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- Equipment, tools, and parts:
- Refuge chambers
- Document types:
- Reports of Investigations
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Results 1 - 7 of 7
3/27/2014 - Reports of InvestigationsThis Report of Investigations details the results of a NIOSH investigation of temperature rise in mobile refuge alternatives.
3/11/2014 - Reports of InvestigationsThe Report of Investigations details the results of a NIOSH investigation of purging in mobile refuge alternatives.
8/1/2011 - PC software, Reports of Investigations, Training materialsThis training exposes trainees to the types of decisions that they may need to make during a mine emergency escape and stimulate group discussion about when and why to use a refuge alternative.
7/1/2011 - Reports of Investigations, Training materialsThis instructor’s guide is designed for use by instructors who train mine employees on how and when to use a mine refuge chamber, and aids the instructor in reinforcing the critical decisions that have to be made during a mining emergency.
6/1/2011 - Guides and manuals, Reports of InvestigationsRefuge alternatives are airtight, reinforced shelters that underground coal miners can enter during a mine emergency. This publication provides recommendations for training miners in how to operate a refuge chamber.
10/22/2016 - News and announcements, Reports of InvestigationsA feature story to announce the publication of a new NIOSH RI on built-in-place refuge alternatives.
4/1/2015 - Reports of InvestigationsAn RI that explores 3 issues to facilitate use of BIP RAs: (1) locating BIP RAs further from the face; (2) providing a consistent process for the design and approval of RA stoppings; (3) delivering a reliable supply of clean, breathable air to a BIP RA.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program