PHA for the Callahan Mining Corporation NPL site, Brooksville (Cape Rosier), Maine

Monday, December 16, 2002
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The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), a public health agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, today is releasing a draft public health assessment (PHA) for the Callahan Mining Corporation NPL Site in Brooksville (Cape Rosier), Maine, to evaluate whether exposure to site contamination could cause harm to persons living near or visiting the site. The document will be available for public comment at a local repository until March 15, 2003, which represents an extended public comment period to allow full participation of the community. An electronic version of the document is also available.

As of September 5, 2002, the site has been included on the National Priorities List (NPL). ATSDR is required by Congress to conduct PHAs on all NPL sites. ATSDR has reviewed available environmental data, exposure scenarios, and community health concerns to determine whether exposure associated with the site can lead to adverse health effects. On the basis of this information, ATSDR concludes the following:

  • The site contains physical hazards and elevated levels of heavy metals. Physical hazards could cause injury to people visiting the site.
  • Because of the low frequency and duration of likely exposures, people exposed to heavy metals and other contaminants at the site are not expected to experience adverse health effects. Further data collected during the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) remedial investigation process might modify this conclusion.
  • Several contaminants found at the site are known to accumulate in fish and shellfish. Not enough current information exists on potential contaminant levels to fully determine whether adverse health effects are possible from eating fish or shellfish collected from on or near the site. People who occasionally eat mussels from Goose Cove are not likely to experience adverse health effects. However, collecting or eating shellfish (including clams, mussels and oysters) from Goose Pond, Goose Cove, and other nearby areas is banned because of elevated levels of metals and other pollution.

The Callahan Mining Corporation site is a former zinc/copper open-pit mine on the Cape Rosier peninsula in the town of Brooksville, Maine. The mine was operated adjacent to and beneath Goose Pond, which was dammed and drained during operations to allow the mining to take place. The open-pit mining operation and processes contaminated the site with metals. Since the mine ceased operations in 1972, dams preventing water from entering Goose Pond have been removed, and the pit is currently under water. Elevated levels of heavy metals, including cadmium, copper, lead and zinc, have been measured in the surface water, sediments, biota, soil and waste piles on the site.

ATSDR is making the following recommendations about the site:

  • Property owners should discourage access to the site by using signs and/or barriers until physical hazards are removed and clean-up activities are completed.
  • EPA, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, or other relevant agencies should conduct more extensive sampling to determine concentrations of heavy metals in fish and shellfish tissues in Goose Pond, Goose Cove and, if determined to be appropriate, in waters adjacent to Goose Cove. Adequate background sampling should be conducted to determine the naturally occurring concentrations of heavy metals in the Brooksville area.
  • The Holbrook Island Sanctuary ranger and Brooksville and Maine State police should increase vigilance to ensure that people follow the shellfish ban and other fish advisories applicable near the site.

The PHA will be available for public review and comment until March 15, 2003, at the following repository:

Brooksville Public Service Building
Brooksville, ME 04617
Contact: Lorna Nutt

The PHA is also available on the ATSDR Web site. Written comments may be sent to:

Chief, Program Evaluation, Records and Information Services Branch
ATSDR, 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Mailstop E-32
Atlanta, GA 30333

Comments received during the public comment period will be logged and become part of the administrative record for the PHA. Comments (without indication of who made them) and responses will be included in an appendix to the final document. Although names of those who have submitted comments will not be included in the document, they will be subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act.

Community members who would like more information about the PHA may contact Jill Dyken, ATSDR health assessor, in Atlanta, toll free, at 1-888-422-8737. Callers should mention the Callahan Mining Corporation NPL site. Regional Representative Bill Sweet may also be contacted in Boston at 617-918-1490.

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Related News Releases For Hancock County, Brooksville, Maine

Release Date:  Monday, May 05, 2003
People Exposed to heavy metals and other contaminants at Callahan Mining Corp. site in Maine are not expected to experience adverse health effects.

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Page last reviewed: December 16, 2002