
CAS ID#: 7439-98-7

Affected Organ Systems: Renal (Urinary System or Kidneys), Respiratory (From the Nose to the Lungs)

Cancer Classification:  Please contact NTP, IARC, or EPA with questions on cancer and cancer classification.

Chemical Classification: Metals/Elements (the simplest forms of matter)

Summary: Molybdenum is a chemical element with the symbol Mo. Pure molybdenum exists as a dark-gray or black powder with a metallic luster or as a silvery-white mass. It does not occur naturally in the pure metallic form. It is principally found as oxide or sulfide compounds. Therefore, almost all exposure is to a molybdenum compound rather than the actual metal alone. Important naturally occurring molybdenum compounds are the minerals molybdenite, powellite, wulfenite, ferrimolybdite, and ilsemannite. Molybdenum has a very high melting point and it is used widely in industry to make steel alloys.

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ToxFAQs - Fact sheet that answers the most frequently asked questions about a contaminant and its health effects.

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Toxicological Profile - The ATSDR toxicological profile succinctly characterizes the toxicology and adverse health effects information for the toxic substance described therein. Each peer-reviewed profile identifies and reviews the key literature that describes a substance's toxicological properties.

ToxGuide - Quick reference guide providing information such as chemical and physical properties, sources of exposure, routes of exposure, minimal risk levels, children's health, and health effects for a substance.

Page last reviewed: February 10, 2021