Table of Contents

Locator Record

Title: Dietary Supplement Database: Product Information (DSPI )
Contact Number: 1-866-441-NCHS
Years of Content: 1999
First Published: September, 2014
Revised: NA
Access Constraints: None
Use Constraints: None
Geographic Coverage: National
Subject: The Dietary Supplement Information datasets contains additional product data on the dietary supplement(s) and non-prescription antacids containing calcium and/or magnesium reported by survey participants in the Dietary Supplement and Non-Prescription Antacid subsections of the Household Interview and in the two 24-hour dietary recall interviews.

Component Description

The NHANES Dietary Supplement Database (NHANES-DSD) contains detailed information on the dietary supplements (DS) and non-prescription antacids containing calcium and/or magnesium (antacids) reported by survey participants since NHANES 1999. The NHANES-DSD release consists of three datasets which contain information on products; Dietary Supplement Product Information(DSPI), Dietary Supplement Ingredient Information (DSII), and Dietary Supplement Blend Information(DSBI).

Dietary supplement information from the in-house NCHS Product Label Database (PLD) is publicly released in three files that make up the NHANES-DSD.  These files incorporate all products that have been reported by respondents since 1999 from the PLD. With subsequent releases, new products reported will be appended to the NHANES-DSD files.

The in-house PLD database is maintained by NCHS nutritionists’. NCHS attempts to obtain a product label for all dietary supplements or antacids reported by participants from sources such as the manufacturer or retailer, the Internet, company catalogs, and the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR). Selected label information is then entered into the PLD including, but not limited to: supplement name; manufacturer and/or distributor; serving size; form of serving size; and ingredients and amounts. The ingredient information entered into the database is taken directly from the supplement facts box on the label or carton. The PLD is used to assist with data editing and then publicly released in the data files (DSPI, DSII, and DSBI).

In addition to entering labels into the PLD database, NCHS created generic and default dietary supplements and antacids, which are also maintained in the database. Generics were created in the database when we had information about a reported supplement such as the strength of all ingredients, but no brand name. These were generally single ingredient supplements which included a strength (e.g. vitamin C 500 mg) or multiple vitamins and/or mineral supplements made by a private label manufacturer that was known to us and for which we had a label with identical ingredients and strengths (e.g. brand X all-purpose multivitamin was reported, and we had a label for brand Y, made by the same manufacturer). When all ingredient strengths were not known, a default supplement was created in the database. Defaults were created for single ingredient and multiple ingredient supplements based on our own data of most frequently reported supplements of that type, based on the survey cycle in which the data was collected. Created default products and the actual products or strengths that were assigned to these defaults are listed in the documentation for the files associated with participants’ use of dietary supplements, located on the NHANES website.   

Data Processing and Editing

The in-house PLD was used for processing and editing of the dietary supplement data since 1999.

Variables pulled directly from the in-house PLD

DSDSUPP: Name of Supplement
This is the name from the front of the product label. The brand name is generally entered first (i.e. Nature’s Way) and then the actual product name (i.e. lutein). Information such as the strength (i.e. 60 mg extract) of the product and other qualifiers that help distinguish a product from a similar product (i.e. mega, super, high potency, time release, chewable, extract) are also listed if they are on the front of the product label. Words like “dietary supplement” and health claims are not entered as part of the name.

DSDSUPID: Supplement ID Number 
Supplement ID is a 10 digit identifier assigned to each product entered into the in-house PLD.  All identifiable products have a supplement ID beginning with the number ‘1’. The next 3 digits (positions 2-4) are ‘888’ or ‘881’ if the supplement was created by NCHS as a generic or default product; otherwise the digits in positions 2-4 are coded ‘000’ or ‘001’. The next 4 digits (positions 5-8) are sequentially assigned by the system for each product. The last 2 digits (positions 9-10) indicate formulations of the same supplement: the first formulation entered into the database = 00, the first reformulation = 01, the next = 02, etc. Note that these are reformulations of the same product. Different versions of products(e.g. liquid vs. tablet, with iron vs. without iron, regular vs. high potency) are considered as different products thus have different 4 digit numbers in positions 5 to 8.  When a product name was entered as "no product information available", "refused" or "don't know", its ID number starts with a string of 6's. 

