
66 Whole Life, always 6 640 YDADAC
77 Refused 0 640 YDADAC
99 Don't know 12 652
. Missing 16943 17595

YDQD23z - Grade first felt like nothing was fun

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grade first felt like nothing was fun
English Text:
What grade were you in?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd023z; Parent=pmd023z)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Hard Edits:
1 to 12
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
3 3 1 1
13 College Freshman 0 1
14 Sophomore 0 1
15 Junior 0 1
16 Senior 0 1
17 Post B.A. 0 1
44 Pre-Kindergarten 1 2
55 Kindergarten 0 2
77 Refused 0 2
99 Don't Know 10 12
. Missing 17583 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If [age/grade] given was child's current [age/grade], go to YDQD24.<p> If [age/grade] given was child's current [age/grade] minus one, continue.<p> All others, go to YDQD23B.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD23A - More than a year ago

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
More than a year ago
English Text:
Was that more than a year ago that is, before [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year]?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd023a; Parent=pmd023a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 110 110
2 No 108 218 YDQD24
7 Refused 0 218 YDQD24
9 Don't know 4 222 YDQD24
. Missing 17373 17595

YDQD23B - Since first time, ever a time not sad

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Since first time, ever a time not sad
English Text:
Since that first time, was there ever a time when you were not [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd023b; Parent=pmd023b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 318 318
2 No 123 441 YDQD24
7 Refused 0 441 YDQD24
9 Don't know 1 442 YDQD24
. Missing 17153 17595

YDQD23C - Time not sad last more than two months

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Time not sad last more than two months
English Text:
Did that time when you weren't [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] last for two months or more?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd023c; Parent=pmd023c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 226 226
2 No 91 317 YDQD24
7 Refused 0 317 YDQD24
9 Don't know 1 318 YDQD24
. Missing 17277 17595

YDQD23Dy - Age when sadness/depression resumed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Age when sadness/depression resumed
English Text:
You said that you were [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] in the last year. How old were you when these feelings began this time?
English Instructions:
Go to YDADBC, unless Don't Know (99) is coded.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd023dy; Parent=pmd023dy)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Hard Edits:
1 to 19
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
4 to 19 Range of Values 222 222
77 Refused 0 222 YDADBC
88 Never started again 1 223 YDADBC
99 Don't know 3 226
. Missing 17369 17595

YDQD23Dz - Grade when sadness/depression resumed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grade when sadness/depression resumed
English Text:
What grade were you in?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd023dz; Parent=pmd023dz)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Hard Edits:
1 to 12
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
2 2 1 1
13 College Freshman 0 1
14 Sophomore 0 1
15 Junior 0 1
16 Senior 0 1
17 Post B.A. 0 1
44 Pre-Kindergarten 0 1
55 Kindergarten 0 1
77 Refused 0 1
88 Never started again 0 1
99 Don't know 2 3
. Missing 17592 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If [age/grade] given is current [age/grade] minus one, continue. <p> All others, go to YDQD24.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD23E - Resumed sadness more than year ago

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Resumed sadness more than year ago
English Text:
Did you start to feel [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] again more than a year ago that is, before [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd023e; Parent=pmd023e)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 79 79
2 No 47 126
7 Refused 0 126
9 Don't know 0 126
. Missing 17469 17595

YDQD24 - Sadness began after death someone close

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sadness began after death someone close
English Text:
You told me that in the last year you had problems with feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy].<P> Did you start feeling this way soon after someone you were close to died?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd024; Parent=pmd024)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 215 215
2 No 436 651 YDADCC
7 Refused 0 651 YDADCC
9 Don't know 0 651 YDADCC
. Missing 16944 17595

YDDD24B - When did person die

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
When did person die
English Text:
When did [he/she/they] die?
English Instructions:
Recoded as months before interview.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd024b_r; Parent=pmd024b_r)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Hard Edits:
0 to 240
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 168 Range of Values 212 212
777 Refused 0 212
999 Don't know 3 215
. Missing 17380 17595

YDQD24C - Sad/depressed longer than two months

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad/depressed longer than two months
English Text:
After [NAME PERSON IN A] died, did you feel [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] for two months or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd024c; Parent=pmd024c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 153 153 YDADCC
2 No 60 213
7 Refused 0 213 YDADCC
9 Don't know 2 215 YDADCC
. Missing 17380 17595

YDQD24D - Sad/depressed before person died

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad/depressed before person died
English Text:
Did you ever feel [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] before [NAME PERSON IN A] died?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd024d; Parent=pmd024d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 29 29
2 No 31 60 YDADCC
7 Refused 0 60 YDADCC
9 Don't know 0 60 YDADCC
. Missing 17535 17595

YDQD24E - Sad/depressed in past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad/depressed in past year
English Text:
Was that in the last year?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd024e; Parent=pmd024e)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 21 21
2 No 8 29 YDADCC
7 Refused 0 29 YDADCC
9 Don't know 0 29 YDADCC
. Missing 17566 17595

YDQD24F - Sad/depressed more than two weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad/depressed more than two weeks
English Text:
When you were feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] that time, did it last for two weeks or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd024f; Parent=pmd024f)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 15 15
2 No 6 21
7 Refused 0 21
9 Don't know 0 21
. Missing 17574 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If onset (using age or grade) named in YDQD23y--YDQD23z was less than 2 years ago, go to YDQD26. <p> All others, continue.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD25 - Vary depression/better past two years

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Vary depression/better past two years
English Text:
In the last two years, did you [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy], and then get better and then [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy] again?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025; Parent=pmd025)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 165 165
2 No 45 210 YDQD26
7 Refused 0 210 YDQD26
9 Don't know 0 210 YDQD26
. Missing 17385 17595

YDQD25A - Become sad/depressed same time each year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Become sad/depressed same time each year
English Text:
Did you start to [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy] around the same time each year?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025a; Parent=pmd025a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 69 69
2 No 88 157 YDQD26
7 Refused 0 157 YDQD26
9 Don't know 8 165 YDQD26
. Missing 17430 17595

YDQD25B - Time depression began winter/fall

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Time depression began winter/fall
English Text:
Was this in Winter or Fall?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025b; Parent=pmd025b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 51 51
2 No 15 66 YDQD25H
7 Refused 0 66 YDQD25H
9 Don't know 3 69 YDQD25H
. Missing 17526 17595

YDQD25C - Stay depressed until spring/summer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Stay depressed until spring/summer
English Text:
Did you stay [sad or depressed/feeling like nothing was fun/grouchy] until Spring or Summer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025c; Parent=pmd025c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 32 32
2 No 19 51
7 Refused 0 51
9 Don't know 0 51
. Missing 17544 17595

YDQD25D - Began improvement in spring/summer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Began improvement in spring/summer
English Text:
Did you start to get better in Spring or Summer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025d; Parent=pmd025d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 43 43
2 No 8 51
7 Refused 0 51
9 Don't know 0 51
. Missing 17544 17595

YDQD25E - Become hyper/excited in spring/summer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Become hyper/excited in spring/summer
English Text:
Did you ever get very hyper or excited in Spring or Summer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025e; Parent=pmd025e)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 32 32
2 No 19 51
7 Refused 0 51
9 Don't know 0 51
. Missing 17544 17595

YDQD25F - Sad start other times year,spring/summer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad start other times year,spring/summer
English Text:
In the last two years, did you ever [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy] at other times of the year, say in Spring or Summer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025f; Parent=pmd025f)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 29 29
2 No 22 51 YDQD26
7 Refused 0 51 YDQD26
9 Don't know 0 51 YDQD26
. Missing 17544 17595

YDQD25G - Spring/summer periods last least 2 weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Spring/summer periods last least 2 weeks
English Text:
Did these times ever last for as long as two weeks or more?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025g; Parent=pmd025g)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 21 21 YDQD26
2 No 8 29 YDQD26
7 Refused 0 29 YDQD26
9 Don't know 0 29 YDQD26
. Missing 17566 17595

YDQD25H - Periods in spring/summer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Periods in spring/summer
English Text:
Was this in Spring or Summer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025h; Parent=pmd025h)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 14 14
2 No 1 15 YDQD26
7 Refused 0 15 YDQD26
9 Don't know 3 18 YDQD26
. Missing 17577 17595

YDQD25I - Stay depressed until fall/winter

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Stay depressed until fall/winter
English Text:
Did you stay [sad or depressed/feeling like nothing was fun/grouchy] until Fall or Winter?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025i; Parent=pmd025i)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 5 5
2 No 9 14
7 Refused 0 14
9 Don't know 0 14
. Missing 17581 17595

YDQD25J - Began improvement in fall/winter

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Began improvement in fall/winter
English Text:
Did you start to get better in the Fall or Winter?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025j; Parent=pmd025j)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 13 13
2 No 1 14
7 Refused 0 14
9 Don't know 0 14
. Missing 17581 17595

YDQD25K - Become hyper/excited in fall/winter

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Become hyper/excited in fall/winter
English Text:
Did you ever get very hyper or excited in Fall and Winter?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025k; Parent=pmd025k)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 8 8
2 No 6 14
7 Refused 0 14
9 Don't know 0 14
. Missing 17581 17595

YDQD25L - Become sad other times year,fall/winter

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Become sad other times year,fall/winter
English Text:
In the last two years, did you [become sad or depressed/feel like nothing was fun/become grouchy] at any other times of the year, say in Fall or Winter?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025l; Parent=pmd025l)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 5 5
2 No 9 14
7 Refused 0 14
9 Don't know 0 14
. Missing 17581 17595

YDQD25M - Fall/winter periods last two weeks, more

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Fall/winter periods last two weeks, more
English Text:
Did these times ever last for as long as two weeks or more?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd025m; Parent=pmd025m)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 10 10
2 No 4 14
7 Refused 0 14
9 Don't know 0 14
. Missing 17581 17595

YDQD26 - Caretakers upset problem worst past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Caretakers upset problem worst past year
English Text:
You said that in the last year you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] and you also [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDADn03a--YDADn09b].<p> Now I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when feeling this way caused the most problems.<p> At that time, did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you were feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd026; Parent=pmd026)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 241 241
2 No 387 628 YDQD27
3 Sometimes/somewhat 17 645
7 Refused 0 645 YDQD27
9 Don't know 5 650 YDQD27
. Missing 16945 17595

YDQD26A - How often parents became upset

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often parents became upset
English Text:
How often did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you felt this way? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd026a; Parent=pmd026a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Hardly ever 35 35
2 Some of the time 138 173
3 A lot of the time 84 257
7 Refused 0 257
9 Don't know 1 258
. Missing 17337 17595

YDQD27 - Being sad prevented do family things MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Being sad prevented do family things MD
English Text:
At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] keep you from doing things or going places with your family?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd027; Parent=pmd027)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 274 274
2 No 359 633 YDQD28
3 Sometimes/somewhat 17 650
7 Refused 0 650 YDQD28
9 Don't know 0 650 YDQD28
. Missing 16945 17595

YDQD27A - How often prevented family activities

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often prevented family activities
English Text:
How often did feeling this way keep you from doing things or going places with your family? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd027a; Parent=pmd027a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Hardly ever 42 42
2 Some of the time 158 200
3 A lot of the time 91 291
7 Refused 0 291
9 Don't know 0 291
. Missing 17304 17595

YDQD28 - Being sad prevented doing peer things

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Being sad prevented doing peer things
English Text:
At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd028; Parent=pmd028)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 294 294
2 No 330 624 YDADDC
3 Sometimes/somewhat 26 650
7 Refused 0 650 YDADDC
9 Don't know 0 650 YDADDC
. Missing 16945 17595

YDQD28A - How often prevented peer activities

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often prevented peer activities
English Text:
How often did feeling this way keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd028a; Parent=pmd028a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Hardly ever 31 31
2 Some of the time 175 206
3 A lot of the time 114 320
7 Refused 0 320
9 Don't know 0 320
. Missing 17275 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If child did not attend school or work in last year, go to YDQD31.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD29 - Problems worst cause school difficulty

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Problems worst cause school difficulty
English Text:
When the problems were worst, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] [make it difficult for you to do your schoolwork or cause problems with your grades/make it difficult for you to do your work]?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd029; Parent=pmd029)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 383 383
2 No 236 619 YDQD30
3 Sometimes/somewhat 21 640
7 Refused 0 640 YDQD30
9 Don't know 1 641 YDQD30
. Missing 16954 17595

YDQD29A - How severe were problems with schoolwork

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How severe were problems with schoolwork
English Text:
How bad were the problems you had with your [schoolwork/work] because you felt this way? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd029a; Parent=pmd029a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Not too bad 143 143
2 Bad 147 290
3 Very bad 113 403
7 Refused 0 403
9 Don't know 1 404
. Missing 17191 17595

YDQD30 - Sadness cause teacher/boss annoyance

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sadness cause teacher/boss annoyance
English Text:
At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy], cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd030; Parent=pmd030)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 203 203
2 No 419 622 YDQD31
3 Sometimes/somewhat 7 629
7 Refused 1 630 YDQD31
9 Don't know 11 641 YDQD31
. Missing 16954 17595

YDQD30A - How often teacher upset

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often teacher upset
English Text:
How often [were/was] your [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with you because you felt this way? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd030a; Parent=pmd030a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Hardly ever 20 20
2 Some of the time 112 132
3 A lot of the time 77 209
7 Refused 0 209
9 Don't know 1 210
. Missing 17385 17595

YDQD31 - Felt bad/upset about sadness/depression

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Felt bad/upset about sadness/depression
English Text:
When the problems were worst, did feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] make you feel bad or make you feel upset?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd031; Parent=pmd031)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 427 427
2 No 206 633 YDQD32
3 Sometimes/somewhat 12 645
7 Refused 0 645 YDQD32
9 Don't know 5 650 YDQD32
. Missing 16945 17595

