****************************************************************************************************************; * Example SAS code to replicate NCHS Data Brief No. 303, Figures 1 *; * Prevalence of Depression Among Adults Aged 20 and Over: United States, 2013–2016 *; * *; * Brody DJ, Pratt LA, Hughes JP. Prevalence of Depression Among Adults Aged 20 and Over: United *; * States, 2013–2016. NCHS Data Brief. No 303. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2018. *; *; * *; * Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db303.htm *; ****************************************************************************************************************; options nocenter nodate nonumber pagesize=max linesize=150; options FORMCHAR="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*"; ** print SAS version to log **; %put NOTE: Run in SAS &sysver (maintenance release and release year: &sysvlong4); * Define paths to Demographic (DEMO) and Mental Health - Depression Screener (DPQ) data *; filename demo_h url 'https://wwwn.cdc.gov/Nchs/Data/Nhanes/Public/2013/DataFiles/DEMO_H.xpt'; libname demo_h xport; filename demo_i url 'https://wwwn.cdc.gov/Nchs/Data/Nhanes/Public/2015/DataFiles/DEMO_I.xpt'; libname demo_i xport; filename dpq_h url 'https://wwwn.cdc.gov/Nchs/Data/Nhanes/Public/2013/DataFiles/DPQ_H.xpt'; libname dpq_h xport; filename dpq_i url 'https://wwwn.cdc.gov/Nchs/Data/Nhanes/Public/2015/DataFiles/DPQ_I.xpt'; libname dpq_i xport; * Read in SAS transport files using a data step and append across survey cycles - Demographic files *; data demo; set demo_h.demo_h(keep=seqn riagendr ridageyr sdmvstra sdmvpsu wtmec2yr) demo_i.demo_i(keep=seqn riagendr ridageyr sdmvstra sdmvpsu wtmec2yr); run; * Read in SAS transport files and append across survey cycles - Mental Health - Depression Screener files *; data dpq; set dpq_h.dpq_h dpq_i.dpq_i; ** Set Refused/Don't Know To Missing (for all variable names starting with "dpq") **; array _dpq dpq:; do over _dpq; if (_dpq >= 7) then call missing(_dpq); end; ** Create Depression Score (score will be missing if any of the items are missing) **; Depression_Score = dpq010+dpq020+dpq030+dpq040+dpq050+dpq060+dpq070+dpq080+dpq090; ** Create binary depression indicator as 0/100 variable, to calculate the prevalence of depression **; if (0 <= Depression_Score < 10) then Depression_Indicator = 0; else if (Depression_Score >= 10) then Depression_Indicator = 100; keep seqn Depression_Score Depression_Indicator; run; * Merge component files to produce analysis dataset *; data one; merge demo dpq; by seqn; ** Create Selection Variable For Subpopulation Of Interest **; if (ridageyr >= 20) then Select = 1; ** Calculate MEC weight for 4-year data *; ** Use the MEC exam weights, per the analytic notes in the DPQ documentation file **; ** Although the outcome of interest is derived from a questionnaire, these questions were asked at the MEC and so only MEC participants were eligible *; WTMEC4YR = 1/2 * WTMEC2YR; run; *******************************************; * Labels for categorized variables *; *******************************************; proc format; value genf .='Both Sexes' 1='Men' 2='Women'; value agef .='20 and over' 0-19='<20' 20-39='20-39' 40-59='40-59' 60-high='60 or more'; run; ************************************************************; ** CALCULATE PROPORTIONS **; ************************************************************; ** Use Proc Surveymeans To Calculate Prevalences **; * to get correct variance estimates, you MUST specify option nomcar -- treat missing values as not missing completely at random (NOMCAR) for Taylor series variance estimation *; proc surveymeans data=one nomcar nobs mean stderr; * specify survey design variables in the strata, cluster, and weight statements *; strata sdmvstra; cluster sdmvpsu; weight WTMEC4YR; * specify your subpopulation(s) of interest in the domain statement *; domain Select Select*riagendr Select*ridageyr Select*riagendr*ridageyr; var Depression_Indicator; * ODS SELECT statement chooses which output to write to results window *; * ODS OUTPUT statement writes specified output to an output dataset *; ods select Domain ; ods output