DSDSRCE: Supplement Information Source
The source of each product label is recorded into the PLD. Generic and default products do not have a source code.

DSDTYPE: Formulation Type
The type of formula is recorded into the database. The formula types are: infant/pediatric formulation, prenatal formulation, mature formulation, or standard formulation. Products are coded as infant/pediatric when the product name states "infant, children, child, or kid/s" or has an indication in the title, label, or the form (e.g. animal shapes) of the supplement that it is intended for children. If this is not the case, but the suggested dose or directions indicate dosage for children only, then the code is infant/pediatric, but if dosages for adults are also included, then the product is coded as standard. Products are coded as "Prenatal" when the product name states prenatal or a derivative of this name, or has an indication in the title or label that it is intended for pregnant women. If this is not the case, but the suggested dosage or directions indicate dosage for pregnant women only, the product is coded as a prenatal, but if dosages for non-pregnant adults are also included, the product is coded as standard. Products are coded as "Geriatric" when the product name or label includes words such as "mature, senior, geriatric, post-menopausal, silver" or indicates with other words that it is intended for individuals 50 years and over. All other products are coded as "Standard".

DSDSERVQ: Serving Size Quantity
This is the “serving size quantity”, which is recorded from the product label’s supplement facts panel for which the nutrient amounts are based on.

DSDSERVU: Serving Size Unit
This is the “serving size unit”, which is recorded from the product label’s supplement facts panel.

DSDINGID: Ingredient ID
This is the unique ingredient ID created by the PLD for each ingredient recorded from the product label’s supplement facts panel.

DSDINGR: Ingredient name
Ingredient names are recorded from the product label’s supplement facts panel.

DSDOPER: Ingredient operator
This is a symbol =, < , or > that comes from the product label’s supplement facts panel.

DSDQTY: Ingredient quantity
Ingredient quantity is recorded for each ingredient listed from the product label’s supplement facts panel. Some nutrient amounts are for a nutrient compound (generally a foreign-made product or an antacid) and these must be converted to an elemental nutrient amount (See Appendix 2 for recommended conversions).

DSDUNIT: Ingredient unit
Ingredient unit is recorded for each ingredient listed from the product label’s supplement facts panel.

DSDCAT: Ingredient category
There are ingredient categories: Vitamin, Mineral, Botanical, Others, Amino Acid. These are assigned by NCHS staff. (Please see Appendix 1: Rules For Classifying Ingredients)

DSDBCNAM: Blend component name
These are the ingredient names found within a blend. Blends in products will not give the actual breakdown of ingredient quantities in the blend. The ingredients will usually just be listed, and most of the time a total blend amount is given. The blend ingredients are released in file DSBI.

DSDBCLID: Blend component id
These are unique ingredient ID numbers for blend ingredients created by the PLD.

DSDBCCAT: Blend component category
There are ingredient categories: Vitamin, Mineral, Botanical, Others, Amino Acid. These are assigned by NCHS staff. (Please see Appendix 1: Rules For Classifying Ingredients)

Variables created for the NHANES-DSD public release files
Blend Flag

This indicator variable denotes whether an ingredient is a blend or not a blend. If the ingredient is a blend, then information from file DSBI is needed. 

DSDCNTV: number of vitamin(s) in supplement
This variable indicates the number of vitamins in the supplement, including in blends. All ingredients categorized as “vitamins” in variables DSDCAT and DSDBCCAT are added up to get the number of vitamins in the product. If a product has the same vitamin listed as an ingredient as well as a blend, this vitamin was only counted once. Ingredients that are categorized as a blend (DSDBLFLG=1) in file DSII are not included in this count, but the ingredients within the blend are counted (blend ingredients in file DSBI).

DSDCNTM: number of mineral(s) in supplement
This variable indicates the number of minerals in the supplement, including in blends. All ingredients categorized as “minerals” in variables DSDCAT and DSDBCCAT are added up to get the number of minerals in the product. If a product has the same mineral listed as an ingredient as well as a blend, this mineral was only counted once. Ingredients that are categorized as a blend (DSDBLFLG=1) in file DSII are not included in this count, but the ingredients within the blend are counted (blend ingredients in file DSBI).