YDQD31A - How severe was sadness

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How severe was sadness
English Text:
How bad did this make you feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd031a; Parent=pmd031a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Not too bad 85 85
2 Bad 203 288
3 Very bad 151 439
7 Refused 0 439
9 Don't know 0 439
. Missing 17156 17595

YDQD32 - Seen professional for help past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Seen professional for help past year
English Text:
In the last year that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year have you been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because you were feeling [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy]?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd032; Parent=pmd032)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 183 183 YDQD34
2 No 466 649
7 Refused 0 649
9 Don't know 1 650
. Missing 16945 17595

YDQD32A - Appoint. to see professional for help MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Appoint. to see professional for help MD
English Text:
Do you have an appointment set up to see someone because you feel this way?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd032a; Parent=pmd032a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 7 7
2 No 459 466
7 Refused 0 466
9 Don't know 0 466
. Missing 17129 17595

YDQD34 - More grouchy than now since age of five

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
More grouchy than now since age of five
English Text:
You told me that in the last year you felt [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] and you also [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDADn03a--YDADn09b].<p> Now I want you to think back to before the last year...since the time you turned five years old up until the last twelve months.<p> Since you turned five years old, was there ever a time when you felt more [sad or depressed/like nothing was fun/grouchy] than you have in the last year?
English Instructions:
Point out age five on whole life chart.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd034; Parent=pmd034)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 155 155
2 No 490 645 YDADEC
7 Refused 0 645 YDADEC
9 Don't know 5 650 YDADEC
. Missing 16945 17595

YDQD34Ay - Age when more depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Age when more depressed
English Text:
How old were you when feeling this way was worse than in the last year?
English Instructions:
If more than one year is reported, ask 'During which single year of age were you the worst?' If more than one year still reported, enter youngest age.<p> Go to YDADEC, unless Don't Know [99] is coded.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd034ay; Parent=pmd034ay)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Hard Edits:
1 to 18
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
5 to 17 Range of Values 153 153
77 Refused 0 153 YDADEC
99 Don't know 2 155
. Missing 17440 17595

YDQD34Az - Grade when more depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grade when more depressed
English Text:
What grade were you in?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd034az; Parent=pmd034az)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Hard Edits:
1 to 12
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
13 College Freshman 0 0
14 Sophomore 0 0
15 Junior 0 0
16 Senior 0 0
17 Post B.A. 0 0
44 Pre-Kindergarten 0 0
55 Kindergarten 1 1
77 Refused 0 1
99 Don't know 1 2
. Missing 17593 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If five or more < > responses were coded in YDQD02--YDADn09b, go to YDQD60. <p> All others, continue.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD35 - Seemed sad a lot of the time past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Seemed sad a lot of the time past year
English Text:
During the last year - that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/[NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year] - has there been a time when you felt sad or depressed a lot of the time?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd035; Parent=pmd035)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1754 1754
2 No 9139 10893 YDADFC
7 Refused 0 10893 YDADFC
9 Don't know 9 10902 YDADFC
. Missing 6693 17595

YDQD35A - Sad/depressed at least whole year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad/depressed at least whole year
English Text:
Did you feel sad or depressed for at least a whole year -- that is, for twelve months or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd035a; Parent=pmd035a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 114 114
2 No 1638 1752 YDADFC
7 Refused 0 1752 YDADFC
9 Don't know 2 1754 YDADFC
. Missing 15841 17595

YDQD35B - Sad/depressed more than okay last year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad/depressed more than okay last year
English Text:
During these twelve months, were there more days when you felt sad or depressed than days when you felt okay?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd035b; Parent=pmd035b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 72 72
2 No 42 114 YDQD35D
7 Refused 0 114 YDQD35D
9 Don't know 0 114 YDQD35D
. Missing 17481 17595

YDQD35C - Sad/depressed at least two years

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad/depressed at least two years
English Text:
Did you feel this way for as long as two years?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd035c; Parent=pmd035c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 25 25
2 No 47 72
7 Refused 0 72
9 Don't know 0 72
. Missing 17523 17595

YDQD35D - Sad/depressed days most of day

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad/depressed days most of day
English Text:
On the days when you felt sad or depressed. Did you feel like this for most of the day?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd035d; Parent=pmd035d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 72 72
2 No 42 114
7 Refused 0 114
9 Don't know 0 114
. Missing 17481 17595

YDQD35E - When sad, feel better if good happened

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
When sad, feel better if good happened
English Text:
When you were sad or depressed, did you feel better if something good happened or was about to happen to you?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd035e; Parent=pmd035e)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 84 84
2 No 30 114
7 Refused 0 114
9 Don't know 0 114
. Missing 17481 17595

YDQD35F - Sad/depressed at least four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sad/depressed at least four weeks
English Text:
Have you felt sad or depressed like this in the last four weeks -- that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/the beginning of/the middle of/the end of [LAST MONTH]]?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd035f; Parent=pmd035f)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 50 50
2 No 63 113
7 Refused 0 113
9 Don't know 1 114
. Missing 17481 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * response was coded in YDQD35B, go to YDQD37. <p> All others, continue.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD36 - Grouchy lot of the time in past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grouchy lot of the time in past year
English Text:
During the last year -- that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year -- has there been a time when you felt grouchy or irritable a lot of the time?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd036; Parent=pmd036)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1888 1888
2 No 8932 10820 YDADGC
7 Refused 0 10820 YDADGC
9 Don't know 10 10830 YDADGC
. Missing 6765 17595

YDQD36A - Grouchy/irritable at least whole year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grouchy/irritable at least whole year
English Text:
Did you feel grouchy or irritable for at least a whole year -- that is, for twelve months or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd036a; Parent=pmd036a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 112 112
2 No 1776 1888 YDADGC
7 Refused 0 1888 YDADGC
9 Don't know 0 1888 YDADGC
. Missing 15707 17595

YDQD36B - Grouchy/irritable more days than not

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grouchy/irritable more days than not
English Text:
During those twelve months, were there more days when you felt grouchy or irritable than days when you felt okay?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd036b; Parent=pmd036b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes * 66 66
2 No 44 110 YDQD36D
7 Refused 0 110 YDQD36D
9 Don't know 2 112 YDQD36D
. Missing 17483 17595

YDQD36C - Grouchy/irritable at least two years

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grouchy/irritable at least two years
English Text:
Did you feel this way for as long as two years?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd036c; Parent=pmd036c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 19 19
2 No 47 66
7 Refused 0 66
9 Don't know 0 66
. Missing 17529 17595

YDQD36D - Grouchy/irritable days most of day

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grouchy/irritable days most of day
English Text:
On the days when you felt grouchy or irritable, did you feel like that for most of the day?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd036d; Parent=pmd036d)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 55 55
2 No 56 111
7 Refused 0 111
9 Don't know 1 112
. Missing 17483 17595

YDQD36E - Grouchy/irritable at least four weeks

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grouchy/irritable at least four weeks
English Text:
Have you felt grouchy or irritable like that in the last four weeks -- that is, since [[NAME EVENT]/the beginning of/the middle of /the end of [LAST MONTH]]?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd036e; Parent=pmd036e)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 65 65
2 No 46 111
7 Refused 0 111
9 Don't know 1 112
. Missing 17483 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If a * response was coded in YDQD36B, continue.<p> All others, go to YDQDEND.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD37 - Eats less when sad in past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Eats less when sad in past year
English Text:
You just said that there were twelve months when you were [sad or depressed/ grouchy or irritable] most of the time. Now I want to ask you about some other things that may happen when you feel this way.<p> When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you eat less or lose your appetite?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd037; Parent=pmd037)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 53 53 YDQD38
2 No 75 128
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 4 132 YDQD38
7 Refused 0 132
9 Don't know 0 132
. Missing 17463 17595

YDQD37A - Eat more sad/grouchy/depressed past year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Eat more sad/grouchy/depressed past year
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel more hungry or eat too much?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd037a; Parent=pmd037a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 20 20
2 No 53 73
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 2 75
7 Refused 0 75
9 Don't know 0 75
. Missing 17520 17595

YDQD38 - Sleep trouble when depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sleep trouble when depressed
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you have trouble falling asleep or do you wake up too early?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd038; Parent=pmd038)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 67 67 YDQD39
2 No 58 125
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 7 132 YDQD39
7 Refused 0 132
9 Don't know 0 132
. Missing 17463 17595

YDQD38A - Sleeping too much when depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Sleeping too much when depressed
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you sleep too much?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd038a; Parent=pmd038a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 14 14
2 No 42 56
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 2 58
7 Refused 0 58
9 Don't know 0 58
. Missing 17537 17595

YDQD39 - Has no energy when sad/depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Has no energy when sad/depressed
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel you don't have any energy and that it takes a big effort to do anything?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd039; Parent=pmd039)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 65 65
2 No 61 126
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 6 132
7 Refused 0 132
9 Don't know 0 132
. Missing 17463 17595

YDQD40 - People dislike, cannot do right when sad

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
People dislike, cannot do right when sad
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel bad about yourself...that you are no good at anything or that other people don't like you?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd040; Parent=pmd040)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 65 65
2 No 61 126
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 6 132
7 Refused 0 132
9 Don't know 0 132
. Missing 17463 17595

YDQD41 - Attention problem school/work when sad

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Attention problem school/work when sad
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], is it more difficult for you to pay attention to your [schoolwork/work] or to other things you do?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd041; Parent=pmd041)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 83 83 YDQD42
2 No 43 126
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 6 132 YDQD42
7 Refused 0 132
9 Don't know 0 132
. Missing 17463 17595

YDQD41A - Decision difficult when sad

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Decision difficult when sad
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], is it more difficult for you to make up your mind or to make decisions?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd041a; Parent=pmd041a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 17 17
2 No 25 42
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 1 43
7 Refused 0 43
9 Don't know 0 43
. Missing 17552 17595

YDQD42 - Feels life hopeless when sad/depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Feels life hopeless when sad/depressed
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel that life is hopeless or do you feel full of despair?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd042; Parent=pmd042)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 48 48 YDQD43
2 No 76 124
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 8 132 YDQD43
7 Refused 0 132
9 Don't know 0 132
. Missing 17463 17595

YDQD42A - When grouchy, feel nothing good happen

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
When grouchy, feel nothing good happen
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel like nothing good is ever going to happen to you?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd042a; Parent=pmd042a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 22 22
2 No 51 73
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 3 76
7 Refused 0 76
9 Don't know 0 76
. Missing 17519 17595

YDQD43 - Tearful sad/depressed/grouchy/irritable

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Tearful sad/depressed/grouchy/irritable
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you often feel like you are about to cry or are you tearful?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd043; Parent=pmd043)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 90 90
2 No 37 127
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 5 132
7 Refused 0 132
9 Don't know 0 132
. Missing 17463 17595

YDQD44 - Nothing fun when sad,even usual

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Nothing fun when sad,even usual
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], does it seem like nothing is fun for you, even things you usually enjoy?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd044; Parent=pmd044)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 80 80
2 No 41 121
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 11 132
7 Refused 0 132
9 Don't know 0 132
. Missing 17463 17595

YDQD45 - Bored when sad

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Bored when sad
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you feel bored or just not interested in anything?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd045; Parent=pmd045)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 96 96
2 No 27 123
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 9 132
7 Refused 0 132
9 Don't know 0 132
. Missing 17463 17595

YDQD46 - Everyday things hard when sad/depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Everyday things hard when sad/depressed
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], is it hard for you to do ordinary, everyday things?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd046; Parent=pmd046)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 69 69
2 No 53 122
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 10 132
7 Refused 0 132
9 Don't know 0 132
. Missing 17463 17595

YDQD47 - Talk much about past bad things when sad

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Talk much about past bad things when sad
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you think a lot about bad things that happened to you in the past?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd047; Parent=pmd047)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 66 66
2 No 62 128
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 4 132
7 Refused 0 132
9 Don't know 0 132
. Missing 17463 17595

YDQD48 - Wants to be alone when sad/grouchy

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Wants to be alone when sad/grouchy
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you want to be alone or away from other people?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd048; Parent=pmd048)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 84 84
2 No 37 121
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 11 132
7 Refused 0 132
9 Don't know 0 132
. Missing 17463 17595

YDQD49 - Talks a lot less when sad/depressed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Talks a lot less when sad/depressed
English Text:
When you feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable], do you talk a lot less?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd049; Parent=pmd049)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes [ ] 92 92
2 No 37 129
3 Sometimes/somewhat [ ] 3 132
7 Refused 0 132
9 Don't know 0 132
. Missing 17463 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If 1 or more [ ] responses were coded in YDQD37--YDQD49, continue. <p> All others, go to YDQDEND.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD50 - During past year times when felt better

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
During past year times when felt better
English Text:
You have just told me that you have felt [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] a lot of the time for at least twelve months, and that when you feel [sad or depressed! grouchy or irritable] you also [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQD37--YDQD49].<p> During that twelve months, were there times that you felt better, more like your normal self again?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd050; Parent=pmd050)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 108 108
2 No 21 129 YDQD51y
7 Refused 0 129 YDQD51y
9 Don't know 1 130 YDQD51y
. Missing 17465 17595

YDQD50A - Felt better for two months or longer

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Felt better for two months or longer
English Text:
Did you feel better or more like your normal self for two months in a row or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd050a; Parent=pmd050a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 71 71 YDQDEND
2 No 36 107
7 Refused 0 107
9 Don't know 1 108
. Missing 17487 17595

