Conditions of Use
This is a U.S. Federal Government system and shall be used only by authorized persons for authorized purposes.
Users do not have a right to privacy in their use of this government system. System access, activity, and
information stored or transmitted may be monitored for adherence to acceptable use policy. Users of this system
hereby consent to such monitoring. Improper or illegal use detected may result in further investigation for
possible disciplinary action, civil penalties, or referral to law enforcement for criminal prosecution.
This system contains non-public information that must be protected from unauthorized access, disclosure,
sharing, and transmission violation of which can result in disciplinary action, fines, and/or criminal prosecution.
Additionally, while every attempt will be made to maintain the security of uploaded images users relieve
U.S. Federal Government and/or any affiliates of any liability or harm that may be caused by uploading images
to this system. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Rules of Behavior (HHS RoB) provides appropriate
use of all HHS information technology resources for Department users, including Federal employees,
contractors, and other system users. The HHS RoB, in conjunction with the HHS-OCIO (2006-0001) Policy for Personal Use
of Information Technology Resources, dated February 17, 2006, and are issued under the authority of the
HHS-OCIO (2009-0003) Policy for Information Systems Security and Privacy, dated June 25, 2009. Both policy
references are located at All users of HHS information technology
resources must read and comply with these rules before accessing Department data/information, systems and/or networks.
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