DSDCNTA: number of amino acid(s) in supplement
This variable indicates the number of amino acids in the supplement, including in blends. All ingredients categorized as “amino acids” in variables DSDCAT and DSDBCCAT are added up to get the number of amino acids in the product. Ingredients that are categorized as a blend (DSDBLFLG=1) in file DSII are not included in this count, but the ingredients within the blend are counted (blend ingredients in file DSBI).

DSDCNTB: number of botanical(s) in supplement
This variable indicates the number of botanicals in the supplement, including in blends. All ingredients categorized as “botanicals” in variables DSDCAT and DSDBCCAT are added up to get the number of botanicals in the product. Ingredients that are categorized as a blend (DSDBLFLG=1) in file DSII are not included in this count, but the ingredients within the blend are counted (blend ingredients in file DSBI).

DSDCNTO: number of other ingredients in supplement
This variable indicates the number of other ingredients in the supplement, including in blends. All ingredients categorized as “other” in variables DSDCAT and DSDBCCAT are added up to get the number of other ingredients in the product. Ingredients that are categorized as a blend (DSDBLFLG=1) in file DSII are not included in this count, but the ingredients within the blend are counted (blend ingredients in file DSBI).

The NCHS-DSD file may be linked to both the Household dietary supplement data use files and the 24-hour dietary recall interview dietary supplement files by the supplement ID number (DSDSUPID).

Currently, NCHS-DSD contains information on all DS and antacids reported since 1999. New products will be appended as they are reported in future data releases. There are three files. The 'Supplement Information' file (DSPI) and the 'Ingredient Information' file (DSII) can be linked by supplement ID number (DSDSUPID) which is a unique product identifier. The 'Ingredient Information' file (DSII) and the 'Supplement Blend' file (DSBI) can then be linked by the ingredient ID number (DSDINGID).

Layout of DSQ_DSD

(DSPI): Supplement Product Information
Variable Name Label
DSDSUPID Supplement ID number
DSDSUPP Supplement name
DSDSRCE Supplement information source
DSDTYPE Formulation type
DSDSERVQ Serving size quantity
DSDSERVU Serving size unit
DSDCNTV Count of vitamins in the supplement
DSDCNTM Count of minerals in the supplement
DSDCNTA Count of amino acids in the supplement
DSDCNTB Count of botanicals in the supplement
DSDCNTO Count of other ingredients in the supplement

 (DSII): Supplement Ingredient Information
Variable Name Label
DSQSUPID Supplement ID number
DSQSUPP Supplement name
DSDINGID Ingredient ID number
DSDINGR Ingredient name
DSDOPER Ingredient operator (<, =, >)
DSDQTY Ingredient quantity
DSDUNIT Ingredient unit
DSDCAT Ingredient category
DSDBLFLG Blend flag

 (DSBI): Supplement Blend Information
Variable Name Label
DSDINGID Ingredient ID number
DSDINGR Ingredient name
DSDBCID Blend component ID number
DSDBCNAM Blend component name
DSDBCCAT Blend component category

Analytic Notes

Source of product information
The best source of product information is the label itself, but when this cannot be obtained, other sources are used. Information from other sources may not always be an accurate reflection of what is actually on the supplement label. This is true for the supplement’s apparent name as well as for the ingredients. The apparent name on the container is most important, since interviewers see the supplement container and record the name as it appears to them. Differences from what appears on the label are particularly noted for information from the Internet (name and ingredients), the PDR (name), and supplement carton (name). In addition, supplement companies may change the appearance of a label and thus the apparent name without changing the content or may change content with minimal change to the label, or may change both. NCHS attempts to obtain updated labels as they come onto the market, but cannot guarantee complete success. The source of the supplement information is included in the data release.

Using self-reported data
NHANES data are self-reported and recorded by interviewers, and thus may contain inconsistencies or errors. Some inconsistencies have been edited; however, users may notice situations that still need editing. Users are advised to assess the data and edit it as deemed appropriate for the analyses being undertaken.