YDQD51y - Age when first year of grouchy occurred

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Age when first year of grouchy occurred
English Text:
Thinking about your whole life, how old were you the first time you had twelve months of feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] most of the time?
English Instructions:
Go to YDADIC, unless Don't Know (99) is coded.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd051y; Parent=pmd051y)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Hard Edits:
1 to 19
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
4 to 17 Range of Values 57 57
66 Whole life, always 0 57 YDADIC
77 Refused 0 57 YDADIC
99 Don't know 2 59
. Missing 17536 17595

YDQD51z - Grade first year of grouchy occurred

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grade first year of grouchy occurred
English Text:
What grade were you in?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd051z; Parent=pmd051z)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Hard Edits:
1 to 12
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
7 7 1 1
13 College Freshman 0 1
14 Sophomore 0 1
15 Junior 0 1
16 Senior 0 1
17 Post B.A. 0 1
44 Pre-Kindergarten 0 1
55 Kindergarten 0 1
77 Refused 0 1
99 Don't know 1 2
. Missing 17593 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If [age/grade] given was child's current if [age/grade], go to YDADKC.<p> If [age/grade] given was child's current [age/grade] minus one, continue.<p> All others, go to YDQD51B.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD51A - Grouchy/irritable more than a year ago

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grouchy/irritable more than a year ago
English Text:
Was that more than a year ago -- that is, before [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd051a; Parent=pmd051a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 8 8
2 No 4 12 YDADKC
7 Refused 0 12 YDADKC
9 Don't know 0 12 YDADKC
. Missing 17583 17595

YDQD51B - Grouchy/irritable went away completely

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grouchy/irritable went away completely
English Text:
Since that first time, was there ever a time when these feelings of being [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] went away completely?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd051b; Parent=pmd051b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 25 25
2 No 26 51 YDADKC
7 Refused 0 51 YDADKC
9 Don't know 0 51 YDADKC
. Missing 17544 17595

YDQD51C - Grouchy disappeared at least two months

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grouchy disappeared at least two months
English Text:
Did these feelings of being [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] go away completely for two months in a row or longer?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd051c; Parent=pmd051c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 17 17
2 No 8 25 YDADKC
7 Refused 0 25 YDADKC
9 Don't know 0 25 YDADKC
. Missing 17570 17595

YDQD51Dy - Age when feelings started this time

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Age when feelings started this time
English Text:
You said you were [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] and you [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQD37--YDQD49] in the last year.<p> How old were you when these feelings began this time?
English Instructions:
Go to YDADJC, unless Don't Know (99) is coded.<p> (Collection Names: Youth=ymd051dy; Parent=pmd051dy)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Hard Edits:
1 to 19
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
7 to 19 Range of Values 16 16
77 Refused 0 16 YDADJC
88 Never started again 1 17 YDADJC
99 Don't know 0 17
. Missing 17578 17595

YDQD51Dz - Grade when feelings started this time

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Grade when feelings started this time
English Text:
What grade were you in?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd051dz; Parent=pmd051dz)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Hard Edits:
1 to 12
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
13 College Freshman 0 0
14 Sophomore 0 0
15 Junior 0 0
16 Senior 0 0
17 Post-B. A. 0 0
44 Pre-Kindergarten 0 0
55 Kindergarten 0 0
77 Refused 0 0
88 Never started again 0 0
99 Don't know 0 0
. Missing 17595 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If [age/grade] given was child's Current [age/grade] minus one, continue.<p> All others, go to YDADKC.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD51E - Began grouchy more than year ago

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Began grouchy more than year ago
English Text:
Did you start to feel [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] again more than a year ago - that is, before [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd051e; Parent=pmd051e)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 5 5
2 No 3 8
7 Refused 0 8
9 Don't know 0 8
. Missing 17587 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If there were three or more [ ] responses were coded in YDQD02--YDADn09b, go to YDQD60. <p> All others, continue.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD52 - Problem worst caretakers became upset

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Problem worst caretakers became upset
English Text:
You said that in the last year you felt [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] and you [NAME [ ] SYMPTOMS IN YDQD37--YDQD49].<p> Now, I'd like you to think back to the time in the last year when feeling this way caused the most problems. <p> At that time, did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you were feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable]?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd052; Parent=pmd052)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 19 19
2 No 22 41 YDQD53
3 Sometimes/somewhat 2 43
7 Refused 0 43 YDQD53
9 Don't know 0 43 YDQD53
. Missing 17552 17595

YDQD52A - How often did caretakers become upset

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often did caretakers become upset
English Text:
How often did your [CARETAKERS] seem annoyed or upset with you because you felt this way? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd052a; Parent=pmd052a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Hardly ever 0 0
2 Some of the time 14 14
3 A lot of the time 7 21
7 Refused 0 21
9 Don't know 0 21
. Missing 17574 17595

YDQD53 - Being sad prevented do family things DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Being sad prevented do family things DY
English Text:
At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] keep you from doing things or going places with your family?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd053; Parent=pmd053)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 16 16
2 No 25 41 YDQD54
3 Sometimes/somewhat 2 43
7 Refused 0 43 YDQD54
9 Don't know 0 43 YDQD54
. Missing 17552 17595

YDQD53A - How often grouchy stop family activities

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often grouchy stop family activities
English Text:
How often did feeling this way keep you from doing things or going places with your family? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd053a; Parent=pmd053a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Hardly ever 2 2
2 Some of the time 11 13
3 A lot of the time 5 18
7 Refused 0 18
9 Don't know 0 18
. Missing 17577 17595

YDQD54 - Being sad stop doing things with peers

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Being sad stop doing things with peers
English Text:
At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd054; Parent=pmd054)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 23 23
2 No 19 42 YDADLC
3 Sometimes/somewhat 1 43
7 Refused 0 43 YDADLC
9 Don't know 0 43 YDADLC
. Missing 17552 17595

YDQD54A - How often grouchy stop peer activities

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often grouchy stop peer activities
English Text:
How often did feeling this way keep you from doing things or going places with other [children/people your age]? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd054a; Parent=pmd054a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Hardly ever 1 1
2 Some of the time 17 18
3 A lot of the time 6 24
7 Refused 0 24
9 Don't know 0 24
. Missing 17571 17595


Variable Name:
English Instructions:
If child did not attend school or work in the last year, go to YDQD57.
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDQD55 - Being sad cause problems school/work

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Being sad cause problems school/work
English Text:
When the problems were worst, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] [make it difficult for you to do Your schoolwork or cause problems with your grades/make it difficult for you to do your work]?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd055; Parent=pmd055)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 23 23
2 No 17 40 YDQD56
3 Sometimes/somewhat 2 42
7 Refused 0 42 YDQD56
9 Don't know 1 43 YDQD56
. Missing 17552 17595

YDQD55A - Severity school problems grouchy cause

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Severity school problems grouchy cause
English Text:
How bad were the problems with your [schoolwork/work]? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd055a; Parent=pmd055a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Not too bad 11 11
2 Bad 9 20
3 Very bad 5 25
7 Refused 0 25
9 Don't know 0 25
. Missing 17570 17595

YDQD56 - Being sad made teachers/bosses annoyed

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Being sad made teachers/bosses annoyed
English Text:
At that time, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] cause your [teachers/boss] to be annoyed or upset with you?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd056; Parent=pmd056)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 12 12
2 No 30 42 YDQD57
3 Sometimes/somewhat 1 43
7 Refused 0 43 YDQD57
9 Don't know 0 43 YDQD57
. Missing 17552 17595

YDQD56A - How often did grouchy annoy teachers

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How often did grouchy annoy teachers
English Text:
How often [were/was] your [teachers/boss] annoyed or upset with you because you felt this way? Would you say: a lot of the time, some of the time, or hardly ever?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd056a; Parent=pmd056a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Hardly ever 2 2
2 Some of the time 7 9
3 A lot of the time 4 13
7 Refused 0 13
9 Don't know 0 13
. Missing 17582 17595

YDQD57 - Felt bad/upset when problems were worst

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Felt bad/upset when problems were worst
English Text:
When the problems were worst, did feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable] make you feel bad or make you feel upset?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd057; Parent=pmd057)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 28 28
2 No 14 42 YDQD58
3 Sometimes/somewhat 1 43
7 Refused 0 43 YDQD58
9 Don't know 0 43 YDQD58
. Missing 17552 17595

YDQD57A - How bad make you feel

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
How bad make you feel
English Text:
How bad did this make you feel? Would you say: very bad, bad, or not too bad?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd057a; Parent=pmd057a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Not too bad 7 7
2 Bad 13 20
3 Very bad 9 29
7 Refused 0 29
9 Don't know 0 29
. Missing 17566 17595

YDQD58 - Been to see a professional for help

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Been to see a professional for help
English Text:
In the last year-that is, since [NAME CURRENT MONTH] of last year - have you been to see someone at a hospital or a clinic or at their office because you were feeling [sad or depressed/grouchy or irritable]?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd058; Parent=pmd058)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 9 9 YDQD60
2 No 34 43
7 Refused 0 43
9 Don't know 0 43
. Missing 17552 17595

YDQD58A - Appoint. to see professional for help DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Appoint. to see professional for help DY
English Text:
Do you have an appointment set up to see someone because you feel this way?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd058a; Parent=pmd058a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 1 1
2 No 33 34
7 Refused 0 34
9 Don't know 0 34
. Missing 17561 17595

YDQD60 - Gets very upset when left out

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Gets very upset when left out
English Text:
Some people feel very hurt if they are not invited to a party or if they are left off a team or a project.<p> Do you feel very bad or get upset if you are left out of something?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd060; Parent=pmd060)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 156 156
2 No 154 310 YDQDEND
7 Refused 0 310 YDQDEND
9 Don't know 1 311 YDQDEND
. Missing 17284 17595

YDQD60A - Stay upset for more than a day

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Stay upset for more than a day
English Text:
Do you stay feeling upset for more than a day?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd060a; Parent=pmd060a)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 91 91
2 No 63 154
7 Refused 0 154
9 Don't know 2 156
. Missing 17439 17595

YDQD60B - Dropped a friend for leaving you out

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Dropped a friend for leaving you out
English Text:
Have you ever dropped a friend completely because they left you out of something?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd060b; Parent=pmd060b)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 48 48
2 No 106 154 YDQDEND
7 Refused 0 154 YDQDEND
9 Don't know 2 156 YDQDEND
. Missing 17439 17595

YDQD60C - Drop 2, more friends for leaving you out

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Drop 2, more friends for leaving you out
English Text:
Has that happened with more than two friends?
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymd060c; Parent=pmd060c)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 34 34
2 No 13 47
7 Refused 0 47
9 Don't know 1 48
. Missing 17547 17595


Variable Name:
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS

YDDDa1y - Depressed mood or irritable mood MD Y

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Depressed mood or irritable mood MD Y
English Text:
Depressed mood or irritable mood
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda1y; Parent=pmda1y; Combined=bmda1y)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 930 930
2 No 14160 15090
. Missing 2505 17595

YDDDa2y - Diminished interest or pleasure Y

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Diminished interest or pleasure Y
English Text:
Diminished interest or pleasure
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda2y; Parent=pmda2y; Combined=bmda2y)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 674 674
2 No 14437 15111
. Missing 2484 17595

YDDDa3y - Weight loss or gain or appetite change Y

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Weight loss or gain or appetite change Y
English Text:
Weight loss or gain or appetite change
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda3y; Parent=pmda3y; Combined=bmda3y)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 458 458
2 No 14591 15049
. Missing 2546 17595

YDDDa4y - Insomnia or hypersomnia MD Y

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Insomnia or hypersomnia MD Y
English Text:
Insomnia or hypersomnia
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda4y; Parent=pmda4y; Combined=bmda4y)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 371 371
2 No 14703 15074
. Missing 2521 17595

YDDDa5y - Psychomotor agitation or retardation Y

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Psychomotor agitation or retardation Y
English Text:
Psychomotor agitation or retardation
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda5y; Parent=pmda5y; Combined=bmda5y)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 195 195
2 No 14878 15073
. Missing 2522 17595

YDDDa6y - Fatigue or loss of energy Y

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Fatigue or loss of energy Y
English Text:
Fatigue or loss of energy
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda6y; Parent=pmda6y; Combined=bmda6y)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 335 335
2 No 14737 15072
. Missing 2523 17595

YDDDa7y - Worthlessness or guilt Y

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Worthlessness or guilt Y
English Text:
Worthlessness or guilt
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda7y; Parent=pmda7y; Combined=bmda7y)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 266 266
2 No 14809 15075
. Missing 2520 17595

YDDDa8y - Thinking problems, indecisiveness Y

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Thinking problems, indecisiveness Y
English Text:
Thinking problems, indecisiveness
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda8y; Parent=pmda8y; Combined=bmda8y)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 416 416
2 No 14659 15075
. Missing 2520 17595

YDDDa9y - Thoughts of death, suicidal ideation Y

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Thoughts of death, suicidal ideation Y
English Text:
Thoughts of death, suicidal ideation
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda9y; Parent=pmda9y; Combined=bmda9y)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 334 334
2 No 14689 15023
. Missing 2572 17595

YDDDay - Five symptoms same 2-week period Y

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Five symptoms same 2-week period Y
English Text:
Five symptoms same 2-week period
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymday; Parent=pmday; Combined=bmday)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 320 320
2 No 14742 15062
. Missing 2533 17595

YDDDa1m - Depressed mood or irritable mood MD M

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Depressed mood or irritable mood MD M
English Text:
Depressed mood or irritable mood
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda1m; Parent=pmda1m; Combined=bmda1m)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 487 487
2 No 14603 15090
. Missing 2505 17595

YDDDa2m - Diminished interest or pleasure M

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Diminished interest or pleasure M
English Text:
Diminished interest or pleasure
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda2m; Parent=pmda2m; Combined=bmda2m)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 229 229
2 No 14880 15109
. Missing 2486 17595

