Based on the information reviewed, the ATSDR considers the St. Louis Airport/Hazelwood Interim Storage/Futura Coatings Company NPL site to be an indeterminate public health hazard. Emission of Rn-222 into the air and the presence of Th-230 in off-site soils are considered the primary contaminants of concern for their presence could result in humans inhaling and ingesting these contaminants.


A. Recommendations and HARP Statement

Site Characterization Recommendations

  1. Characterize groundwater, surface water, sediment, and soil for chemical (non-radiological) contamination on and off site.
  2. Characterize off-site surface soil and air for radiological contaminants, in particular Th-230 in soil and Rn-222 in the air. Collect surface soil and air samples from roads used to transport contaminated material to and from these sites prior to remediation and from the baseball field.

Cease/Reduce Exposure Recommendations

  1. Implement dust control measures during remediation to reduce the generation of airborne dust which would reduce the likelihood of internal deposition of radioactive material.

Health Activities and Recommendation Panel (HARP) Statement

The public health assessment for St. Louis Airport/Hazelwood Interim Storage/Futura Coatings Company was reviewed by the HARP on January 16, 1992. Based on the recommendations of the panel, it is proposed that the following statement be included in the public health assessment.

    The data and information developed in the St. Louis Airport/Hazelwood Interim Storage/Futura Coatings Company public health assessment were evaluated by the ATSDR Health Activities and Recommendation Panel (HARP) for follow-up health actions. Since human exposure to on-site contaminants may have occurred in the past, HARP has considered this site for follow-up health studies. After consultation with Regional EPA staff and State and local health and environmental officials, the Division of Health Studies, ATSDR, has determined that follow up public health actions or studies are appropriate for this site. Also since the citizens in the vicinity of the sites are concerned with their potential exposure and potential adverse health occurrence, HARP has considered this site for community health education follow up.

B. Public Health Actions

The public health action plan for the St. Louis Airport/Hazelwood Interim Storage/Futura Coatings Company NPL site describes actions planned by ATSDR, DOE, or other state or federal agencies following completion of the public health assessment. The purpose of the public health action plan is to ensure that this public health assessment not only identifies public health hazards, but provides a plan of action designed to mitigate and prevent adverse human health effects resulting form exposure to hazardous in the environment. Included, is a commitment by ATSDR to follow up on this plan to ensure that is implemented. The public health actions to be implemented are as follow.

Public Health Action Taken

  1. The Missouri Department of Health conducted a health statistics review of mortality and incidence data, a preliminary cancer inquiry, and a expanded cancer inquiry in the area of the sites.
  2. The MDOH informed the residents in the area of the sites of their conclusions and recommendation of the MDOH health statistics review and cancer inquiries regarding the possibility of excess cancer.
  3. ATSDR, Division of Health Studies, reviewed the MDOH health statistics review and cancer inquiries. Based on the data provided ATSDR could not demonstrate a cancer cluster, an increased incidence/prevalence of cancer, or any association between the residential area and cancer.
  4. DOE conducted additional off-site soil sampling at SLAPS, ditches north and south of SLAPS, ball field area, Banchee Road, SLAPS vicinity properties, haul roads, HISS, and HISS/Futura vicinity properties. These samples were analyzed for radiological contaminants, and organic and metal contaminants using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP).
  5. DOE conducted additional groundwater sampling at SLAPS, HISS, and vicinity properties. Samples were analyzed for radiological contaminants, volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, and metals.

Public Health Actions Planned

  1. ATSDR, Division of Health Assessment and Consultation, will review the additional off-site soil and groundwater data collected by DOE and determined the public health implication.
  2. The MDOH will periodically conduct follow-up assessments of cancer incidence in the area of the site.


Paul A. Charp, Ph.D.
Health Physicist
Federal Programs Branch
Division of Health Assessment and Consultation

ATSDR Regional Representative

David Parker


ATSDR (1989a). Draft toxicological profile for radon. Atlanta: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

ATSDR (1989b). Draft toxicological profile for thorium. Atlanta: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

Bechtel (1983). Radiological survey of the ditches at the St. Louis Airport Storage Site (SLAPS), August 1983. Oak Ridge: Bechtel National, Inc. Nuclear Fuel Operations. DOE contract DE-AC05-81OR20722.

Bechtel (1986). Characterization plan for the St. Louis Airport Site. Oak Ridge: Bechtel National, Inc. July 1986. DOE/OR/20722-87.

Bechtel (1987a). Characterization report for the Hazelwood Interim Storage Site. Oak Ridge: Bechtel National, Inc. June 1987. DOE/OR/20722-141.

Bechtel (1987b). Radiological characterization report for the Futura Coatings Site. Oak Ridge: Bechtel National, Inc. July 1987. DOE/OR/20722-158.

Bechtel (1987c). Radiological and limited chemical characterization report for the St. Louis Airport Site. Oak Ridge: Bechtel National, Inc. August 1987. DOE/OR/20722-163.

Bechtel (1988). Remedial investigation report for selected Missouri FUSRAP sites (DRAFT). Oak Ridge: Bechtel National, Inc. April 1988. DOE contract DE-AC05-81OR20722.

Bechtel (1989a). St. Louis Airport Site annual site environmental report for calendar year 1988. Oak Ridge: Bechtel National, Inc. April 1989. DOE/OR/20722-220.

Bechtel (1989b). Hazelwood Interim Storage Site annual site environmental report. Oak Ridge: Bechtel National, Inc. April 1989. DOE/OR/20722-218.

Bechtel (1990). Radiological characterization report for FUSRAP properties in the St. Louis, Missouri, area. Oak Ridge: Bechtel National, Inc. March 1990. DOE/OR/20722-203.

Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). Radiological survey report for 4.8 miles of Coldwater Creek between Bruce Drive and Old Halls Ferry Road. Prepared under contract No. DE-AC05-81OR20722, December 8, 1989.

Missouri Department of Health (1993). Inquiry Regarding the Possibility of Excess cancer On Nyflot Avenue, Hazelwood, Missouri. Columbia, Missouri: Missouri Department of Health. March 1993. Inquiry No. C198-002.

Mitre (1988). Quality assurance package, reference 5, special study. The Mitre Corporation.

NAS (1990). Health effects of exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.

NCRP (1984). Evaluation of occupational and environmental exposures to radon and radon daughters in the United States. Bethesda: National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Report 78.

ORNL (1984). Results of the groundwater monitoring program performed at the former St. Louis Airport Storage Site for the period of January 1981 through January 1983. Oak Ridge: Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL/TM-8879.

Resolution 146. The St. Louis Board of Aldermen, passed on January 30, 1988, sent to the Governor of Missouri, John Ashcroft.

USDOE (1986a). Background information. St. Louis Airport Site and vicinity properties: Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program. U.S. Department of Energy, December 1986.

USDOE (1986b). Background Information. Hazelwood Site and vicinity properties: Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program. U.S. Department of Energy, December 1986.

USEPA (1988). Limiting values of radionuclide intake and air concentration and dose conversion factors for inhalation, submersion, and ingestion. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-520/1-88-020.

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