Question Details
Were you exposed for 4 or more hours a week?
Yes No Refused Don’t know
Workplace Hazard
Evaluation Report
Logo for Collaborating Center for Questionnaire Design Evaluation and Research
Cognitive Interview Evaluation of Questions for Inclusion on the 2023 National Health Interview Survey

Collaborating Center for Questionnaire Design Evaluation and Research
Cognitive Interview
Report Keywords:
Hearing, Vision, Family history of cancer, prescription medication, health care utilization
Citation: Wilmot, A., Creamer, L. (2023). Cognitive Interview Evaluation of Questions for Inclusion on the 2023 National Health Interview Survey - CCQDER. Hyattsville, MD. Available from: .
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Abstract: The National Center for Health Statistics Collaborating Center for Questionnaire Design and Evaluation Research conducted a cognitive interview study to evaluate questions intended for inclusion on the 2023 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). The study was conducted in collaboration with the Division of Health Interview Statistics at NCHS. The questions evaluated covered topics for inclusion on both sponsored questionnaire content and the annual NHIS core questionnaire. Questions were included on the topics of: hearing, vision, family history of cancer, difficulty paying for health care, prescription medication, health care utilization, schooling. During the summer of 2022, 30 English-speaking adult respondents took part in one-on-one cognitive interviews. Respondents answered questions about themselves and other family members. This report includes a high-level description of key themes that were apparent across questions sets, as well a summary of the findings related to the performance of each question evaluated.