YDDDa3m - Weight loss or gain or appetite change M

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Weight loss or gain or appetite change M
English Text:
Weight loss or gain or appetite change
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda3m; Parent=pmda3m; Combined=bmda3m)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 149 149
2 No 14918 15067
. Missing 2528 17595

YDDDa4m - Insomnia or hypersomnia MD M

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Insomnia or hypersomnia MD M
English Text:
Insomnia or hypersomnia
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda4m; Parent=pmda4m; Combined=bmda4m)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 116 116
2 No 14958 15074
. Missing 2521 17595

YDDDa5m - Psychomotor agitation or retardation M

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Psychomotor agitation or retardation M
English Text:
Psychomotor agitation or retardation
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda5m; Parent=pmda5m; Combined=bmda5m)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 76 76
2 No 14999 15075
. Missing 2520 17595

YDDDa6m - Fatigue or loss of energy M

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Fatigue or loss of energy M
English Text:
Fatigue or loss of energy
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda6m; Parent=pmda6m; Combined=bmda6m)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 108 108
2 No 14963 15071
. Missing 2524 17595

YDDDa7m - Worthlessness or guilt M

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Worthlessness or guilt M
English Text:
Worthlessness or guilt
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda7m; Parent=pmda7m; Combined=bmda7m)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 90 90
2 No 14984 15074
. Missing 2521 17595

YDDDa8m - Thinking problems, indecisiveness M

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Thinking problems, indecisiveness M
English Text:
Thinking problems, indecisiveness
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda8m; Parent=pmda8m; Combined=bmda8m)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 150 150
2 No 14923 15073
. Missing 2522 17595

YDDDa9m - Thoughts of death, suicidal ideation M

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Thoughts of death, suicidal ideation M
English Text:
Thoughts of death, suicidal ideation
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymda9m; Parent=pmda9m; Combined=bmda9m)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 130 130
2 No 14905 15035
. Missing 2560 17595

YDDDam - Five symptoms same 2-week period M

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Five symptoms same 2-week period M
English Text:
Five symptoms same 2-week period
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdam; Parent=pmdam; Combined=bmdam)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 86 86
2 No 14981 15067
. Missing 2528 17595

YDDDima1 - Intermediate rating -- caretakers MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Intermediate rating -- caretakers MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conduct
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdima1; Parent=pmdima1)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 222 222
2 No 10927 11149
. Missing 6446 17595

YDDDima2 - Intermediate rating -- family MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Intermediate rating -- family MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with family
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdima2; Parent=pmdima2)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 249 249
2 No 10905 11154
. Missing 6441 17595

YDDDima3 - Intermediate rating -- peers MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Intermediate rating -- peers MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peers
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdima3; Parent=pmdima3)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 289 289
2 No 10865 11154
. Missing 6441 17595

YDDDima4 - Intermediate rating -- schoolwork MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Intermediate rating -- schoolwork MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficult
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdima4; Parent=pmdima4)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 260 260
2 No 10885 11145
. Missing 6450 17595

YDDDima5 - Intermediate rating -- teacher/boss MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Intermediate rating -- teacher/boss MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upset
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdima5; Parent=pmdima5)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 189 189
2 No 10952 11141
. Missing 6454 17595

YDDDima6 - Intermediate rating -- felt bad/upset MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Intermediate rating -- felt bad/upset MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worst
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdima6; Parent=pmdima6)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 354 354
2 No 10800 11154
. Missing 6441 17595

YDDDima - Impairment A -- 1 intermediat MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment A -- 1 intermediat MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Impairment A -- at least one intermediate
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdima; Parent=pmdima)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 555 555
2 No 10597 11152
. Missing 6443 17595

YDDDey - Criteria E Y MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Criteria E Y MD
English Text:
Criteria E Y MD
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdey; Parent=pmdey; Combined=bmdey)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 15106 15106
2 No 8 15114
. Missing 2481 17595

YDDDy - Past Year: major depression diagnosis

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Past Year: major depression diagnosis
English Text:
Past Year: major depression diagnosis
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdy; Parent=pmdy; Combined=bmdy)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 319 319
2 No 14743 15062
. Missing 2533 17595

YDDDem - Criteria E M MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Criteria E M MD
English Text:
Criteria E M MD
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdem; Parent=pmdem; Combined=bmdem)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 15106 15106
2 No 8 15114
. Missing 2481 17595

YDDDm - Past Month: major depression diagnosis

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Past Month: major depression diagnosis
English Text:
Past month: major depression diagnosis
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdm; Parent=pmdm; Combined=bmdm)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 86 86
2 No 14981 15067
. Missing 2528 17595

YDDYay - Depressed mood or irritable mood DY Y

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Depressed mood or irritable mood DY Y
English Text:
Depressed mood or irritable mood
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyay; Parent=pdyay; Combined=bdyay)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 140 140
2 No 14943 15083
. Missing 2512 17595

YDDYam - Depressed mood or irritable mood DY M

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Depressed mood or irritable mood DY M
English Text:
Depressed mood or irritable mood
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyam; Parent=pdyam; Combined=bdyam)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 1 Range of Values 15083 15083
. Missing 2512 17595

YDDYb1 - Poor appetite or overeating

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Poor appetite or overeating
English Text:
Poor appetite or overeating
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyb1; Parent=pdyb1; Combined=bdyb1)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 123 123
2 No 14967 15090
. Missing 2505 17595

YDDYb2 - Insomnia or hypersomnia

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Insomnia or hypersomnia
English Text:
Insomnia or hypersomnia
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyb2; Parent=pdyb2; Combined=bdyb2)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 140 140
2 No 14950 15090
. Missing 2505 17595

YDDYb3 - Low energy or fatigue

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Low energy or fatigue
English Text:
Low energy or fatigue
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyb3; Parent=pdyb3; Combined=bdyb3)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 119 119
2 No 14971 15090
. Missing 2505 17595

YDDYb4 - Low self esteem

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Low self esteem
English Text:
Low self esteem
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyb4; Parent=pdyb4; Combined=bdyb4)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 113 113
2 No 14977 15090
. Missing 2505 17595

YDDYb5 - Poor concentration, decision difficulty

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Poor concentration, decision difficulty
English Text:
Poor concentration, decision difficulty
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyb5; Parent=pdyb5; Combined=bdyb5)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 172 172
2 No 14918 15090
. Missing 2505 17595

YDDYb6 - Feelings of hopelessness

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Feelings of hopelessness
English Text:
Feelings of hopelessness
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyb6; Parent=pdyb6; Combined=bdyb6)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 127 127
2 No 14963 15090
. Missing 2505 17595

YDDYby - Two symptoms when depressed Y

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Two symptoms when depressed Y
English Text:
Two symptoms when depressed
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyby; Parent=pdyby; Combined=bdyby)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 122 122
2 No 14971 15093
. Missing 2502 17595

YDDYbm - Two symptoms when depressed M

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Two symptoms when depressed M
English Text:
Two symptoms when depressed
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydybm; Parent=pdybm; Combined=bdybm)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 59 59
2 No 15040 15099
. Missing 2496 17595

YDDYc - Not without symptoms more than 2 months

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Not without symptoms more than 2 months
English Text:
Not without symptoms more than 2 months
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyc; Parent=pdyc; Combined=bdyc)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 15034 15034
2 No 71 15105
. Missing 2490 17595

YDDYdy - Not major depression Y

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Not major depression Y
English Text:
Not major depression
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydydy; Parent=pdydy; Combined=bdydy)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 14743 14743
2 No 319 15062
. Missing 2533 17595

YDDYdm - Not major depression M

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Not major depression M
English Text:
Not major depression
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydydm; Parent=pdydm; Combined=bdydm)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 14981 14981
2 No 57 15038
. Missing 2557 17595

YDDYy - Past Year: dysthymic disorder diagnosis

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Past Year: dysthymic disorder diagnosis
English Text:
Diagnosis for dysthymic disorder - Past Year
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyy; Parent=pdyy; Combined=bdyy)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 84 84
2 No 15009 15093
. Missing 2502 17595

YDDYm - Past Month: dysthymic disorder diagnosis

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Past Month: dysthymic disorder diagnosis
English Text:
Diagnosis for dysthymic disorder - Past Month
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydym; Parent=pdym; Combined=bdym)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 46 46
2 No 15053 15099
. Missing 2496 17595

YDDDyima - Impairment A -- last year -- 1 inter.MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment A -- last year -- 1 inter.MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Impairment A -- last year -- at least one intermediate
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdyima; Parent=pmdyima)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 187 187
2 No 10971 11158
. Missing 6437 17595

YDDDmima - Impairment A -- last month -- 1 inter.MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment A -- last month -- 1 inter.MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Impairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediate
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdmima; Parent=pmdmima)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 52 52
2 No 11111 11163
. Missing 6432 17595

YDDDimb - Impairment B -- at least two intermed.MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment B -- at least two intermed.MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Impairment B -- at least two intermediates
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdimb; Parent=pmdimb)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 426 426
2 No 10719 11145
. Missing 6450 17595

YDDDyimb - Impairment B -- last year -- 2 inter.MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment B -- last year -- 2 inter.MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Impairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediates
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdyimb; Parent=pmdyimb)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 168 168
2 No 10991 11159
. Missing 6436 17595

YDDDmimb - Impairment B -- last month -- 2 inter.MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment B -- last month -- 2 inter.MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Impairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediates
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdmimb; Parent=pmdmimb)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 48 48
2 No 11116 11164
. Missing 6431 17595

YDDDimc1 - Severe rating -- caretakers MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Severe rating -- caretakers MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conduct
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdimc1; Parent=pmdimc1)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 84 84
2 No 11065 11149
. Missing 6446 17595

YDDDimc2 - Severe rating -- family MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Severe rating -- family MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with family
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdimc2; Parent=pmdimc2)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 91 91
2 No 11063 11154
. Missing 6441 17595

YDDDimc3 - Severe rating -- peers MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Severe rating -- peers MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peers
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdimc3; Parent=pmdimc3)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 114 114
2 No 11040 11154
. Missing 6441 17595

YDDDimc4 - Severe rating -- schoolwork MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Severe rating -- schoolwork MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficult
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdimc4; Parent=pmdimc4)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 113 113
2 No 11032 11145
. Missing 6450 17595

YDDDimc5 - Severe rating -- teacher/boss MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Severe rating -- teacher/boss MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Severe rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upset
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdimc5; Parent=pmdimc5)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 77 77
2 No 11064 11141
. Missing 6454 17595

YDDDimc6 - Severe rating -- felt bad/upset MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Severe rating -- felt bad/upset MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worst
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdimc6; Parent=pmdimc6)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 151 151
2 No 11003 11154
. Missing 6441 17595

YDDDimc - Impairment C -- at least one Severe MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment C -- at least one Severe MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Impairment C -- at least one Severe
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdimc; Parent=pmdimc)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 323 323
2 No 10820 11143
. Missing 6452 17595

YDDDyimc - Impairment C -- last year -- 1 severe MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment C -- last year -- 1 severe MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Impairment C -- last year -- at least one Severe
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdyimc; Parent=pmdyimc)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 132 132
2 No 11026 11158
. Missing 6437 17595

YDDDmimc - Impairment C -- last month - 1 severe MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment C -- last month - 1 severe MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Impairment C -- last month -- at least one Severe
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdmimc; Parent=pmdmimc)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 40 40
2 No 11125 11165
. Missing 6430 17595

YDDDyimd - Impairment D -- last year -- B or C MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment D -- last year -- B or C MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Impairment D -- last year -- impairment B or C
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdyimd; Parent=pmdyimd)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 174 174
2 No 10984 11158
. Missing 6437 17595

YDDDmimd - Impairment D -- last month -- B or C MD

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment D -- last month -- B or C MD
English Text:
Major Depression: Impairment D -- last month -- impairment B or C
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdmimd; Parent=pmdmimd)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 51 51
2 No 11113 11164
. Missing 6431 17595

YDDYima1 - Intermediate rating -- caretakers DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Intermediate rating -- caretakers DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conduct
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyima1; Parent=pdyima1)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 21 21
2 No 11109 11130
. Missing 6465 17595

YDDYima2 - Intermediate rating -- family DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Intermediate rating -- family DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with family
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyima2; Parent=pdyima2)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 16 16
2 No 11114 11130
. Missing 6465 17595

YDDYima3 - Intermediate rating -- peers DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Intermediate rating -- peers DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peers
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyima3; Parent=pdyima3)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 23 23
2 No 11107 11130
. Missing 6465 17595

YDDYima4 - Intermediate rating -- schoolwork DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Intermediate rating -- schoolwork DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficult
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyima4; Parent=pdyima4)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 14 14
2 No 11116 11130
. Missing 6465 17595

YDDYima5 - Intermediate rating -- teacher/boss DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Intermediate rating -- teacher/boss DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upset
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyima5; Parent=pdyima5)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 11 11
2 No 11119 11130
. Missing 6465 17595

YDDYima6 - Intermediate rating -- felt bad/upset DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Intermediate rating -- felt bad/upset DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Intermediate rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worst
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyima6; Parent=pdyima6)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 22 22
2 No 11108 11130
. Missing 6465 17595

YDDYima - Impairment A -- 1 intermediat DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment A -- 1 intermediat DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Impairment A -- at least one intermediate
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyima; Parent=pdyima)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 593 593
2 No 10552 11145
. Missing 6450 17595

YDDYyima - Impairment A -- last year -- 1 inter.DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment A -- last year -- 1 inter.DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Impairment A -- last year --at least one intermediate
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyyima; Parent=pdyyima)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 40 40
2 No 11107 11147
. Missing 6448 17595

