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- Hazard prevention and control:
- Rock dusting
- Document types:
- Contracts and cooperative agreements
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Results 1 - 4 of 4
2/1/2018 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA contract to test the dispersibility of conventional dry-applied rock dust versus new wet and foam rock dusts and aid rock dust suppliers and equipment manufacturers with development of new wet and foam rock dusts.
7/19/2016 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA contract to develop and implement a prototype rock duster that will use sensing technology to determine the amount of coal dust in the mine atmosphere and distribute an appropriate amount of rock dust to effectively inert the coal dust present.
7/19/2016 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA contract to evaluate LiDAR sensing technology to estimate dispersion distances of float coal dust and assess adequacies of rock dust coverage over large areas.
7/18/2016 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA contract to develop anti-caking rock dust products.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program