Codebook and Frequencies


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Supplement ID Number
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 0


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Supplement Name
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
SUPPLEMENT NAME Value was recorded 10813 10813
0 10813


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Supplement Information Source
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Directly from manufacturer 23 23
2 Directly from distributor 5 28
4 Inferred from supplement name 1 29
5 Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) 30 59
7 Product Catalog 99 158
8 Internet Listing 3336 3494
9 Supplement label or carton 5762 9256
10 Supplement from same manufacturer 140 9396
. Missing 1417 10813


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Formulation Type (prenatal, infant\pediatric, standard, or mature)
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Infant/pediatric formulation 669 669
2 Prenatal formulation 247 916
3 Mature formulation 264 1180
4 Standard formulation 9633 10813
. Missing 0 10813


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Serving size quantity
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0.25 to 60 Range of Values 10813 10813
. Missing 0 10813


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Serving size unit
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
1 Caplet 630 630
2 Capsule 2548 3178
3 Dropper 37 3215
4 Drop 60 3275
5 Fluid Ounce 55 3330
6 Gel Cap 19 3349
9 Lozenge 24 3373
10 Milliliter 154 3527
12 Package/Packet 226 3753
13 Pill 33 3786
14 Tablespoon/Powder 71 3857
16 Softgel 1447 5304
17 Tablespoon/Liquid 123 5427
18 Tablet 4527 9954
19 Teaspoon/Liquid 163 10117
20 Wafer 29 10146
21 Ounce/Powder 4 10150
22 Spray/Squirt 8 10158
24 Scoop/Powder 139 10297
25 Cup/Powder 6 10303
27 Chew 220 10523
29 Vegicap 86 10609
30 Can/Liquid 2 10611
31 Capful 29 10640
32 Gumball 3 10643
33 Gram/Powder 38 10681
34 Teaspoon/Powder 114 10795
37 Cup/Liquid 1 10796
38 Gram/Liquid 1 10797
39 Drop/Lozenge 2 10799
42 Strip 2 10801
43 Bottle/Liquid 5 10806
99 Unknown 7 10813
. Missing 0 10813


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Count of vitamins in the supplement, including those in blends
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 18 Range of Values 10813 10813
. Missing 0 10813


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Count of minerals in the supplement, including those in blends
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 79 Range of Values 10813 10813
. Missing 0 10813


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Count of amino acids in the supplement, including those in blends
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 23 Range of Values 10813 10813
. Missing 0 10813


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Count of botanicals in the supplement, including those in blends
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 117 Range of Values 10813 10813
. Missing 0 10813


Variable Name:
SAS Label:
English Text:
Count of other ingredients in the supplement, including those in blends
Both males and females 0 YEARS - 150 YEARS
Code or Value Value Description Count Cumulative Skip to Item
0 to 45 Range of Values 10813 10813
. Missing 0 10813

Appendix 1: Rules For Classifying Ingredients

An ingredient is classified as a vitamin if it is:

  • A single vitamin listed by its name (eg vitamin A)
  • A standard chemical form of the vitamin (retinol, retinal, retinoic acid) in synthetic or natural form

A vitamin will be classified as Other when it exists as: 

  • A precursor or provitamin to the active form of the vitamin (eg 7-dehydrocholesterol, a precursor to Vitamin D)
  • A complex, since the ingredient content is unclear (eg B-complex)

The following appear in supplements as a source of vitamins and are therefore classified as a vitamin: 

  • Vitamin A: palmitate, vitamin A acetate, vitamin A palmitate 
  • Vitamin B-1/Thiamin: thiamin monophosphate or TMP, thiamin mononitrate, thiamin hydrochloride 
  • Vitamin B-2/Riboflavin: riboflavin mononitrate, riboflavin-5-phosphate sodium 
  • Vitamin B-3/Niacin 
  • Vitamin B-5/Pantothenic Acid: pantothenate, calcium pantothenate 
  • Vitamin B-6: pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin B6 hydrochloride 
  • Vitamin B-12/Cobalamin: cyanocobalamin 
  • Vitamin C/Ascorbic Acid: ascorbyl palmitate, sodium ascorbate 
  • Vitamin D/Calciferol: cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol, calcitriol 
  • Vitamin E/Tocopherol: d-alpha tocopheryl acid succinate, dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate, d-alpha tocopheryl acetate, d-alpha tocopherol, d-alpha tocopheryl, tocopherols, mixed tocopherols, vitamin E acetate, tocotrienol 
  • Vitamin K/Menadione: phytonadione 
  • Biotin: Choline, choline bitartrate 
  • Folic Acid/Folate


An ingredient is classified as a mineral if it is a macro or micromineral (trace element):

  • in its elemental form (eg iron) 
  • is the source of the mineral in a supplement (eg ferrous gluconate, potassium iodide, nickel chloride).