YDDYmima - Impairment A -- last month -- 1 inter.DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment A -- last month -- 1 inter.DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Impairment A -- last month -- at least one intermediate
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydymima; Parent=pdymima)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 26 26
2 No 11125 11151
. Missing 6444 17595

YDDYimb - Impairment B -- at least two intermed.DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment B -- at least two intermed.DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Impairment B -- at least two intermediates
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyimb; Parent=pdyimb)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 456 456
2 No 10681 11137
. Missing 6458 17595

YDDYyimb - Impairment B -- last year -- 2 inter.DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment B -- last year -- 2 inter.DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Impairment B -- last year -- at least two intermediates
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyyimb; Parent=pdyyimb)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 33 33
2 No 11114 11147
. Missing 6448 17595

YDDYmimb - Impairment B -- last month -- 2 inter.DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment B -- last month -- 2 inter.DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Impairment B -- last month -- at least two intermediates
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydymimb; Parent=pdymimb)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 22 22
2 No 11129 11151
. Missing 6444 17595

YDDYimc1 - Severe rating -- caretakers DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Severe rating -- caretakers DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- Caretakers became annoyed by conduct
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyimc1; Parent=pdyimc1)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 7 7
2 No 11123 11130
. Missing 6465 17595

YDDYimc2 - Severe rating -- family DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Severe rating -- family DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with family
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyimc2; Parent=pdyimc2)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 5 5
2 No 11125 11130
. Missing 6465 17595

YDDYimc3 - Severe rating -- peers DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Severe rating -- peers DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- Conduct prevented doing things with peers
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyimc3; Parent=pdyimc3)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 6 6
2 No 11124 11130
. Missing 6465 17595

YDDYimc4 - Severe rating -- schoolwork DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Severe rating -- schoolwork DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- When problems were worst, doing schoolwork was difficult
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyimc4; Parent=pdyimc4)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 5 5
2 No 11125 11130
. Missing 6465 17595

YDDYimc5 - Severe rating -- teacher/boss DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Severe rating -- teacher/boss DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- conduct caused teacher/boss to become annoyed/upset
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyimc5; Parent=pdyimc5)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 4 4
2 No 11126 11130
. Missing 6465 17595

YDDYimc6 - Severe rating -- felt bad/upset DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Severe rating -- felt bad/upset DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Severe rating -- Felt bad/upset when problems were worst
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyimc6; Parent=pdyimc6)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 9 9
2 No 11121 11130
. Missing 6465 17595

YDDYimc - Impairment C -- at least one Severe DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment C -- at least one Severe DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Impairment C -- at least one Severe
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyimc; Parent=pdyimc)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 348 348
2 No 10784 11132
. Missing 6463 17595

YDDYyimc - Impairment C -- last year -- 1 severe DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment C -- last year -- 1 severe DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Impairment C -- last year -- at least one Severe
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyyimc; Parent=pdyyimc)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 27 27
2 No 11118 11145
. Missing 6450 17595

YDDYmimc - Impairment C -- last month - 1 severe DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment C -- last month - 1 severe DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Impairment C -- last month -- at least one Severe
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydymimc; Parent=pdymimc)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 20 20
2 No 11129 11149
. Missing 6446 17595

YDDYyimd - Impairment D -- last year -- B or C DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment D -- last year -- B or C DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Impairment D -- last year -- impairment B or C
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydyyimd; Parent=pdyyimd)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 37 37
2 No 11110 11147
. Missing 6448 17595

YDDYmimd - Impairment D -- last month -- B or C DY

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Impairment D -- last month -- B or C DY
English Text:
Dysthymic disorder: Impairment D -- last month -- impairment B or C
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydymimd; Parent=pdymimd)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Yes 24 24
2 No 11127 11151
. Missing 6444 17595

YDDDCRTy - Major Depressive Crit count - Past Year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Major Depressive Crit count - Past Year
English Text:
Major Depressive Criteria count in Past Year
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdcrity; Parent=pmdcrity; Combined=bmdcrity)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 15126 15126
. Missing 2469 17595

YDDDCRTm - Major Depressive Crit count - Past Month

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Major Depressive Crit count - Past Month
English Text:
Major Depressive Criteria count in Past Month
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdcritm; Parent=pmdcritm; Combined=bmdcritm)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 9 Range of Values 15126 15126
. Missing 2469 17595

YDDYCRTy - Dysthymia Criteria count - Past Year

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Dysthymia Criteria count - Past Year
English Text:
Dysthymia Criteria count - Past Year
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydycrity; Parent=pdycrity; Combined=bdycrity)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 15102 15102
. Missing 2493 17595

YDDYCRTm - Dysthymia Criteria count - Past Month

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Dysthymia Criteria count - Past Month
English Text:
Dysthymia Criteria count - Past Month
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ydycritm; Parent=pdycritm; Combined=bdycritm)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 7 Range of Values 15102 15102
. Missing 2493 17595

YDDDsymp - Major Depressive Disorder Symptom Count

Variable Name:
SAS Label:
Major Depressive Disorder Symptom Count
English Text:
Major Depressive Disorder Symptom Count
English Instructions:
(Collection Names: Youth=ymdsymp; Parent=pmdsymp)
Both males and females 8 YEARS - 19 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 21 Range of Values 11169 11169
. Missing 6426 17595

DISC4.0 Algorithms - Module C - Youth - Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder

DISC4.0 Algorithms
Module C - Youth
Major Depression/Dysthymic Disorder
Criteria for Major Depressive Episode

  1. Five (or more) of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2-week period and represent a change from previous functioning, at least one of the symptoms is either (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure.

    Note: Do not include symptoms that are clearly due to a general medical condition, or mood-incongruent delusions or hallucinations.  

    1. depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by either subjective report (e.g., feels sad or empty) or observation made by others (e.g., appears tearful). Note: In children and adolescents, can be irritable mood.
    2. markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day (as indicated by either subjective account or observation made by others)
    3. significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain (e.g., a change of  more than 5% of body weight in a month), or decrease or increase in appetite  nearly every day. Note: In children, consider failure to make expected weight gains.
    4. insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day 
    5. psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day (observable by others, not merely subjective feelings of restlessness or being slowed down) 
    6. fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day 
    7. feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional) nearly every day (not merely self-reproach or guilt about being sick) 
    8. diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day (either by subjective account or as observed by others) 
    9. recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide 
  2. The symptoms do not meet criteria for a Mixed Episode (see p. 335).
  3. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
  4. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidism).
  5. The symptoms are not better accounted for by Bereavement, i.e., after the loss of a loved one, the symptoms persist for longer than 2 months or are characterized by marked functional impairment, morbid preoccupation with worthlessness, suicidal ideation, psychotic symptoms, or psychomotor retardation.

Diagnostic criteria for 300.4 Dysthymic Disorder

  1. Depressed mood for most of the day, for more days than not, as indicated either by subjective account or observation by others, for at least 2 years. Note: In children and adolescents, mood can be irritable and duration must be at least 1 year.
  2. Presence, while depressed, of two (or more) of the following: 
    1. poor appetite or overeating  
    2. insomnia or hypersomnia
    3. low energy or fatigue
    4. low self-esteem
    5. poor concentration or difficulty making decisions
    6. feelings of hopelessness
  3. During the 2-year period (1 year for children or adolescents) of the disturbance, the person has never been without the symptoms in Criteria A and B for more than 2 months at a time.
  4. No Major Depressive Episode (see p. 327) has been present during the first 2 years of the disturbance (1 year for children and adolescents), i.e., the disturbance is not better accounted for by chronic Major Depressive Disorder, or Major Depressive Disorder, In Partial Remission.

    Note: There may have been a previous Major Depressive Episode provided there was a full remission (no significant signs or symptoms for 2 months) before development of the Dysthymic Disorder. In addition, after the initial 2 years (1 year in children or adolescents) of Dysthymic Disorder, there may be superimposed episodes of Major Depressive Disorder, in which case both diagnoses may be given when the criteria are met for a Major Depressive Episode.

  5. There has never been a Manic Episode (see p. 332), a Mixed Episode (see p. 335), or a Hypomanic Episode (see p. 338), and criteria have never been met for Cyclothymic Disorder.
  6. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a chronic Psychotic Disorder, such as Schizophrenia or Delusional Disorder.
  7. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidism).
  8. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

Specify if:

Early Onset: if onset is before age 21 years
Late Onset: if onset is age 21 years or older 

Specify (for most recent 2 years of Dysthymic Disorder):

With Atypical Features (see p. 384)
Criteria for Atypical Features Specifier

Specify if:

With Atypical Features (can be applied when these features predominate during the most recent 2 weeks of a Major Depressive Episode in Major Depressive Disorder or in Bipolar I or Bipolar II Disorder when the Major Depressive Episodeis the most recent type of mood episode, or when these features predominate during the most recent 2 years of Dysthymic Disorder)

  1. Mood reactivity (i.e., mood brightens in response to actual or potential positive events)
  2. Two (or more) of the following features:
    1. significant weight gain or increase in appetite
    2. hypersomnia
    3. leaden paralysis (i.e., heavy, leaden feelings in arms or legs)
    4. long-standing pattern of interpersonal rejection sensitivity (not limited to episodes of mood disturbance) that results in significant social or  occupational impairment
  3. Criteria are not met for With Melancholic Features or With Catatonic Features during the same episode.