domain=work.fig1_domain; format riagendr genf. ridageyr agef. ; title "Percentage of persons aged 20 and over with depression, by age and sex: United States, 2013–2016"; run; **********************************; ** Prepare and print data table **; **********************************; proc sort data = fig1_domain; by riagendr ridageyr; run; proc print data = fig1_domain noobs; var riagendr ridageyr n mean stderr ; format n comma8. mean 5.1 stderr 5.1; title "Data table: Percentage of persons aged 20 and over with depression, by age and sex: United States, 2013–2016"; footnote "NOTES: Depression was defined as a score greater than or equal to 10 on the Patient Health Questionnaire."; footnote2 "SOURCE: NCHS, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013–2016."; run; * clear footnote statements *; footnote; ************************************************************; ** T-tests of Sex **; ************************************************************; ** Use proc surveyreg to test for differences between men and women, overall and by age group **; ** can request the test using either an ESTIMATE statement or an LSMEANS statement **; * option 1: use estimate statement to conduct the hypothesis test *; proc surveyreg data=one nomcar; strata sdmvstra; cluster sdmvpsu; weight WTMEC4YR; * DOMAIN statement: request comparisons for the overall analysis population (i.e. where Select=1) and by agewithin the analysis population (Select*ridageyr) *; * Note that ridageyr is a continuous variable but is formatted to create age groups 20-39, 40-59, and 60 and over *; domain Select Select*ridageyr; * CLASS statement: indicate that riagendr should be treated as a categorical variable instead of a continous variable *; class riagendr; * MODEL statement: noint request no intercept in the model (so the parameter estimates are the age-specific means) *; * solution requests the parameter estimates be printed (not printed by default if a class statement is used) *; * vadjust specifies whether to use an adjustment for degrees of freedom in the variance estimation. *; * vadjust=none produces variance estimates that match the default options in proc surveymeans *; model Depression_Indicator = riagendr /noint solution vadjust=none; * ESTIMATE statement: produce the contrast as the mean value of Depression_Indicator for men minus the mean value of Depression_Indicator for women *; estimate 'Men vs Women' riagendr 1 -1; ods select Estimates ParameterEstimates; ods output estimates = estimates_gender; * FORMAT statement: apply a format to create categories from the continuous age variable ridageyr and to apply meaningful labels to the values of riagendr *; format riagendr genf. ridageyr agef.; title "Test for differences between men and women: Percentage of persons aged 20 and over with depression, by age and sex: United States, 2013–2016"; title2 "Using an ESTIMATE statement"; run; * option 2: use lsmeans statement to conduct the hypothesis test *; proc surveyreg data=one nomcar; strata sdmvstra; cluster sdmvpsu; weight WTMEC4YR; domain Select Select*ridageyr; class riagendr; model Depression_Indicator = riagendr /noint solution vadjust=none; lsmeans riagendr /diff; ods select Diffs ; ods output Diffs=diffs_gender; format riagendr genf. ridageyr agef.; title "Test for differences between men and women: Percentage of persons aged 20 and over with depression, by age and sex: United States, 2013–2016"; title2 "Using an LSMEANS statement"; run; ***********************************************************************; ** T-tests of Age Groups, overall and for each sex **; ***********************************************************************; proc surveyreg data=one nomcar; strata sdmvstra; cluster sdmvpsu; weight WTMEC4YR; domain Select Select*riagendr; class ridageyr; model Depression_Indicator = ridageyr /noint solution vadjust=none; estimate '20-39 vs 40-59' ridageyr 1 -1 0, '20-39 vs 60 or more' ridageyr 1 0 -1, '40-59 vs 60 or more' ridageyr 0 1 -1; ods select Estimates; format riagendr genf. ridageyr agef.; title "Test for differences between age groups: Percentage of persons aged 20 and over with depression, by age and sex: United States, 2013–2016"; run;