An ingredient containing a mineral is classified as Other when it is:

  • an enzyme (eg boron protease) 
  • a complex, since the ingredient content is unclear (eg Trace Mineral Complex) 
    used as an electrolyte (chloride, potassium, sodium)

The following are classified as minerals:

  • Arsenic
  • Copper
  • Phosphorus
  • Barium
  • Fluoride
  • Selenium
  • Boron
  • Iodine
  • Silicon
  • Bromine
  • Iron
  • Strontium
  • Cadmium
  • Magnesium
  • Sulfur
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Tin
  • Chromium
  • Molybdenum
  • Vanadium
  • Cobalt
  • Nickel
  • Zinc


An ingredient is classified as a botanical if it is:

  • part of a plant, tree, shrub, herb, etc.

Botanicals may include the following words:

  • Extract, Powder
  • Leaf, Root, Flower, Stem, Peel, Fruit
  • Component of a botanical that specifically mentions it is from the plant (eg soy isoflavones, citrus bioflavonoids)

An ingredient containing a botanical is classified as Other if it is:

  • listed only as an unspecified blend
  • a chemical structure derived originally from a botanical (eg bromelain, the enzyme found in pineapple; Alliin, a phytochemical in garlic; apple cider vinegar)


An ingredient is classified as an amino acid if it is an essential or nonessential amino acid. It can exist in:

  • it’s free form (eg lycine, glutamine)
  • its post-translational form with one or two added groups (e.g.Cystine, Hydroxylysine,Hydroxyproline, Dimethylglycine, and 3-methylhistidine)
  • one of its isomeric forms (eg l-tyrosine)
  • the source of an amino acid in a supplement (eg l-lysine monohydrochloride, glutamic acid hydrochloride)

An amino acid would be classified as Other if it is:

  • in its post-translational form with three or more added groups (Trimethylglycine, Tetramethylglycine, etc.)
  • an alpha-keto acid (an amino acid with its amino group, NH3, replaced by a keto group) (eg "-ketoglutarate)
  • a residue of an amino acid ((-carboxyglutamic acid also known as GLA)
  • as a complex of amino acids (eg natural amino acid complex), since the ingredient content is unclear

The following are classified as amino acids:

  • Alanine
  • Glycine
  • Proline
  • Arginine
  • Histidine
  • Serine
  • Asparagine
  • Isoleucine
  • Taurine
  • Aspartic
  • Acid
  • Leucine
  • Threonine
  • Cysteine
  • Lysine
  • Tryptophan
  • Glutamic
  • Acid
  • Methionine
  • Tyrosine
  • Glutamine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Valine


The following are examples of ingredients that would be classified as other:

  • an electrolyte (eg chloride, potassium, sodium)
  • a hormone (eg DHEA, cholesterol), unless if it is the active form of a vitamin (calcitriol)
  • an enzyme (eg cellulase, glucoamylase)
  • Complexes and blends (unless all components are of the same type ex. amino acid blend)
  • Bioflavonoids and Isoflavones (if not associated with a plant, in which case it would be classified as a Botanical)
  • Vinegars
  • Phytochemicals (eg lutein, allin)

Vitamin precursors, eg some carotenoids

Appendix 2: Conversion Factors for Supplement Nutrient Units to Food Units and for Nutrient Compounds to Elemental Nutrients