Data Definition

Data Definition ************************************************************************************;
libname sds "&path";
filename discy "&filein";
data sds.ymd0 (drop = card testid);
infile discy end = last pad;
input id $ 1-10 card $ 11-14;
testid = id;
do until (testid ne id);
select (card);
when ('C101') do;
input id $ 1-10
ymd001 16
ymd001a 17
ymd001b 18
ymd001c 19
ymd001d 20
ymd001e 21
ymd001f 22
ymd002 23
ymd002a 24
ymd002b 25
ymd002c 26
ymd003 27
ymd003a 28
ymd003b 29
ymd003c 30
ymd003d 31
ymd003e 32
ymdn01 33
ymdn02 34
ymd004 35
ymd004a 36
ymd004b 37
ymd004c 38
ymd004d 39
ymd004e 40
ymd005 41
ymd005a 42
ymd005b 43
ymd005c 44
ymd006 45
ymd006a 46
ymd006b 47
ymd006c 48
ymd007 49
ymd007a 50
ymd007b 51
ymd007c 52
ymdn03a 53
ymdn03b 54
ymd008 55
ymd008a 56
ymd008b 57
ymd008c 58
ymd008d 59
ymd009 60
ymd009a 61
ymd009b 62
ymd009c 63
ymdn04a 64
ymdn04b 65
ymd010 66
ymd010a 67
ymd010b 68
ymd010c 69
ymd010d 70
ymd011 71
ymd011a 72
ymd011b 73
ymd011c 74
ymd011d 75
ymd011e 76
ymdn05a 77
ymdn05b 78;
when ('C102') do;
input id $ 1-10
ymd012 16
ymd012a 17
ymd012b 18
ymd012c 19
ymd013 20
ymd013a 21
ymd013b 22
ymd013c 23
ymd013d 24
ymdn06a 25
ymdn06b 26
ymd014 27
ymd014a 28
ymd014b 29
ymd014c 30
ymd015 31
ymd015a 32
ymd015b 33
ymd015c 34
ymd015d 35
ymd016 36
ymd016a 37
ymd016b 38
ymd016c 39
ymd016d 40
ymdn07a 41
ymdn07b 42
ymd017 43
ymd017a 44
ymd017b 45
ymd017c 46
ymd018 47
ymd018a 48
ymd018b 49
ymd018c 50
ymd018d 51
ymd019 52
ymd019a 53
ymd019b 54
ymd019c 55
ymd019d 56
ymdn08a 57
ymdn08b 58
ymd020 59
ymd020a 60
ymd020b 61
ymd020c 62
ymd020d 63
ymd021 64
ymd021a 65
ymd021b 66
ymd021c 67
ymd021d 68
ymd021e 69
ymd021f 70;
when ('C103') do;
input id $ 1-10
ymd022 16
ymd022a 17-18
ymd022b 19
ymd022c 20-21
ymd022d 22-23
ymd022e 24
ymd022f 25
ymd022g 26
ymdn09a 27
ymdn09b 28
ymdn10 30
ymd023y 31-32
ymd023z 33-34
ymd023a 35
ymd023b 36
ymd023c 37
ymd023dy 38-39
ymd023dz 40-41
ymd023e 42
ymd024 43
ymd024a 44-45
ymd024b 46-49
ymd024bm 46-47
ymd024by 48-49
ymd024c 50
ymd024d 51
ymd024e 52
ymd024f 53
ymd025 54
ymd025a 55
ymd025b 56
ymd025c 57
ymd025d 58
ymd025e 59
ymd025f 60
ymd025g 61
ymd025h 62
ymd025i 63
ymd025j 64
ymd025k 65
ymd025l 66
ymd025m 67
ymd026 68
ymd026a 69
ymd027 70
ymd027a 71
ymd028 72
ymd028a 73;
when ('C104') do;
input id $ 1-10
ymd029 16
ymd029a 17
ymd030 18
ymd030a 19
ymd031 20
ymd031a 21
ymd032 22
ymd032a 23
ymd033 24-25
ymd033a 26-27
ymd034 28
ymd034ay 29-30
ymd034az 31-32;
when ('C105') do;
input id $ 1-10
ymd035 16
ymd035a 17
ymd035b 18
ymd035c 19
ymd035d 20
ymd035e 21
ymd035f 22
ymd036 23
ymd036a 24
ymd036b 25
ymd036c 26
ymd036d 27
ymd036e 28
ymd037 29
ymd037a 30
ymd038 31
ymd038a 32
ymd039 33
ymd040 34
ymd041 35
ymd041a 36
ymd042 37
ymd042a 38
ymd043 39
ymd044 40
ymd045 41
ymd046 42
ymd047 43
ymd048 44
ymd049 45
ymd050 46
ymd050a 47
ymd051y 48-49
ymd051z 50-51
ymd051a 52
ymd051b 53
ymd051c 54
ymd051dy 55-56
ymd051dz 57-58
ymd051e 59
ymd052 60
ymd052a 61
ymd053 62
ymd053a 63
ymd054 64
ymd054a 65
ymd055 66
ymd055a 67
ymd056 68
ymd056a 69
ymd057 70
ymd057a 71
ymd058 72
ymd058a 73;
when ('C106') do;
input id $ 1-10
ymd059 16-17
ymd059a 18-19
ymd060 20
ymd060a 21
ymd060b 22
ymd060c 23;
end; /* end WHEN ... DO */
otherwise input;
end;/* end SELECT */
testid = id;
if (last) then id = ' ';
else input id $ 1-10 card $ 11-14 @@;
end; /* end DO UNTIL */
id = testid;
YMD001 = 'A time in past year when often seemed very upset/depressed'
YMD002 = 'Nothing fun/disinterested in anything/sad in last year'
YMD003 = 'Often grouchy and irritable and little things created anger'
YMD004 = 'Lost weight in last year'
YMD005 = 'Loss in apetite or ate a lot less in last year'
YMD006 = 'Gained a lot of weight in last year'
YMD007 = 'Much hungrier/ate a lot more than usual in last year'
YMD008 = 'Trouble sleeping in last year'
YMD009 = 'Slept more during the day than usual in last year'
YMD010 = 'Seemed to do things like walking/talking much slower in past year'
YMD011 = 'Restless in past year.'
YMD012 = 'Less energy in the last year'
YMD013 = 'Doing even little things was tiring in last year'
YMD014 = 'Arms and legs felt heavy in past year'
YMD015 = 'Blamed self for bad things that happened in past year'
YMD016 = 'Said they couldn''t do anything well/weren''t as pretty/smart as others in past year'
YMD017 = 'Couldn''t think as fast or clearly as usual in past year'
YMD018 = 'Trouble keeping mind on school/other things in past year'
YMD019 = 'Often hard to make decisions in past year'
YMD020 = 'Often thought about death/people dying/being dead in past year'
YMD021 = 'Talked seriously about killing self in past year'
YMD022 = 'Ever in whole life made a suicide attempt'
YMD023y = 'Age when first felt like nothing was fun/interesting.'
YMD023z = 'Grade when first felt like nothing was fun/interesting.'
YMD024 = 'Started acting sad/depressed/nothing fun after death of someone close'
YMD025 = 'Went back and fourth between depression and getting better in past two years'
YMD026 = 'Caretakers became upset/annoyed when problem was at its worst in past year'
YMD027 = 'Being sad/depressed/nothing fun prevented doing things with family'
YMD028 = 'Being sad depressed/nothing fun prevented doing things with peers'
YMD029 = 'When problems were worst they caused difficulty doing schoolwork/bad grades'
YMD030 = 'Being sad/depressed caused teachers/boss to become annoyed with him'
YMD031 = 'Felt bad/upset about saddness/depression'
YMD032 = 'Been to see someone at a hospital/clinic/place of work for help in past year'
YMD033 = 'Name, Position, Address of person seen for help'
YMD034 = 'Ever seemed more grouchy/depressed than now since age of five'
YMD035 = 'Seemed sad or depressed a lot of the time in past year'
YMD036 = 'Grouchy or irritable a lot of the time in past year'
YMD037 = 'Eats more when sad/grouchy/depressed/irritable in past year'
YMD038 = 'Trouble sleeping/waking up when depressed/sad/grouchy/irritable'
YMD039 = 'Has no energy when sad/depressed/grouchy/irritable'
YMD040 = 'Says people don''t like them/they can''d do anything right while sad/depressed/gr'
YMD041 = 'Difficulty paying attention to schoolwork/work when sad/depressed/grouchy/irrit'
YMD042 = 'Feels like life is hopeless/full of despair when sad/depressed/grouchy/irritabl'
YMD043 = 'Tearful/about to cry when sad/depressed/grouchy/irritable'
YMD044 = 'Acts like nothing is fun when sad/depressed/grouchy/irritable, even things usua'
YMD045 = 'Seems bored/disinterested when sad/depressed/grouchy/irritable'
YMD046 = 'Hard to do everyday things when sad/depressed/grouchy/irritable'
YMD047 = 'Talks a lot about bad things that happened in the past when sad/depressed/grouc'
YMD048 = 'Wants to be away from people/alone when sad/depressed/grouchy/irritable'
YMD049 = 'Talks a lot less when sad/depressed/grouchy/irritable'
YMD050 = 'During past 12 months there were times when he/she felt better about things'
YMD051y = 'Age when first 12 months of saddness/depression occurred'
YMD051z = 'Grade when first 12 months of saddness/depression occurred'
YMD052 = 'When problem was worst caretakers became upset/annoyed'
YMD053 = 'Being sad/depressed/grouchy/irritable prevented doing things with family'
YMD054 = 'Being sad/depressed/grouchy/irritable prevented doing things with peers'
YMD055 = 'Being sad/depressed/grouchy/irritable cause problems doing schoolwork/work'
YMD056 = 'Being sad/depressed/grouchy/irritable made teachers/bosses annoyed'
YMD057 = 'Felt bad/upset when problems were worst'
YMD058 = 'Been to see someone at a hospital/clinic/at work for help'
YMD059 = 'Name, position,address of person seen for help'
YMD060 = 'Gets very upset when left out of something';

Data Recoding

Data Recoding 
99, 9, 77, 7 -> missing 
88, 8 -> 0 ****************************************************************************************;
data sds.ymd1;
set sds.ymd0;
array ymdvar(*)
ymd001 ymd001a ymd001b ymd001c ymd001d ymd001e ymd001f
ymd002 ymd002a ymd002b ymd002c
ymd003 ymd003a ymd003b ymd003c ymd003d ymd003e
ymd004 ymd004a ymd004b ymd004c ymd004d ymd004e
ymd005 ymd005a ymd005b ymd005c
ymd006 ymd006a ymd006b ymd006c
ymd007 ymd007a ymd007b ymd007c
ymd008 ymd008a ymd008b ymd008c ymd008d
ymd009 ymd009a ymd009b ymd009c
ymd010 ymd010a ymd010b ymd010c ymd010d
ymd011 ymd011a ymd011b ymd011c ymd011d ymd011e
ymd012 ymd012a ymd012b ymd012c
ymd013 ymd013a ymd013b ymd013c ymd013d
ymd014 ymd014a ymd014b ymd014c
ymd015 ymd015a ymd015b ymd015c ymd015d
ymd016 ymd016a ymd016b ymd016c ymd016d
ymd017 ymd017a ymd017b ymd017c
ymd018 ymd018a ymd018b ymd018c ymd018d
ymd019 ymd019a ymd019b ymd019c ymd019d
ymd020 ymd020a ymd020b ymd020c ymd020d
ymd021 ymd021a ymd021b ymd021c ymd021d ymd021e ymd021f
ymd022 ymd022b ymd022e ymd022f ymd022g
ymd023a ymd023b ymd023c ymd023e
ymd024 ymd024c ymd024d ymd024e ymdo24f
ymd025 ymd025a ymd025b ymd025c ymd025d ymd025e ymd025f
ymd025g ymd025h ymd025i ymd025j ymd025k ymd025l ymd025m
ymd032 ymd032a
ymd035 ymd035a ymd035b ymd035c ymd035d ymd035e ymd035f
ymd036 ymd036a ymd036b ymd036c ymd036d ymd036e
ymd037 ymd037a
ymd038 ymd038a
ymd041 ymd041a
ymd042 ymd042a
ymd050 ymd050a
ymd051a ymd051b ymd051c ymd051e
ymd058 ymd058a
ymd060 ymd060a ymd060b ymd060c
ymd026 ymd027 ymd028 ymd029 ymd030 ymd031
ymd052 ymd053 ymd054 ymd055 ymd056 ymd057;
do i = 1 to dim(ymdvar);
if (ymdvar(i) = 9 or ymdvar(i) = 7) then ymdvar(i) = .;
array double(*)
ymd022a ymd022c ymd022d
ymd023y ymd023z ymd023dy ymd023dz
ymd024a ymd024bm ymd024by
ymd033 ymd033a
ymd034ay ymd034az
ymd051y ymd051z ymd051dy ymd051dz
ymd059 ymd059a;
do i = 1 to dim(double);
if (double(i) = 99 or double(i) = 77) then double(i) = .;
if (double(i) = 88) then double(i) = 0;
array eight(*)
do i = 1 to dim(eight);
if (eight(i) = 8) then eight(i) = 0;
if ymd025b = 9999 or ymd025b = 7777 then ymd025b = .; /* Q25b takes 4 columns */
if ymd025b = 8888 then ymd025b = 0;


