ATSDR to Hold Public Availability Sessions for Lockwood Solvents Site on March

Wednesday, February 20, 2002
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What: The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), a public health agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will hold two public availability sessions for residents living near the Lockwood Solvents Groundwater Plume site in Billings, Montana.

Public availability sessions are not intended to be large-scale public meetings. Rather, they are an opportunity for members of the community to come in at any time during either of the sessions to talk one-on-one with ATSDR representatives about the health assessment, or about their health concerns related to the Lockwood Solvents site. The sessions are open to the public; however, individual conversations with ATSDR staff are private.

The public health assessment has been published at this time as a draft for public comment. The public comment period is intended to give members of the community an opportunity to review ATSDR's findings, ask questions, provide comments, or discuss additional information which may be pertinent to the health assessment. Following the public comment period, all comments which have been received will be reviewed and will be addressed in a final version of the public health assessment.

When/Where: The public availability sessions to discuss the findings of the public health assessment will be held as follows:

March 13, 7 - 9 p.m.

Lockwood Community School
1932 U.S. Highway 87
Billings, Mont.
March 14, 12 noon - 2 p.m.

Lockwood Evangelical Church
1413 Rosebud Lane
Billings, Mont.

How: Residents wishing to review a copy of the public health assessment can do so at Montana State University-Billings Library, 1500 North 30th Street, in Billings, or by calling ATSDR Community Involvement Specialist Dan Holcomb, toll free, at 1-888-422-8737. The public comment period for the health assessment closes on April 12, 2002.

Members of the public are encouraged to send their written comments concerning the public health assessment to:

Chief, Program Evaluation, Records and Information Services Branch
1600 Clifton Road, NE, Mailstop E-56
Atlanta, Georgia 30333

Background: ATSDR is a public health agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Under the Superfund legislation, ATSDR is tasked with conducting a public health assessment on each site proposed for EPA's National Priorities List.

In preparing public health assessments, ATSDR health assessors rely on various sources of information. These sources may include: environmental data, health data and reports of community concerns. Environmental data detail the chemicals at a site and indicate their potential pathways to reach humans. Health data can include reports of injury, disease, or death in the community, as well as information on the known health effects of chemicals at the site. Reports of community concerns document the public's descriptions of how the site affects their health.

Comments received during the public comment period will be logged and become part of the administrative record for the health assessment. Comments (without indication of who made them) and responses will be included in an appendix to the final health assessment. Although names of those who have submitted comments will not be included in the final health assessment, they are subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act.

For More Information: Community members who would like more information on the procedures or content of the document, should contact Teresa Foster, environmental health scientist, toll free at 1-888-42-ATSDR (1-888-422-8737). Callers should refer to the "Lockwood Solvents site" in Billings, Montana." ATSDR Regional Representative Dan Strausbaugh also may be called for information at (406) 457-5007 in Helena.

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Related News Releases For Yellowstone County, Billings, Montana

Release Date:  Thursday, July 17, 2003
ATSDR issued a public health assessment for the Lockwood Solvents site in Billings, Mont. that finds certain adverse health effects might have been experienced by residents exposed to contaminated groundwater.

Release Date:  Wednesday, March 06, 2002
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), a public health agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will hold two public availability sessions for residents living near the Lockwood Solvents Groundwater Plume site in Billings, Montana.

Release Date:  Wednesday, February 20, 2002
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), a public health agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, today announced the release of the public comment version of its public health assessment for the Lockwood Solvents Groundwater Plume site in Billings, Montana.

Release Date:  Wednesday, January 10, 2001
ATSDR will conduct a public availability session in Billings, Montana, to discuss to discuss planned agency activities related to the Lockwood Solvents site.

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Page last reviewed: February 20, 2002