Vitamin A Conversion Factor
ALPHA CAROTENE 10000656 1 IU alpha carotene = 7.2 mcg vitamin A
ALPHA CAROTENE 10000656 1 RAE = 24 mcg alpha carotene
BETA CAROTENE 10000433 1 IU beta carotene = 0.6 mcg vitamin A
BETA CAROTENE 10000433 1667 IU beta carotene = 1 mg beta carotene
BETA CAROTENE 10000433 1 RAE = 12 mcg beta carotene
VITAMIN A* 10000381 1 IU = 0.3 mcg vitamin A
VITAMIN A* 10000381 1 RAE = 1 mcg vitamin A
CRYPTOXANTHIN 10000686 1 RAE = 24 mcg cryptoxanthin
Vitamin D Conversion Factor
VITAMIN D† 10000385 40 IU vitamin D = 1 mcg
Vitamin E
VITAMIN E‡ 10000386 1 IU = 0.67 mg vitamin E
Calcium Conversion Factors
CALCIUM CARBONATE 10000611 40% elemental calcium
CALCIUM L-THREONATE 10004220 12.9 % elemental calcium
CALCIUM PANTOTHENATE 10000437 91.6% pantothenate
Iron Conversion Factor
FERROUS FUMARATE 10000863 32.9% elemental iron
Glucosamine Conversion Factors
GLUCOSAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE 10000453 83.0% glucosamine
GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE 10000157 65% glucosamine
GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE .2 KCL 10000935 29.6% glucosamine
D-GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE.2 NACL 10001109 31.3% glucosamine
Magnesium Conversion Factors
MAGNESIUM CARBONATE 10000625 28.9% elemental magnesium
MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE 10000612 41.7% elemental magnesium
MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE TRIBASIC 10000688 27.7% elemental magnesium
MAGNESIUM TRISILICATE 10002215 18.3 % elemental magnesium
Vitamin B-6 Conversion Factor
PYRIDOXINE HYDROCHLORIDE 10000523 82% vitamin B-6
CHROMIUM PICOLINATE 10000541 12.4% elemental chromium
CHOLINE BITARATE 10000091 41% choline
CHOLINE CITRATE 10002418 41% choline
CREATINE MONOHYDRATE 10000533 88% creatine
CYSTEINE HCL 10000857 76.9% cysteine
DOCUSATE SODIUM 10000122 5.1% sodium
GLUTAMIC ACID HYDROCLORIDE 10000725 80.1% glutamic acid
L-CYSTEINE HCL 10000542 69.0% cysteine
L-GLUTAMIC ACID HCL 10000683 80.1% glutamic acid
L-LYSINE HCL 10000820 80.03% lysine
LYSINE HYDROCHLORIDE 10002249 80.03% lysine
POTASSIUM CHOLRIDE 10000305 52.5% elemental potassium
POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE 10000644 28.7% elemental potassium
POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE MONOBASIC 10000687 28.7% elemental potassium
THIAMIN MONONITRATE 10000520 92% thiamin
ZINC PICOLINATE 10002820 21.1% elemental zinc
Basic Unit Conversion
1 gm = 1000 mg
1 mg = 1000 mcg