Algorithms ****************************************************************************************;
proc sort data=sds.ymodi1; by id;
proc sort data = sds.yma2; by id;
proc sort data = sds.ysz2; by id;
proc sort data = sds.ymd1; by id;
data sds.ymd2
(keep = id huid ymda1y ymda2y ymda3y ymda4y ymda5y ymda6y ymda7y ymda8y ymda9y
ymday ymda1m ymda2m ymda3m ymda4m ymda5m ymda6m ymda7m ymda8m ymda9m
ymdam ymdey ymdem ymdy ymdm
ydyay ydyam ydyb1 ydyb2 ydyb3 ydyb4 ydyb5 ydyb6 ydybY YDYBM ydyc ydydy ydydm
ydyy ydym
ymdima1 ymdima2 ymdima3 ymdima4 ymdima5 ymdima6 ymdima ymdyima ymdmima
ymdimb ymdyimb ymdmimb
ymdimc1 ymdimc2 ymdimc3 ymdimc4 ymdimc5 ymdimc6 ymdimc ymdyimc ymdmimc
ymdyimd ymdmimd
ydyima1 ydyima2 ydyima3 ydyima4 ydyima5 ydyima6 ydyima ydyyima ydymima
ydyimb ydyyimb ydymimb
ydyimc1 ydyimc2 ydyimc3 ydyimc4 ydyimc5 ydyimc6 ydyimc ydyyimc ydymimc ydyyimd ydymimd
ymdcrity ymdcritm ydycrity ydycritm ymdsymp
ymd001-ymd021 ymd022b ymd028a ymd028 ymd026 ymd026a ymd027 ymd027a
ymdyimd ymdmimd );
merge sds.ymd1 sds.ysz2 sds.yma2 sds.ymodi1; by id;
if ymdn10=0 then do;
array p1(*) ymd024-ymd034;
do i=1 to dim(p1);
if sum((ymd002b=2), (ymdn02=2), (ymdn03b=2), (ymdn04b=2),
(ymdn05b=2), (ymdn06b=2), (ymdn07b=2), (ymdn08b=2),
(ymdn09b=2))>=5 then do;
array p2(*) ymd035-ymd059;
do i=1 to dim(p2);
if ymd035b=2 then ymd036=0;
if sum( (ymd035b=2), (ymd036b=2))=0 and n(ymd035,ymd036)>0 then do;
array aa{*} ymd037-ymd049 YMD037A YMD038A YMD041A YMD042A;
do i=1 to dim(aa);
if (sum( (ymd035b=2), (ymd036b=2))=0 and n(ymd035,ymd036)>0) OR
(sum( (1<=ymd037<=2), (1<=ymd037a<=2),
(1<=ymd038<=2), (1<=ymd038a<=2),
(1<=ymd041<=2), (1<=ymd041a<=2),
(1<=ymd042<=2), (1<=ymd042a<=2),
(1<=ymd049<=2))=0 and n(of ymd037-ymd049)>0) then do;
array bb(*) ymd050-ymd058 ymd060;
do i=1 to dim(bb);
if ymd050a=2 then do;
array cc(*) ymd051-ymd058 ymd060;
do i=1 to dim(cc);
array impair(6) ymd026 ymd027 ymd028 ymd029 ymd030 ymd031;
array impaira(6) ymd026a ymd027a ymd028a ymd029a ymd030a ymd031a;
do i=1 to 6;
if impair[i]=0 then impaira[i]=1;
array impaid(6) ymd052 ymd053 ymd054 ymd055 ymd056 ymd057;
array impaida(6) ymd052a ymd053a ymd054a ymd055a ymd056a ymd057a;
do i=1 to 6;
if impaid[i]=0 then impaida[i]=1;
****** Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder ******;
*-----Past Year;
if (ymd001d = 2 or ymd003d = 2) then ymda1y = 1;
else if ((ymd001 = 0 or ymd001a = 0 or ymd001c = 0 or ymd001d = 0) and
(ymd003 = 0 or ymd003a = 0 or ymd003c = 0 or ymd003d = 0)) then ymda1y = 0;
if (ymd002b = 2) then ymda2y = 1;
else if (ymd002 = 0 or ymd002a = 0 or ymd002b = 0) then ymda2y = 0;
if (ymd004d = 2 or ymd005b = 2 or ymd006b = 2 or ymd007b = 2) then ymda3y = 1;
else if ((ymd004 = 0 or (ymd004a = 2 and ymd004b = 0) or ymd004d = 0)
AND (ymd005 = 0 or ymd005a = 0 or ymd005b = 0)
AND (ymd006 = 0 or ymd006b = 0)
AND (ymd007 = 0 or ymd007a = 0 or ymd007b = 0)) then ymda3y = 0;
if ((ymd008a = 2 and ymd008c = 2) or ymd009b = 2) then ymda4y = 1;
else if ((ymd008 = 0 or ymd008a = 0 or ymd008b = 0 or ymd008c = 0) AND
(ymd009 = 0 or ymd009a = 0 or ymd009b = 0)) then ymda4y = 0;
if ((ymd010a = 2 and ymd010c = 2) or (ymd011a = 2 and ymd011b = 2 and ymd011d = 2))
then ymda5y = 1;
else if ((ymd010 = 0 or ymd010a = 0 or ymd010b = 0 or ymd010c = 0)
AND (ymd011 = 0 or ymd011a = 0 or ymd011b = 0 or ymd011c = 0 or ymd011d = 0))
then ymda5y = 0;
if (ymd012b = 2 or (ymd013a = 2 and ymd013c = 2)) then ymda6y = 1;
else if ((ymd012 = 0 or ymd012a = 0 or ymd012b = 0)
AND (ymd013 = 0 or ymd013a = 0 or ymd013b = 0 or ymd013c = 0)) then ymda6y = 0;
if ((ymd015a = 2 and ymd015c = 2) or (ymd016a = 2 and ymd016c = 2))
then ymda7y = 1;
else if ((ymd015 = 0 or ymd015a = 0 or ymd015b = 0 or ymd015c = 0)
AND (ymd016 = 0 or ymd016a = 0 or ymd016b = 0 or ymd016c = 0)) then ymda7y = 0;
if (ymd017b = 2 or (ymd018a = 2 and ymd018c = 2) or (ymd019a = 2 and ymd019c = 2))
then ymda8y = 1;
else if ((ymd017 = 0 or ymd017a = 0 or ymd017b = 0)
AND (ymd018 = 0 or ymd018a = 0 or ymd018b = 0 or ymd018c = 0)
AND (ymd019 = 0 or ymd019a = 0 or ymd019b = 0 or ymd019c = 0)) then ymda8y = 0;
if ((ymd020a = 2 and ymd020b = 2) or ((ymd021a = 2 or ymd021b = 2) and ymd021c = 2)
or ymd022f = 2) then ymda9y = 1;
else if ((ymd020 = 0 or ymd020a = 0 or ymd020b = 0)
AND (ymd021 = 0 or (ymd021a = 0 and ymd021b = 0) or ymd021c = 0)
AND (ymd022 = 0 or ymd022f = 0)) then ymda9y = 0;
YMDA3Y = 0; YMDA4Y = 0; YMDA5Y = 0; YMDA6Y = 0; YMDA7Y = 0; YMDA8Y = 0; YMDA9Y = 0;
sumy = sum(of ymda1y ymda2y ymda3y ymda4y ymda5y ymda6y ymda7y ymda8y ymda9y);
ny = n(of ymda1y ymda2y ymda3y ymda4y ymda5y ymda6y ymda7y ymda8y ymda9y);
zeroy = ny - sumy;
if (sumy ge 5) then ymday = 1;
else if (zeroy ge 5) then ymday = 0;
*--------Past Month;
if (ymd001d = 2 and ymd001f = 2) or (ymd003d = 2 and ymd003e = 2) then ymda1m = 1;
else if ((ymd001 = 0 or ymd001a = 0 or ymd001c = 0 or ymd001d = 0 or ymd001f = 0)
AND (ymd003 = 0 or ymd003a = 0 or ymd003c = 0 or ymd003d = 0 or ymd003e = 0))
then ymda1m = 0;
if (ymd002b = 2 and ymd002c = 2) then ymda2m = 1;
else if (ymd002 = 0 or ymd002a = 0 or ymd002b = 0 or ymd002c = 0) then ymda2m = 0;
if ((ymd004d = 2 and ymd004e = 2) or (ymd005b = 2 and ymd005c = 2) or
(ymd006b = 2 and ymd006c = 2) or (ymd007b = 2 and ymd007c = 2)) then ymda3m = 1;
else if ((ymd004 = 0 or ymd004b = 0 or ymd004d = 0 or ymd004e = 0)
AND (ymd005 = 0 or ymd005a = 0 or ymd005b = 0 or ymd005c = 0)
AND (ymd006 = 0 or ymd006b = 0 or ymd006c = 0)
AND (ymd007 = 0 or ymd007a = 0 or ymd007b = 0 or ymd007c = 0)) then ymda3m = 0;
if ((ymd008a = 2 and ymd008c = 2 and ymd008d = 2) or (ymd009b = 2 and ymd009c = 2))
then ymda4m = 1;
else if ((ymd008 = 0 or ymd008a = 0 or ymd008b = 0 or ymd008c = 0 or ymd008d = 0)
AND (ymd009 = 0 or ymd009a = 0 or ymd009b = 0 or ymd009c = 0)) then ymda4m = 0;
if ((ymd010a = 2 and ymd010c = 2 and ymd010d = 2) or (ymd011a = 2 and ymd011b = 2
and ymd011d = 2 and ymd011e = 2)) then ymda5m = 1;
else if ((ymd010 = 0 or ymd010a = 0 or ymd010b = 0 or ymd010c = 0 or ymd010d = 0)
AND (ymd011 = 0 or ymd011a = 0 or ymd011b = 0 or ymd011c = 0 or ymd011d = 0 or
ymd011e = 0)) then ymda5m = 0;
if ((ymd012b = 2 and ymd012c = 2) or (ymd013a = 2 and ymd013c = 2 and ymd013d = 2))
then ymda6m = 1;
else if ((ymd012 = 0 or ymd012a = 0 or ymd012b = 0 or ymd012c = 0)
AND (ymd013 = 0 or ymd013a = 0 or ymd013b = 0 or ymd013c = 0 or ymd013d = 0))
then ymda6m = 0;
if ((ymd015a = 2 and ymd015c = 2 and ymd015d = 2) or (ymd016a = 2 and ymd016c = 2
and ymd016d = 2)) then ymda7m = 1;
else if ((ymd015 = 0 or ymd015a = 0 or ymd015b = 0 or ymd015c = 0 or ymd015d = 0)
AND (ymd016 = 0 or ymd016a = 0 or ymd016b = 0 or ymd016c = 0 or ymd016d = 0))
then ymda7m = 0;
if ((ymd017b = 2 and ymd017c = 2) or (ymd018a = 2 and ymd018c = 2 and ymd018d = 2)
or (ymd019a = 2 and ymd019c = 2 and ymd019d = 2)) then ymda8m = 1;
else if ((ymd017 = 0 or ymd017a = 0 or ymd017b = 0 or ymd017c = 0)
AND (ymd018 = 0 or ymd018a = 0 or ymd018b = 0 or ymd018c = 0 or ymd018d = 0)
AND (ymd019 = 0 or ymd019a = 0 or ymd019b = 0 or ymd019c = 0 or ymd019d = 0))
then ymda8m = 0;
if ((ymd020a = 2 and ymd020b = 2 and ymd020d = 2) or ((ymd021a = 2 or ymd021b = 2)
and ymd021c = 2 and ymd021d = 2) or (ymd022f = 2 and ymd022g = 2)) then ymda9m = 1;
else if ((ymd020 = 0 or ymd020a = 0 or ymd020b = 0 or ymd020d = 0)
AND (ymd021 = 0 or (ymd021a = 0 and ymd021b = 0) or ymd021c = 0 or ymd021d = 0)
AND (ymd022 = 0 or ymd022f = 0 or ymd022g = 0)) then ymda9m = 0;
YMDA3M = 0; YMDA4M = 0; YMDA5M = 0; YMDA6M = 0; YMDA7M = 0; YMDA8M = 0; YMDA9M = 0;
summ = sum(of ymda1m ymda2m ymda3m ymda4m ymda5m ymda6m ymda7m ymda8m ymda9m);
nm = n(of ymda1m ymda2m ymda3m ymda4m ymda5m ymda6m ymda7m ymda8m ymda9m);
zerom = nm - summ;
if (summ ge 5) then ymdam = 1;
else if (zerom ge 5) then ymdam = 0;
*-----B; /* Not Covered */
*-----C; /* Not Covered */
*-----D; /* Not Covered */
*----A; /* One intermediate rating of impairment or distress */
if ymd026a = 2 or ymd026a = 3 then ymdima1 = 1;
else if ymd026a = 1 or ymd026a = 7 or ymd026a = 9 then ymdima1 = 0;
if ymd027a = 2 or ymd027a = 3 then ymdima2 = 1;
else if ymd027a = 1 or ymd027a = 7 or ymd027a = 9 then ymdima2 = 0;
if ymd028a = 2 or ymd028a = 3 then ymdima3 = 1;
else if ymd028a = 1 or ymd028a = 7 or ymd028a = 9 then ymdima3 = 0;
if ymd029a = 2 or ymd029a = 3 then ymdima4 = 1;
else if ymd029a = 1 or ymd029a = 7 or ymd029a = 9 then ymdima4 = 0;
if ymd030a = 2 or ymd030a = 3 then ymdima5 = 1;
else if ymd030a = 1 or ymd030a = 7 or ymd030a = 9 then ymdima5 = 0;
if ymd031a = 2 or ymd031a = 3 then ymdima6 = 1;
else if ymd031a = 1 or ymd031a = 7 or ymd031a = 9 then ymdima6 = 0;
if (sum(ymdima1, ymdima2, ymdima3, ymdima4, ymdima5, ymdima6) ge 1)
then ymdima = 1;
else if ((n(ymdima1, ymdima2, ymdima3, ymdima4, ymdima5, ymdima6) - sum(ymdima1,
ymdima2, ymdima3, ymdima4, ymdima5, ymdima6)) ge 6) then ymdima = 0;
if (ymd024 = 0 or ymd024c = 2) or
(ymd015a = 2 and ymd015b = 2 and ymd015c =2) or
(ymd016a = 2 and ymd016b = 2 and ymd016c = 2) or
((ymd021a = 2 or ymd021b = 2) and ymd021c = 2) or
(ymd022b = 2) or (ymdima = 1) or
(ymd010a = 2 and ymd010b = 2 and ymd010c = 2)
then do; ymdey = 1; ymdem = 1; end;
else if (ymd024 = 2 and ymd024c = 0) AND
(ymd015 = 0 or ymd015a = 0 or ymd015b = 0 or ymd015c = 0) AND
(ymd016 = 0 or ymd016a = 0 or ymd016b = 0 or ymd016c = 0) AND
((ymd021 = 0 or (ymd021a = 0 and ymd021b = 0)) or ymd021c = 0) AND
(ymd022 = 0 or ymd022b = 0) AND
(ymd010 = 0 or ymd010a = 0 or ymd010b = 0 or ymd010c = 0)
then do; ymdey = 0; ymdem = 0; end;
****** Diagnosis for MDD ******;
if (ymday = 1 and ymdey = 1) then ymdy = 1;
else if (ymday = 0 or ymdey = 0) then ymdy = 0;
if (ymdam = 1 and ymdem = 1) then ymdm = 1;
else if (ymdam = 0 or ymdem = 0) then ymdm = 0;
****** Variable Labels ******;
label ymday = 'Five symptoms same 2-week period'
ymda1y = 'Depressed mood or irritable mood'
ymda2y = 'Diminished interest or pleasure'
ymda3y = 'Weight loss or weight gain or appetite change'
ymda4y = 'Insomnia or hypersomnia'
ymda5y = 'Psychomotor agitation or retardation'
ymda6y = 'Fatigue or loss of energy'
ymda7y = 'Worthlessness or guilt'
ymda8y = 'Thinking or concentration problems or indecisiveness'
ymda9y = 'Thoughts of death, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt or plan'
ymdey = 'Not due to Bereavement'
ymdy = 'Past Year: diagnosis for major depression disorder'