*  Conversion factor used for Vitamin A is Retinol, most common form

† Conversion factor for Calciferol

‡ Conversion factor for Alpha Tocopherol, most common form

Appendix 3: Proc Format

/*********  variable DSD010 and DSD010AN  ********/
   1  = "Yes"
   2  = "No"
   7  = "Refused"
   9  = "Don't Know"
   .  = "Missing"
/*********  variable DSDCOUNT  ********/
   77  = "Refused"
   99  = "Don't know"
   /*********  variable DSD070  ********/
   1  = "Yes"
   2  = "No"
   /*********  variable DSDDAY1 and DSDDAY2  ********/
   1  = "Yes"
   2  = "No"
   /*********  variable DSDMTCH ********/ 
   1  = "Exact or near exact match"
   2  = "Probable match"
   3  = "Generic match"
   4  = "Reasonable match"
   5  = "Default match"
   6  = "No match"
   7  = "Refused"
   9  = "Don't know"
  /********* variable  DSD122U ********/
   1=  "Tablets, capsules, pills, caplets, softgels, gelcaps,  vegicaps"  
   2=  "Droppers"  
   3=  "Drops"  
   5=  "Injections/Shots"  
   6=  "Lozenges"  
   7=  "Milliliters"  
   11=  "Tablespoons"  
   12=  "Teaspoons"  
   13=  "Wafers"  
   15=  "Cans"  
   16=  "Grams"  
   17=  "Dots"  
   18=  "Cups"  
   19=  "Spray/Squirts"  
   20=  "Chews"  
   21=  "Scoop"  
   22=  "CC"  
   23=  "Capful"  
   24=  "MG"  
   25=  "Units"  
   26=  "Gulp"  
   27=  "Ounces"  
   28=  "Packages/Packets"  
   29=  "Vial"  
   30=  "Gumball" 
   31=  "Strips"
   77=  "Refused"  
   99=  "Don't know" 
   /*********  variable DSDANTA********/ 
   0=  "Non-antacid supplement"  
   1=  "Antacid reported with dietary supplements(DSQ)"  
   2=  "Antacid reported with medications(RXQ)" 
   /*********  variable DSD124 ********/
   1  =  "Decided to take  it for reasons of my own"   
   2  =  "A doctor or  other health provider told me to"    
   7  =  "Refused"   
   9  =  "Don't know"
   /*********  variable RXQ215A********/ 
   1  =  "Antacid"   
   2  =  "Calcium  Supplement"  
   3  =  "Both"   
   4  =  "Neither"
   7  =  "Refused"   
   9  =  "Don't know"
/*********  variable DSDSRCE ********/
   1  =   "Directly from  manufacturer"
   2  =   "Directly from  distributor"
   4  =   "Inferred from  supplement name"
   5  =   "Physician s Desk  Reference (PDR)"
   7  =   "Product  Catalog"
   8  =   "Internet  Listing"
   9  =   "Supplement label  or carton"
   10  = "Supplement from same manufacturer"
   7777  = "Refused"
   9999  = "Don't know"
   /*********  variable DSDTYPE ********/
   1=  "Infant/pediatric formulation"  
   2=  "Prenatal formulation"  
   3=  "Mature formulation"  
   4=  "Standard formulation" 
   7777  = "Refused"
   9999  = "Don't know"
   /*********  variable DSDSERVU ********/
   1=  "Caplet"  
   2=  "Capsule"  
   3=  "Dropper"  
   4=  "Drop"  
   5=  "Fluid Ounce"  
   6=  "Gel Cap"  
   8=  "Injection/Shot"  
   9=  "Lozenge"  
   10=  "Milliliter"  
   12=  "Package/Packet"  
   13=  "Pill"  
   14=  "Tablespoon/Powder"  
   16=  "Softgel"  
   17=  "Tablespoon/Liquid"  
   18=  "Tablet"  
   19=  "Teaspoon/Liquid"  
   20=  "Wafer"  
   21=  "Ounce/Powder"  
   22=  "Spray/Squirt"  
   24=  "Scoop/Powder"  
   25=  "Cup/Powder"  
   27=  "Chew"  
   29=  "Vegicap"  
   30=  "Can/Liquid"  
   31=  "Capful"  
   32=  "Gumball"  
   33=  "Gram/Powder"  
   34=  "Teaspoon/Powder"  
   35=  "Can/Powder"  
   36=  "Scoop/Liquid"  
   37=  "Cup/Liquid"  
   38=  "Gram/Liquid"  
   39=  "Drop/Lozenge"  
   42=  "Strip"
   99=  "Unknown" 
   /*********  variable DSDUNIT ********/
   1=  "mg"  
   2=  "IU"  
   3=  "%"  
   4=  "mcg"  
   5=  "gm"  
   6=  "mL"  
   7=  "kcal"  
   8=  "DU"  
   9=  "HUT"  
   10=  "LU"  
   11=  "CU"  
   12=  "endo-PGO"  
   13=  "AGU"  
   14=  "PPM"  
   15=  "Million"  
   16=  "Billion"  
   17=  "LacU"  
   18=  "X"  
   19=  "PPB"  
   20=  "Trace"  
   21=  "Unknown"  
   22=  "PU"  
   23=  "SEU"  
   24=  "InvU"  
   25=  "°DP"  
   26=  "HCU"  
   27=  "CFU"  
   28=  "GALU"  
   29=  "ALU"  
   30=  "FTU"  
   31=  "NG" 
   /*********  variable DSDCAT ********/
   1  = "vitamin"
   2  = "mineral"
   3  = "botanical"
   4  = "other"
   5  = "amino acid"
   7777  = "Refused"
   9999  = "Don't know"
   /*********  variable DSDBLFLG ********/
   1  = "Ingredient is a blend"
   2  = "Ingredient is not a blend"