ymda1m = 'Depressed mood or irritable mood'
ymda2m = 'Diminished interest or pleasure'
ymda3m = 'Weight loss or weight gain or appetite change'
ymda4m = 'Insomnia or hypersomnia'
ymda5m = 'Psychomotor agitation or retardation'
ymda6m = 'Fatigue or loss of energy'
ymda7m = 'Worthlessness or guilt'
ymda8m = 'Thinking or concentration problems or indecisiveness'
ymda9m = 'Thoughts of death, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt or plan'
ymdem = 'Not due to Bereavement'
ymdm = 'Past month: diagnosis for major depression disorder';
****** Criteria for Dysthymic Disorder ******;
*-----Past Year;
if ((ymd035b = 2 and ymd035d = 2) or (ymd036b = 2 and ymd036d = 2)) then ydyay = 1;
else if ((ymd035 = 0 or ymd035a = 0 or ymd035b = 0 or ymd035d = 0) and (ymd036 = 0
or ymd036a = 0 or ymd036b = 0 or ymd036d = 0)) then ydyay = 0;
*-----Past Month;
if ((ymd035b = 2 and ymd035d = 2 and ymd035f = 2) or (ymd036b = 2 and ymd036d = 2 and
ymd036e = 2)) then ydyam = 1;
else if ((ymd035 = 0 or ymd035a = 0 or ymd035b = 0 or ymd035d = 0 or ymd035f = 0) and
(ymd036 = 0 or ymd036a = 0 or ymd036b = 0 or ymd036d = 0 or ymd036e = 0))
then ydyam = 0;
if ((1<=ymd037<=2) or (1<=ymd037a<=2)) then ydyb1 = 1;
else if (ymd037 = 0 AND YMD037A=0) then ydyb1 = 0;
if ((1<=ymd038<=2) or (1<=ymd038a<=2)) then ydyb2 = 1;
else if (ymd038 = 0 AND YMD038A=0) then ydyb2 = 0;
if (1<=ymd039<=2) then ydyb3 = 1;
else if (ymd039 = 0) then ydyb3 = 0;
if (1<=ymd040<=2) then ydyb4 = 1;
else if (ymd040 = 0) then ydyb4 = 0;
if ((1<=ymd041<=2) or (1<=ymd041a<=2)) then ydyb5 = 1;
else if (ymd041 = 0 AND YMD041A=0) then ydyb5 = 0;
if ((1<=ymd042<=2) or (1<=ymd042a<=2)) then ydyb6 = 1;
else if (ymd042 = 0 AND YMD042A=0) then ydyb6 = 0;
if (sum(of ydyb1-ydyb6) ge 2) and ydyay = 1 then ydyby = 1;
else if ((n(of ydyb1-ydyb6) - sum(of ydyb1-ydyb6)) ge 5) or Ydyay = 0 then ydyby = 0;
if (sum(of ydyb1-ydyb6) ge 2) and ydyam = 1 then ydybm = 1;
else if ((n(of ydyb1-ydyb6) - sum(of ydyb1-ydyb6)) ge 5) or Ydyam = 0 then ydybm = 0;
if (ymd050 = 0 or ymd050a = 0) then ydyc = 1;
else if (ymd050 = 2 and ymd050a = 2) then ydyc = 0;
*-----D; /* MDD = NO */
if ymdy = 0 then ydydy = 1;
else if ymdy = 1 then ydydy = 0;
if ymdm = 0 then ydydm = 1;
else if ymdm = 0 then ydydm = 0;
*-----E; /* not covered */
*-----F; /* not covered */
****** Diagnosis for DD ******;
if (ydyay = 1 and ydyby = 1 and ydyc = 1 and ydydy = 1 ) then ydyy = 1;
else if (ydyay = 0 or ydyby = 0 or ydyc = 0 or ydydy = 0 ) then ydyy = 0;
if (ydyam = 1 and ydybm = 1 and ydyc = 1 and ydydm = 1 ) then ydym = 1;
else if (ydyam = 0 or ydybm = 0 or ydyc = 0 or ydydm = 0 ) then ydym = 0;
****** Variable Labels ******;
label ydyay = 'Depressed mood or irritable mood'
ydyby = 'Two symptoms when depressed'
ydybm = 'Two symptoms when depressed'
ydyb1 = 'Poor appetite or overeating'
ydyb2 = 'Insomnia or hypersomnia'
ydyb3 = 'Low energy or fatigue'
ydyb4 = 'Low self-esteem'
ydyb5 = 'Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions'
ydyb6 = 'Feelings of hopelessness'
ydyc = 'Never without symptoms for more than 2 months'
ydydy = 'Not major depression'
ydyy = 'Diagnosis for dysthymic disorder';
*----A; /* One intermediate rating of impairment or distress */
if ymd026a = 2 or ymd026a = 3 then ymdima1 = 1;
else if ymd026a = 1 or ymd026a = 7 or ymd026a = 9 then ymdima1 = 0;
if ymd027a = 2 or ymd027a = 3 then ymdima2 = 1;
else if ymd027a = 1 or ymd027a = 7 or ymd027a = 9 then ymdima2 = 0;
if ymd028a = 2 or ymd028a = 3 then ymdima3 = 1;
else if ymd028a = 1 or ymd028a = 7 or ymd028a = 9 then ymdima3 = 0;
if ymd029a = 2 or ymd029a = 3 then ymdima4 = 1;
else if ymd029a = 1 or ymd029a = 7 or ymd029a = 9 then ymdima4 = 0;
if ymd030a = 2 or ymd030a = 3 then ymdima5 = 1;
else if ymd030a = 1 or ymd030a = 7 or ymd030a = 9 then ymdima5 = 0;
if ymd031a = 2 or ymd031a = 3 then ymdima6 = 1;
else if ymd031a = 1 or ymd031a = 7 or ymd031a = 9 then ymdima6 = 0;
if (sum(ymdima1, ymdima2, ymdima3, ymdima4, ymdima5, ymdima6) ge 1)
then ymdima = 1;
else if ((n(ymdima1, ymdima2, ymdima3, ymdima4, ymdima5, ymdima6) - sum(ymdima1,
ymdima2, ymdima3, ymdima4, ymdima5, ymdima6)) ge 6) then ymdima = 0;
if (ymdy = 1 and ymdima = 1) then ymdyima = 1;
else if (ymdy = 0 or ymdima = 0) then ymdyima = 0;
if (ymdm = 1 and ymdima = 1) then ymdmima = 1;
else if (ymdm = 0 or ymdima = 0) then ymdmima = 0;
*------B; /* Two intermediate ratings of impairment or distress */
if (sum(ymdima1, ymdima2, ymdima3, ymdima4, ymdima5, ymdima6) ge 2)
then ymdimb = 1;
else if ((n(ymdima1, ymdima2, ymdima3, ymdima4, ymdima5, ymdima6) - sum(ymdima1,
ymdima2, ymdima3, ymdima4, ymdima5, ymdima6)) ge 5) then ymdimb = 0;
if (ymdy = 1 and ymdimb = 1) then ymdyimb = 1;
else if (ymdy = 0 or ymdimb = 0) then ymdyimb = 0;
if (ymdm = 1 and ymdimb = 1) then ymdmimb = 1;
else if (ymdm = 0 or ymdimb = 0) then ymdmimb = 0;
*-----C; /* One severe rating of impairment or distress */
if ymd026a = 3 then ymdimc1 = 1;
else if ymd026a = 1 or ymd026a = 2 or ymd026a = 7 or ymd026a = 9 then ymdimc1 = 0;
if ymd027a = 3 then ymdimc2 = 1;
else if ymd027a = 1 or ymd027a = 2 or ymd027a = 7 or ymd027a = 9 then ymdimc2 = 0;
if ymd028a = 3 then ymdimc3 = 1;
else if ymd028a = 1 or ymd028a = 2 or ymd028a = 7 or ymd028a = 9 then ymdimc3 = 0;
if ymd029a = 3 then ymdimc4 = 1;
else if ymd029a = 1 or ymd029a = 2 or ymd029a = 7 or ymd029a = 9 then ymdimc4 = 0;
if ymd030a = 3 then ymdimc5 = 1;
else if ymd030a = 1 or ymd030a = 2 or ymd030a = 7 or ymd030a = 9 then ymdimc5 = 0;
if ymd031a = 3 then ymdimc6 = 1;
else if ymd031a = 1 or ymd031a = 2 or ymd031a = 7 or ymd031a = 9 then ymdimc6 = 0;
if (sum(ymdimc1, ymdimc2, ymdimc3, ymdimc4, ymdimc5, ymdimc6) ge 1)
then ymdimc = 1;
else if ((n(ymdimc1, ymdimc2, ymdimc3, ymdimc4, ymdimc5, ymdimc6) - sum(ymdimc1,
ymdimc2, ymdimc3, ymdimc4, ymdimc5, ymdimc6)) ge 6) then ymdimc = 0;
if ymdy = 1 and ymdimc = 1 then ymdyimc = 1;
else if ymdy = 0 or ymdimc = 0 then ymdyimc = 0;
if ymdm = 1 and ymdimc = 1 then ymdmimc = 1;
else if ymdm = 0 or ymdimc = 0 then ymdmimc = 0;
*------D; /* Impairment D: present when impairment B or C are satisified */
If ymdyimb = 1 or ymdyimc = 1 then ymdyimd = 1;
else if ymdyimb = 0 and ymdyimc = 0 then ymdyimd = 0;
If ymdmimb = 1 or ymdmimc = 1 then ymdmimd = 1;
else if ymdmimb = 0 and ymdmimc = 0 then ymdmimd = 0;
*******------ IMPAIRMENT ALGORITHMS; /* For DD */
*----A; /* One intermediate rating of impairment or distress */
if ymd052a = 2 or ymd052a = 3 then ydyima1 = 1;
else if ymd052a = 1 or ymd052a = 7 or ymd052a = 9 then ydyima1 = 0;
if ymd053a = 2 or ymd053a = 3 then ydyima2 = 1;
else if ymd053a = 1 or ymd053a = 7 or ymd053a = 9 then ydyima2 = 0;
if ymd054a = 2 or ymd054a = 3 then ydyima3 = 1;
else if ymd054a = 1 or ymd054a = 7 or ymd054a = 9 then ydyima3 = 0;
if ymd055a = 2 or ymd055a = 3 then ydyima4 = 1;
else if ymd055a = 1 or ymd055a = 7 or ymd055a = 9 then ydyima4 = 0;
if ymd056a = 2 or ymd056a = 3 then ydyima5 = 1;
else if ymd056a = 1 or ymd056a = 7 or ymd056a = 9 then ydyima5 = 0;
if ymd057a = 2 or ymd057a = 3 then ydyima6 = 1;
else if ymd057a = 1 or ymd057a = 7 or ymd057a = 9 then ydyima6 = 0;
if (sum(ydyima1, ydyima2, ydyima3, ydyima4, ydyima5, ydyima6) ge 1) or ymdima=1
then ydyima = 1;
else if ((n(ydyima1, ydyima2, ydyima3, ydyima4, ydyima5, ydyima6) - sum(ydyima1,
ydyima2, ydyima3, ydyima4, ydyima5, ydyima6)) ge 6) and ymdima=0 then ydyima = 0;
if ydyy = 1 and ydyima = 1 then ydyyima = 1;
else if ydyy = 0 or ydyima = 0 then ydyyima = 0;
if ydym = 1 and ydyima = 1 then ydymima = 1;
else if ydym = 0 or ydyima = 0 then ydymima = 0;
*------B; /* Two intermediate ratings of impairment or distress */
if (sum(ydyima1, ydyima2, ydyima3, ydyima4, ydyima5, ydyima6) ge 2) or ymdimb=1
then ydyimb = 1;
else if ((n(ydyima1, ydyima2, ydyima3, ydyima4, ydyima5, ydyima6) - sum(ydyima1,
ydyima2, ydyima3, ydyima4, ydyima5, ydyima6)) ge 5) and ymdimb=0 then ydyimb = 0;
if ydyy = 1 and ydyimb = 1 then ydyyimb = 1;
else if ydyy = 0 or ydyimb = 0 then ydyyimb = 0;
if ydym = 1 and ydyimb = 1 then ydymimb = 1;
else if ydym = 0 or ydyimb = 0 then ydymimb = 0;
*-----C; /* One severe rating of impairment or distress */
if ymd052a = 3 then ydyimc1 = 1;
else if ymd052a = 1 or ymd052a = 2 or ymd052a = 7 or ymd052a = 9 then ydyimc1 = 0;
if ymd053a = 3 then ydyimc2 = 1;
else if ymd053a = 1 or ymd053a = 2 or ymd053a = 7 or ymd053a = 9 then ydyimc2 = 0;
if ymd054a = 3 then ydyimc3 = 1;
else if ymd054a = 1 or ymd054a = 2 or ymd054a = 7 or ymd054a = 9 then ydyimc3 = 0;
if ymd055a = 3 then ydyimc4 = 1;
else if ymd055a = 1 or ymd055a = 2 or ymd055a = 7 or ymd055a = 9 then ydyimc4 = 0;
if ymd056a = 3 then ydyimc5 = 1;
else if ymd056a = 1 or ymd056a = 2 or ymd056a = 7 or ymd056a = 9 then ydyimc5 = 0;
if ymd057a = 3 then ydyimc6 = 1;
else if ymd057a = 1 or ymd057a = 2 or ymd057a = 7 or ymd057a = 9 then ydyimc6 = 0;
if (sum(ydyimc1, ydyimc2, ydyimc3, ydyimc4, ydyimc5, ydyimc6) ge 1) or ymdimc=1
then ydyimc = 1;
else if ((n(ydyimc1, ydyimc2, ydyimc3, ydyimc4, ydyimc5, ydyimc6) - sum(ydyimc1,
ydyimc2, ydyimc3, ydyimc4, ydyimc5, ydyimc6)) ge 6) and ymdimc=0 then ydyimc = 0;
if ydyy = 1 and ydyimc = 1 then ydyyimc = 1;
else if ydyy = 0 or ydyimc = 0 then ydyyimc = 0;
if ydym = 1 and ydyimc = 1 then ydymimc = 1;
else if ydym = 0 or ydyimc = 0 then ydymimc = 0;
*------D; /* Impairment D: present when impairment B or C are satisified */
If ydyyimb = 1 or ydyyimc = 1 then ydyyimd = 1;
else if ydyyimb = 0 and ydyyimc = 0 then ydyyimd = 0;
If ydymimb = 1 or ydymimc = 1 then ydymimd = 1;
else if ydymimb = 0 and ydymimc = 0 then ydymimd = 0;
***** Criterion Count*****;
ymdcrity=sum(of ymda1y ymda2y ymda3y ymda4y ymda5y ymda6y ymda7y ymda8y ymda9y );
ymdcritm=sum(of ymda1m ymda2m ymda3m ymda4m ymda5m ymda6m ymda7m ymda8m ymda9m );
ydycrity=sum(of ydyay ydyb1 ydyb2 ydyb3 ydyb4 ydyb5 ydyb6);
ydycritm=sum(of ydyam ydyb1 ydyb2 ydyb3 ydyb4 ydyb5 ydyb6);
*****Symptom Count *******;
if ymd022=0 then ymd022b=0;
ymdsymp=sum(of ymd001-ymd021 ymd022b)/2;
ymdcrity = 'Youth Major Depressive Disorder Criteria Count - Past Year'
ymdcritm = 'Youth Major Depressive Disorder Criteria Count - Past Month'
ydycrity = 'Youth Dysthymia Criteria Count - Past Year'
ydycritm = 'Youth Dysthymia Criteria Count - Past Month'
ymdsymp = 'Youth Major Depressive Disorder Symptom Count';